Newspaper Page Text
NO. 14
Government Expert Makes a
Few Suggestions
Red Rot, a Serious New Cane Dis
ease—How to Distinguish the
Disease in the Fall. ' J
The United States government
is taking some interest in the
cane industry of this section,
especially that of diseased cane.
Below we publish an article on
how to save seed cane:
Red Rot, a Serious
New Cane Disease
It has'been found that the losses
of cane in the plant beds and the
poor stands resulting from the
planting of diseased canes during
recent years in South Georgia
are due to the ravages of a dis
ease called “Red Rot,” which is
■comparatively new in this coun
try but better known in Hawaii
and the West Indies. Sometimes
difficulty has been experienced in
carrying seed cane through the'
winter in would
be apparently alright when put
•away but in the spring many of
>.the eyes would be all right when
put away but in the spring many
of the eyes would be dead and
the cane on cutting would show
. -reddish discolorations around the
joints and in the, pith. Mr. W.
B. Roddenbery brought this situa
tion to the attention of the' De
partment of Agriculture at Wash
ington, who found in the diseased
canes a fungus that was identi
fied as the red rot fungus. Later
search showed that this existed
in Lousiana.
The situation is sufficient ser
ious to warrant earnest efforts
to reduce the injury, as . it cuts
heavily in the profits of the cane
grower to lose a considerable por
tion of his seed cane and to cul
tivate a field where ten to fifty
per'cent of the stand is missing.
Preventive Measures
It has been found already that
the first stages of the disease can
be detected in the fall. The se£d
canes are thus detected in the
fall, and the conditions in the
beds during the warm days of
winter are ideal for encouraging
its spread through the canes,and
it is no wonder that the infected
plants are in bad condition in the
spring, nor that the red rot
spreads before spring to other
canes that were healthy in the
I f all: The department hopes to
conduct experiments to deter
mine the most practical remedy.
At the present time the farmers
can draw on the experience of
other sections which have learned
that careful selection of seed
_ cane is neccessary^to avoid this
How to Distinguish
the Disease in the Fall
The ordinary observer will see
no trace of red retail the field in
the fall until his attention is called
to the red discolorations at the
base of certain canes. Look
closely at the,-lower joints of
canes that show sunken spots
below the joint that have a
shreadded appearance, and a red
color where the fungus has started
to work into.the cane. All dis
ease canes should be discarded.
The department of Agriculture
recommends that the farmers se
lect for next year’s seed canes
that show no trace of this disease
A little additional work will be
required to go through the fields
and choose these vigorous, healthy
canes, but the returns should
make it worth while. The plant
bed should be located, if possible,
where cane has not been recent
ly grown, in order to get away
from any soil infection. It is al
so recommended on general prin
ciples that the cane be planted
on land not in cane last year. The
seed selection is, however, more
important than the rotation.
Yours truly,
W. A. Orton
Pathologist in charge of cotton
and Ruck Diseas es and Su
gar Plant Investigation.
Make Unfavorable Com
ments on Grady’s Roads.
all probability the largest yield
of corn ever made on a single
acre of land was grown in the
south by a southern farmer on a
piece of land that a few years be
fore the record crop was pro
duced was considered to be a very
low grade of fertility.
However improved methods in
soil treatment, preparation; fer
tilization and cultivation, aided
by the right kind of seed corn
Mrs. Governor Brown Presented
with a Box oi Georgia Cane
Syrup Candy and Box oi Grady
Pecans Seated the Governor.
No Trouble to Gelt a Large Yield
From Grady County Soil—Aver
age Yield About 40 Bushels.
It doesn’t take special prepara
tion of land nor extra amount of
commercial fertilizer to get large
yield of corn in Grady county, as
has been proven by Mr. Joe Hig
don who got 1,800 bushels off of
50 acres, Rev. \V. C. Jones 1200
bushels off of 40 acres, rows
were 7 feet apart. C. G. Stevens
40 bushels per acre, J. J. Gop-
page the.sripe.'
An old negro named S. G. Cal
loway on 1 acre made 80 bushels
by using 200 pounds of commer
cial fertilizer to the acre. „
The above are not isolated cases
but about the average through
out the county where the crops
were worked.
