Newspaper Page Text
We Can Sell You Properly in the Banner County ol the Stal<j and Lend You Half of the Purchase Price al a Low Rale of Interest.
THOS. WIGHT, Vics~Pnbidbnt,
W. T, CRAWFORD, QbN'L Malt. AND s«0 , r AND TNBAS,
Will Be Given to a Georgia Corn
Club Boy.
The Georgia Corn Club Boys con
testing for prizes are, getting their
•exhibits together for the county
fairs and also the State Fair at Ma
One of the most attractive* prizes
is the'8100.00 given by the Georgia
.Bankers’ Association for a free trip
■to Washington to the boy growing
the best acre of corn in accordance
with the rules of the club.
The winner can count it a rare
honor to capture this prize over sev
eral thousand other contestants.
This, and other contests will be de
cided at the State Fair, and the
■winner’s name will become histoiic
tnnong the corn growers of Georgia.
The bankers are encouraging
thrift among these future farmers
and many of thqm have bank ac
Boys, get your reports and ex
hibits together and enter these con
tests. Georgia bids you go forward
in tlie good work.
A Good Advertiser.
Mr. W. H. Leahy, General Pas
senger Agent of the A. B. it A. is
one of the best advertisers of south
Georgia. He writes the editor of
Moultrie Observer:
Mv Dear Sir: I have noted the
excellent article in your issue of the
30th ult. with reference to good cit
izens locating in Colquitt couhty.
In our campaign of publicity and
our efforts to bring good, progres
sive citizens to south Georgia, my
observation is that Colquitt county
is fully alive to the great benefits to
be derived from this development
and her enterprising people have
done much to exploit the many ad-
” vantages of Wiregrass Georgia.
I take occasion to assure the peo
ple of Moultrie and Colquit county,
that the A. B. & A. R, R. will leave
nothing undone lb bring about the
best results in this development
work. We want to co-operate close
ly with the people in this great
work. We have doubled our ad
vertising space in the larger dailies
of the north and west and inquiries
are coming to us by the hundreds.
We gave out about 25,000 pieces of
literature at our booth in the south
ern exhibit at the Ohio Valley Ex
position, held at Cincinnati, and
which closed on Sunday last. We
had a represensative there, well
qualified to speak for south Georgia
and he was kept busy continuously
talking for
Several small farms within six miles of Cairo. If you own a place of this
description come to see us and make your best price. We have sold prac
tically everything we have close in and must have more to meet demands.
Since our last advertisement we have bought the Wm. Allen place 7
miles north of Cairo and within 8 miles of Whigham, contains 500 acres
well improved, nicely located, with 5-horse farm open, and will offer this
place for a short time only at the remarkably low price of $15.00 per acre.
Lands adjoining it are selling for $20.00 and upwards. We will sell all or
any part of it.
We have also bought the Dea’s property in the city of Cairo, contain
ing 18 acres of land and two nice dwellings. We will you either of the
houses, any vacant lot, or all of this|and at prices that will please you.
Ilj you wamij> do anjr 'laiy^ trading see us. We have sold already
this year Ten Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars worth of land and have
Business Manager,
you ever asked yourself if you were 1
wbrthy of her company? Could you I
tell her what you did last week!
Ask yourself that question. A
man can *be any thing he wants to ,
be. The world is open to you: the
ways are open to cleaner and better (
life. Will you go? ,
Do your girl’s parents dislike to
have you call? If so, what’s the ■
reason? Don’t know? Well, if. I
were you I find out. I bet that 1
that they are good reasons, and that .
you would be like them if you were
in their place.
The writer once had a sweetheart
that lie loved'very much, and after
a night’s spnie- he called and- was
told that the young Izdy could not
see. him. He felt that ii great wrong
had been done him and-tried to get
the girl to elope with him, but she
was sensible and said that she wornd
marry him if he would gain her
parents’ good will. Then he realized
that she was right and that he was
about the worst specimen of human-
by in t<<,wn, not worthy the love of
a pure little girl and the respect of
his fellowmen.’
. That lesson has ever been before
the writer, and he is still umvorthy-
the 16ve of the girl. ;
Look at yourself. Look at vonr
heart each night and see if there
■ is anything unworthy placed bn the
tablets during the day—if so,cluauso
i it. Your peace of mind demands
that you do. ALipaaaT’.Cos. fgjjff
zen and an Odd Fellow. He was
loving and tender in the family cir
cle, always thoughtful of others, a
citizen of the progressive type, a
true Odd Fellow imbued with the
principle of brotherly love. Thus
he lived; thus he died.
Be it resolved, therefore:
1st. That in the death of Brother
Hinson, Cairo Lodge No. 340, I. O.
O- F., has suffered an irreparable
loss.. • ,
2nd. That his family has lost a
faithful and loving husband and
father, and the.county one- of its
best citizens;
3rd. That we as a, fraternal body
extend to tho sorrowing relatives
and friends our heartfelt sympathy.
, 4th; ' That a copy of these" reso
lutions be spread on our minutes, a
copy be sent to the bereaved family,
that avcopy he furnished each of our
local papers for publication.
W. D. Clifford,
M. G. McManus,
P. H. Herring,
Wight & Weathers
our section. Aboui
25,000 people registered in a bool
kept in our booth at the exposition
and we gave
each person whose
name appears in our register, ii line
of our literature. .
. We are sending to the Chamber
of Commerce, daily long lists of
names of people interested in the
South. I believe that there will be
a heavier movement from the. west
and north to the south, and espec
ially to south Georgia during the
coming winter, than at any previ
ous time in our history.
Tribute of Respect.
Whereas, it has pleased Almighty
God in His infinite goodness and
wisdom to take from this world the
spirit of our beloved friend and
brother, Nathan W, Hinson, we
bow in humble submission to His
holy will. While this lodge is sad
dened by this divine providence,
yet in fraternal love we lift our
prayers to the Father to come into
this sad home and apply the com
forting balm to the broken-hearted
wife and grief-stricken children,
and the many relatives and friends
who sorrow.
Brother Hinson shall ,be missed
os a husband and father, as a cili-
be right,
in Grady county, we
are prepared to serve
for Property
in this section is on the
increase all the time. 1
Now is the time to buy
or sell your real estate.
See us for farm or tim
ber lands.
To the Young Men
Sgy, young man, did you . .ever
take a good look at yourself beforo
you call on that little girl friend of
I don’t mean did you ever look at
your own face, but your character
and deportment. Is your speech
as clean when away from her a$
when you arc by her side? Have
Wight & Weathers
Cairo, Ga.
Odftce ia Court House.
Did you say printing? Well, we
do all kinds.