About Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1902)
THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES-RECORDERi FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31,1902. E0 D. WHEATLEY. GEO. D. WHEATLEY. A Plain Practical Talk. This is a practical age, and we live in a world filled with practical people—people who like plain, honest state merits of facts—people who want to feel absolute confidence in the matter of money spendingf confidence that they are being fairly dealth with. It is our constant effort to try and impress you with this confidence. We already enjoy the confidence of many. We want the confidence of all. 15c Flannelette at 10c. BO pieces benutilul new Flannel ettee, splendid patterns and styles at 10c. Fleeced Pique. B New line white fleeced Pique the shirt waist material beautiful pattern effects at 40c and 50c yd. 20c Curtain Swiss at 12J^c. 1000 yds beautiful curtain Swiss in large polka dots and figures the 20c quality at 124c. 10c Outing Flannel at 7J^c. 1000 yards splendid Outing flan nel, dark plaid and stripes worth 10c; special this week at 74c. 75c Knit Underskirts at 50c. 100 Knit Underskirts, plain and striped, worth 7fie, special at 50c. 60c Flannel Waistings at 29c 10 pieces all and wool Flannel Waisting in fancy stripes and plaids, regular price 50c and 00c yd, special this week at 29c, 35c Plaid Dress Ooods at 20c. 10 pieces beautiful plaid wool goods for children’s school dresses, regular pries 35c, special this week at BOc, 40c Damask Towels at 25c. We will place on sale this week about 100 doz knotted fringe dnm- ask towels, extra large size, at 25c worth 40c. $5.00 Qray Blankets at $3.50 25 pair all wool Gray Blankets full size colored borders, suitable for making handsome bath robes worth $5.00, special this week at $3.50 Ladies’^ Underwear. 50 doz. Ladies gray and white vests and pants, regular BOc qual ity, special at 35c each. Heavy Skirtings. 5 pieces plain and plaid Melton cloth, 30 inches wide, worth 50c at 29c. 65c Novelty Suiting at 39c. 10 pieces fancy check and Novelty suiting worth 05c, special this week at 39c. $1.00 Black Taffeta Silk at 79c. 100 yards 30 inch Black Taffeta Silk splendid qualty, good lustre, regular price $1.00, special this week at 79c. 85c Women’s Underskirts at 50c. Women’s Union Suits fleece lined Jersy ribbed buttoned across front worth 85c, special at 50c. 75c Waterproof Cloth at 50c, 10 pieces Waterproof Cloth, 58 inches wide in Black, Navy, Gray, Brown and Castor, worth 75c, spe cial at 50c. 50c Eiderdowns at 35c. Excellent quality in heavy wool Eiderdown, Pink, Blue, White, Gray, Castor and Cardinal, worth 50c at 35c. PERSONAL NOTES OF INTEREST. Some of Those Who Came or Went Yesterday. ’Phono Hudson's drug store jonr wnnts. Wo deliver promptly any where in the city. Phone Number 98, Miss Amzie Williford is at home again after a visit of some length to friends in Lumpkin. Mrs. Jonn M. McGarrah has return ed home from Coiambus, where she visited friends recently. Capt. John A.'Cobb is at home again after spending several days in Atlanta on important business. Coi, W. A. Dodson returned to At lanta yesterday to watch the action of the statesmen in session. Mrs. J. L. Page and Miss Florence Page were among the many other visit ors m the city yesterday. Mr. Henry J. Fite, formerly ot Americas but now a resident of Atlan ta, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Willie Htringfleld, of Savannah, the guest of Miss Willie L. Davis at her homo on Brooklyn Heights. Mr. and Mrs, G. H. McKee, of Wav- erly Hall, are gaests at the home of their son, Dr. S. tf. McKee, here. Miss Gertrude White, a fair Atlan tia, is visiting her sister, Mrs, James A, Davenport, at her residence on Col- lego street. Mrs. Fred B. Arthnr, after a pieasant stay of a month in New York eity, the gnest of friends, returned to Americas yesterday. Miss Luoile Greer, one of the fairest and most captivating of the season’s visitors here, the gnest of the Misses Buchanan, has returned to Oglethorpe. PROMOTION FOR AMERICUS MEN 15c Stokings at 10c. Children’s school stockings fast black all sizes worth 15c at 10c. GEO. D. WHEATLEY LAMAR STREET AND COTTON AVENUE. AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching winter with nneaalness, children take cold bo easily, No disease costs more little lives than croup. It’s attaok Is so sudden that the sufferer Is often beyond human aid before the dootor arrives. Suoh oases yield readily to One Minnte Cough Care. Liquifies the mucus, allays In- flamatlon, removes danger. Absolutely safe. Aots immediately. Cures coughs, oolds, grip, bronohltls, and throat and lnng trouble, F. S. MoMohou, Hamp ton, Gs.: "A bad cold rendered me voiceless just before an oratorloal con test. I Intended to withdraw but took One Minnte Cough Cnro. It restored my voice In time to win the medal, ” W. A, Rembcrt. THREE TRAINS ARE CROWDED, BOUGHT THE CHAPMAN PLACE. Fine Farm Near the City Owned by J. C. Brown. Mr. W. B. Chapman has sold to Mr. J. C. Brown the remaining portion of his plantation, eight miles east of Amerioas. Sometime ago Mr. Brown bought 1000 teres of Mr. Chapman and yesterday bought the remaining 