Newspaper Page Text
: 7
P»T ‘
miAf.v rilta Is prepared wit*
eX ............... ami cleonHin*»“
, . . by
' » f ;; i. f
-W «arK«pHril)a is for gal*
m recommended by all
lust-class druggists.
twill* is a mcdicina,
in disguise.
» Sarsaoarilla never falls to
'-Ay * Sarsaparilla is a highly con-
1 therefore the
Medicine in
i ■>
th street. 4 halt acre
vacant lots ou 18th street and Broad way.
Beautiful <mk and hickory grove. Prettiest
For Safe or to Ren
Griffin FEMALE COLLEGE and Jots, all
the lienehs, apparatus, Ac. geological cabinets, school
;re land. Most
the city.
* acres iand,
place every
st House and lot, 214 acres,
i house in mseijtre of Poplar street,
le most desirable places in the etty.
Pities perfect. house and Ml right lot, 7 in every particular.
Nall’s Jossey house “ rooms. Vi 1 acre.
“ 8 “ “
Adam Jones house and lot, 10 acres,
Blake house and lot, 7 rooms, 65 acres.
Vacant lots from % to 50 acres in various
Ihm’t forget big sate of 75 lots at “A uetion
a a. (UNMNOHASf, |
Real Estate Agent.
Isin l
Stilt reprettntt trt old
SffittWfttuiltaraBffi 03.
of Athens, fia., the cheapest in Geor-
gia and as good as in the world;
and others as good as can bo found,
represents the old
Life ins. Co.
u ce to the Ufa
tionat Accident Society and the South¬
ern Mutual Building and Loan Associ¬
ation, the best Savings Bank for Small
investments extant. Call at his office
No,: 18 Hill Street, and investigate.
-i ----— :
\ * A l
Kama to
Democrats s»y.
who, ^
uphold the faith in the Green
Mountain State, ia at the Fifth Ave-
from hie political sagacity and his
knowledge of the country , has been
drafted into' active campaign work
at National Headquarters during
each Presidential canvas* for yearn,
Mr. Smalley has but recently return-
“I was i
big majority to overcome, but I be¬
lieve that if there had beetia State
election in Kansas this fall, th* result
would have been as big a surprise as
it was in Iowa. Everywhere I went I
there is a strong feeling against the
Democratic National and State plat¬
form*. The same feeling is growing
pil through the agricultural States
of the West. With their corn and
oats harelypayitigthe costof raising,
and leaving nothing for transporta¬
tion, farmers are doing a good deal
of thinking just now.”
“What do yon think of the Presi¬
dent's Message?”
“I have not read it carefully yet.”
he replied. “I see that Harrison goes
in for Federal control of Congression¬
al elections. That was to be expect,
ed. It is part of the centralisation
policy, but I do not believe that they
can pass anysueh law, and if they do
it will not give them the next Con¬
gress if they go on as they have for
the past eight months. A Congres¬
sional election this fall would have
given ns a majority of the House
from the North.”
“We are having a very dignified
and good-naturned three-cornered
fight for United States Senator in
Kentucky Kerwin, just now,” said Francis L.
a brainy young Democratic
lawyer from Kentucky, whom I. met
at the New York Howl a couple of
days ago.
“Senator Blackburn’s term expires
this year,” he continued, “and there
is no want of good material for a
successor. As far as that goes, there
is the strongest kind of a possibility
that he wHl succeed himself; but there
» r
in hie famous speech in Congress, is
an aspirant for the place, which he
would ably flfl.' But the most pic¬
turesque candidate is bluff old James
A. McKenzie, ‘the Quirune states¬
man,’of Christian County, whose
famous speech in the St. Louis Con¬
vention seconding on behalf of Ken.
tucky the nomination of Mr. Cleve.
land, in which he referred to Mrs.
Cleveland, as ‘the uncrowned Queen-
ol American womanhood,’ „an one
of the features of that great gather¬
ing. Knptt and McKenzie sat to-
gether in the halls of Congress, and
have long been the warmest of per¬
sonal friends. Their rivalry with
each other and with Senator Black-
burp will be of fcht-dignifled mad gen
erous character naturally expected of
Kentucky gentlemen in polities as in
everything else. But they are all in
earnest, and their real strength will
not be known until the legislature
meets in January,”
Merit Wins.
>*ay £
that sell as well, or that have given each uni
vernal satisfaction. We do not hesitate tc
, and we stand
se their price, if Thee* satie
* use,
their wop merits, great E. R, popularity Anthony
Uriflfln Ought to Boy a Few Bottles
of It.
New York World.
