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One Cupon given with
each 25c Casn purchase
Coffee Spoon tor 50 cards. Tea Spoon for 50 cards.
Orange ” 100 ” Table ” ” JSO ”
Table Fork ” 150 ” Sugar Shell ’’ 175 ”
Butter knife ” 200 ” Table knife ’’ 200 "
These cards are redemable by
Mt. Bethel
Mr. Fred Jackson and daugh
ters, Otera and Christine, of Cov
ington were circulating among
relatives and friends here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. G. LeGuin Mr.
and Mrs. F. B. Strawn and daugh
ters, Nina, Mary, Franc and
Eleanor and Laurie Strawn, Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Strawn and young
son, and Misses Mary and Maggie
LeGuin were guests for an hour
of the W. L. Wynn’s Sunday.
We heartily aopreciate the
large attandance of visitors from
other churches upon the exercises
of our Sunday school day service
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt and
children, of McDonough, were
guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Jack
son for a while Sunday and at
tended services at the church
Mr. and Mrs. Will Austin and
children, of Locust Grove, were
with Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Austin
To have with us Sunday so
many of our own faithful S. S.
workers of a few years ago arous
ed many hopes and pleasant mem
ories, we welcomed each and
every one and hope you will meet
with us as often as possible.
Several cases of "flu” reported
here recently, Mr. 0. Jones being
one of its victims.
The beautiful, balmy spring days
the inspiring song of rny mocking
bird in the apple orchard, (he
holds concerts there every year)
the chirp and twitter of the "Lesses
lights,” the call of the Whippoor
will at the close of the evening
these and other joys combined
with the fact that my ten year old
son has made a date with me to
go fishing soon makes me forget
that I ever had a grouch.
F. B. Strawn has left his work
in Atlanta for a while and is at
home on his farm helping his fam
ily to put in a crop, for this is
vastly more important than just a
job in the city for most any fann
er. F. B. says, “I can’t stand your
country noises at night—barking
dogs, crowing fowls, cats and rats
boys coming in from calling on
their best girl and disturbing my
rest. And so fourth— when we do
ever come to a stop in Atlanta we
are quiet and still, and I’m going
to have a police force put on out
here to keep things quiet at night
in the country.
Mis’ Franc.
Salem Locals
Glad to get to planting,
Quite a crowd attended B. Y. P.
U. and Sunday school.
Mr. Thomas Ferguson, of Atlan
ta, spent weekend with Mr. Her
bert Elliott, of round town.
Sorry to know Miss Nell Crum
bley is sick at this writing. We
hope her a speedy recovery.
Glad to state that Mrs. Henry
Elliott is still improving at this
Mr. Jim Wilson had as guest
Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, D. T. Fer
guson and Mr' and Mrs. Jim Raye.
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Crumbley
spent week-end with parents.
Mr. J. L. Johnson and family
spent Sunday with Mr. Ernest
Elliott and family.
The party given by Mr. Flether
Patterson was enjoyed by all pres
Mr. John Moss called on Miss
Ellen Smith last Saturday and Sun
day nights.
Mr. Billie Elliott spent Saturday
in Atlanta.
Mr. Howard Crumbley, Alvie
Joe Steele and Herbert Elliott
called on the fair sex of Stock
bridge last Sunday night.
Mr. Howard Crumbley, Thomas
Ferguson and Herbert Ediott call
ed on the fair sex around Timber
ridge Saturday night.
Miss Helen Ferguson, of Atlanta
spent Sunday with Miss Clarice
Mr. Herbert and Thomas Elliott
motored to Ola on a business trip
Glad to know that Miss Ollie
Knight is Improving at this writing.
Messers John, Shirley and
Travie Elliott and Cecil went out
: amoung the fair sex Sunday night.
i Messers and Mesdames Adel
Eiliott and Berry spent Sunday
with Buddie Crumbley.
Messers. J. P. Crumbley and
Moseley called on their best girls
Sunday night.
A few from around Salem will
attend the Moonlight picnic next
Saturday night.
Quite a number of farmers from
around here attended the Demon
stration on the Dusting at McDon
ough Saturday.
Sunday school will be at 9:30
Sunday so the members can attend
the singing at Union.
Mr. A. J. Steele was seen haul
ing a calf around Sunday.
Skinny Tut.
j toil MUk
. v M . v A A ZbaMi* dLi
' I7E vorth living if you’re no
. v.oaka i run down you can hardly
’ dr.. > - .m ’f around,
i. the li t red Lbod, full of health
. \ igor, v.- 'c pumping through your, the joy of life would come back
~oon enough! Gude’s Pepto-Mangan
as worked this magic for thousands—
:L will do the same for you. Take
i t for a short time and see how your
health and strength improve. Your
druggist has it —liquid or tablets, as
you prefer.
Tonic and Blood Enricher
“I had very severe attacks of
indigestion," writes Mr. M. H.
Wade, a farmer, of R. F. D. 1,
Weir, Miss. "I would suffer
for months at a time. All I dared
eat was a little bread and
butter... consequently 1 suffer
ed from weakness. 1 would try
to eat, then the terrible suffer
ing in my stomach l I took
medicines, but did not get any
better. The druggist recom
and I decided to try it, for, as I
say, I had tried others for two
or more years without any im-
Rrovement in my health. I soon
>und the Black-Draught was
acting on my liver and easing
the terrible pain.
“In two or three weeks, I
found I could go back to eating.
1 on*/ wetghed 123. Now I
weigh 147—eat anything I want
to. and by taking Black-Draught
I do not suffer."
Have you tried Thedford's
Black-Draught? If not, do so
Over 8 million packages sold,
a year. At dealers*
E w
If we might put it in five words, the
bank’s business is “to help everyone
get ahead”
Why not adopt the right system for
handling your money?
Your bank account here can be
made to bring you goodly returns
in many ways.
You and your deposits will be wel
The Bank of Henry
Paint and Varnish Products
a Prevent Destruction
ky the Thousand!
;h3jju « the life of ths floor I Every
u (Tr ,h °* ** * * p!k * <l c,ub * * • ra “ hln <
Battered dally bv the •feoapifig
El ''WTT jfV down ot tons of weight, ur.protdsfed E^l
wood is doomed to swift destruction! I^J
\ . Devoe Paint and Varnish Product* ■ml
\1 ’ * stop the blows from reaching the Brl
if . - wood —thus insuring sound and
beautiful floors year after year.
RAy ffeWi re* ’l knrl Jhtri J\
KyPi O.voe Marble fleer FrnUh Veroleb Jcj I
A Distinguished Appearance
Mis a pleasure enjoyed when your Res
idence is attractively painted with
Longest years of wear because costly
White Zinc is added for durability
Least Cost, because you add 3 quarts of Lin
seed Oil to each galL paint, making the Best
TheyarealmplyaddtngLfnseed* Paint for $2.82 » gall., ready to use.
Quickly done. Saresyou Money txtonawaly uaarf for SO yoan
FOR SALE BY—m ____