200 acres. The farm contains a fine mill and is a very valuable property. Mr. Chapman will move to North Georgia. Banger in Fall Colds. Fall colds aro liable to bang on all winter, leaving the seeds of pneumonia, bronebltlsor consumption, Foley’s Hon* ey snd Tsr, ernes qnickly and prevents serious results. It Is old and reliable, tried the tested, safe and sure, contains no opiates and will net constipate. J B. Hudson. Season For Shotting Opens' on Sat urday Next Amerions gunners, or rather the few of them who mey not go the otrens Sat urday, will be afield after the soalp of Bob White. The season for partridge shooting opens Saturday, Nov. let, and it is probable that that very day there will bo parties a-field, anxious to get the first craok at the game birds. Aa a rnle, however, sportsmen do not like to shoot the birds early in the season. They think it best to wait until abont ' Deo. 1, tbns giving the birds time to beeome folly developed, when they ean lly swift and strong. Birds ore report ed nnmerons on plantations abont Amerions. FIRST TOUCH OF JACK FROST. Amerlcus la Visited By Hoary Mon arch. The first frost of the fall soason ap peared yesterday murning, and there will probably be more of U today. The fall of frost yesterday was sufficient to kill potato vines and very tender veg etation, bnt the hardier plants, es pecially cotton, are yet nnhnrt. The temperatnre dropped a little below 40 degrees yesterday morning. Miss Cloud at Home to Her Friends. Having jnst returned from Atlanta, I am now prepared to supply my friends and patrons with the latest styles in fall and winter millinery goods.- With 'oompetent hands em ployed I can promise eatiafsetion to all. Tuesday the 7th. I will have my opening snd cordially invite all tbe ladles to attend, Iamloosted on Cot ton avennr, No 111. Bespeetfnlly, Oct. him w MissIEmma Cloud. TO PUNCTURE THE PARTRIOGE. Heliei.in Six Honrs. Distressing Kidney and Bladder Disease relieved in six hoars by “New Great South American Kidney Care.” It is a great emprise on acoonnt of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and book, in male or female. Believes retention of water almost immediately. If yon want qniok relief and enre this is the reme dy. 8old by E. J.Eldridge, druggist, Americas, Ga. IS GOING TO ROME TO RESIOE. Mr. Middleton oad Family Will Leave Amerlcus. Having acoepted a desirable position tendered him at Borne, Ga. Mr. George Middleton end family will leave for that city shortly to reside. They have lived in Amerioas for a number of years and many friends- will regret their deparinre. Both Seaboard and Cenlral Took Crowds to Columbus. Three passenger trains left Americas yesterday morning for Oolnmbns, and each carried a crowd of visitors to the veterans rennion and the Elke fair. The first train left at 8:02 over the Sea board, carrying a goodly contingent of old soldiers and their friends. At 8:20 the first eootion of the ’‘'Veterans Spcoiai” over tbe Central Railway, and made np of twelve crowded eoaehes, pniled out from Amerions. This train started from Alban; and was well filled npon arrival here. In order to give plenty of room and render the trip comfortable for all, the Central made np another train in Americas and sent it ahead of the one already well filled with visitors. All three trains arrived safely, and man; of tbe Americas veterans came back last night aboard the spooiaie. Positions With Cincinnati Railway Advanced. The many Americas friends of Messrs. Dana Stevens, Charles F. Callaway and W. H. McAllister, all of whom are now officials of the Cincin nati Traction Co. controlling the street railway system of this Western me tropolie, will be pleased to hear of their promotion. This information was conveyed in a telegram received in Americas yester day morning. Mr. Stevens is advanoed from the position of treasurer to that of assist ant general manager; Mr. McAllister succeeds to tbe position of treasurer, while Mr. Callaway is made anditor. These gentlemen, all of them Ameri cus young men, have been with tbe Cincinnati Traction Co. for abont year, and tbeir rapid promotion to high official positions of trust and response bility is evidence of tbeir sterling qualities and baeinees acumen. Mr. S. O. Cooper, also of Americas, is tbe general secretary of ibis great railway corporation. All otthese gentlemen are thorough ly acquainted with every detail of rail way management. They began tbeir oareer with the old Savannah, Ameri cas and Montgomery Ratlwsy, though all have since been connected with other railway systems. Their Amerions friends are gratified as their success. His Life in Peril "I jnst seemed to have gone all to pieces,” writes Alfred Bee, of Welfare, Tex., "biltlousneas and a lame baek had made life a burden. I conldn’t eat or sleep and felt almost too worn ont to work when I began to nseHleotrlo Bit ters, bat tbey work wonders. Now I sleep like a top, can eat anything, bave gained streagth and enjoy hard work,” Tbey give vlgorons health and new life to weak, sickly, run down people. Try them. Only 50c at the E'dildge Drug Stores, PRESENTED A SILVER SERVICE. AS Grove's Chronlo Chill Cnre. cures the chills that other