Newspaper Page Text
Post Office Department Regulation*
Make Provision for Withdrawal
From the Mail*.
Ilnv#» you f*vor written a letter,
tniilldl It in fl corner Fox or In your ■
local jx'Htoffice and then changed your
mind? asks $ l'oatofflt-e department !
Inilleiln. Have you ever lain awake ‘
all night w’lnfiing you bad the letter
hack again find thinking that, hav- i
lug once mailed It, there was no chance
of recalling It?
If you have had such an experience
don't let It Worry you in the future, j
for tinder the postal laws and regula
tions It is a comparatively easy matter
for yon to get the letter hack Into your !
own hands.
All you have to do is to go to your
local postmaster and explain to him j
that you wont to withdraw your letter
from the mulls. The postmaster must I
comply with your request, providing
you can furnish proofs that you are
the sender of the missive. These
proofs consist of giving an accurate
description of the letter you wish to
get hack as well ns presenting to the
postmaster a sample of your hand
writing, which must he Identical with
that on the original letter.
The rules of the I’ostofflce depart
ment also |iernilt postmasters to tele
graph to the railway mall clerk and
get him to take a recalled letter out
of n mall pouch after It has left the
city on the WHy to Its destination. Tills
measure to secure the return of a let
ter Is only taken, however, in extreme
Intelligent Collie Made His Master
Rich Until the Trick Was Dis
covered and Stopped.
fl _
At one time sheep stealing was a
capital offense in Kiiglnml, and many
men were hanged foi it. The records
show ihat the most successful of these
rogues owed their prosperity to the
faithful <logs which they had trained
for the purpose. In cue cic c a notor
ious criminal practiced sheep stealing
on a large scale. Whenever charged
w ith the offense, he was aide to prove
an iillld.
Here is the explanation. When sheep
were for sale he would view them as
ii prospective purchaser, taking his dog
with him. The dog carefully noted
the individual sheep handled hy his
master. Man and dog would then de
part. I.liter In the day, or during the
night, tin* * (log was sent hack to the
flock. In u<> Incredibly short time the
collie sorted out the selected sheep
from ten to twenty nut of a flock
numbering! hundreds -and drove them
away to a spot where he knew his
master would he.
Ancestry of Birds.
Kvotutionists believe that limn arose
from the basic stock that produced
the apes. The ancestry of Idrds can
be retraced 'llll further to none other
than the lowly reptile, l ossll birds,
to which we must look for our evi
dence, use almost as scarce as fossil
men. Extinct reptiles ami mammnts
have been preserved for sis In alum
dance, hill the \it) power of flight,
which raised the bird above Its rep
tilian ancestors, lias done much to
Cheat us of avian remains. Cumbrous,
awkward creatures, without this mag
ic gift, chance caught In sticky pitch
or the treacherous mud of some ln
goon, ore unable to escape Its grip.
Hut the llght-hodled, quick-winged
Idrd Is seldom trapped in such it way.
Chinese Idea of Goldfish.
Tt Is said that there Is a universal
belief among the Chinese that the finer
kinds of goldllsh art> raised from the
eggs of the silk moth. According to
tht' belief of the Chinese the silk moth
lny k lis eggs on a fresh brick or tilt',
anti this Is ptneed In shallow water nnpl
exposed to the sun In several days,
they hatch out mlnkte larvae aud art
fed on pond slime, developing rapidly
into gorgeous (goldfish.
(•rent care Ims to he Used In the
preparation of water, hut the I
process may he aborted by an Inter- j
veiling thunderclap, which sometimes
muses such havoc with the eggs that
they hatch out frogs or sctvrph>ns iu- ,
stead of the much desired goldtlsh.
Assuring Real Holidays.
A very interest I tig and important de
cision of the British courts Is that *
a wife (any take n holiday alone, if
she dt sires, and that Iter husband can
not stop her.
It was horn of a case following tvvea I
ty-onc years of reasonably calm mar
riage. The wife Uei ldt*d on a vaca-l
litui of U week without the company of
huhhy. He forbade It. She made an
unexpected and astonishing appeal to |
the court and she won her case.
And because the husband made any
objection whatsoever she now sues him
for a permanent separation and se- j
cures it just for that like that.
Insects That Sing.
