Newspaper Page Text
iCPTho shorifi'P Fales of Lumpkin County, will
continue to be published in the Y\ cstem Herald.
April 6. —1 —win'.
JLiimpkiH SluTili H Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
JUNE next, at the Court-house in Auraria,
Lumpkin county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing property, to w it :
One Negro man, named Randal, about 21
of age; levied on as the property of V> illiara Rich
ardson, to satisfy two fi. fas. from Hancock Superior
Court, one in favor of Martha Cooper, Guardian for Jo
seph Cooper, vs. William Richardson, an I Gabriel .Goss,
security, and one in favoi of Martha Cooper, Guardian,
tec. vs. William Richanlson, and David Kendall, security.
Property pointed out by Thomas \\ . Harris.
Lot No. 1054, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin County, containing 40
Acres, more or less; levied on as the property of Thomas
Rieves, pin. to satisfy three fi. fas. from llall Superior
Court, m favor ofP. J. Murray, vs. Thomas Rieves, and
Joe! Leathers, security on stay of one of the executions.
Lot No. 1054, 4th District, Ist Section, as
above described ; levied on the property of Thomas
Rieves, jun. to satisfy four fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s
Court of Hall conntv; two in favor of P. J. .Murray, one
in favor of Joel Leathers for tire use ofP. J. Murray, and
one iu favor Francis C. Andoc, tor the use of P. J. Mur
ray, vs. Thomas Rieves, jun. Levy made and relumed
to me l>y a Constable.
Lot No. 605, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
iginally Cherokee, novj Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres more or less; levied on as the property of Ransom
Strawhom, to satisfy four ti. fas. issued from a Justice’s
Court of Gwinnett County, in favor of John Choice & Cos.
and one in favor ofThomas Allen,vs. Ransom trtrawiiorn.
Levy made and retutned to me by a Constable.
Lot No, 10S2, 12th District, Ist Section,
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
40 Acres, more orless: leviedon us the prop,Tty ot Edwin
Pettigrew, to satisfy four ti. fas, issued from a Justice’s
Court of Hail county-in favor of A. K. Blackwell, and
one in favor of John Hills, vs. said Pettigrue. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 251, 15th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres’, more or less; levied on as the property of Laborn
Aloncrief, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court
of Talliaferro county, in favor of Linton Sc Evans, vs. La
born Moncrief. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 929, 12th District, Ist Section, on- ;
finally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
40 Acres, more or less; levied on as the property of Wil
liam Nelson, and William Knight, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from Jaspet Superior Court, in favor of Archibald
Sandefer, adm’r. of A. Golson, deceased, vs._ William
Nelson and William Knight. Levy made arid’ returned
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 406,13 th District, Ist Section, north;
levied on as the property of Anderson A. C. Hudson, to sa
tisfy afi. fa. in favor of A. H. Palmer, vs. Susannah Hud
son and Anderson A. C. Hudson, and Samuel M’Junkir),
indorser. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 195,13 th District, Ist Section, south;
levied on a? the property of James F. Norris, to satisfy a ti.
fa. in favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Norris. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 175,13 th District Ist Section, north;
levied on as the property of Ezekiel Daniel to satisfy a fi.
ta. in favor of Waters Briscoe, for the use of Richard But
ler, vs. said Daniel. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 526, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of James Love, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of Stephen Hackney, and one in favor of W il
liam H. Morrow, vs. said Love. Levy made and rctum
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 394, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Wiley Rigsby, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of Henry Strickland, vs. John Rigsby, Wiley
Rigsby, and Silas Spikes. Levy made and returned to
mo bv a Constable.
April 30. SAMUEL JONES, Sh’fl.
Lumpkin Sheriff s Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
JUNE next, at the Court-house in Auraria,
Lumpkin county, within the usual liours of sale, the fol
lowing property, to wit.