M iU-NH pm
1,510 IS HOW
to plant, enabled this piece of
Round-State Autolsts Are Now In
Macon, Oct. 18.—With the sec
ond section, consisting of thirty-five
Atlanta territory cars, res ing in
Macon, after an easy and unevent
ful run from the capital city today,
and the first section clustered some
twenty strong all told, around the
Macon entries in Albany, and
twentv-five other cars scattered
about the state in their various con
trols, the round-'the-state-fqqd-roads
tourists were pretty well centered
in Middle and South Georgia to
To-morrow .morning the second
section will commence 1 to string out
from here at 6:30. Miss Regina
Rambo, driving a Columbia, has
nothing but women in her car, a
Marietta entry. She “fired” the
expert male mechanician at Macon
tonight, and the gritty, slender girl
of 20 will, unaided, pilot her big
car around the state.
Gov. Brown’s wife is one of her
The “around-the-state” tour
ists have been passing through
Cairo all the week.
Thirty-four cars the last of the
tourists, passed through Thurs
day morning.
They report that Grady’s roads
are about the worst yet, notwith
standing that a few enterprising
citizens of Cairo contributed
money to “work” the road out.
This feature alone will do the
county more harm than can be
repaired in years.
The Macon Telegraph’s car and
two other Macon cats did not
stop but went through the town
at a high clip.
From what could be gathered
the tourists were well pleased
with this section of the state-
_The town furnished the tour
ists with refreshments at Wight
& Browne’s which was the head
quarters for those stopping in
Cairo. '
Our k'cal auto owner© showed
the Atlanta tourists great respect
The president of the local banks
went out Thursday morning in
their cars to meet them.
Mr. Walter Davis, president of
the Cairo Banking Co. has recent
ly purchased one of the best auto
mobiles in‘town. He took with
him Sheriff Nicholson and Sena
tor-elect Graham and went out
toward Whigham to meet the At
lanta tourist.
The car driven by Miss Ram
bo, of Marietta, and occupied by
her mother and Mrs. Governor
Brown met with quite a reception
here, remaining sometime. The
ladies of Cairo literally covered
it with flowers. Mr, Kedar Powell
presented Mrs. Brown with a
box of candy made from Grady
county sugar cane syrup, and al
so sent Governor Brown a box of
pecans from a tree estimated to
yield 500 pounds this year.-
Hon. John R. Holder, speaker
of the last house met a number
of friends here and seemed to be
at home. ^
land, under the 'management of
Z. J. Drake,of Marlborough coun
ty, South Carolina to make an
authentic yeild of 155 bushels pel’
acre, weighed as it came from
the field at harvest time.
This, it is contended, can be done ]goo’
by others, and the south should 1
give more time to corn raising
than has been in the past.
Ten Years Ago it Was Six
Hundred and ninety
The Town Being Supported By
Us Agricultural Interest, Which
is Capable ol Sustaining Tltreo
Times as Many People.
Inspected Si?e3 for
Thomasville Public Buildings
Thomasville, Ga.,Oct. 18.—Site
Agent G. A. McNorton of the
treasury department was hr
Thomasville yesterday for the
purpose of inspecting the pro
posed sites offered for the pub
lic building.
Mr. McNorton made a thorough
inspection but it will >- be some
time yet bofore anything regard
ing wha* bid has been accepte 1 known. It was reported
that the inspector found only
two sites which eathe up .to the
.requirements’in the hi alter of
frontage and depth. These were
the Mitchell House Park r.nd tire
old Piny Woods Hotel lot.
Owner of Mammoth
Farm Passes Away
St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 19.
Stricken with paralysis last Sat
urday, David Rankin, operator
of the largest farm in the world
died in Tarkia, Mo., to-day. Mr.
Rankin was prominent in North
Missouri Raffairs and was well
known for his generosity to edu
cational and philanthropic insti-
instutions. . •,K .
Can Harvest Crop at Much Lower
Cost Than Can Buy Grain.
