Newspaper Page Text
Tin* Kn* «r Summer.
[licJrawo from Life.]
W ■
••(j.xw bye.”
)Yhat die does nol
j,,- We have Had
ich lovely times to-
rtther; on l after al.
that has happened you
calmly shake handt
and go ns if—well,
niiii are brutes.
wiiat iie says:
"Good l>ye.”
What he does wei
say: There have beo*|
trass when I would
uvoar that you cared
or me, but I know
how you have treat** I
other lellows and 1’li
Ijo hanged if my seal?
thall decoratj youi i
Perhaps Tills Is True.
[boston Globe.]
Men have many vicious habits—tipplin'*,
tniokin?. playing billiards, and frequentin-j
t jj e p. ol rooms. The chief feminine vie*
consists in looking in at the store window:
>c ,j yearning for that which she is iinublt
l0 purchase. It has been estimated that ;i
retain* ISO hours’ hard shopping for a w.»
man to buy a cadco dress tbat is worth 81. Pi
*brn mado up.
Bill !Vfc on Polar Expeditions.
I Denver Opinion.]
Everything shows us that the summer is
-(me and the twilight of the year is settling i
’rtffn upon us. Wo Login to won it- !
whether we bad better run tlio furnace tlrh i
(inter or take tlio money and buy Cuba sc j
stohavj a winter resort, Speaking alow j
inter resorts, a military friend of mint |
rites me that he wouldn’t ask anything I
i tier that a commission to muko a trip in 1
arch of the open Polar sea. II.» invites njj j
>go. I thanked him for the invitation and
•ked him wh »n lie wanted his men pickj 1, |
"fora or a't?r the trip.
While I would likj well enough to catch a |
tv pickerel in the open Polar sea am? I
vatho the crisp, pure nir of no degrees and j
- minutes longitude due west of a giv :i
.oint, I am almost positivo that I will dig j
• clinkers out of a largo base burner the
nter and write foamy, frothy, sunny,
tidal poems for a dying world.
• ttr ' Trnnanrtlon. In
Bobtail Consolidated.
[Financial News.]
In California, in the days of the Comstock
i wpltement, when all kinds of wildcats were
! , In » ,ateJ on the market and rapidly
| fought by an indiscriminating public, a Mr.
Davis bought a claim, known by the name
m the ‘‘Bobtail Consolidated.” The specu
late o Mr. D. organized a company. To a
particular friend of his he sold a large block
of 10,000 shares at |1 per share.
For some timo the mine amounted to not h
ing, end after a few ”5-cent assessments had
been levied the stock really would not bavo
j been cheap at a gift.
For this reason Mr. Davis an 1 the friend
1 to whom he sold the 10,000 shares as a goo !
| thing were not on aaeaking terms. One day,
however, the frienJ, to his utter and eom-
! plcte astonishm-nt, received a note, asking
, him to call at once at the residence of Mr.
Divk Ho went, and found Mr. Davis in
; l ’ c,i The table wts covered with medicin'
i bottles, and Mr. lAtvis looked as if id* head
■ hud beeu reposing n a sack of flour.
Schumpert k Roney’s,
/ haven't many hours to live.
“Jim,” said Davis in a hoarso and feeble
voice, “I did you a dirty trick a few month*
ago in selling you them ’ere bobtails, for I
knowed you couldn’t afford the money, and
heaven knows they’ve not brought
luck.” •
“Well,” said Jim, “what has been don©
cannot bo undone now,” at tlio sann lime
gazing compassionately upon tho sickly
form of the prostrate Davis.
“No, no,” urged Davis, “I done you a
wrong. The doctor says I haven’t many
hours to live, and before I die I wnnt to undo
as far os I can the injury I done you. Where
i are them sharesf*
| “Got ’em down at my office,” was the
i "P 1 ! 1
I “You bring ’em up hero as soon as you
j cau,” said Davis, “and l will give you the
money that you pal 1 for ’em.”
I Muttering expressions of grief, and with
j eyes rapidly becoming moist with tears, Jim
I rushed off to the office and brought up
i “them ’ere shares.” The shares were
! handed to Davis, who, with an expression
j os i< it were his last earthly transaction,
1 handed hi* frfond $I0,00J.
“I never thought you ever meant to do
I mo wrong.” said Jim, speaking as if ho was
about to choke, ‘ ‘an l I do hope you will soo i
; be better, oi.l man.” Jim then retired with
1 his hand* full of greenbacks and his eyes full
of tears.
The Giddy Whirl of Esquimaux Society.
'\lii!e no one would morn cheerfully cut a
the giddy whir! of Esquimaux society
bad his stomach with cod-liver oil, ntv
I■ harnesses and saddles with vinegar, n
I r that ho might gratify a morbid ctirios-
U* to whether tho North Polo had a hot
x or not. yet I shall not nvnil myself ol
opportunity to go thin winter,
while few could more joyously con tern-
•-•a life where it would take a ninety daj
• a lifetime to mature, lam free to nay
I would rather, at pres out, climb a tall
until the |>ayeo gets by.
