Newspaper Page Text
• • .
Ame^jcus Recorder.
Idtbr AoriBTunra iatii
TumImiI 1HAW IfciitiiMW .timf/m
fl»3 iModo*. MS lie fee each nbwiMMIa
“iSed Kotin. sc per line for lint inMtftm ud The Golden troupe attended the
VslrtiW the performance last
W. L. OUSSNXB, Publhtar.*.
H. O. BTOnET, Lml Mll« v
Going west snd south elose at. 10:C9p
GdUg cut and noitnclbte at.... 2:39 p
Nigbtmailnortbeloeeat 8.-00 p
For Baens Vlata and Ellarllle
cloaca daily except Sunday at 19JS0 p in'
Lumpkin, Preston, Weston, and
Plains of Dnaa cloaca on Hon-
. day, WedneadayandFrideystliOOpm
Friendabip, Draneerilleand Church
HUl doses daily, except Sunday,
BirttsioriiProdrfenco: add Seals ^ '
cloaca Saturday at COO am
Hudson closes Friday at...... 800 a m
Lamar closes Tuesday and Fri
day at 800 am
Theaboro arrangements will oontinua
■ in railroad schedule.
W. A. Black, P, M,
anti! change l
Os and char Sunday, November Sd trains.will
ran as follow.:’
Matt aaath
Hint Elpreri, aaulh... 9:53 p. m.
Day VMtfbt u ex Sunday 4:36 p.m.
Nlaht 11 “ " Monday 103 u, m,
Night “ '* * Monday,
Mi|ht Kapron... — r
D^yrol^bt, ox Sander-
■day 1:30 a. i
....3:03 a
.1:30 l
< WUtttttadd Seltcttar,
Hr. H. II. Folsom Is the duly author-
• - Collector end Solieitor for the Bk-
cordxr, end ell his business transactions
in oonncctlon therewith will be -duly
recognized »qtj accepted by the proprle-
Bny your eboce from J. H. Black &
Son, next door to Bank of Amerioas. tf
Ambrosia fir ant at MaKenxie'a
Freah Flab and Oysters for sale erery
day et J. A. Turpin's, Agent ltcstaurant.
' norlCtf
.Call So Day
And settle that long-atandlngaccount
/ dotitd aitAwcdtf AuNie Aycock.
Fresh Fish and Oyatcra for sale erery
day at J. A. Turpin's, Agent, Restaurant.
norlCtf ' -
FrCah Fish and Oyatera'lor sals erery
S A. Turpin's, Agent^ Rsstenrant.
dner Cigars. Th* finest import-
WsfeJ x
\ Herr,
While the cotton is roHing in, is a good
time to settle that old aocoont
ootid aatAwedtf Acuna Aycock.
trrenty-flro in at
oKcnzlo’a, tf
a To all «h»araauGsnqg from the error,
Vnfl- indtahrtttcM ot youth, norrona
Vealntki. early decoy lose of mauliooda
Ac., I will send a ipe that will cure
you, FREE OF f HAUQE. . This great
remedy was diacorered by a missionary
in South America. Send a self-addressep
cnrolopo to the Rkv. Joseps T. Inman
A noted Amerioan said that be would
not giro B oent for a man who couldn't
spall a word “more than one way." No-
tice the following cpolling: C-l-*«-t-h-e-e,
C-l-o-s-o, C-l-o-t-h-o-sfC-l-o-z-c. You can
taka your cboloe and know that John R.
, Shaw's ia THE PLACE yonr Fall
. and Winter Clothing if you desire to get
nil talus for your money. ootlUtf
Kimball Organs*
The KIMBALL has no superior.
The KUIBALL always girts satisfac
The KIMBALL ia durable end elegant.
The KIMBALL is aweat-tonadand pow-
The KIMBALL ia the cheapest and
The KIMBALL U sold low for each by
“ XurnFiucicu A Bho,
•j . j flarloet RJock/AmJrieu-, (ia.
