Newspaper Page Text
ZS ^flThepresen-ed juice, secured from the fresh roots of
22 £ owo “ 9f?. k » St'Ilinsia, Gray beard, Bearefoot, Bearbeiry,
Sarsananlla. Poke Bom m nn ,i
OCTOBER 31, 1902.
^hts concentrated form it is an exceedingly powerful
2: Vegetable Alterative ! §£
3 3 K ^ a Tonic, Laxative and Diuretic as well. Years of
use m the hands of physicians, and more than 2,500 t attles
_ *> ld m Americus with uniformly good results, continues to 2£T
--j draw the most conservative people to its use.
|j Pt-ce $1.00 Per Bottle or 3 Bottles for $2.50. §£
lyon’s French Periodical Drops
SUip.te.X e ? ctab ^ c *J 5cr ^ cctl y harmless, sure to accomplish
DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy.
Imitation*. The genuine lipnt up only In pa*to-board Car
A Pleasant Lemon]-Tonic.
Cares indigestion, bctJjoho, mtlaria, kidney disease, fever. ohlllt, loss
eppetite, debility, nervous prostretjon, Heart failure, end appsndioilis, ‘
regulating the Ijver, Btomsah Bowels end Kidneys.
59 eents end |1.00 n battle at drnggi|t«.
Rev. John P. Sanders Writes.
Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Gs : I have basn relierad of a trouble whi in
greatly endangered Uty life by using Mozley’e Lemon Elixir. My dootor de
clared my only relief to be tbe knife, mr trouble being appendicitis. I have
been permanently oared and am now a well men. I am a preaober of the M.
E. Oharoh Sooth located in tbe towa of Verbena, Ala. My brother, Rev, E. E.
Gowen, recommended tbe Lemon Elixir to me. Ship me » half doxen large
bottles V. O. D.
Whether Banker or Mechanic you can figure on
ultra-style and long wear in
Longlev, Low & Alexander Hats.
, . , , They do not stretch
out of shspe or fade and the atitching doesn't turn into in
unsightly green.
When you wear a Longley, Low & Alexander hat
you art protected by a guarantee.
The same money that will get you a common hat
will buy you a Longley, Low 4c Alexander, "Elk" brand.
Longley, Low fir Alexander capa are fair
Longley, Low fir Alexander
in price alto, but way up in goodness.
Walk in some of these days and tee.
$2.50 Gels One.
Sold bycthelEIdildge Drug Stcrep, AmtrlcufvGa,
Cotton Factor,
COAL # Fertilizers.
Mv coal is tbe oelebrsted Blooton Lump and Jellioo,
conceded the finest dojjestio ooal sold in this market.
All order* for ooal promptly delivered. My prioes as low
as the lowest..
I male liberal cash advances on cotton in store at
v- y low rate of interact. •
.Telephone No. 38.
7®^ ~^ ^~ ~ w
Car Load of Buggies!
W E have just received a car load of the celebrat
that is equaled by few and suipassed by none. Has
the famous ‘'Long-Winded” axle. If you don’t
want to be worried to death by oiling yonr buggy
every few days, why get a “Rock Hill.” It don’t
cost a cent more in the long run to get a good than
, does a cheap one. The “Long-Winded” axles have
been known to run 2,035 rnileb with one oiling. All
“Rock Hill Buggies are fitted with these axles, in
fact we say to you. that for durability, easy riding
and neatness the “Rock Hill” is by far the best
bnggy on the market.
•A .Little Higher in Price But
Sheffield-Huntington Co.
From hi. latfKt and I
J bv»t i>h..t.<arn|>h taken for The Journal.