A plan to break down Col. Thomas
P. Ochiltree’s long-established repu¬
tation as the champion causeur of
the Hoffman house has just come to
from the plains, who came to town
With a “wad,” a beard and a gift of
gab which evolved from his checkered
js one continuous i
anecdotic pleasure forhto frk
“Here was the
cates blackhead*, and jolts the
Mw !.1
and in a
month a strapping new arm and leg
grew out on him!” Col. Ochiltree
sized up his adversary with a quiet
it is the juice of a tree, and three doses
of it completely renovate the most
| A friend
living, lost his live*!'
shriveled up his kidneys and so im-
WM" TOT-r---- ~TW- - ^"T.*
well have been put out but for all the
did him*- But mark thq
of thi8
Texas tonic. In a short time my
friend’s liver was three
;hts.” The
and said
[*:Bweklwafe Arnica Salve.. -
TV Itat U. I. U» ».Al to toto
Corns, and ell 8 kin Eruptions, and positive-
tea ^ to given penwKifras&ctioB, or money th
nded. ^Price25oent» per box. For sale by
One alarming fact that faces the
Southern people today is that many
of oiir working p'eople do not own
homes, it would no doubt astonish
many of onr readers to know how
many white men, heads offami-
lies in Spalding county today, do
not own a home, but are sheltering
themselves, their wives and children
in the house of another. .
We heartily indorse tne following
on this subject from the Alliance
Farmer: For ■■ • hav#had , * ’ ifi jF t
some time we our
mind the importance of some plan
by which the great masses of the
people can become owners of homes.
We want no socialistic, communistic
plan for distribution. We want no
plan by which our people will be en¬
abled to emigrate to some land -of
promise, nor do we want any plan
by which men may win or
OwMre oTKomes fof which they
not paid a fair value. What we do
want is some means by which every
honest toiler may own a home, be it
a little cabin on a ten acre lot or a
neat cottage on a hundred acre farm,
we want the man who works it to
own it. There is no place on earth
so swUfc as home. Be it ever so
humble the owner of a home is a bet¬
ter citizen on account of its owner*
When a man has a little piece of
ground and can put daily labor on
his loved ones, he will at once begin
to look to thr good 61 society
and country, for he feels that 4ture ‘bright,
here my wife is to spend her
life, right here my boys and girls are
to bo reared and perhaps wiil marry
and rear families of their owu. Then
I must do all in my power to purify
It is impossible for a man who is a
renter to have this feeling. He can¬
not work to improve the land, be-
eanse he knows that nine times out
of ten if a Worthless negro were to
come and offer one hundred pounds
more cotton per annum for the farm
than he gave, the negro would get
the land and he would have to move.
We want onr brethren to ownfarms,
and we want those of our brethren
who have money to see to it that
the worthy men have an opportuni¬
ty to do bo. God never intended a
man to accumulate wealth for his
--v T. i’.'W *',!!•--
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed
satisfactory of purchase results or in case
turn price. ~ ‘
tsoa. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every
case, when used for any affection of Threat,
Or. IT W. Munhall’s services at Norris¬
town, Pa., presented
spectacle. Long
opening, a large c
the doors, and Rife
flowing as soon as the
Hundreds were unable to -
•ion. A
tiered abresd,
wxis of God. ,
i in their scorn:
aixht B obed,
there he, 1
'inistry , m ; ; 5
il It iu d<»e;
thetr might,
longed-for sight;
quick to hesr.
i Him near;
und teach,
ed III* tqweeh
rent in twain,
throes of pain;
i his high place,
very face;
re up their dead,
When this His thorn-crowned
r yon and me.
Sew York CthServer
•MW —
«*Th» Macon Evening )
“Jefferson Davis is
11 live. The fanatical howlitigs
of the abolitionists, the tumult and
thunders of civil war, the fierce mouth-
ings of the organizers of reconstruc¬
tion, and reconstruction itself, .that
federacy was founded and for which
Jefferson Davis spoke and struggled,
for which he gave lie and fortune,
transformed’into oneof the most, op¬
pressive Kaft,sF and offensive oblignrchies ttw
Ministers a«<l Human Nature.
. The Interior has been moved, by some
recent utterances of Mr. Moody to the
effect that ministers do not understand
human nature, to make these sapient ob-
servations; . , , f ■ .
fi “It has been said that ministers do not
understand human nature. Well, how
should they? Ministers are not like other
people. They were never boys—never
played shinuev, nor ate green apples,
nor stoned the birds, nor got flogged.
111 * first that is known of ministers is
that they live in theological seminaries.
They come into existence by a fortuitous
concatenation of atoms, full grown, and
never learn anything of human nature
except what they find in the theological
professors. And when they get through
it is the same. They do not even know
enough about human nature to fall in
love v. itjj the girls. Nobody over heard
pt tte. a yofig EJLzab theofegue M having a sweet-
pfo jf*. droopi^ onert BlM B T ltWA '
^ his face, he would eyelashes run. And and then, glaime when in
they enter the regular work, they never
come in contact with pugnacious elders,
or stingy members, or religious cranks;
never have to beg money to build
churches; never have to harmonize diffi¬
culties or settle quarrels, or listen to com-
plaint, or give consolation or reproof.