Prlata Tall, sal Paepla Tall aha
You know, and wa know, that a con
tented euetoour ia the beat advertisement
we.can hare. Bat oftentimes low-prieed
goods mean inferior and trashy materials
and maks up, henee our endeavor has
heap tofonneet thrsotwo itntngen, low
prigss aid |8od gqod4 an4 He fire Oonfi
dent that onr customers will ba as well
pleseed as we are at our success.
octl!tf * J. R. Huaw.
t. -
Why, L W. Harpsr’s Nelson County
Whiskey Is preferred abbre all other
Brands ia because It ia the moat regular
and moat perfect Product, inoouteetably
A long experience in the
manufacture of the Harper, (ba large
capital ot the Distiller which enables him
to bold his Wbiakay until it Is fully mo-
tand, together with the tael that (be
Wbiakay ia bought by and shipped mato
direct from tbs Distillery accounts for
lbs unrelying satisfaction it baa given
r.rj f il'/wii'i /
The gold Hutch at the fair will
be raffled off to-night.
The’Golden Band will give the
military boyu a eerenade to-night.
Da. t. w! Jones, who has been
iTcling in Florida, iu home on a
The Golden band paraded from
one end of the town to the other
Holiday trade has opened, and
non is a good time to plant silver-
Let all attend the Golden matinee
thin afternoon and the Military
Fair this evening.
Jake Israels’ lunch of barbecued
pig Has heartily enjoyed by bis
customers, Thursday.
Mr. Claude Cutts came down
from Maishallville, Thursday, to
take in Thanksgiving.
All goods at the fair that cannot
be disposed of by raffle to-night,
prill bo auctioned off, as they must
The remains of Miss Sallie Ross,
nbo died at the State Asylum, Here
bur'ed at Friendship, her former
home, on Thursday,
There are a few marc cbanqes left
on that flue silver tea sett at the
fair. Be sure and attend to-night
and make your last chanco good
Mr. Franco Buchanan and wile
left - for Jacksonville, Fla., Thurs
day. Mrs. H. will spend some time
in Florida, but Mr. B. will return
in a day or two.
Prof. M. Forst, the optician, re
turned to Amcrlcus last Tuesday,
and Is again prepared to furnish
the weak in sight with bis famous
Brazilian pebblo glasses.
Don’t fail to attend the Golden
Matinee at the Opera House this
afternoon. If you can’t go, send
your wife and liltlo ones, for they
cannot fail ta be pleased.
Prof. E. J. McMatb returned
Thursday from Mercer University,
in Macon. He will take charge of
a class in penmanship in Tazewell,
Marion county, in a few days. Suc
cess to him.
At tho matinee this afternoon
the Goldens will present the fine
comedy, “Confusion, or the Bsby
and tho Purp.” The children who
fall to see it nlll miss a treat never
to be forgotten.
Many ot our people have asked
us to try and get the Goldens to
stay over Monday night, as they
would be unable to attend last
night. It would no doubt be a
source of pleasure to our people.
We understand an effort in that
direction will be made to-day.
The Golden band furnished our
people with some fine musio yes
terday afternoon, and it was highly
appreciated. The band is ona of
the finest traveling, and elicits ad
miration wherever it goes. Martin
Golden will have none but the best
with him, and tho musio of tho
orehestra is alono worth tho price
o( admission to his entertainments.
New York Times.
In another column will be found
the prospectus of thu Hew York
Times. During the presidential
campaign the Times did valiant
service in behslf of Gov. Cleveland.
It is an able, outspoken paper, ad
vocating political honesty and re-
form, and those of our readers who
wish to take a Northern paper will
do well to subscribe for the Times.
( Practicing.
To observe Thanksgiving and
also to have some fun, the Meo ban-
boys got out their new reel
Thursday, fired up their engine
and made tbres runs. They made
the short test seventy-five yard
ran, and catch couplings. The
second run was made in about 20
seconds, and tbs last near IT. The
Mechanics are hard workers, and
are determined to be ready when
the sand bag drops.
Southwestern College.