TUc lltirvoNl ora Paragraph.
[Boston Glolte.]
About now l< tlm tlini When tho wily rural
►nior prenaicth to put into typo: "Wo hnvt
I'i't mvirod at our ollkw u most 10010111:1!
•Psonnon or apple, which mouurea fully sit
“S” ,n clreumrercuco. Who can hoot it!'’
, n lie malteth really h!« OIK It) an,I bar.
w*. aye. even his barm ami storehouses, for
• J rich harvest that will accrue to him from
emulous ruiticj.
Spot Cash Store’
Wfc promised in issue of the Recorder of January 2d, to give you some prices so soon as
we arranged and marked down our goods. We are now prepared and ready to give you more
goods for less money than any house that sell goods on thirty days time.
Contemplate a few quotations and note the difference in SPOT CASH prices and thirty
days credit:
Flour. Flour.
In this article we stand head and shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big
markets of the West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We
will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system)
For 50 pounds, $1.75. Old price, $2.15.
2d Pat., for 50 pounds, 1.65. •• . .. .gl.90.
Fancy, for 50 pounds, 1.50. “ 1.80.
Choice Family 50 pounds, .... 1.35. •• 1.65.
We guarantee all these Flours as represented, and if not satisfactory you can retun? them
and we will cheerfully refund the money.
In future we will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap.
Sugars. Sugars.
Tlck«u»»lyS». Share. l» proportion
Louisiana State Lottery Co.
‘‘Hi do hereby certify that we supervise
the arrangements for all the Monthly an<
Semi-Annual lirawinys of The Loumana
State Lottery Company,and in per ton man-
aye and control the Drawings themselves,
and that the same are conducted with hon-
tety, fairness, and in good faith toward all
partus, and we authorize the Company to
use thu certificate, with facsimiles of our
signatures attached, in its advertisements."
, _ C.autlul.a.ri I
W 1 " I?** »■ touch!).
Sop?^^t 0 rM h ,T S!"}#*' 1C "“ U *« lM
v&SSirSS'SS.'**'* **' »»
Jl nicer itaXts or petfponu.
100,000 Tickets at Fire Dollars Esch.
Frictions, In Filths, In Proportion.
; prizes of «Mo».....jiSo
is j? km
w -.?•
0 Approximfttlot) PrI.L. Of 1 17S0!!1 ’ (8,750
1.9S7 Prize*, amounting to _
Amiliaatlon for rates to clubi should be mad*
IS. 0 ? 1 *n New Or lean ■.
#hii -5A Mh#r infonnation write clearly, giving
wSPEVft * n<1 ordinary letter* by
Mail or Kxprtu (all *nms of 98 ana upward by
Ezprea* *t our expense] to P 7
*. A. Dt
°rj*t A. DAUPHIN,
•Of Isveath It,,
Wuhlngtea, D. O.
Tbe Lost is Found!
The Uro.1 Aincrlccn Tuf, Humor.
[From Life.)
7 guess I had him that time.
No sooner hail ho loft tho room thnn
Davis, Ktithlonly recovering, jumnoi out of
bed and Hi I a war dance on tho lloyr. >Vip-
lug tlio flour from his fac3 an l taking the
rag from off his throat, ho remarked to a
confi lont: “Well, 1 guis* I had him tnat
“I guoss you did,” replied tho confidant.
'J’ho following morning the news was
blazoned forth in all directions that the
•‘Bobtail Con.” had struck the greatest body
of oro over seen on tho Pacific coast, und
tho shares bounded up from 75 cents, the
last nts.wsment unpai *, to $7. The last time
Mr. Davis was seen ho was living ».t the
1 Hoffman house in New York, feasting on
• tlio fat of the lomL Ho was then the largest
! individual holder of “Uobtuil Cons.” an 1
j drawing a princely revenue in the form of
( monthly dividends from the property. But
' onoM again Duvis and his friends are not on
j speaking terms.
Will sell you 10 pounds Granulated Sugar for... .$1.00,
“ “ 11 pounds New Orleans Clarified for 1.00.
“ “ 11]: pounds New Orleans (Bellewood) Clarified, for 1.00,
“ “ 13 pounds New York Sugar, for 1.00.
In this line we are fully up and advise everybody to seize the golden opportunity and pur
chase at once a sufficiency for the year’s consumption.
Coffee. Coffee.
In this article alone (by buying from us) we can save you money enough in one year to buy
all the “Santa Claus” you want lor the little ones. We deal 6] pounds Choice Rio Coffee for $1
Thurber’s No. 41, (Roasted) a combination of Jawa, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound.
Salt. Salt.
Liverpool, full weight, for $1.20 per sack. Fine S/ilt, seamless bags, 150 pounds^$1.05 per sack
lucle Sl’«s ('rltlclviti of the Mother
Hubbard llrcNN.
[The Cracker.]