They do not know anything about hu¬
man nature! Of course not!
f and
’ rhen-
Stormy weather. ery Although change Hood’s to damp Bars* or
parilla rheumatism, is not claimed to tie a positive specific
for the remarkable cures it has
effected show that it may be taken for this
complaint fit. Its action with reasonable neutralising certainty of bene¬
in the acid in the
you on suffe- suffe- from ft rhettUta’ism. give Hood’*
Sarsaparilla good. lair trial. It will do you
The development
tion. To answer this were written, A. D/
53 to 54, the two letters to the Thessaloni-
aus. Soon the mind of the church began
to seize upon deeper truths, and asked,
What l*-tibe substance
trine? .How is it clear!
from Judaism and pagai
stage of of growth grow * *
of BnirtU*,;* «a
inthians and ! Roi
has begunto
from anthropology, as modern pr^fe dogm;
ice .word it, to thppjogv
The theory is false. Men try to be
lieve it because it would be pleasant
if true, but it is not, as all know. Do
not let an acute attack of cold in tbe
ease speedily by the same means,
poison. Bad
Wood paaws from parent to child, and it
[by Balm). a timely Send ui I. (Botanic Co.,
aim At-
lanta, for book of most * "Mis
doctors said was bei
broke oat ia sores and *
proi^nly controlled controlled and ai retired com
, Writers:
o, who inher-
i|>jdly af-
J. B. Wilson, Glen A1W
-U 1* tiMfS, writes:
to 1
I4« .1 c pp ■ n
leans, i« public, I,a. nt i
U W* 4oh
manage and
and In good faith toward all partiM and we
ftUtliome the ( omjxm.v to use thin ccrtitii at*
with far mmiit a of onr signatures ntt«elie<1 In
We ............
1 ! all I’riies drawn in Tb« Lonisinntv
Stem which may ln» present
t,nr counters; -
Mammoth Drawing
At the Academy of Music, New Orleans,
Tuesday, Uecember 17,.1880.
Capital i*!*! jze, #<100,000
1 rrnzEov $000,000 is...
1 1’arzK Up 200,000 is... :::
1 Pauss Pairs op 100,000 ------ is........
I op
i£f j
t iogpSop
200 BOO Prkrs Pbizes of OP 288 400 r- are... 300,000 120,000
100 Prises of n, 000 are............... *100.000 80,000
100 do. 800 are...............
100 do. 400 are.,............. 40,000
1,908 Prises of *200 use............... .. *390,000
144 Prises amonuting to...........*2,159,600
AB EMT 8 UAMT E 1 ).
For Club Hates, or any further rr intormatios
desired, writ* legibly to the undesigned i
dearly stutifig vour Number. residence, t, with with rapid Baste- State-
Qounty, Street aud U are re’
turn Envelope mail deliver bearing j will be assured full address. by enclosing
an your
Address M. New A, DAUPHIN, Orleans, La.
Address Registered Letters Contain
ing Currency tc
New Orleans, La.
is atr
BANKS of New Orleans, and the tickets are
signed by the President of an Institution
whose chartered rights are recognised in the
tions highest Courts; therefore beware of all imita¬
or anonymous schemes.
ONE DOLLAar is the price of the smallest
part or fraction of a Ticket ISSUED BY US
m ered any Drawing. less than Anything Dollar is in our swindle. name of-
or a a
Practii'C* iu ail the State ami Federal
ourts. octiMAwly
Office. 81 Hill Street, Up Stairs, over J. H.
White's Ciothim- Store. mart! 22d&wly
Will practice in the State and Federal
Courts. Office over George & Hartnett’s
as » STKWAS 1. SOBT. T. I S.VlFL.
George & Hartnett’s, Griffin, Ga,
practice in the State and Federal
■ ■ ■■ :
harm for Sale.
One of th« ftnent fn„n, in Middle
health Georgia for sale. The proprietor’s
is such that he wishes to re¬
tire This from farm is the about fatigue three-fourths of business. of
a mile east from the centre Of the
25 acres in an enclosed permanffittt
^ un t ’^
branch is a splendid place for a
est state of cultivation x>f any farm
in the state, haviog of had thousand*
of defers worth cotton seed and
stable manure and composts of all
kinds put on it in the last few years,
it is also one of the best terraced
and ditched place* in Geoigia.
ditching of tbnplnce tbe improvement cent $500. Th,
owner has made of
the place it. be
owned It; wonW
Also on of the i
irchard fra
f": J
* •n • M
W« Want . M Z M
Mr Call at OIL MILL,
iJ li-WFI L VV LLIv 1*1 ’
Special attention given a I
SBVSHSSeSH^fSffilff 9
—HII.T. 8T.—
ps>r cord paid for 3?)0 cords ^ Tan-bark^ ,
YA TO l T > l
—* THE *-■-
To No. T 6 Hill 8 t. (C. H. i
-f' % : - m
. -i h,
-f u
Builders' i
and will have goods to suit all classes
finest at prices to suit the “