4- The InauKural ndilre.a of Governor Terrell, In full, follows: 4
*!• Mr. ‘President ami Member, of tho General Assitembly: 4*
4 The practically unanimous election as chief executive with which I 4*
♦ have been honored by my fellow citizen, is n tribute of the peopl, of nil 4
4* parties and all classes to the principles and policies which have controlled 4
4- the Democratic party In the management »f our state government, and not 4
♦ to tho Individual selected as the representative of those principles and pfil- 4-
4- iclos. Such an election not only adds to the responsibilities and duties 4
4- which attach to the office of governor, but will Impel me to put forth ev- ♦
4 ery effort to meet theso responsibilities nnd discharge thoso duties without 4
♦ fear, favor or affection and with tho sole purposo to properly advance 4
4- each and every Interest of the state and of all her people. The desire that 4>
4 shall ever be present, and which shall always control me In the discharge 4<
4- of my official duties will bo to protect the honor of my state and promote
4- tho welfare of her people. To accomplish this end I Invoke your valuable
4 assistance In neoded legislation, and Invite the co-operation of all my fel- 4.
4 low citizens.
4- From time Immemorial It has been the custom before his Induction Into 4
4- office for tho governor-elect to publicly announco the more prominent fea- 4*
4- turcs of thoso policies which In his Judgment will best subserve tho good of 4
4 the people. I. shall not now undertake to outline In detail those measure. 4
4 which I deem paramount, and for tho furtherance of which I shall bend all 4
4- my energies, but standing now upon the very threshold of tho executive 4
4- office, and with u knowledge of tho responsibilities and duties which await 4
♦ mo as governor of one of the greatest states In th. American Union, and 4
4- being Impiessod with the magnitude and character of those responsible 4>
4- tie. and duties, I declare to you that In my judgment the supreme Interest 4-
4> of the state nnd the people lies In the reduction of the rate of taxation 4
: and In providing better educational advantages for the children of the 4
state. 4
4 The reduction of the tax rate can bo obtained and. the beet Interests of 4
4 tho state subserved by an economical administration of Us affalra; by cut- 4
4 ting oft all unnecessary appropriations; by tho faithful execution of our 4
4 present tax laws, and by needful amendment, to those laws so as to make 4
4 every specie, of property bear It. fair and equitable share of th. burden 4
: of taxation a. contemplated by tf-.e constitution. A. the Individual and the 4
corporation allko may confidently look to tho law for protection, to should 4
4 each In turn contribute a Just proportion to th. support and maintenance of 4
4 the government. 4
4 Our educational eyttem can be vaatly Improved find the heat Interests of 4
4 the state and of th. children thereof advanced by promptly paying the 4
4 common school teacher. In accordance with their contracts; by providing 4
4 a plan whereby militia or school district, may supplement the public fund 4
4 by local taxation for the purpose of extending the term, or of erecting 4
4 school houses, and by establishing and maintaining In each congrcnlonal 4
4 district of tho state an agricultural school, not through the medium of In- 4
4 creased taxation, but by using the net fee. arising from th. Inspection of 4
4 commercial fertilizers. Tbe toss which such an application of these fees 4
4 majT reasonably expect from contracts necessary to bo mode Tn the near 4
4 future. Every principle of Justice and equity requires that these fees be
4 so expended os will tend to the advancement and upbuilding of the cause 4
4 of agriculture throughtout the state, end certainly nothing could he mors 4
4 helpful to that great Intereet than to furnish the means whereby ouryoung 4
4 men and women may fully equip themselves for this most Important work. 4
4 Upon the success of agriculture depends our future prosperity, and noth- 4
4 Ing would contribute mors to Its promotion than tho intelligent teaching 4
4 and training of those who may engage In that putsult. 4
4 It Is my purpose at this time to merely outline these two prominent 4
4 subjects. In each of which our people of all conditions, dosses and ages 4
4 are vitally Interested. 1 refrain now from going Into other details affect* 4
4 Ing either of tnem, and in view of the method provided by law for com- 4
4 munlcatlons by the executive to' the legislative branch of the government, 4
4 I will, as these and other subjects may require tho attention of the general 4
4 assenffily. seek a more appropriate manner to communicate to you my 4
4 views. 4
4 And now, relying upon the providence of that God who controls the des- 4
4 tiny of all nations and of ail people tn endow me with wisdom to perform 4
4 the duties which I am about to assume, with both Justice and moderation. 4
4 1 am ready to take the oath of office which the constitution prescribes for 4
4 tho governor. 4
♦ * 4
Brother of Judge' Hlxon Undergoes
Prices Lean Your Way !
