Newspaper Page Text
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*n:nsRds Ps-ra ns—Other Pro*
minent Men Testify.
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Commodore Somerville Nicholson, of
the United States Navy, in a letter
from 1837 It St., N. W., Washington,
D. C., says: and is
"Your Peruna has been now
used by so many of my friends and ac
quaintances as a sure cure for catarrh
that I am convinced of its curative
qualities, and I unhesitatingly recom
mend it to all persons suffering from
that complaint.”—S. Nicholson. have
The highest men in our nation
given Peruna a strong endorsement.
Men of all classes and stations are
equally represented.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
I isfaetory results from the use of Pe
I I ruua. write at once to Dr. Hartman,
I giving a full statement of your case,
| and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
TheHartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O,
As! Your Drujglrt for a free Peruna
Almanac for 1904.
Forrester—Does your wife mean
everything she says?
Lancaster—Yes, and lots of thing#
she doesn’t say.
To all who suffer, or to the friends of those
who si ffer with Kidney, Liver, Heart, Bladder
or Blood Disease, a sample bottle of Stuart’s
Gin and Buchu, the great southern Kidney and
Liver .Medicine, will be sent absolutely free oi
cost. Mention this paper. Address .STUART
MUG M’FG CO.. 28 Wal 1 St.. Atlanta. Ga.
Cotton Gin
iX‘- l' ||S»,
wm — -- •.
V! :» ’j
mm m
r 1
: a
i ptj:
We make the most complete fine oi any
concern in the world We also make
sell every thing needed about a Cotton Gin.
Write for Illustrated Catalogue.
Continental Gin Co *9
Birmingham, Aia.
■i. taw
t 9
- mm
Boston physician’s dis -'
wvery als which cleanses and
^ me wbrane a H inflammation wherever located. of the mucous
In local treatment of female ills Pax
* n nis invaluable. Used douche it
S as a
a delation in cleansing and healing
P° a er •, it kills all disease germs which
inflammation and discharges,
uotisandsof letters from women
l„' ^icorrhcea e it is tlio greatest cure for
rnxtine ever discovered.
Cat W sal never fails to cure pelvic
Bl0 > na catarrh, sore throat, sore
i ,
' 1 anc ^ Rore e because these
disei yts all } f es,
o are caused by inflammation
f ' mu COus membrane.
p < ' 1 ®3oslng, hitening and
se n un w pre
Woria ’’.” 10 <ft eth wo challenge the
Pw v Clans {)ro< bic«.its ^ specialists equal,
presrr i a * anc ! everywhere
sandsoD ’ U enc ors Paxtine, andthou
! es! .‘ mon ial letters r its value.
At ru Sgists, prove
iustS? or sefit postpaid 50 cts.
tp ^ Pap Wage and book of
viop ~ ° ns al)s Dcrj| olu|teiy free. Boston, Write Mass.
. 25
Eut Instead, Cowhide is Generally
Used For Outside Cover.
Few members of the football eleven
who buy a football h'ave probably !
! ever given any thought to how the
balls are made or the amount of labor
and skill required in putting them to
gether. A prominent manufacturer
describes the process, and it will he
| interesting to note how many sur
prise he will cause among those who
have been accustomed to Calling the
; bail a “pigskin.
“The leather used is split cowhide.
; Ordinary cowhide is too thick for the
; regulation weightT so it has to be split
into two parts. The outer or hair
side is what the best balls are made
with. Previous to splitting the leather
has been soaked in the tan pits for ten
or twelve months. Some •m’akers cure
their hides in six weeks by ‘faking’
with chemicals, but leather so treated
won’t make a good ball.
“The ‘split’ hide is well softened
with dubbin, and then passed on to
the cutter, who cuts out tne various
sections, which, when sewn together,
make a perfect ball. The method of
doing this is kept a secret by most
makers, but I don’t mind telling you
that tin plates the exact size of the
sections required are used in many
factories. All the cutter has to do is
to place one of these on the leather
and cut out the shape with a sharp
knife. These shapes are taken in
hand by expert sewers, and soon the
outer cover is ready for the bladder.
“This is made of the best Para rub
ber, 'and involves even more care in
its construction than the leather cover
Itself. It is of immense strength, and
is an expensive item, representing
nearly half the cost of manufacture.
The next operation is the inflation of
the ball. This is done in a second by
machinery, and then the ball is laced
up. However, even yet it is not com
plete, for ft still has to pass through
the hands of the shaper, who pats
down any inequalities in the seams or
contour of the ball. It now stands the
finished article, ready to afford exer
cise and amusement to the thousands
of players and spectators who an
nually follow the great winter pas
Patient—What advice can you give
me to stop my cough, doctor?
Doctor — Well, you’d better stop
Patient—But you see I don’t smoke. ■
Doctor—Then you must stop drink- i
Patient—But I don’t drink either.
