Newspaper Page Text
Every blow struok by a
good, snappy, convincing
advertisement in this paper
Try Your Fist at It.
Tins Progtbsr is this official ■ or
gan and leading paper of Grady.
the Banner County of the Stale and Lend You Hall ol the Purchase Price at a Low Rate ol Interest.
w. r. CflAtvFOffb, QBtrL Man. and SSO'V and trba s
We Can Sell You Properly in
M) & LOi
Business Manager,
sjp■ V'W
m mows SFA1KET
Brings 13 Cents But Much ol Crop
Is "Spotted.”
Cotton in Thomas county is being
rushed into market at a lively rate
and from present indications it will
not be king before the crop is all in.
The very hot-weather of the last
few weeks has had the effect of op
ening nearly all the cotton at once
ami as there is practically no top
crop it probably all will be gathered
Cotton men say that it is laird to
make any exact estimates of what
the crop is this year as it is so badly
“spotted,” one fanner reporting a
line crop and the next having
scarcely any crop at all. It is bring
ing from 13 to 13 1-fi cents in the
m irket here and the disposition on
the part of the growers seems to he
to sell out as quickly as possible.
Seeking Remedy For
Hog Cholera.
The farmers say that the cholera
which has been reported as making
such devastations among the hogs
in Thomas county is little worse
than it is every year, it has
been brought, more to the attentii n
of the agricultural department with
the result that steps are being made
to find out the cause of the disease
and a cure for it.
For many years this disease has
been killing out the Inigs in this
part of Georgia and the farmers
have grown to expect the loss of a
certain amount of them among their
stock. That the department has
finally taken up the matter is a sub
ject of congratulation and it is to be
hoped-that it may be successfully
eradicated,. In spite of the eholera
some very fine porkers have been
raised in Thomas. s county this sea
son, and- the high price of meat,
lias stirred up many farmers to go
into the business more extensively
Pecans On Market Soon.
The early varieties of pecan nuts
are beginning to open and drop and
the.crop will soon be on the mar
The crop of pecans is unusually
large one in Thomas county this
year and the nuts are very fine.
This crop is coming more and
more to the front and seems des
tined to be a great crop in South
Georgia. Several new groves have
.been planted in Thomas county this
year, but as vet the industry is only
in it's infancy. Last year was the
first time the experiment was tried
of shipping the. nuts to other mar
kets and it proved a great success,
the huts meeting with ready sale,
but the demand as yet is far greater
than the supply.
psi payIhax
Attorney General Hall Gives Tills
The owner of a dog who
pay the state tax of $1 on it
debarred from registering and vot
ing, according to the opinion of
Attorney General Hewlett A. Hall
given to the Comptroller Generi 1
Saturday. He holds the state has a
constitutional right to levy the dog
tax and under the constitution no
person has the light to' vote unless
lie has paid all taxes, due by him
since the adoption of the present
constitution in 1877.
Obituary notices .cards of thanks
and locals five cents per line each
Advertising Rates.—Depends on
position, number o f insertions
and number of inches, will be
given upon application.
One Dollar a Year in Advance.
Several small farms within six miles of Cairo. If you own a place of this
description come to see us and make your best price. We have sold prac
tically everything we have close in and must have more to meet demands.
Since our last advertisement we have bought the Wm. Allen place 7
miles north of Cairo and within 8 miles of Whigham, contains 500 acres
well improved, nicely located, with 5-horse farm open, and will offer this
place for a short time only at the remarkably low price of $15.00 per acre.
Lands adjoining it are selling for $20.00 and upwards. We will sell all or
any part of it.
We have also bought the Dea’s property in the city of Cairo, contain
ing .18 acres of land and two nice dwellings. We will you either of the
houses, any vacant lot, or all of this land at prices that will please you.
