Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
One of the greatest revivals in
the history of the McDonough
Baptist Church cause to a close on
Wednesday night, May 4. The
meeting continued for 11 days,
beginning on April 24. Through
Wednesday night there were-30 ad
ditions, 23 for baptism .and the
remainder by letter and watchcare.
The attendance was good at all
services. The crowds last Sun
day overflowed the main audito
rium of the church and partially
filled up the Sunday School room.
The preacher who assisted Rev.
W. W. Arnold, the local Baptist
pastor, was Rev. R L. Bolton, the
pastor of the Baptist Church of
Madison, Ga. The singer was Mr.
Ben Thompson, a layman of the
Madison church, and the chairman
of the Laymen’s Committee of the
Georgia Baptist Convention. Dr.
W. W. Arnold in speaking of the
gracious revival, said, “of course
the prominent 'feature of this great
meeting was the preaching by
Rev. R. L. Bolton, whose grace
and ease in the pulpit charmed
his hearers at every service. Mr.
Bolton is a man of strong convic
tion, but he tactfuUy and fearless
ly inspires his hearers as he de
develops his theme by clear think
ing and forceful presentation. His
vocabulary is choice and elegant,
his manner graceful, and his de
livery pleasing. His loyalty to
truth, as he sees it, carries con
viction, while his deep spirituality
lends a charm that is uplifting.
Our people are unanimous in ac
cording to him the utmost sinceri
ty and purpose, and an eager de
sire for the salvation of souls. He
will ever be a welcome visitor
among us, and we are grateful
for the splendid service that he
has rendered.”
Rev. Arnold, in speaking of Mr.
Thompson, said: “It is indeed re
freshing to see a business man,
vigorous, strong, and zealous for
the Lord and His Kingdom. It
indicates a new day in the King
dom to see a layman going out
with his pastor on a mission like
Mr. Thompson came to McDon
ough. He does not claim to be
a soloist, but he sings, and best of
all he gets other people to sing
the old songs with enthusiasm
A royal welcome to all on the One Hun- rasam a fS|
dredth Anniversary of the best county in I EI -m 1 § |Jr 11 h § | 1
the world awaits you at the 111 || Ij fy| |J _
We are always ready with the most delicious ICE CREAMS and SODA WATERS. Our Stocks of
CIGARS, CIGARETTES and TOBACCOS are unequaled. Our line of Toilet Articles are always of
the latest and best. A full line of PATENT MEDICINES.
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
Of interest to friends wqs the
marriage of Miss Edna Inez Dor
sey and Mr. Wilbur L. McDonald,
nt th" home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Mitte Dorsey at 7:33 o’clock
Saturday evening, April 23. Dr.
Major, p istor of Capita! Ave.
B .ptLt churcl) officiating.
Mr. McDonald, a marine station
ed in Atlanta, is the sail of Mr.
and Mrs. John A. McDonald, form
erly of McDonough.
Mr. and Mrs. McDonald are at
home to their friends at 384 Pul
liam St.
Sronchiai Trouble Caused Anxiety
No medicine has a better repu
tation than Foiev’s Honey and Tar
for quickly relieving coughs, colds
and croup It loosens the phlegm
and mucus, clears the passages,
eases hoarseness, slops tickling
throat. John G. Hekking, 195
Burgess Place, Passaic, N. J.,
writes: “I was suffering from an
acute case of bronchial trouble
which g3ve me considerable anxi
ety. Foley’s Honey and Tar de
serves all the credit for my being
well now. McDonough Drug Co.
Sweet Potato Plants.
Pono Rica and Nancy Halls.
Fine plants. 200 for $1.00; 500
$1.75; 1000 $2.75, by mail post
paid. Express collect $2.00 per M.
Tomato plants same price. Plant
same price. Plant circular free.
Fruity ale Nurseries,
Albany, Alabama.
Johnson’s Garage
First class work at low prices.
All work done guaranteed to give
service. Located on Macon St.,
McDonough, Ga.
and oower. Mr. Thompson was a
great blessing to the meeting, not
only as a singer but as a personal
The local choir added’ greatly
to the music by solos and quar
Not only the Baptist church but
the whole of McDonough was
deeply stirred by the meeting.
Rev. Mr. Bolton and Mr. Thomp
son returned to Madison on Thurs
day morning, going through the
country in their car.
McDonough ,Georgia, Friday, may 6, 1921.
Program Centennial Day.
Historical Pageant, 9.00 a. in.
Speaking from the Court House
steps immediately following the
Pageant, when the following pro
gram will be observed:
All Hail the Power of Jesus Name.
(The entire concourse to j >iu
in the singing.)
Invocation, Dr. W. W. Arnold.
.‘Community Singing.
Master of Ceremonies, Col. J.L.Tve
Introduction of Speaker,
Col. E. L. Reagan.
Music —Band.
Basket Dinner.
Community Singing.
Ball Game,
Locust Grove vs. Athens High.
In Charge of Basement.
Mr. G. W. Cathy will be in
charge of the basement at the
court house on May 14 h, during
the Centenary Celebration and
any one having old family relics
or anything of interest showing
the history of the county or her
progress are requested to bring
it in and turn it over to him and
he will look after it.
If you have things of interest to
you possibly others would also
enjoy them.
Husband and Wife Both Sick.
Mr. an I Mrs. Andrew Comer,
Shenand(yli, Va , were both nil.
He writes: “Rheumatism and
bladder trouble was our trouble.
My wife had rheumatism in her
arms so she could not use them.
She has had no trouble since talc
mg Foley Kidney Pills. I don’t
have to get up at night so much
since taking Foley Kidney Pills,
nor have I a weak back.” Back
ache, sore, swollen or stiff muscles
or joints, tired languid 'feeling—
yield quickly to Foley Kidney Pills.
McDonough Drug Co.
Automobilists are requested
to observe instructions of traffic
policemen in regard to parking
cars on May 14. No parking
will be allowed on public square.
J. E. HOOTEN, Mayor.
For Infants and Children
!n Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
To the Citizens of Henry County;
plans for the celebration of
our county’s One Hundredth An
niversary on Saturday, May 14th,
is being com pit led, it is attracting
attention all over the state and
our friends and former citizens
are planning to be with us in that
celebration, and it is up to you as
citizens of this county to furnish
dinner for this occasion. No in
dividual, town or, section can ac
complish this alone, but if we as
individuals all over the county
realize the responsibility that is
noon us and come to the celebra
tion, bringing a well-filled basket
and this feature of the day can be
made one of the most enjoyable
of the occasion; hence we are ap
pealing to you to consider it your
duly and privilege to help in feed
ing our friends and kinsman from
oth r counties on that day and
that can be done best with every
one bringing a basket.
Won’t you make arrangements
to that effect? We need you.
la a sense, this is not to be a
publib dinner, but every family
being allowed to have their friends
with them at a basket dinner.
Mrs. E. J. Reagan,
Chairman Centenary Celebration.
$2.00 A YEAR