Doctor—Then you must stop cough- i I
< > There isn’t so much doctoring
with simples as there used to be. >>
“Oh, yes. More.”
• i Eh? • j
<< The difference is that the simples
were formerly the remedies, whereas
now they are the patients.”—Detroit
Free Press.
She—You’re so bashful, Mr. Callow,
I really believe that if you ever marry
the lady will have to propose.
He—W-well, but I might have- er
—nerve enough to decline.—Puck.
He—I’m afraid my picture of Miss
Gotrox was not quite satisfactory.
She—Oh, well, art should no*t be
held responsible for nature.—Puck.
My mother was troubled with
consumption for many years, At
last she was given up to die. Then
she tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
and was speedily cured.”
D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it, Ayer’s the
Cherry Pectoral is
best thing you can take.
It’s too risky to wait
until you have consump
tion. If you are coughin:
today, get a bottle o
Cherry Pectoral at once.
Three sizes: 25c., 50c., $1. All drusrisU.
Consult, your doctor, If he *avs take it,
then do as he says, If he tel I a you not
to takt. It. then don’t take it. lie knows.
Leave it with him. We ar willing. Mass.
j. c. AYER CO., LoweL,
1 Gives
E Removes all swelling in S to20
da vs ; effects a permanent Trial treatment cure
in ’10 to bodavs. be fairer
v piven free. Nothingcan Green's Sons.
:b. A Write Dr. II. H.
Snee.fflisis. Box B Atlanta, 3 .
ALL ELSE■ Good, FAILS. use
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes
’ druggists._
in time. Sold bv
mrFZ™ I’Si'U
Tells Mow lie Escaped the Terrors of Many
Winters Pe=ru=na.
Mr. Brock's
Age is J15 'M m
Years. m m.
Lit'' 1 r - TifS
It * ■5Sr__ *£=3;
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His age is 115 years, vouched for by authentic record. He says: “1
attribute my extreme age to the use of Peruna
$ Dorn before the United States J
!> : was formed. <J
Saw 22 Pesidents elected. i
> Pe-ru-na has protected him
* from all sudden changes,
* Veteran of four wars.
$ Shoda horse when 99 years old. %
f Always conquered the grip
J with Pe-ru-na.
J Witness in a land suit at the
J age of 110 years. 5 ,
J Believes Peruna the greatest *
J remedy of the aye for catarrhal
: diseases.
V %
L SAAC BRO( K, a citizen of McLennan
— County, Texas, has lived for 115 years,
For - many years he resided at Rosque Falls,
eighteen miles west of Waco, but now
The French Government employs
1550 workmen and 15,000 women in the
State tobacco manufactories,, and
makes a yearly profit of 490,000,000
The English language is much in use
in Panama, especially on the Atlantic
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, > ss.
Lucas Couxty.
Feaxk J. Cheney make oath that he is
senior partner of the firm of F. J Cheney &
Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,
County and State aforesaid, and that said
Arm will pay the sum of one hundbed dol
labs for each and every ease of catabbh that
cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s
Catabbh Cube. Fbank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence,this 6th day of December,
SEAL. A. D., 1868. A. Vf. Gleason,
Notary Public.
Haii’sCatarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Send for testimonials,
free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75e.
Take Hall’s Family Pilis for constipation.
ft The curtain goefl ^ up at 8.15, so
we’ll be just in time. • ’
i i But, if we have a box, it really
seems a khame to be so punctual.”—
Brooklyn Life.
Economy is the road to wealth. Put
nam Fadeless Dyes is the road to econ
A man who is continually shooting off
his mouth cannot hope successfully to pose
as a big gun.
Mrs.Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children
teething,soften tne gums, reducesinllamma
tion,allays pain,cures windeolic. 25c. a bottle
The good Samaritan didn’t wait to be in
troduced to the man who had fallen among
The Wonderful Cream Separator.
Does its work in thirty minutes and
leaves less than l per cent, butter iat.
The price is ridiculously xovv, according to
size, $2.75 to t-6.90 each, and when you
have one you would not part therewith
lor fifty times its cost.
with 5c. stamps for postage to the John
A. Salzer iSeeu Co., La Crosse, Whs., and
get their big catalogue, fufiy describing this
remarkable Cream Separator, and hun
dreds of other too.s and farm seeds used
by the farmer. [A.C.L.j
It takes more than a visit from his wife’s
mother to make a man happy.
The Sweet Gum.
The exudation you see clinging to the
sweet gum tree in the summer contains a
stimulating expectorant that will loosen
the phlegm in the throat. Taylor’s Rem
edy of Sweet Lum and Mullein cures
coughs and croup.
At druggists, 25e., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle.