Down at E. D: SHEFFIELD CO. where they
have a complete stock of novelties in Neckwear,
Fleeced Lined Underwear, Fay’s Stockings,
Clothing, Shoes, Odd Pants and English Dress
Shirts, Umbrellas and Parasols a specialty.
-Headquarters for Hamilton Carlin, .t Over
alls. Drop In and try us before you buy.
E. D. Sheffield Co.
Dr. J. M. Bridges, of ElUvillt, was
Americus yesterday cn roato to At
lanta to attend the bedside of bis
brother, Mr. S. R. Bridges, who bts
just been operated upon for append!*
eftlr. The operatiop, happily, was a
very tacceasfal one end Dr. Bridge*
bopea to find b'a brother feat recover,
log from tbe effect. Tbe Meeere
Bridge* ere bull brother* ot Jodge
James A. Hlxon, of this city.
The came! can go two weeks without
taking a drink,but it would make some
men bumpjtbemselves to abataim for
two d-.ys.
Never Ask] Adyiee.
When you have a o'jugh or 00U don’t
ask what is good for. it and get some
medicine with little or no merit and per
haps dangerous. Atk for Foley’* Hon
ey and Tar, the greatest throat and lnsg
remedy, It cares aonghs and oolds
quickly. J. R. Hudson,
It the average man a lifetime takes
to correct bia bad grammer.
No danger of ooosnmption If yon use
Foley’s Honey and Tar to cure that
stubborn cough, J. B. Hudion.
Spent More Than S1.0C3.
W. W. Baker, of Plalovlew, Neb,
writes: "My wife anffered from tang
trouble for fifteen years, Bhe tried a
ar-Lber of dootori and spent over $1,000
without relief Bhe became very low
aod lest *11 hope. A friend reoommend.
ed Foley's Honey aud Tar and, thanks
to this great remedy, It eared her life.
She enjoys better health than ebs has
known intbaten years." R< fuse sub
stitutes. J. R. Hudson..
We have Stetson’s soft and stlf.Jints ranging in price from
$3.C ) to $5.00. Think of getting a "Stetson” hat for $3.00.
Tis the best value for the money ever offered.
Rvlander Shoe Co.
Quail Are in Sight, and Ducks are Coming. *
SmithwidfS E, *" r d a ,"
ready and waiting to fix you for them.
I am better prepared to
se. re the sportsmen than
ever before with a large
assortment of Hlgh-Sradc
Guns aod Ammunition-at
prices to suit your pocket-
My line of single Breech-Loaders cannot bo beaten on quality or
price, and my High-Orado^Hammer and Hammerless Double-Barrel
Breech Loaders cannot be duplicated anywliero at the prices.
For the Next 30 Days gains on Hight-Grade Ham
merless Guns. If you are not ready to buy, bring your old gun here
and have it repaired and cleaned by practical and experienced gun
smiths. Shells loaded to order on short notice, and special and prornj
attention given to mail orders.
If you want money on yonr farm I have arrang
with New York parties through-whom I can get it for
at Lowest Possible Cost.
No men can get at a woman's mean-
lag nnieM be nan read the langatge of
the eye*.
Men to learn barber trade. Best
proposition ever offered. More exps
rience in one month than shops in one
year. Tools presented, wager Satur
days, hoard ineladed. Write nearest
branch, Moier Barber Colleges, New
Orleans, La. or St. Louis Mo.
Room No. 5 Barlow Block, - - Americi
For Sale.
Lands. Stores, Dwellings. Fire Insurance by
M. CALLAWAY, Americus Ga.
Z/Ao jCumbet ‘Dealer
Xowqk *n a 21/vW
jCmikt, 'Ski i/fw,
Uptown oace.*Ko;.irr.