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AX ACT to requite school uttendanco
of children for u minimum period, und to
provide for endorsement* of same, and
for otncr purposes,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gen
eral Assembly of the State of Georgia,
that Ivtfy parent, guardian or Other
person having charge nud control of a
child between the ages of oight und four
teen years, who is not exempted or ox
cused as hcroinaftor.provided,Jshull caute
tho said child to bo enrolled in and to
attend continuously for four months of
each year a public school of |the district
or of the city or town in which the child
resides; which period of attendance shall
commence at the beginning of tho first
term of said school in the year. Such
nttcndanco at a public school shull not be
required where the child attends for the
same period some other school giving in
struction in the ordinary branches of
English Education, or has completed tho
fourth gradejof school work as proscribed
by tho State Board of Education, or
where, because of poverty, the services
of the child and necessary for the sup
port of a parent or other member of the
child’s family dependent on such services
or where the parents or persons standing
in parcutul relation of the child arc unable
to provide the necessary books and cloth
ing for attending school, anil the same
are not otherwise provided, or where the
mental or physical condition of tho child
renders such attendance impracticable,
or inexpedient, or whether tho child re
sides more than three miles from the
school house by the ncracst traveled
route, or where, for other good reasons
(the sufficiency of which shall be determ
ined by the board of education of tho
county or of the city or town in which
the child resides) the said board excuses
tho child from such nttondanco, such
boards being authorized to tnko into con-
■'deration the season for agricultural la
bor and the need for such labor, in exer
cising their discretion ns to tho timo for
which children in farming districts shall
be excused. Provided, that no guardian
shall be compelled to send such child or
children to school out of any other than
the funds belonging to the ward or wards.
Temporary absence of nny^child enrolled
ns a pupil may bo excused by the princi
pal or teacher in charge of the school,
because of bad weather, sickness, death
in tho child’s family, or other reasonable
Section 2. Be it further enacted. That
any parent, guardian or othor person who
has chargo and control of a child between
the ages aforesaid, and who wilfully fn\\
to comply with thn foregoing require
ments shull be guilty of a misdemeanor,
and on conviction thereof shall bo pun
ished by a fine not to exceed ten dollars
for the first offence, and not to exceed
twenty dollars for each subsequent of
fence, said fines to include ull costs; but
the court tryiua the cusc may, in its dis
cretion, suspend cnfoscemcnt of the pun
ishment, if the child bo immediately
placed in attendance at n school us afore
said, und may finally remit the snmo if
such nttendaude has continued regularly
for the number of months hercin-before
prescribed for attendance. School at
tendance may be proved by an attest
ed certificate of the principal or teach
er in charge of the school. No person
shall be prosecuted for violation of the
foregoing requirements unless the board
of education of the county or municipal
ity in which the person accused of such
violation resides shall have caused to be
served upon the accused, at least ten days
before such prosecution, a written notice
of the charge with the name of the child
to whom it refers. Any person so no
tified, not previously convicted of viola
tion of tliiB Act as to the child refered to
in said notice, may prevent prosecution
on the charge set out therein, by giving,
at any time before such prosecution is
instituted, u bond in the penal sum of
fifty dollnrs payable to the ordinary of
the county, with security to be approved
by the ordinary, conditioned thnt the
• said person shall thenceforth faithfully
comply with the .requirements of this
act ns to tho said child. Each day’s
willful failure of a parent, guardinn, or
other pei-son in charge and control of n
child as aforesaid, after the oxpiration of
ten days from such notice, to cause the
child to attend school, whoa such atten
dance is required by this Act, shall com
stituto a. separate offense. In prosecu
tions under this act the exemptions and
absences and the reason thereof.
Section 4. Bo it further enactod, that
oil lines imposed hereunder and all sums
required to bo - paid ns penalties under
bonds given under this act, shnll, after
payments of tho costs of prosecution und
of recovery thereof, be paid into tho
county treasury und become a part of tho
school fund of the county.
Section 5. Be it futhcr enacted, that
tho provision of this Act shnll become
operative ou the first day of January, in
the year nineteen hundred and seventeen.
Section 0. Be it further cnooted, that
it shall be tho duty of the Board of Edu
cation of each county, at least four
weeks before thn first day of January
following tho adoption of this Act, to
cause this Act to be published iu a nnws-
paper of tho county, if there bo one, and
to cause copies of this act to be posted
at tho Court house of the county and at
the public schools thereof.
Section 7. Be it further enacted, that
all lows and parts of laws in conflict with
this act be and tho same ure hereby re
Approved August 10, 101(1.
N. E. MAURIS, Governor.
Sheriff's Sale
GEORGIA: Grady County.