The fellow who falls in love sometimes
lands with a good Lard bump)
lives with his son-in-law at Y alley Mills,
A short time ago, by request, Uncle
Isaac came to Waco and sat for his pic
ture. In his hand he held a stick eut from
the grave of General Andrew Jackson,
which has been carried by him ever since.
Mr. Brock is a dignified old gentleman,
showing few signs of deereptitude. His
family Bible is still preserved, and it shows
that the date of his birth was written
years ago. few
1 old Surely gentleman, a words from this
who has had 115 years
experience to draw from, would be
esting as well as profitable. A lengthy
graphical able old sketch is given of this
man in the Waco
December 4, 1898. A still more
illustrated biography of with this, the oldest living
a double column
was given the readers of the Dallas
j ins: News, dated December 11. 1898,
also the Chicago Times-Herald of
If we must be afflicted with sore, weak
and inflamed eyes, it is consoling to know
^Ve SAl>^ ■ I
is always within reach and ready to cure
us if we follow the directions implicitly.
Small Potatoes
result from a lack of
in the soil. Potash pro
duces size and quality.
We have
val liable
books which , V'M-P.
explain more
fully the fer- ' . -
tilizing value I&juJ
of Potash.
We will Z-s [•Sr^SfU
send them vS
free to any y>“
farmer who
writes fer 7 w
Sew York—08 Xhsseu street* or
Atiuiita. (*n So. Jflroad St.
u V r* CATB&nTiO
V 1 i m
53k *
1 If id
33* ■I
GUARANTEED CURE for alt bov/el troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad
blood, wind on the stomach, bloated boweis, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples,
pains after eating, liver trouble, ssllow skin and dizziness. When your.bowels don’t move
regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It
starts chronic ailments and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking
CASCARETS today, for you wilf never get well and stay well until you gat your bowels
right, Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to euro or
money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold <n bulk. Sample and
booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. 50a
date. This centenarian is an ardent friend
of Peruna, having used it many y< :ar3.
In speaking of his good health and ex
treme old age Mr. Brock says:
“After a man has lived in the world as
long as I have he ought to have found out
f> tninK great I have many done things by experience. i
‘‘One of the things 1 have found
out to my entire satisfaction is the
proper thing for ailments that are
une directly to trie effects of the
climate, tor 115 years l have with
stood the changeable climate of the
United States.
“I have always been a very healthy man,
but of course subject to the little affections
which are due to sudden changes in the
climate and temperature. During my long
life I have known a great many remedies
for coughs, colds and diarrhoea.
“As /or I)r. Hartman’s remedy,
Peruna, 1 have found it to be the
best, if not the only, reliable remedy
for these affections. It has been my
standby for many years, and 1 at
tribute my good health and extreme
old age to this remedy.
> > It exactly meets all my requirements.
It protects me from the evil effects of sud
den changes; strength: it keeps me in good appetite;
it gives me it keeps my blood in
good circulation. I have come to rely
upon it almost entirely for the many little
things for which 1 need medicine.
“When make epidemics their of la grippe in this first be
gan to appearance coun
try I was a sufferer from this uisease.
“I had several long sieges with
the grip. At first l did not know
that Peruna teas a remedy for this
disease. When 1 heard that la
grippe was epidemic catarrh, I
tried Peruna for la grippe and
found it to be just the thing. ):>
In a letler dated January 31, 1903, Mr.
Brock writes:
“I am well and feeling as well a :-I have
for years. The only thing that bothers me
is my sight. If I could see better l could
walk all over the farm and it would do me
good. I would not be without Peruna. * f
Yours truly,
For a free book on catarrh, address The
Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna full
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a
statement of your case and he will be
pleased to gi - ;e you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman. President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Malsby & Co.
41 South Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga.
I yfl
■ n
•k Hw j
Portable and Stationary
Engines, Boilers,
Saw Mills
Complete line carried in stock for
1MMEDIA TE shipment.
Best Machinery, Lowest Prices and Best Terms
Write us for catalogue, prices,
etc., before buying.
ISAWMILLS Our Latest fm
proved Circu
lar Saw Mills,
with Hepe’s Universal LopBeams.Rectilin- and
ear. Simultaneous Set Works the He»
cock-King Variable Feed Works are unex
celled for accuracy, simplicity, dubabil
ity and ease of operation. Write for full
descriptive circulars. WORKS.Winston-Salem,N.C.j Manufactured by the
This is What You Want!
Have Yon Any Malarial Troubles ?
Do yon want to vot well and get well quick? If so,
send a Postofflce order lor fifty cents to the
REGAL MEDICINE 00.,of Stamford, Oonn. v
for medicine and directions. A quick and certain
cure guaranteed in all cases of malaria, chills and
fever,dumb ague and Intermittent fever.
Give the name cf this paper when