Newspaper Page Text
- - - r>
Governor Stone Has Issued
Order For Wi h i awal.
Orders Do Not State the Time and
Manner of Withdrawing Troops, but
All Will Probably Ee Ordered Horn
Before Election Day.
Harrisburg, Pa.. Oet. 24.—General
orders for the withdrawal of troops
In the anthracite coal legions were is
sued by Governor Stone to Major Gen.
eral Miller today. The orders do not
state the time and manner of with
drawing the troops, but it is expected
that the state authorities will bring
aft of them home with the possible
exception of two or three regiments
before election day. This will avoid
the necessity of api>ointing a commit
tee to each regiment to take the votes
of soldiers in the field and the prepa
ration of special forms of ballots.
Thp prospects arc that the troops
sent Into the region last July will be
ordered home before those which were
ordered on duty later. Major Gener
al Miller’s headquarters are at Potts
villo and the movements of the troop3
wHI be directed from there. Gover
nor Stone’s orders to General Miller
contain the following:
'‘The purpose for which the division
National guard of Pennsylvania was
placed on duty in the southern coun
ties in the state embraced in what Is
known as the anthracite coal regions
having been accomplished and peace
and order having been tcstored in the
several communities and it being evi
dent that tho local civil authorities
will be able to preserve the peace
and give the necessary and proper pro-
tection to life and property, the ma
jor general commanding division Na
tional guard of Pennsylvania will re
lievo the troops now on duty and re
turn the several organizations to’
their respective homo rendezvous as
promptly as conditions will permit.”
are the be>t that
—free from weed i
ities nn*l of s-;r\
qualities It i- vi
you desire to yec
and gotnl crops
highest grade s.
This you can
chasing Wood's
Brand” of Farm
an be obtained
eds and iinpur-
ig germinating
v important if
n • • ! stands
> l-.ircimse the
V. ; lark
;i" all
Wood’s Pall Cats!
about Vegetable ami Farm
Seeds for Pali Pis.tti.ig, Seed
Wheat. Gats, Rye, Harley,
Vetches, Grass am!
Clove.- G-C.;.,
Write f - Fall C tad
prices of any Seeds dt-lrsd.
Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va.
Those decorated Dinner Sets are genuine Haviland China. Our
own importation. The ‘'White” will cross “The Tide” in Nov.
We have the finest Lamps shown in Georgia, but they are the
cheapest, 15c to $20.00.
Those Lounges and Chairs are covered with real leather, and
frames are quartered oak.
For Sale or Rent.
The plantation of 384 acres, more or
lesp, in the ICth District of Samter
county, Oa., formerly owned by
Connell & McGarrab, on which eight
plows have been ran. The plantation
is in high state of cultivation and high
ly improved. Also eight head of stock
and all implements needed on place,
tegether witbTO-saw cottongin,Winship
prets, engine and boiler, two 2-borse
wsgonp, .McCormick mower and rake,
hay press, 830 bushels corn, 13,900
hsy, 7,000 lbs fodder, 3,500 bnshe
cottoD seed, 3,800 lbs peas, 30 buebei
peannte and 15 bushels wheat. If no!
sold by.Decembcr 13th, next, the plan
tation will he rented for ensuing-year,
beginning Jannary 1st, 1003.
Th3 Bake of SocthwestebxGe rgia.
Our Cut-Glass have the thickest blanks, deepest cut, most ar
tistic patterns, and most brilliant sheen that can be secured.
Our stock of Chamber Suits, Side Boards, China Closets, Ex.
A Ewj tension Tables, Diners, Odd Chairs and Tables is the most
complete and attractive we have ever shown.
We still have large stock of graceful and elegant shapes in Odd
Pieces in French China, Vases, Cups and Saucers and other
articles suitable for presents or home use.
Our stock of Housefurnishings can supply all your wants.
□ o" t
It is true goods were bought for CASH and that we can and
will give full value for every dollar spent with us.