Japanese do uot care for cats and
write Is u singing insect, which Is
kept in a cage that hangs from the
eaves of the house. /
Although the little •creature docs
not perform on all occasions, the sound
of rain will at any time sturt him
chirping So. to amuse strangers in
a Jap home, one of the fatuity will go
on to the roof and pour down a bucket
of water to produce the dripping sound
of rain.
As soon as the singing Insect hears
w lutt he Imagines to be the real thing,
he begins to warble.
Notice of Sale.
Whereas, Mrs. Ollie Marlin hy her
warranty tlc< (l dated the 21st day of
] October, Il*2l. and duly recorded In
I Hook No. 2o folio .iB4-080 of the Itec- j
I ords of Deeds of Montgomery ('nun-1
i ty, Georgia, conveyed to Thu Dili-1
’ zi-ns llanjt of Alston, a banking cor-i
poration under the law's of said State, j
{certain real estate which is herein
after fully described, to secure a err -j
j tain promissory note of the said Mrs. j
Ollie Martin for the principal sum
! of Fourteen Hundred andJFifty-five |
1 I $1400.0*1) Dollars, said note bearing j
j dale October 21, 1921, and falling due :
I October Ist, 1922, together with inter- j
■ i and attorney's fees thereon* jind
Wheteas, The Citizens Hank of
j Alston, by and through one W. C,
i Wooten a duly appointed liquidating]
agent of the Stale Hanking Depart
ment ol the Stale of Georgia, ap
| pointed to take charge of file affairs
j'd The Citizens Hank of Alston then
and now in liquidation, did on the
2811 1 day of January, 1922 sell, assign,
iriinsfer and set over to The Citizens
A Southern Hank the said mortgage
deed nl the said Mrs. Ollie Martin
aforesaid and also the debt in said
mortgage deed described and there
by secured, together with all its
i i’glit, title and interest in and to the
aid mortgage deed, the property
t liei cm described and the debt there
by secured, with all of (he rights,
powers and privileges given to The
Citizens Hank of Alston by the said
mortgage deed as is shown by the
recoid nl said assignment iu Honk 27
folio -II of the Records of Deeds of
Montgomery County, Georgia; the
land or leal estate so conveyed ns
such security being described ns fol
lows :
All "I lot number (1) in Block No.
nine (A) and nil improvements there
on in the Town of Alston. Montgom
ery County, Georgia, as shown by
III' map of said town and recorded
in tin office of the Clerk of the Su
perior Court of Montgomery County,
Georgia, May 2fl, 1920, in hook mini
her 25 and page 333 and
Whereas, tin* said promissory note
aforesaid became due on the first
day of October, 1922, was not-paid
wiien due and instill due and tinimid,
there being due thereon the follow
ing Hinmmls. 10-wit. Principal
$1455.60, $29.10 as interest and -the
sum of $148.41 us attorney’ll fees;
Now Therefore. The Citizens &
Southern Hunk, the present-owner
and holder of said note aforesaid as
well ns I he said mortgage or security
deed given in connection therewith,
under and !>\ virtue of the power and
mil Imrii y in it vested hy said mort
gage or security deed aforesaid, will
proceed to sell the above described
leal estate H 11(1 its II p pll It f-IIU 1 ICI'S
llieieunlo heltuigmg at public sale
in ilie highest biildi'i' for cash before
I lie door Ilf I lie court house ill t ile
Town of Mount Vernon, Montgom
ery ( ounty, Georgia, within the lo
gal Ilnurs of sale on the iirst Tuesday
the 2nd day of January, 1923. for tlie
purpose nl (laying said indebtedness
hereinbefore set out and tlie costs of
I Ins sale.
As is provided lii said mortgage or
security deed aforesaid (that its
agent or legal representative or as
signs ma.v make to the purchaser or
purchasers of the said property good
and sufficient titles in Fee Simple to
to I lie same, I hereby divest ing out of
the Vaiil party of the (irst part all
right aud equity which said party
may have in said properly and vest
ing (lie same in the purchaser or dur
chasers aforesaid) the undersigned
will execute iii the hmcliaser at such
sale good and sufficient title iu Fee
Simple to iho above described prop
erly in as ample manner as the same
is now held by the said Mrs. Ollie
Martin. This December 6th, 1922.