chill tonios don’t cnre- Made of the following fluid extracts: Peruvian Bark, Blaek Boot, Poplar Bark, Priokly Aih Bark, Dog Wood Bark and Sareaparilla. The best general tonio. No enre. No Pay. 50c. ARE COMING HERE TO RESIDE. Col, Klker Will Remove Here From Oglethorpe. The many friends of Col, John N. Kiker and family will be pleased to learn that tbe; will very Boon come to Amerions to mide, removing here from Oglethorpe. Col, Kiker hoe leased a deeirable borne on Lu street, and will bring hie family here to reside early next week. I A Bozen Times a Night. Mr. Owen Dnnr, of Benton Ferry, W. Va.'writer: “I bave had kidney and bladder trouble for years, and it became so bad that I waa obliged to gpt np at least a dozen time a night I never re ceived any permanent benefit from any medicine until I tried I took Foley’s Kidney Cure. After tiling two bottles, I am cured'” John B. Hndeon. Statehouso Officials Esteem the Re tiring Governor. The State House officials presented Gov. Allen D. Candler, the retiring ohief executive, with a handsome eilv r service, as a token of. tbe esteem and high regard in whioh he is held by the members of bis official family. The presentation was qalto a surprise to Governor Candler, who knew nothing of it nntil invited into tho reception room next to his office, where he found himself face to face with all of the Cap • itol officials. The presentation speeoh was made by Attorney General Wright, and Gov, Candler was in tears as be briefly replied, expressing his thanks. Tbe oabinet then shook hands and took leave of him as Governor, DEPARTMENT STORE- ^ “Queen Quality.” The Shoe not the toot! Its the shoe that decides beauty, not the foot. If your shoes look well, your feet look well, but the handsome foot counts for nothing in the unshapely shoe. There is one shoe that is doing wonders toward mak ing handsome feet;--that shoe is “Oueen Quality.” We are sole agents here. $3.00 and $3.50 Pair. Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Apparel. Such an immense trade as we have had in Ladies * Tailor Made Suits. Walk ing and Dress Skirts and Jackets of all kinds has never been experienced by us before. In tbe first place we bave the largest and best variety to select from we have ever carried. The goods are all new and up-to-date in style and the weights particularly adapted to this climate. Tbe prices are as low as are to be found anywhere In desirable mer chandise. It will pay you to call and examine what we bave to show you in this department whether you wish to buy or not. Immense variety of Childrens Wraps-long and short $1.00 to $15 00 America’s Famous Beantie Look with horror on Skin Eruptions, Blotches, Sores, Pimple. Tney don’t have them, nor will any one, who uses Bnoklen’e Arnica Salve, It glorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish before It. It cures sore pips, chapped hands, chllbiln*. Infallible for Flier, 25o at the EldrUga Drag Stores. TO AMERICUS FROM COLORADO. Col. and Mrs. Boone at Home From Western Trip. The many friends of Col. and Mre. S, P. Boone welcomed tbeir retnrn home yesterday from a four months slay in New Mexico and Colorado. At Santa Fe they were the gneste of Rev. and Mrs. Walter R. Dye, formerly of Amer- ionr, and report the general health of Mrs. Dye, their daughter, very mnoh improved. After leaving New Mexico they spent some time at Colorado Springs, coming thence to Amerions. What More Can You Ask Ran a Ten Fenny Nail Through Hit Hand. While opening a box, J. C. Mount, of Three Mile Bay, N. Y., rao a ten penny nail through the fleshy part of hla band. “I thought at once of all tho pain and soreness this would cause me,” he says, "and Immediately applied Chamber lains Pain Balm and occasionally after wards. To my surprise It removed all pain end aoreness and tbe injared parts were soon healed.” For aale by all drug gists. For Sate. Good oane mill, ayrnp evaporator, and seed rye. S. H. Hawkins. 10-16 w 3L The fools’ paradise lacks a lot of be ing eternal. ( To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.^ ptlA - -. . —- This signature, v0 /tf/STr Cures Crip fa Two Days. on every box. 25c. than to get a suit of clothes or an overcoat that is abso lutely correct in fashion, perfect in tailoring, becom ing and properly fitted to your figure ? Can your to- measure tailor give you more than this? and for as much hs would charge you more than twice tbe price we ask for tbe famous wholesale tailored Fech- heimer-Fishel Co. Suits and Overcoats. Suits, $io to $25. Overcoats, $5 to $25, “Tt\e Gjosvenor Boys’ Clothing. Well-dressed boys reflect credU upon their parents. It is not an expensive business to dress jour boys fashion- ably'if you buy their clothes at the right shop. We exercise so much care in the selection of the fabrics and styles af the clothing for boys which we ol- fer, that no matter how low a pnee we may quote, depend on it that you will be sure to get the greatest amount of intrinsic value that It is possible to re ceive. Boys Short Trouser Suits, strong val ues, sizes 4 to 16 $1.50 to $4. Boys Short Trouser Suits, in sizes 3 to 16 $5.00 to $7.60. Boys Long Tro&ser Suits, in sizes 15 to 20 from $5 to $15.