While on a visit to Dawson, this
weak, we visited the Sonthwest
Georgia Male and Female College,
presided over by Prof. A. M. Mc
Nulty. We found it in a flourish
ing state with many added im
provements. The people of Dawson
are justly proud of this institution
of learning, for it is conducted in a
manner that has won for it and the
town in which it is located an en
viable reputation. We speut the
night at the home of Prof. McNulty
and bad an opportunity of observ
ing the care taken of the scholars
entrusted to his and Mrs. Mc
Nulty’s cure, and we can say that
we know of no one with whom
we conld more safely entrust
our children. They bavo forty-
six pupils from abroad stay
ing with them, and they Beemed to
be a hupp,, family. While all was
quiet and orderly, there was none
of the unnatural restriction usual
to btarding-shools. There is
home-like geniality about Mr. and
Mrs. McNulty that wins the hearts
of tbe pupils, and their rule is one
based upon love and honor.
For tbe first time in several
years Thanksgiving Day was ob.
served in Americas by tbe dosing
of stores Jtnd a general suspension
of bosiness. There were no ser
vices held in the churches, and the
day was a quiet and peaceful one,
business men remaining at home
enjoying their turkeys, or vUitiag
neighbors and discussing the topics
of tbe day. To further fill onr cap
of joy, a steady fatl of rain came
tbe evening, continuing through
the night.
Resolutions of Regret.
After a service of seventeen con
secutive years, our beloved pastor.
Rev. J. H. Cawood, has resigned
his care of the Friendship Baptist
Church in Friendship, Ga. Strong
ties of love and aifcctiou have
bound us together during this long
servico. The relationship lias been
exceedingly agreeable, and, we feet
assured, mutual between pastor
and the people. Therefore, be it
Resolved. 1st, That iu taking
leave oi our present pastor wc
tender him our heart felt thanks
for faithful services rendered du:
ing the seventeen years that he has
been connected with us as pastor,
and we hope and pray that in the
future his lot may be cast in pleas
ant places, and that bis labors bo
abundantly blessed of the Lord
and that ho will continue to re
member us at a throne of grace.
Resolved, 2d, That our Clerk be
requested to enter these resolutions
on the minutes of out- church, also
furnish tbe Americus papers and
Christian Index with copies, re
questing them to publish the same
Done by order of the church in
conference, Nov. 22nd, 1884.
J. A. Covington, Moderator.
J. H. Daniel, Clerk.
Martin Golden.
It was a pleasure to us, yester
day, to take this gentleman again
by the hand. We have known him
for many years and have always
found him to be tho same honora
ble, warm-hearted gentleman. As
a theatrical manager he always
fulfills all his promises to the pub
lio, ever aiming to give them chaste
entertainments of the highest order,
and seeing that his company ah
ways do their best. As an actor,
bis long experience and high en
deavor have given him a place in
the front rank of that class who
discard rautjand sensational cffocts
and endeavor to represent human
naturo as it is. In tho many years
we have known him we have never
been afraid to recommend him to
tbe public, and he has never failed
in making good all wc have said of
Ur. Jos. Croxton and Miss Ada
Mashbam, of Friendship, were mar.
Had Alp. a., Thursday, Rev. Ur.
Cswoud offloUtlog.
Tbe Fair.
To-night closes the Fair o’ the
Light Infantry. So far it has ful
filled our prediction, and been quite
a success, both socially and finan
cially. Last night they closed until
the Golden performance was over,
when the whole troupe, band and
all, adjourned to the armory, and
finished up tbe evening in dancing.
To-night will be the big night of
the Fair, as the Golden band and
orchestra wilt furnish tho music,
and all the big raffles Will come off.
What cannot bo raffled will be put
up at auction and sold for what it
will bring, and there may be a
chance for bargains. Everybody,
young and old, should not fail to
attend to-night.
He Wouted a Free Ride.
Thursday night, about 9 o’clock,
Tim Alexander went into his shop
and found a negro in there with a
halter and a corn seek, and sup
posing that the negro was trying
to steal bis horse, he hailed him.