The ('itizeiis tk Southern Hank,
Hy Mills 11. l.ane. President.
M. ii, Calhoun, Attorney.
Sale of Real Estate Under
Power of Sale.
liroriria Montgomery County
UndtM and by virtue of the power contained in
that certain deed to .secure debt, nmda and de
livered hy A. I*. Mclntyre to Realty Savings and
Trust t'ompuny. of Savannrh. (la., on the 15th
<la.\ of OelotH-r, li>lS. recorded November 2nd, 11*18,
in deed book No. t. page 558. Olerk’s Office Mont
gomery County. tVbuntiH. and in aeetHdanee with
the appointment of the Qiuiemitrnal as sole Trus
tee. und in purnuance of the power* in said deed
to secure debt, the underaijrneti as lole Trustee,
will well before the court house door in Mt. Ver
non. Gn . on the to st Tuesday in January, 1923,
Ik twn ! the letral hours of aide, to the htxhest
bidder for cash, the following; described real es
tate, to-wit:
All th -e tracts or parcel* of lapd, situate, ly
ing and being; in the 276th District G. M. Mont
cornery County, Georgia, and better described a*
■ follow*: * v
Tract No 1: Bounded north by land* of A. H.
Mclntyre; cant by other land* of A P. Mclntyre,
hbintt the 27 1-4 acre tract below described; south
b> lands of Josic and Jessie Peterson and west by
Oconee Greek, containing 192 1-2 acres, a* drown
by plat of the same made by S. B. Morris, County
bract No. 2. Pounded north by Jessie and Jo
, sie P« ior son. east by m Sharpe; south and west j
by Min Mamie Meeks, containing 17 acres, as
j shown by plat of same made by S. B. Morris,
I Count* Surveyor, tracts numbers one and two
being a mutton of a tract of laud originelly grant
ed to Gilbert Priest on January 10th. 1854.
1 1 act No. > Bounded north by lands of A. H.
Mclntyre and the run ol Dry Branch, east by Dry
Branch and lands of Mathias, south by lands of A. .
P Mclntyre, and west b> other lands of A. P.
Mclntyre, lining the 1‘.12 1-2 acres tract aho\V de
scr.l*od) containing 27 1-4 acres as shown by plat
of the same made by S B. Morns, recorded in '
deed Uvk No. 16. page 115. Montgomery County, j
bract No i Bounded on the north by other
lands «>f A. P. Mclntyre and branch; east by land* j
of Mathias, south by Dry Branch and other lands j
of A. P. Mclntyre, being the 27 1-4 acres above de- J
scribed, and west by Dry Branch, containing 59,
3-4 acres, as shown by plat made by S. B. Morris
and recorded in din'd t*ooh No. 16. page 116 Clerk’s ,
Other tontgvmcry County. Georgia, ail of said
tracts lying adjacent and Containing in the ag- j
cue ate 27b 1-2 acres, and known as the Malcolm I
H. Mclntyre place, said tracts of land to be soul ,
as a w h ic and not by the tract.
The scale of the above d, scribed property is to be
had for the put pose of paying an indebtedness
>e» uttd by saui deeai to secure debt, the amount
i now due and ow ing to said Realty Savings and |
Trust Co., laying tho sum of 67UU0.00 principal,
j and SSI nT intt rest and also all costs and expenses
of this pivH'eiding, including ten per cent of the
amount of principal and interest as fees for Trus
tee as well at- all other items secured by said deed
to secure debt, default having been made in the
stipulations as in said deed set out.
A * mplete conveyance will be made by the un
i deraigiuxi, on date of sale purchaser paying for
Ke\ enue stamps and titles. This December 2nd.
1922. J. Wade Johnson.
Sole Truster. ;
i 666
is a Prescription for Colds, Fe
ver and LaGrippe. It’s the most
speedy remedy we know, prevent
i ing Pneumonia.
Notice of Sale.
Whereaa. Garfield H. Hnrke did hy J
liin warranty deed to secure debt
hearing date (lie first day of Febru ;
ary, 1919 and duly recorded in book
; No. 20 folios 70 and 7*l of the records
of deeds of Montgomery county,
I Georgia-convey unto the British an a
| American Mortgage Company, Lim
lited. a corporation, the following
I described real estate, to-wit:
| The following described property
; situate, lying and being in the coun
! i v of Montgomery and slate of Geor
gia, to-wit: In the thirteen hundred
, and forty-third (1343rd) district G.