Will bo sold on tho first Tuesday in
January 1017 before tho Court Mouse
door in said county, within the legal
hours of sale tho following described
propertyOne buy ninrc with biased fuce
eight yenr old named Emmie. One top
buggy made by Grillin Buggy Company,
Griffin Cm. This property being levied
on us tho property of R. A. I,. Maxwell
to satisfy an execution issued from the
City Court of Cairo on the 17th. day of
November 1!>H1 in favor of C. A. & W.B.
Cochran against said R. A. 1... Maxwell.
This the 6th. day of December, 101(1.
Deputy Sheriff.
Swellings of the flesh caused by
inflammation, cold, fructtucs of tlib
bone, toothache, neuralgia or rheu
matism can bo relieved by upjily-
MEMT. It should ho well rubbed
in over the parts affected. Its
great healing and penetrating pow
er cases tho pain, reduces swelling
and restores natural conditions.
Price 25c’ 50c und SI.00 per bottle.
Mold by Wight & Browne.
We can save you money.
Jar row Loan & Abstract Company
“The blafle**t lurm loan concern In South Georgia”
Pelham - • Georgia
6 Per Cent 6 Per Cent
GEORGIA: Grady County.
A. E, Vickers, vs. Mrs. E. Belle Viek-
ers, complaint for divorce.
Tho Defendant Mrs. E. Belle Vickers
is, hereby required, p jrsonnlly or by nt-
torney, to lie and appear at the next
Superior Court, to bo held in and for
said County, on tho 1st, Monday in
March next, then and there to answer
the plaintiff’s demand in nn action of
Herein fail not, ns in default thereof,
tho court will proceed ns to justice shnll
Witness the Honorable E. E. Cox,
fudge of the said Court, litis I4th, day
of September 191(1.
J. M. McNAIR, Jr.
GEORGIA: Grady County.
GuBsie Collier, vs. Gordy Collier, Com
plaint for divorce.
Tho Defendant Gordy Collier is, hereby
required, personally or by attorney, to he
and appear at the next .Superior Court
to be held in nnd for said County, on the
first Monday in September next, then
nnd there to answer tho Plaintiff’s de
mand in an action of complaint.
Herein fnil not, as in default thereof,
the court will proceed as to justico shall
Witness tho llonorahlo E, E. Cox
Judge of tho snid Court, this 15th, day
of August 191(1.
J. M. McNAIR, Jr.
Btato of Ohio, City of Totoilo. I „
t.uciiH County. ( ss -
Frank J. Cheney makes oatti Hint he Is
senior partner of tho Arm of R J. Chonoy
ft Co., UoIiik bustnoHH In tho City of To-
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
letlo, County und State iiforenuld, nnd
that said firm will pay the sum of ONB nOI.I.AHH for each nnd ev
ery enso of Catarrh thnt ennnot bo cured
by tho use of HAt.T/H CATARRH CURB.
Sworn to before me and aubscrlbed In
my presence, this 6tli day of December,
- it neat
ny prt
i. D. lWM.
Notary Public.
Hall’s Cntnrrh Cure ts taken Internally
and netn directly upon the blood nnd mu-
couh surfaces of .lie system. Send for
testimonials, fre
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by nil DriiKBlsts. W>c.
Take Rall s Family l’llta fur constipation.
with good oil liniment. That’s
the suretft wny to stop them.
Tho best rubbing liniment is
Always hears
Signature of
Good for the Ailments of
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc.
Good for your own A ches.
Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains,
Cuts, Burns, Etc.
25c. 50c. $1. At nil Dealers.
Hie lest Flour
.T*2.yrifiin . >■ ..
MOOT ini attest mill^UTUSOU-
- Sold By -
Sheriff’s Sale
GEORGIA: Grady County.
Will ho sold at tho court house door in
said county on tho first Tuesday in Janu
ary, 1917, within tho legal hours of sale
to-wit:—20 chairs and threo dinning
tnbles, 1 Sewing Mnohino, Challenge
make, 1 Refrigerator, 1 Sideboard, 1
Piano, (Foley & Williams) I Parlor suit,
1 Hall Tree, levied on ns tho property of
W. C. Bell to stftisfy an execution issued
on the 19th, day of October, 1918, from
the City Court of Cairo in said county 1
in favor of the Art Stove Co., against
W. C. Bell.
This 7th. day of December, 1910.
Deputy Sheriff.
excuses herein provided for shall be
matters of defense to be established by
the accused, and need not bo negatived
in the indictment or accusation.