The negro claimed that ho came in
with some wagons, and even tried
to prove his identity by another
negro in the wagon yard. Failing
in this, Mr. A. started to take him
to « policeman, bat the negro es
caped from him while getting over
the fence.
A. M. E. Charcb Appointments.
At the annual session of the Ma
con A. M. E. Conference, held
Columbus this week, the following
appointments wero made for tbe
Americus district:
Presiding Elder—S. B. Jones.
Americus— W. E. Banton.
Mt. Zion—E. Wimbush.
Andcrsonviile—0. W. Daniels.
St. Marks—Cassia Milton.
Buena Vista—W. R. Dxvis.
Pinevtlle—George Copeland.
Oglethorpe—Wm. Ross.
Martin Chapel—J. W. Rocks.
Ilanahatchic—Sylvester Wilder.
Friendship—Green York.
Tabernacle—D. 0. Alexander.
EUaviile—B. F. Franklin.
Mahals Chapel—Elijah Falls.
A Valuable Premium.
In addition to the already largo
list of valuable gifts offered by tbe
Recorder to its subscribers, Mr,
S. M. Cohen, of the Bargain Store
has contributed a handsome
eelected from his large stock by
the fortunate holder of the lucky
ticket. The goods can bo examined
at his store at any time.
Colored Ilcorto.
The charge for the colored hearse and
a span of borsea will hereafter be 84.00.
tf D. B. Hill.
Arm Dislocated.
Yesterday afternoon while the
Golden band was playing near tbe
College, Mrs. Pickett had her arm
dislocated by her horse becomiug
frightened and. rearing while she
was holding the bridle. We were
unable to learn whether it was
serious or not.
Clothes Burned.
Thursday Mr. C. J. Hawkins
had the misfortune to lose all the
clothes he and his family had in
wash. Hie washer-woman had just
put them on a table, when by some
rnauncr they caught fire and burned
ap. The loss is considerable.
Death of a Lady.
Mrs. Tbos. Dorman, living near
Dranesvilic, died, Friday, at 10 a.
She had been an invalid for a
year or more, and her death was
not unexpected.
Cotton Report*
On hand Sopt. let
... 191
Reoeived yesterday
... 299
Received previous to date
.. .18,934
Shipped yesterday
... 249
Shipped previously
Amount on hand
... 2,596
Make yourself and your creditor happy
by paying that old, thumb*worn account
oct4 dsatawedtf Aqnes Aycock.
Grand Annual Raffle of Meat
Jas. Fricker & Bro.
Owing to the exceeding press of bust*
ness and eoufaeion inoident to removal
into onr new quarters, we had determin
ed not to have a raffle daring the coming
holidays, but the question of late bos
■o often been asked by our patrom,
I'Are you not going to have
Christmas rattle,” we have decided
that with the subscription and
assistance of friends, we will raffle
PIANO, the cash net price of wbioh is
the very low sum of three hundred dol-
Our raffle Hit will be opened promptly
at nine (9) o'clock a. m.,Tuesday, Decem
ber 2nd. Call early and secure a chance.
Jas. Fbickib A Duo.
and HATS coll on MKS. M. E. BAlNES,
Jackson Street, Americas, Go.
To Rent. To Rent
Three miles from Americas, one good
three-mule farm. Healthy locality and
good school convenient. For particulars
apply to THOMAS M. ALLEN.
X.O Conte Nursery,
W. an authorize to announce tbe
name of ARCHIE GOSS aa a candidate
for the office of Tax Collector of W.btter
We ere authorized to announce the
name ot W. H. COBB aa a candidate for
Sheriff of Bomter county. If elected, N.
H. White, of the 15th Diatrict, will be hie
deputy. to
I hereby announce myaelt a candidate
for the office of Ordinary of Bomter
county. If elected to tbe office, in Janu
ary next, I pledge myeelf to dieeharge
tbe duties which will be incumbent upon
me to the best of my ability. I respect
fully solicit the votes of tbe people.
nov9-tde A. C. SPEER.
