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McDonough, Ga. —Miss Bess
Fouche, of this citv, who holds
the distinction of being the first
and only woman clerk of a super
ior court in the United States
doesn’t believe in women enter
ing politics. In fact she is one of
those who have greatness thrust
upon them.
The story of her selection for
the position she holds is not one
of campaign tours or of stump
Her father, the late James A.
Fouche, for twelve years clerk of
the surerior court of Henry county
brought her up from her school
days to help him in his office
work. When school was over
she became deputy clerk and a
still greater help to her father.
Mr. Fouche died on March 4,
and on March 5 and 6 prominent
citizens of McDonough and of
Henry county circulated a petition
to which hundreds of names were
signed, asking that Bess Fouclie
be appointed to serve out her
father’s unexpired term.
The board of commissioners of
Henry county appointed her clerk
of the superior court on March 6,
but Bess Fouche at first refused,
the appointment. Then, urged on
by the bosrd of commisioners, she
accepted the position.
Miss Fouche is a sweet-faced
retiring woman, and she doesn’t
believe in women politicians or in
women officeholders, except in a
few cases.
Many people have asked me if I
shall run in the next election,”
said Miss Fouche, “but of course I
1 don’t intend to. I simply could
not go out over the county mak
ing speeches and conducting cam
paigns. Whats more, I wouldn’t
want to! I don’t believe in women
doing that sort of thing. It isn’t
a woman’s place.
“I will build a car for the multitude” /
Said Henry Ford in 1903 —Rend how the fulfillment of that prophecy is n nv ma le possib'e through the
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For many years it has been Henry Ford’s personal ambition to make the Ford the universal family car—to put it within the reach of the
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And now the way is open.
Under the terms of this plan you can sellect your Ford Car, set aside a small amount each week and you will be surprised how soon y<3u will
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Think it over. Five dollars will start an account. The whole family can participate in it—fa‘her, mother, brothers and sisters each doing a little.
Why not start today. Stop in and talk it over with your local Ford dealer. He will be glad to fulfy explain the detads of the plan and help
you get started toward the ownership of a Ford car.
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Detroit Michigan
Depository. First National Bank*
When I was first apDointed I
was quite overcome by the honor
of being clerk —and the first
woman clerk, at that. Not that I
don’t know mv job, fo-i I have
done just about the same work
for years, but it seems somehow
different and much more responsi
ble when I have the title of clerk
of the superior court.
I shall discharge my duties in
the most efficient way possible,
but when eleciion times comes
around I shall take a back seat!”
Its verv odd that Georgia’s first
woman clerk should be a “passive
suffragist” (as she styles hei self),
one who believes that woman’s
place is in the home!
Public Sales
We have purchased 122,000
pair U. S. Army Munson last shoe
sizes 5% to 12 which was the en
tire surplus stock of one cf the
largest U. S. Government shoe
This shoe is guaranteed one
hundred percent solid leather
color dark tan, bellows tongue,
dirt and waterproof. The actual
value of this shoe is $6 09. Owin'-;
• V
• " '
I# j.
to this tremendous bny we can
offer same to the public at $2.95.
Send correct size. Pay postman
on delivery or send money order.
If shoes are not as represented we
will cheerfully refund your money
promptly upon request.
National Bay State Shoe Company
296 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Sale-Army Shoes-Sale
We have just bought a tremend
ous stock or Army Munson last
Shors to be sold to the public di
red. Price $2.75. These shoes are
100% solid lealhef with heavy
double soles sewed and nailed.
The uppers are of heavy tan
chrome leather with bellows
tongue, thereby making them
waterproof. These shot s are sell
ing verv fast and we advise you to
order at once to insure your older
being filled.
The sizes are 6to 11 all widths
Pay Postman on receipt of goods
or send money order. Moneyre
funded if shoes are not s dis factory.
The U. S. Stores Co. 1441 Broad
way, New York City.
S. C. White Leghorn eggs, $1 00
for 15; $5 00 ior 100. Special prices
for incubator lots. C. J. Dickson
McDonough, Ga.
Save More Chicks This Year
The very surest way you can save more baby
chicks this year is to use the right starting feed. Ordi
nary grain feeds and home mixed rations kill countless
chicks every year. How often you hear the expression
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feed. Make up your mind to save more baby chicks.
Purina Chicken Chowder and Pnrina
Baby Chick Chow
fill every requirement of a perfect feed J [fr&OOQj
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Chows you can give your chicks a ! BABY ,
double start. SCHICKCHOWSI
Double development or money jrj . —nj
back is the guarantee if, when fed v
as directed, these two Chows do
not produce double growth over j 3 PURINA M
ordinary grain feeds the first six HCHICKENffI
weeks - I' CHOWDER-
Order these Chows now before [ i) - *—j
your chicks become stunted for WSJSHi
lack of proper nourishment. AJOOOQCy
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