; M. containing one hundred six and i
lone half (106 1-2) acres, more or less,
!hounded on the north by lands ofj
Klizabeth Palmer; on the east, by the
| Soperton and Mount Vernon public
road; on the south by lands of J. K.
! Horne; on the west hy lands of J •
YV. Adams.
To secure the prommissory notes
of the said Garfield B. Burke for the
principal sum of Seventeen Hundred
and Fifty ($1760.00) Dollars, payable
1 n installments and in said deed pro
vided that in the event of default
in t lie payment of any installment I
of said debt, said company hr its as
signs might declare the unpaid bal
ance thereof at once due and payable
and sell said land for the payment
thereof; and
Whereas, said British and Ameri
can Mortgage Company, Limited,
did, by an assignment hearing date
tlie first day of November, 1919, and
recorded the 13th day of December,
1919, in Hook No. 26 folio 224,0 f the
records of deeds of Montgomery
County, Georgia, grant, bargain, sell,
transfer, assign and deliver unto The
Prudential Insurance Company of
America, its successors and assigns,
all of Its right, title, interest, proper
ty and possession,claim and demand
at law or in equity ot, in and to the
security deed aforesaid securing the
debt therein described, together with
all of its rights, powers and privi
leges thereunder, also the indebted
ness secured thereby and the promis
sory note or notes evidencing said
indebtedness, also all its right, title
interest, property and possession,
claim or demand at law or in equity
of, in and to (lie real esfateand other
properties in said deed to secure debt
debt specifically set out and describ
ed ; and
Whereas, the said The Prudential
Insurance Company of America did,
by an assignment bearing date the
litii day of May, 1922, assign, trans
fer and set over unto The
Mount Vernon Bank, of Mount Ver
non, Georgia, all its right, title and
interest in and to the said Loan Deed
hereinbefore specified covering the
property above described, and also
its right, title, interest, property and
possesssion, claim and demand at
law or in equity of, in and to the in
debtedness secured thereby and the
notes evidencing said indebtedness;
Whereas, the installments of said
debt due November the Ist, 1920,
November Ist, 1921 and November
Ist. 1922, together with the interest,
due November Ist, 1920 and Novem
ber Ist, 1922, were not paid when due
and are stilLunpaid and said The
Mount Vernon Hank, the nresent
owner and holder thereof has de
clared the unpaid balance of said
debt due, the total amount due on
said indebtedness on the date of sale
hereinafter shown being fifteen hun
dred and seventy five ($1675.00] Dol
lars principal debt; Three Hundred
Twenty Eight Dollars [5328.58] and
fifty eight cents interest to date of
sale and One Hundred and Ninety
Dollars [5190.35] stul thirty five cents
as attorney’s fees; and
Whereas, the said Garfield B.
Burke did by his warranty deed to
secure debt bearing date the 6th day
of December. 1919 and duly recorded
iu Book No. 25 folio 229 of the Rec
ords of Deeds of Montgomery County
Georgia, convey untu The Mount
Vernon Bank the above described
real estate [subject to the loan deed
first above mentioned] to secure the
promissory note of the said Garfield
B. Burke payable to said hank tor
tlie principal sum of Six Hundred
and Ffty Five Dollars [5655 60] and
fifty cents, besides interest thereon,
and in said deed provided lint in the
event of his default in the payment
of said note or any renewal t hereof
as and when the same snoukl become
due that The Mount Vernon Bank
sell tlie said land for the payment ot
said note with the accrued interest;
Whereas, the total amount of tlie
Indebtedness due on tlie said note
payable to The Mount Vernon Bank
on tilt' date of sale hereinafter shown
being six bundled and fifty live
dollars ($655.50] and‘fifty cents as
principal debt; Twenty nine Dollars
i $29.06] and live cents as interest to
dale of sale and ihe sum of sixtv
eiglit dollars [568.46] and forty five
cents a- attorney’s fees; and
Whereas, the said ptitteipal note
to The Mount Vernon Bank [or a
renewal thereof] became due on tlie
tirst day of October. 1922 and the said
Garfield B. Burke fails and refuses
to pay the same;
Now, Therefore, the Mount Ver
! non Hank, the present owner aud
j holder of both of said debts herein
before specith d as well as the owner
land holder of the deeds to secure
debt as above mention'd, under and
! hy virtue of the powci and authori
i ty iu said Bunk vested by virtue of
said deeds to secure debt as afore
said will proceed to sell tlie above
{described real (‘state and itsappurte
| nances thereunto belonging at public
sale to thn highest bidder for easli
before t lie door ot tlie court house in
the Town of Mount Vernon. Mont
gomery County, Georgia between (lie
i legal hours of sale on Ihe iirst Tues
day tlie 2nd day of January next.