Savannah, Oct. 18—That the
south can grow corn successfully
and at much lower cost thon it
can buy f rom the north and west,
has been demonstrated frequent
ly, said Prof. James. M. Johnson,
manager of the model farm in
discussing, last night, the posssi-
bilities of that industry in the
connection with the prevalence
through this section, ’especially
of the corn weevil, said to be the
worst evil the southern farmer
has to contend with.
Sea Island Cotton Men of Two
States at Valdosta.
Valdosta, Ga., Oct. 18.—The Sea
Island/cotton congress for South
Georgia and Florida was held here
today and brought together about
200 representative farmers. They
met at tbd court house at 10 o’clock
and remained in session until 5 this
afternoon, jthe afternoon session was
an executive session and what was
done was /ot given out. The morn
ing session was open and was de
voted to Interesting discussions.
Hon. S. M. Knight, of Lake City,
delivered an address on the market
ing of cotton, holding that the farm
ers shtmld make the spinners de
mand the staple rather than force it
upon them.
Mr. Cowart of Swainesboro.made
an interesting address on farming
in general, and raising cotton in
Hon, W. L. Converse, of this
city, member of the legislature, de
livered an address which was great
ly enjoyed. He took for his theme
“Thought Thinking and How to
Think. ” He made a special appeal
for individual thought, showing
that so long as men are free to do
their own thinking monopolies are
not so apt to control them.
The rapid growth of Cairo is
told in the census figure:
1905.. JA-~ 900
1910 1510
The 1905, census was taken un •
der authority ox the city council
when Grady county was made.
Between 1905 and 1910 the town
increased 010 and between lOl.v.
and 1910 820, more than doubling
This growth has been accom
plished without any hurrah or •
special efforts but is due to the
splendid farming lands adjacent
to the town. ,
There are practically no in
dustrial enterprises here and the .
town is sustained by the agricul
tural resources.
Today the business houses are
two story brick when only a few .
years ago they,' were; one §tory -
frame structures.
The agricuIUupl resour^e&k’tfte •
such as to maintain a town three
times the present size of Cairo.
Cairo has a greater future now
than at any time.
The productiveness of the soil
is becoining known throughout
the country and hardly a day
passes but what inquiries are
made by parties seeking location
in this section.
This week; alone fifteen
asked for detail information in
regard to this section. These in
quiries come from every section
of the country.
As little as one would think the
Pelham & Havana railroad will
be worth thousands and thous
ands of dollars to Grady county
by opening up a section of as fine
farming land as can be found in
any section of the country.
Now to double Cairo’s popula
tion let’s all get together and
make one long steady pull and it
will be accomplished before the
people realize it.
six additions to the membership , of the
cftureh, Two or three matters of tl e
church order were then attended to; the
occasion being an adjourned conference.
The the association was read,
making a very good allowing of work for
the veur. There havo been seventy-six'
uceess.tionsto the ctiurch membership
Baptist Church Notes
A fine congregation, atf the morning
hour, appeared to greatly enjoy the pas
tor’s discourse, upon thequestion, “Wliat
of Woman. ’ ’ Just before the sermon, the
anthem,' “Eternity,” was beautifully
sung by a double qunrtettc, composed of
the following nnmed voiees: Messdamcs
It. S. Roddonberry andR. A. Sutton with
Miss Lena Mauldin sopranos ; Misses Allie
Brinson and Alberta Denton,altos ;Messrs,
A. C. Forrester and P. O. Andrews, tenors
and Messrs. R. A. and Sam Sutton
Prof. Johnson states that in j bassos. After the sermon, there were
since tlu>,last association without any*
protracted services, and the financial re
port on the part of the church showed
that some of the members had been quite
liberal in the way of contributions. The
report on the department of woman s
work .was very fine.
The Sunday school attendance in the
afternoon, was sixty short. By request
of the superintendent, the pastor made a
ten minutes’ talk on The Second Coining
of Christ, in connection with tire lesson
for the da*’.
Another good congregation hoard the
pastor, at night, on God Judging His
The pastor being absent, in attendenee
upon the meeting of the Mercer Associa
tion of which the Cairo church is a
member component, the prayer meeting
exercises of Wednesday night were ar
ranged for,, by Deacon L. G. Merritt.
i: |S