If you want to do any land trading see us. We have^ sold already
this year Ten Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars Worth of land and have
bought more than Fifteen Thousand Dollars worth and will continue to do
Promptly negotiated at
reasonable rate of inter
est. Now is the time
to arrange for your fall
needs. Call on or write
Wanted at Once
Three or four nice
2 to 4-horse farms
from 3 to 4 miles of
. ■ $
Cairo. Price must
■ t will soil 011*11 rst Tuesday in .October,
1010, during the legal hours of sale, to
the highest bidder for cash, certain real
ty of which the following is a descrip
tion: -10 1-2 acres of land lying in the
southeast corner of lot No. !!07 in the
Kith district, of said county, bounded on
east and sontii by original lines, on the
north by Palmer and Howell _ lauds,
west, by Olyatt Jordan’s land. Said land
will sell to satisfy a ti fa from January
Term 1009 of City Court of Cairo, in fa
vor of J. D. Holman against Margarett
I. Hurst and Thomas K. llurst. Said
land found in possession of said Margar-
ett I. and Thomas K. Hurst and levied
on as theirs to satisfy said ti fa. Defen
dants notiffieil according to Jaw. This
September 2,- 1910.
K. P. DOLLAR; Slier id'.
Georgia—Grady County.
To whom it. may concern: L. I,. Bar-
wick having made, application to me in
due form to' Ik: appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of J. II. Har
wich late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will he heard
at the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county to lie held on the
tirst- Monday in October, 1910.
Witness my hand and otficial'signature
this 5th day of September, 1910.
P. II. Hmtmxu, Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County.
Mrs. Lizzie Moss having made applica
tion for twelve months support out of the
estate of 0. M. Moss and appraisers duly
appointed to set apart the same having
tiled their return, all persons concerned
are hereby required to show cause before
the Court of Ordinary of said county on
the first Monday in October, 1910, why
said application should not be grunted.
This 5th day of September, 1910.
P. H., Ordinary.
Gcorgi a—(1 radv Conn ty.
Whereas J. R. King, administrator of
W. R. Holt, represents to the court in
his petition duly filed and entered on re
cord that lie has fully administered W.
R. Holt’s estate. This is therefore to
cite all persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause if any they et n
wliy said administrator should not le
discharged from his administration and
receive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in October, 1910. This Septem
ber 5, 1910.
P. H. Htmnixo, Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County.
To whom it may concern: Mrs, I-eiia
Curry having made application to me in
due form to be appointed permanent ad
ministratrix upoti tlie estate of W. J.
Curry late of said county, notice is here
by given that said application.will Ihi
heard at the regular term of Court of Or
dinary for said county to 1m* held on tins
first Monday in October, 1010.
Witness my hand and ollieial signa
ture this September'..*), 1910.
P. II. Hmmi.NO, Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County.
The Hand Trading ComfMjnjt having;
made application to require titles to- Ini:
executed to them to certain land de
scribed in a bond for title thereto at
tached purporting to be signed by D. W.
('bason lute of said county, decease^ the
said application alleging that sand: land
lias been fully paid for or the- money
tendered the administrator of D. W.
Chason’s estate, all parties concerned, are
hereby notified that said application will
be heard before the Court of Ordinary
for said county on the 3rd day of Octo
ber, 1010. This September 5,' 1910.
P. U. ITkukixu, Ordinary-
To whom it iiiuv concern: J. W. Can
non having made application to me hi
duo form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon tlio ..state of A. F.
Richter late of said county', notice isi
•hereby given that said application will
•be heard at the regular term of the;
Court of Ordinary for said county to be
held on the first Monday in October.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture this .September 0, 1910.
P. II. IIi-miii.N’o,- Ordinary.
Georgia—Grady County.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has applied to the Ordinary of
said county for leave to si'll land belong
ing to Misses Maud and Maggie Miiy
Piokren. wards of said W. A. Powell,
and said leave asked for for maintenance-
and support of said wards, said applica
tion will be heard at the regular term of
the Court of Ordinary for said county to
lie hold on the first Monday in October,
1910. This September 7, 1010.
Guardian of Maud and Maggie l’ickren.
AH kinds of printing neatly done
at ^he Paoonuss office. We have
all the latest type faces. Just give
U3 a try anil be convinced.
When in Cairn call around and
give.3 us your subscription to The
Progress and you will get all of the