1923, for the purpose of paying the
said indebtedness as aforesaid and
the costs of this proceeding; and the
money derived from th( sale of said
property shall he disbursed as pro
vided for in said two security deeds
aforesaid; and title deeds r said
property will be executed hy the un
dersigned hy its proper officers. This
, tlie 6th day of December, 15*22.
The Mount Vernon Hank,
By Willie T. McArthur, President.
M. B. Calhoun, Attorney.
Cures Malaria, Chiils and
(100 Fever, Dengue or i iilious
j F ever.
1 4.4444.444444*44 44444-444444# *******%.%*****.
4 £
. f
* *
Bargains in Used Ford f
Cars for Quick Sale I
* *■
*■■ ■■■ ■ ■■■■■■■ MII I■lS!■ ■ 1 111 II ink %
% One 1922 Touring Car - - - 8225.00 J
j* t
* One 1918 Touring Car - - - 75.00
* One 1918 Touring Car - - - 90.00 %
& &
J One 1918 Touring Car - - 75.00 J
* One 1920 Coupe - 225.00
* ' #
l Come in and Look These Over |
* Ford and Fordson Dealers *
# &
Georgia—Montgomery County.
To all whom it may concern:
Miss Maggie Morri*, a resident
ot this state, having in due form j
applied to the undersigned for th* j
guardianship of the persons and
property of J. B. Morris, ton of
James Morris, and Nellie Burton,
Addle Mae Grinstead, Hubert
Grinstead, Curtis Grinstead, Fra
da Grinstead, Mattie Grinstead,
Myrtle Grinstead and Nan Grin
stead, minor grand-children of
James Morris, late of said county,
deceased, notice is hereby given
that said application will be heard
at the next court of ordinary for
said county, on the first Monday
in January, 1928. Witness my
hand and official signature, this
4th day of December, 1922.
J. C, McAllister,
Ordinary Montgomery County.
Georgia—Montgomery County.
•To all Whom it May Concern :
Mrs. Ablne R. Calhoun of said
state having applied to me for
letters of administration de bonis
non on t! e estate of J. K. Mobley
of said county, this is to cite all j
and singular the heirs and credit
ors of J. E. Mobley to be and
appear at the January term, 1928,
of said court, and show cause, if
any they can, why letters of ad
ministration de bonis non should
not be granted on the estate of
said ,L E. Mobley. Witness my
official signature.
J. C. McAllister, Ordinary.
Notice to Public.
At a meeting of the Board of |
Directors of the Mount Vernon i
Bank, held in the offices of said j
bank on December the 6th, 1922, j
the following resolution was of- j
sered and unanimously adopted: 1
Whereas, Section 3 of Article ;
1 of The Banking Laws of Geor-!
gia as enacted by the General
Assembly August 16th, 1919, re-!
quires that a branch bank shall
be operated as branches, and un-!
der the name of the parent bank
Resolved. That, effective Jan-1
ary Ist, 1923, the name of The
Commercial Bank. Uvalda, Ga. t
a branch of the Mt. Vernon
Bank, be changed in conform
ance with said act to rend “The
Mount Vernon Bank, Uvalda
The above is a correct trans
cript from the minutes of a meet
ing of the Board of Directors of
The Mt. Vernon Bank.
W. A. Peterson,
Cashier Mt. Vernonßank.
The Drug Store fills a very Ifn-
H portant place in any thrifty 3
S community. Ours is even ||
gmore than this —it is
a lteal Necesssity jj§
{I Easy Terms * p
I Prompt • Service jp
• MT. VERNON, GA. |3
The Montgomery Monitor and
The Progressive Farmer one
year for $1.50.