Good Enough for Anybody.
Cor. Jackson and Forsyth Sts.
Americus, Ga.
But General Resumption of Work Not
Expected Before Monday.
Wllkesbarre. Pa., Oct. 21.—There
a slight Improvement in the coal min
ing situation In the Wyoming and
Larkawana regions this morning, but
In the Schuylkill anil Lchlgli regions
there has been little change from yes
terday. All the collieries of tho Del
aware, Lackawanna and Western com
pany are working with an Increased
force. The Ontario and Western
company also started up all of their
mines this morning.
The Lehigh and Wllkesbarre Coal
company resumed at two of their
mines, but owing to the accumulation
of gas they had to shut down again
The Delaware and Hudson company
has more mines In operation In tho
Lackawanna district than yesterday,
but In the Wyoming region the compa
ny could not get an additional colliery
started, although steam was up ready
to hoist coal. The Lehigh Valiev
company reports that It has ono moro
mine In operation this morning than
A general resumption Is not looked
for until Monday, and with the mines
In operation the output of coal must
be somewhat curtailed, as the mines
cannot be worked to their full capac
ity. As one mine superintendent ex
pressed It, "We are only feeling our
way ft will take some days before
anything like tho normal output will
bo obtained.”
Miners at Hazleton Collerlea Displeas
ed With Certain Conditions.
Hazelton, Pa., Oct. 24.—The em
ployes of the G. B. Msrkle company’s
collerlea and the men working at tho
drift on mines of Coze Bros. & Co, lost
night voted to continue on strike un
til toe conditions under which they
are to bo taken back by these Arms
are changed. One of the officials of
Coxe Bros. A Co., said:
“We Insist that all the men former
ly employed at our mines who went on
strike shall apply to the respective
foremen as Individuals, If they wish
to return. If we have room for them,
and they committed no acts of vio
lence during the strike, they will be
taken back with the understand)! t
that nonunion men must not be mo
lested. Every man who struck
considered by us as having left ovr
employ, and that Is why we will not
resume operations by permitting the
men to return to work In a body.”
At Sllverbrook colliery, operated b"7
J. S. Wentz & Co., the men also must
make application as Individuals be
fore operations are resumed.
Strike Averted In Chicago.
Chicago, Oct. 24.—A strike of tho
hack, cab and coupe drivers employed
by Chicago livery stables and under
takers was averted at a Joint meeting
of the employes, teamsters and tho
executive board of the Chicago Fed or
ation of Labor early today. Nearly
1.000 men are affected.
Lawyer Is Murdered.
Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 24.—A tele
gram has been received at the gov-
era oris office asking that a reward be
offered for James Blanton, who mur-
1 a lawyer named Floyd at Enter.
‘ 1 blood and fled to Florid*.
Dwelling 32C Forsyth St
Dwelling 212 Prince St
Dwelling 210 Prince St. for Sale.
One-fifth cash, balance at 6 per
cent, in 100 equal monthly pay
ments. Also the prettiest home in
Americus ou College street, and the
Colemau property on Lee street to
sell. H. T. DAVENPORT,
Real Estate Agent.
Americus, Ga., Sept. 23, ’02.
Farm loans negotiated any
where in Southwest Georgia
at low rates and on easy
terms. Save money by see
mg me.
Americus, Ga.
Real Bargains.
I hare some real bargains in city
property, both improved and va
cant lots. Call early if you would
lie benefitted.
I have inquiry for two small farms
of not over twohundred acres each,
within five miles of the city.
Beal fstatq, Agent
Is again s candidate far your pat
ronage, under the arm name of
We are at the ume old stand. Ar
tesian Block, with the best Beet,
Pork, Fish, Oysters and all that is
good to eat. Give us a trial order
and we will Bit you table with the
Telephone 215.
ami Lcautificg the hair.
Fromctw a Irmrient growth.