To the Voters or Sumteb Goumtt:
I announce myself as a candidate for
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver
of Sumter County at the ensuing election
MJsnusry. Thanking you foryour sup
port in tbe past I earnestly solicit your
votee. J. A DANIEL, B. T. B. S. C.
New ApvmsiaiENE
The New York Times
**0*1 1880,
ran Newspaper,
Aeurate in iu Hew,, Steodfa.,
for thelliant, Vne’paJiTgZ
the Exposure of Wrong,
•trim to corn every l.ld .cl l»„ „ ob * “
miibsp unrecorded; h th.l, »h,ik., „, *
.ow .f n.w Yorkoitvtt. *!“ h :
Hsw York 0,1 ty tht render irrV.
Bowe «f8aa Frsaofioo or CoMtantinonl* ».** ^
J iU PM-tmintcc* i| •
We are authorized to announce the
name of W. IL STEWABT as a candidate
for re-election to the office 6f Tax Collec
tor of Sumtor Couoty at the ensuing dec
tion in January next. te
We are authorized to announce the
name of W. W. GUEBRY os a candidate
for the office of Justice of tho Peace for
the 789th district. t
We are authorized to announce the
name of D. K. BRINSON as a candidate
for City Clerk and Treasurer, to be voted
for ut the city eleotion, December 17.1884.
Thinking that the mechanics of onr city
should be represented in the City Coun
cil, please announce tbe name of A. T.
OLIVER as a suitable candidate for Al
derman at tbe Municipal eleotion in De
cember next. And oblige
nov!2tde Many Voters.
We are authorized to announce the
nemo of A. 0. BELL as a candidate for
Mayor of Americus at the Municipal elec
tion in December next. augl tf
People's Ticket for December^?. 1884
Commencing at capital J, in the middle, read
In ever three hundred ways how to vote in next
Municipal Election.
The people want him for his experi
ence; for his stern integrity; for his un
compromising antagonism to lawlessness
and disorder; for his fearless and impar
tial administration of justice; for his un
swerving advocacy of what he believes to
be right; for his loyalty to his country;
for his devotion to theeity;for his nerve
to execute the law-rln a word, for what
he has done in post and for what they
may reasonably hope from him in the fu
Let's elect him without a scramble.
hit morning's TIMES.
While it thus mslrtaJn
tooerri ....pop.,, THE
•pooh taper:.,,:
roodo, lo.ur.Qco, b.„k. .„ d JJT.
tta.rmvMda.vv, oanc.tioo.1 prooreu
tom of Kdtl, religion, ud toltntiSo
ohouwtoo. Bo,k „d feoir ^“
willdnd In it. colamn. e.rl T Mnoun„ re ,^ tf
now publiotlon. end .lie .nd Impuil.l
.1 ril bock, worthy ,k. ,*£■*£;
Tb. coble dl.pnt.hc. of Iho London torn*
TIUKH k "P IU reader, hnj
luformed of what b goln, on to tbe politic.]
social world of Europe.
In tn.Ua, tbs public quoatlonc of th, 4,, ,,
(orlolly TBE TIUK9 gt,., h .„„
phio language. It It a Republican
but it fleet/ e.erdaet the right of ltd,tent,,;
criticlam, and when It. party cbooiei
court., or makeo unlit nomination. It
them with earnestness end sincerity.
Tb. Weekly and Semi Weekly odltton. ef THE
TIUE3 contain, all tbe enmnt am co.dn, M j
Horn tho diipatcho. and report, of tho dalle edi.
Uon, boildoo]!,neon, literary .election.ud
- pag. of agricultural matter apcd.ll, mranf
1. IV... .dill... * 1
lor these editions.
To Mail Subscribers, Postpaid.
DAILY, exclusive of Sundsv, r* r year . *6 ro
sunoay only' ;«
tklTT.V dmAnlk. Ll.C tl-Jj " W
BUN DAY ONLY, prrysar.,
DAILY, fl months, with Sunday, ’
DAILY, 0 months, without Sunday * j m
DAILY, 1 month, with or without Surniiy,, 75
TH* Semi- Weekly llmee.
