Newspaper Page Text
As we all look out on old inoilii r
earth this a. m. with all its beautv
and weather, let us stop and count
our blessings one by one and see
what God has done for us, nno
ask our self if we have served
God as we should.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith spent
Saturday night’and Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of
Newton County.
Gardens are looking fi„ e around
about here.
Farmers are late planting on
account of so much rain.
Our Sunday School is just fii e,
we hope to have better attendance
in the near future.
I don’t think we will have much
fruit this year, but let us not com
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Duke visited
relatives at Pepperton one day
last week.
Mrs Ramond Wilkerson visited
Mrs. Knowls Srturday p. m.
Mr. J. M. Duke made a busi
ness trip to McDonough Monday.
Mr. Z die Tomlinson, of Porter
dale, visited Mr. Ramond Wilker
son Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wilkerson
and children, visited Porterdale
Sunday p. m.
Mr. John Bryant was the guest
of Mr. Jim Allen Saturday night
and Sunday.
There will be a singing at Stark
the fifth Sunday p. m. at 2:30.
every body is cordially invited. ■
Brown Eyes
Once A Buick Owner-
Only Buick Satisfies
In every community there are a number of instances
where once a Buick has been purchased by one member
of a family, others of the same intimate group have
become Buick owners.
I dependable performance, luxurious comfort and
:t that there is a type of Buick to fit every
ig need, leads to the selection of Buick as the
;ant also is the fact that today a majority of new
are purchased by motorists who have been Buick
i before, and for several years.
Fours Sixes
Buick Factor - 2 Pass. Road. - $ 86S 2 Pass. Road. $1175 4 Pass. Coupe $1895
nent tax to be 5 Pass. Tour. - 885 5 Pass. Tour. - 1195 7 Pass. Tour. - 1435
ihuut the G Af. 3 Pass. Coupe - 1175
ss Flan, which 5 Pass. Sedan - 1395 5 Pass. Tour. 7 Pass. Sedan - 2195
ior Deferred 5 Pass. Tour. Sedan- - - 1935 Sport Road. - 1625
\mm £•]#« Sedan • • ■ 1323
Sport Road. - 1025 5 Pass. Sedan - 1985 Sport Touring - 1675
~- -• • L»v2si_.i, i>cui -iv, wiLL JjUitU iiitMVi
Georgia Tech Students
At antn, G ~ Apri 17, 1923
Georgia Tech News Service.
A group of Georgi i Tech stud
ents headed by Dr. M. L. Biiltain, j
President of i'eee, and Karl Zer
fo-s, As is ant Secretary of the
Tech Y. M C. A, has just com
i pieted a serit scf revival seryices
at Douglasville, Ga. The deputa
tion of students from Tech includ
ed Albert Staton, John Staton, L
K. Patton, Phil Narinore and Ted
Mealor. Meetings were led by the
students in the industrial centers
and leading churches of Douglas
ville. All the churches coorpera e
with the Tech men in every possi
ble way.
Albert and John Staton are two
of the outstanding stars of the
football team, both having been
selected for places on the All Sou
thern team. In addition to their
religious activities they have been
placed several times on the honor
roll of scholastic standing.
The Georgia Tech Y. M. C. A. is
doing great work for the spiritual
needs of the students. Election to
the “Y” Advisory Cabinet is con
sidered one of the highest campus
honors. The importance which
Tech authorities place on relig
ious activities of students is shown
by the cooperation of Dr. Brittain
and by his presence with the stud
ents at the Douglasville revival.
Several hundred Tech men me
enrobed in the various Sunday
Schools of Atlanta.
Notice of Proposed In
crease In Rates By Cen
tral Georgia Power
Notice is hereby given that the
Central Georgia Power Company
has applied to the Georgia Public
Service Commission for authority
to increase its present wholesale
power rates for electric current,
approximately (25%) twenty-five
per cent.
This application has been assign
ed for hearing before the Commis
sion at its offices, in the State
Capitol at Atlanta, on Tuesday,
May 15th, at 10 o’clock a. m.
A statement of the present and
proposed rates are on file in the
otfice of the Georgia Public Ser
vice Commission, and in the office
of the Mayors, of Macon, Griffin,
Barnesville, Tbomaston, Forsyth,
Jackson, Monticello, Hampton, and
Jonesboro, and may be inspected
by intt rested parlies. Present
wolesale power customers will be
furnished copies of proposed rates
on application to the Company.
Interested parties desiring to
protest against th-i grant of au
thoitiy prayed for, may do so in
writing on or before the dite of
hearing, or orally at the hearing,
as they may desire.
This notice is published by di
rection of the Georgia Public
Service Commission.
Central Georgia Power Co.
By Wm. h. Felton.
Dont Dust—Spray
The Calcium Arsenate Product
For over two years 8011-We-Go has been tested on
cotton land in the heart of boll weevil infested districts.
Costs Only 14c a gallon.
During this time 8011-We-Go has had to prove it
self in iields where the boll weevil has for years been
considered unbeatable. Results show that in every
case, on every larm, 8011-We-Go was a success—a
deadly destroyer of the weevil. Where it was used
without exception larger crops were reported. Lead
ing cotton growers praise it. The most successful
planters use it. It is a proven product.
We list here a few of the many advantages of 801 -
We-Go. Write for complete information. Obtain full
facts and proofs of its merits.
1 : Ball-We-Go is sure death to the weevil.
Hundreds of unsolicited testimonials in
our tiles all praising 801 l We-Go.
2 : 8011-We-Go is (he Fast ixoensive
method of apj lyi lg c lcium anerate
efficiently. (Cost approximately $3 to
$4 per acre per season )
3 : 801 lWe Go is the easiest method cf
ku ii g the wetuil. Applied in daytime.
Child can make spraGig. No tedious
dusting—no sleep robbing ni_ht work.
4 : Boil We-Go sticks on the plant because
of the ingredients which "'re combined
with the calcium arsenate in this proven
product. No sticky molasses, ice cream
powders or flour in it.
5 : Only three rr four sprayings a year
are required where Bcll-We Go is used.
6 : 8011-We Go keeps the calcium arsenate
m available form for the boll weevil to
drink. The boll weevil must drink
When he drinks he dies.
Don’t go through another year ineffi
ciently lighting the boll weevil with
ordinary methods, find out right now
about the modern, proven method to
kii the pest. Write today for full fact.
63 North Pryer St. . . . ATLANTA, GA.
Long Distance Phone Walnut 39 J 5.
Monday, April 23rd.
Crumbley’s store 8:00 a. m., Ola 9:30 a. m., Eilistown ll:00]a. m. f
Adairs store 1:00 p. m., Jeifares store 2:30 p. m.
Tuesday, April 24th.
McMulllen’s Court house 8:00 a. m„ Green's store 900 a m
FUppen "30 p W t!;: ,ehoUSe 11:30 " Dock C ™"W's
Wednesday, April 25th.
Brtirh, Knob 8:00 a m., M. C. White’s 9:00 a. m„ J. T. Scarbrough's
S !"?, "; Sil:00a ,n " Shakerag Court house
12.00 o clock, Stockbridge 2:00 p. m.
Thursday, April 26:h.
Sixth District Court House 8:00 a. m., Exum’s Store 9-00 a m
Hampton 11:00 a. m. and all the afternoon. ' UU ’
FridaY.fApril 27th.
andaiUhT^roo 3 ,;.'"" LUe " 3 9: °° "• IGrove ,1:00 o'clock
umce open in McDonough every day untill books close May Ist.
W. G. Thompson,
Tax Receiver.
7446 0
Res. Main 470
Lo RA6viS All eki
[Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, etc.