Hover Aula to IIe*tore Gi^
.Heir to |te Youthful ffiTor.
IS ^wwnriflie ***
Every Woman
U imeretiv-i and should know
about the wonderful
. Whirling Spray
iglaalNjrfa**’. JnJte-
Xu<-t»vn. Itett-saf-
for It
other* bat —-* **—
“We can live without poetry, music or books,
But civilized men cannot live without cooks.”
Had the poet Bulwer lived in this advanced age of
good c< oks and good living, he would have gone for
his meals to
Johnston’s Restaurant,
Under the Opera House, wh^e the art culiniire is a
finished product The tables of this populer Ca'e
are supplier!, day and night, with every delicacy of
the season: the most luscious Oysters, Juicy Steaks,
Southdown Mutton, Pish, Birds and Game of
every variety.
Quick Orders Served at Shortest Notice
and in a style calculated to please the m 'st exacting
and fastidious epicure.
Everything new, neat and clean; elegant dining
rooms, public and private, excellent service Orders
for meals sent anywhere in Americus
Telephone No. 10 if You Are Hungry
In the same building, bnt entirely separate from
the Cafe, is the Bar, where the finest and purest
Wines and Liquors, Beer, Ale, etc, are served. Here
presides that genius, Coot Stanfield, whose fame as a
mjxologist is proverbial. His greeting is cordial and
he serves only the very best.
for The Beit
Cooked Heals
in Americas.
For The Best and
forest Drinks
Served in City.
311 Lamar Street,
Look To Your Interest,
Read Carefully, Act Promptly.
We mean business-aud for the next ten days we offer to
t) the people of Sumter and adjoining counties the Greatest
Slaughter Sale of the Season Figures speak louder than
words and we give them to you as follows:
....Hudson’s Drug Store....
212 Forsyth St;, ’Phone 98.
Drills and Medicines.
Hens’ Suits.
$15.00 Suits Going at $9.50
i2 00 “ “ “
toco “ *• “
800 “ “ “
6.00 “ “ *•
4 03 •' “ “
• Pants.
$5.oo Pants Going at
4 00 *' “ "
3 00
,2.00 “ ••
We have the prettiest and most complete drug store in the city,
onr stock is fresh and complete. We are reliable druggists,and nevei
substitute. We fill yonr doctor’s prescriptions just as he writes them.
Hot and Cold Soda Water.
Sole agent for H U YLER’SJCANDIES.
tther. hot send tump for 11-
narrated book wiiw.U Chris
fail (aairuUrs and direction* In-
Morphine sod Whiskey
habiutrested without psto
or confinement. Cnreguar-
. sntecd at Sanitarium or no
»’** Uthia Springs Gars
Americus Whiskey Co.
125 and 127 Cotton Avenue.
Headquarters for.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Retailed at Wholesale Prices.
All mail order* nailer the personal snperviiion of Mr. Phil A.
Jug Trade a Specialty.
Ladies’ Shoes.
$2.50 Shoes Going at #1.75
2.00 “ “ •• 1.50
I.60 41 “ “ 125
I.25 '• “ 93
l.oo " “ •• 7o
Mens’ Shoes.
$4 00 Shoes Going at $3.oo
a.7 S
We also have an immense stock of children suits, men.
and ladies underwear, ladies capes and walking jackets and
in fact everything in our immense stock will be put to the
knife, We hope all oar former patrons and railroad triends
will take advantage of this sale by coming forward at once
as we only offer these inducements for the next ten days,
311 Lamar Street, Americas,'Ga.
There’s Plenty to Drink on the Corner Now I
New Place, and the Best Line ot Liquors
Sold In the City.
Hawthorne Club. Baltimore Hunter.
Three Feathers,
are among our popular brands of fine liquors.
Mr. Robert A. Hogae is with n« and muld be pleated to aerve
his man; friends in city and country.
W. N. Booker, Prop.