Bisgle Copies, one year y,
• ynar..
Five Copies,
Ten Copies, and ons free for club »
The Weekly Timet,
Single Copies, one year. j
Ten Copies, and one free for club....
“■‘•Wpt 1 — * *•
iptione for six months.,
re invariable. WE HAVE NO TRAVELING
AUENTS. Remit In di efts on New York, l’o*t»l
Notes or Post Office Money, if powlb'.t,
sad where neither of these can b* procured, wnd
the mouey In a rtgititrtd Utter. S*n>[li mplti
sent free. Address,
Dull Times
Well We Should Smile.
I am a candidate for Mayor at tbe Mu
nicipal election to ba held on the 17th
of December next, and respectfully solicit
the support of my friends. If elected,
my official acta shall ba in favor of rigid
economy in tho collection and disburse
ment of all publio money. I shall favor
the support, promotion, and, whenever
possible, th* improvement of our publio
schools, and to this end I shall encourage
friendly relations, and harmonious so-
tion between the elty council and the
Board of Education.
I shall favor maintaining onr Fire De
partment at its present standard of excel
lence. I shall favor restricting ad valorum
taxation to one per cent, per annum, be
lieving that this rate will support the
*ty government, maintain our publio
bools, and also provide a fund to erect
publio school buildings.
Upoxr these subjects, and other nutters
of public conccru, I shall ba pleased to
address tbe people at aome snitable
prior to tbe eleotion. Res^ecfull;
b time
That is what wc hear our fellow-mer
chants crying day after day, bat it is
thing we have not yet been able to appre
ciate. WE CAN’T COMPLAIN. Really
wo have never bad a better trado.
own customers, and other merchants oai-
tomers have made things lively ever since
we moved in oar new corner. And do
you know what did it? OUR LOW
GOODS. And you can bet your sweat life
we are not going to stop at that. From
now out we are determined to sell the re
mainder of our stock of Winter Clothing,
regardless of what they coat”ua. As w«
will soon be purchasing for next Spriog'i
delivery, and as we propose then to lay in
an unusually largo a took, must have tbs
room to do so. So now if you hare not
seen our. goods and heard our prices,
oome right along with the procession
and aee for yourself. There never hat#
boon such figures and such prices since
Americus was a oity.
Elegant line TAILOR’S and FURNISH
ER’S SAMPLES on band, from which
we make clothing and under-wear to your
order and guarantee perfect satisfaction
the Clothier and Hatter,
Americas, Gt.
J. J. Smith, 1 Iron Safe.
3no. E. Sullivan, 1 Iron 8afe.
Ed. Neil, 2 bundles Shafts.
Wm. Tillman, 1 empty Keg.
G. EL Tommey, 1 Grain Mower.
B. A. Harris, half barrel Cider.
J. Israel, 1 Keg Whisky.
J. T. Jonea, 1 Keg Vinegar.
Amerious Oil Co., 1 barrel Grease.
1 Tin of Potash,
pee, J crate machinery,
ron roofing, 1 1>° X ® x ‘
Jas. Crock, 1 box iron roofing,
Carter A Johnson, 3 coils rope.
P. H. Williams, 2 boxes bottles.
dAj Aag.ftA, RM, g
J. A. Smith, 1 pg (9 bx) eondtiefc
D. II. Beverly, 1 plow .took.
E. J. Cheek, 1 buggy.
1L. 1 box pickle..
Rosser & Monk, 4 cote lodt-vder.
B., 1 nek
No m«kVudSncDlm.d.l grist Bill-
Tb. »bov. will b« Mid .1 public *”;
cry Dm. 15,1884, from th. 8oulh*»WJ
Railroad depot unlen previooilyc!i'B M
and charge. p^^^ Agent
Americus, Os., Nov. 13,1884.
linen prepared to inpplr P“*
Scappemoug win. at 81- 5 ® P* r
Keg. (umiih.d for |L00. Wine rixPP**
from Adame' flutlononrM*ipt°‘'
Address, #• T. U8RLL
EatsrpriM, <