“My ole Yman,” said Unde Hi, “wliut’s
allu* on d«* p’iut fur enny thing whue looks
un’ feds lr./.y, got Madder Hubbard ou de
brain, an’ she joss tropes off an’ buys one ’er
dem unerforms—she did. ”
“Well, what tbenf”
“Don’t ax me! I jes* beller’d an’ paw’d
do yeurth w en I seel ’er in do middle ob
hit! 1 tole Vr I sez: ‘Look heah, Mainly, iz
you gwin*) to use dat cyarmint fur nr dress;
ef hits t r drtss, hit ain't finished fur du per-
i ado groun' yit Hit neetls ’bout er poun’ er
1 buckshot sowed op in de tail oh hit, ter mek
hang plumb, an’ guf strings l um do frunt
invn ; aidge ter yer shoo tops fur ter keep bit taut
that 1 , 0 j* 8om 1 reason to be- j a; j{n ,] e w in’, an’ dea hit’ll need er hack strop
fcw Bull, ,,?} r,, ° m on “ of ,,l!1 au‘ ur tcyirtl! b.n’ t on’ .uni kinder unper.
Si! C'l„ t ^ l,tb ,”" tUry ; Sit,i ,"? I ky«r*o in de rorl EC you no, ter *o ’
1 P hil nnllirotii.t ii .old to bo !
lh « (dtttod. Irish ] tt |d
derived from one of tho ,
m the twelfth century. Sitting
* W 11 if H *S Wftm forty-nlno | kotcb iner rain how ’udyou like ter hah (
,, I* 0 * tb^do many a wig ‘ . M| . fotegraft tuck fur de Art Loan show/— j
^kuines* « h!l i rkf!,l i in the * attlo and . ftU » e for hi ;h win’struck yer whut you rock’n
J^iftulated n a l li ‘ a,,, ‘ t,as UoW do poleece ’ud bo doin’ while you wuz pran-
tur,t *^l w-alr.1 •’ rtun? 4'’ a *ued at several , c i n * rouu’ like er omtrailer turu'd rong-sido-
JI * r ti 1 “;t ral tiro | oatenr*
*** drewe* rl** 4 Co ° lK ' r I,,,Jia0 - “Well, what did she say to all that/”
From hU h ’ ’, ‘‘. ka * «*•» ; -SI., ain't opin’d Vr moot ter mo et oil,
S? PMitlon ««.» 7n but ylstldy inornin’ I -ed r at do book do’ |
*n purr.nt 0 f l:'.., , Htat>.*s troops tradin’<r moughty likely Mulder Ilubbud
It. twlro.1 hi, turn, j iTp’.r ob bens on’er eupplo er
F*—Km. . , itm-blnuelf to tbom ntountain<.proutnatermiitioni! An'efenny-
Srimlp, >* al tU * roto ol 8.'ty cento U( j y you ’l out us yoo jea tell ’em j
We are slaughtering at the very low price of $l.t20 per cwt. to make room for a car load ol
Whiskies. Whiskies.
In this line we are full to overflowing, and to unload we have reduced the price on all grades
from 25c to $1.00 jxir gallon. Think of it! Cox, Ilill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain
Corn Whisky for $2.20 per gallon, usually sold at $2.50,
Tobacco and Cigars.
We can undersell anybody—we offer “Lucy Hinton” 57c per pound, and all other grades
\V« regret Hint *» burr not *pnc« Mitflcient to give full and complete quotations on >11 of our goods, but
you will henr from us occa.ionslly. Remember tint by having your goods from us sod paying SPOT CASH
you do not pay from 25 to 50 per cent, for had riebt% as usual in credit store.
is” free bed. Everything has been
liquors from 8 to 13 Years Old!
C.II uid ml yhi ibu. or lb. Sni Biecbu. lb.
Swond In dimkn * «r Mmoniw In good
Miliur. Cili .Uiy and Man jonr bdi nl
Muoblng (o Ml ud drink. Word, uuoot •»-
All Sclool Snpplies,
Amerieui, Os., Aug. 31,1884. tr
n?l Com *' rc ‘ a l Advertiser: At n bu ** : '
F-b.iil.^p, cb;!eU. r « l0ny £* °“ of tho
LL r ?. tli ”y
kinder olo*fn.buneJ fuke. a*, my lioiue,
•.) un,.„ , nek s Sun: John L. Sullirnn ays ho will
•iris bULa“‘"“••S behind Ume nil ih! never flgbt ngsin. It probnbly wouldn’t Ik
«»fe to Mil Ujs n liar snd bun. tUs( til tbs .
A Word as Regards the Penny !
To nil those who scout at the idea of introducing the Penny in Americus, wo say tbat we stud ready
to redeem In goodo or th'. cash any nraount from oc upwards. Bring them along and get their full value st
Very truly,
Americas, Ga., January 11, 1681.
E. I. KKOWkTON, Am Artw. I
Wsl(l t fifteen pounds. Adjaatable.
Neatest, Cheapest, Beet.
“Cleanliness Is next to Godlinew.”
, Is the belt cenitroeted sad fin*
1 hbed, gives Utter
I BK>ra MWir,sadVraMtorlMa