Section 3. Bo it further enacted, that
it shull bo the duty of the county nnd
municipal board of education to investi
gated as to the attendance nnd non-at
tendance of children required by this Act
to nttend tho schools under their super
vision, nnd it shall also be their duty to
instituto or cause to lie instituted prose
cutions against persons violating this Act.
It shnll be the duty of the principal or
teacher in charge of any public school, in
which pupils between the ages of eight
and fourteen are instructed, to keep an
nccurate record of tbe attendance of suclt
pupils, and at the end of each month to
make a written report of the Bamc to the
Board of Education having supervision
the school, and to note'therein excuses
GEORGIA: Grady County.
Notico. is hereby givon that the under
lined lias applied to the ordinary of said
county for leave to sell land belonging to
tho estate of R. T. Mnloy for the pay
ment of debts. Said application will lie
heard at the regular term of the court of
Ordinary for’said Court to lie held on the
first Monday in January 1917.
This December, 4th. 1910.
I. E. Maloy, Administrator upon the
estate of R. T. Maloy.
GEORGIA: Grady County.
Whereas, M. Pope, Administrator of J.
A. Pope represents to tho Court in his
petition, duly filed nnd entered on record,
that lie has fully administered J. A.
Pope’s estate, thin is therefore to cite all
persons concerned, kindred nnd creditors,
to show cause, if any they can, why said
Administrator should not bo discharged
from his Administration, nnd receive let
ters of dismission, on tho first Monday in
January, 1917.
This December, 4th. 1910.
Georgia: Grady County.
The return of tho appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support to the fnm
ily of W. T. Woolfork deceased, having
been filed in my office, all persons con
cerned ure cited to show cause by tho 1st.
day of December, 1917., why said appli
cation for twelve months’ sup|iort should
not ho granted.
This December, 0th., 1910.
slfe- 'ciiM' 1 -’
First class work of all kinds done promptly,
Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial.
Parcel Post Packages Given Prompt Attention.
I will have China Lily Flowers lo sell nexr October lor 25c each
6 Per Cent 8 Per Cent
farm loans
I,onnB on improved farms in South Georgia
promptly made at lowest rates and best terms
Call on us or wright us stating your needs.
■, I"
Your X*able will be well supplied with the best
tho murket affords if you buy your groceries and provisions
from us.
Your BanK Account will be amply safe
guarded because our prices arc away down, as low as posi-
blc for groceries and provisions of quality, even lower than
they should be.
Your Health will be amply protected because
wc sell only goods of known purity and excellence.
Your Appetite will be well satisfied because
wc sell groceries of quality that, possess an unusual amount
of nutriment, and they are good to the taste.
Your Friends will remark on the excellence of your
cooking, for the goods we sell, combined with your own
good sense, will produce a meal fit for the gods.
White & Stringer
The Leading Grocers
Loans! Loans! Loans!
JOE LEE, Prop.
make your arrangements. Come to see US.
Sapp BuildingCornor Broad and Mill Sts.
Will Keep Your Meat Free of Vermin.
Borax is the best remedy for Cock Roaches
Borax is good for many household purposes
We havethe 20 Mule Team
Borax inconvenient packages
Grady Pharmacy
Money Loaned
I make farm lonns at 5 1-2 per cent interest and givo the
borrower the privilege of paying part of the principal at the
end of any year, st ippin interest on amont paid, but no an
nual payment of principal required. Come to to see me, or
write me stating your needs, and I will save you money.
Office Over Post Office
Thomasvillo, Georgia
We arc better prepared than ever to offer the most attractive’
propositions on farm loans. , Our companies arc offering the best terms
we have over had, hath as to rates of interest charged and as to terms
of payment. Wc can make you a loan for 5 years with only the inter
est payable annually, and with the privilege of paying principal back at
any interest paying period in sums of 8100 or mutiples thereof. We
can make you a Iona for 7 or 10 years with interest only payable for 3
years, and principal divided into equal installments for the remaining
years during which the loan will run. Our rates of interest are from
5 1-2 to 8 per cent, depending: on the amount of the loan and length of
term the loan runs. "We have the Best Terms to be found any
where. Wo can help you whip the boll weevil. Now is the time to
CSiHlds*©!!! Cry for Fletcher’s
The Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has bees
In uso for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of
” nnd has been made tinder his per
sonal supervision since its infancy,.
in this..
t ' 1/ ^ Allow no one to deceive you
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but':
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of£
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. :
Cuotorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregriji;,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It comaiaas
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance * Its
age Is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years lh»
been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flaiuttawy,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; r.Uaylng Feverishness.anting
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bov#Uir, aid*
tho assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natUBd sleeo
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. ■ j
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Send us your Printi
* 1