Lot No. 740, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres,more orless; levied on as the property of William
H. Kimbrough and Robert Beall, to satisfy'a fi. fa. issued
from Putnam Superior Court, in favor of W illiam Varner,
Trustee of Priscilla Ward, vs. said Kimbrough and
April 30.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
JUNE next, at the Court-house in Auraria,
Lumpkin county, within the usual hours of sale, tile Sol
lowing property, to wit:
Lot No. 1051, sth District, Ist Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
40 Acres, more orless: levied on as the property of James
W atters, to satisfy three fi. fas. issued from a Magistrates
Court of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. James
Watters. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 863, 11th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, nt>w Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres, more or less: levied on as the property of Isaac
Chapman to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a -Magistrates
Court, ofHall county, in favor P. ,T. Murray, vs. Isaac
Chapman. Levy made and returned to iue by a Consta-1
Lot No. 71, 15th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin comfy, containing 40
Acres more or less; levied on as the; . erty of James G.
Davis, to satisfy afi. fa. issued from a Magistrates Court
of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. Janies U.
Davis. Levy made and returned to me “by a Constable.
Lot No. 385,5 th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres, more or less: levied on as the property of Basil
Gowing, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates
Court, ofHall county,in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. Basil
Gowing. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 274, 4th District, Is! Section, of ori
finally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres, more or less: levied on as the property of Lewis
Whitehead, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued (ruin a Magistrates
Court, ofHall county, in favor ofP. Murray, vs? Lewis
Whitehead. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
Lot number 145, 12th district, Ist section,
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
4o acreepnore or less: levied on as the property of Thom
as Carver, to satisfy an execution issued from a Maris- j
Trates Court, of Hall county, in favor ofP. J. Murray “vs i
Thomas Carver. Levy made and returned to me bv a Con- ‘
Lot number 127, Glh district. Ist section
containing 160 acres more or less, of originally Cherokee’ I
now Lump,sin count v: levied on as the property of James’ j
Kcykind.iil, to satisfy- a fi. la. issued trorn a .Magistrates I
Court of Hall county, in favor of P. J. M urn, v, vs. James
Keykindall. Levy made and returned to me tiy a Consta- ‘
■ District, Ist Section, o| ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, oontainino 40
Acres, more or less: levied on as the property of Fieldin”
ihiirmond, to satisfy a fi. ta. issued lfom a Ala-ristrate’l
Court, of Hall county, in favor of P. J. MutTay, vs.
Fielding Thurmond. Levy’ piadc and returned to me
by a Constable.
One Lot, No. 103, 12th District, Ist Section
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
Forty Acres, more or less, levied on as the property of
*! ilea M*Cleskey to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Su
perior Court, of Hall county, in favor of Jones & Sim
mons, vs. Miles M’Clcskey.
April 30. SAM’L. JONES, Sh’ff. L. C.
{Sheriff Sales, will be published in this pa
Gilmer Slicriir.s Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
JUNE next, at the Court-house In Gilmer coufi
lv, within the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit.
Lot No. 50. 26th District, 2nd Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county, containing one
hundred and sixty Acres, more or less; levied on its the
property of Isham Ponder, to satisfy a fi. fa, issued from
a Justice’s Court in Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray,
vs. said Ponder. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 157, 9th District, 2d Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county, containing one
hundred and sixty Acres, more or less; levied on as the
property of Josiali Hickman, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from It Justice’s Court of Hal! county, in favor of P. J.
Murray, vs. said Hickman. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
Lot No. 225, 24th District, 2nd Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county, containing one
hundred ami sixty Acres, more or less*; levied on as the
property of Elisha Norris, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a
Justice’s Court of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray,
vs. said Norris. Levy made and returned to me by a
April 30. • LEVI W. HUFFSTUTLER, Sh’ffi
fdP’P&ulding Sheriff Sales, will he published in th'l9
paper. WILLIAM HOGUE, Sh’ff
Paulding Slinifi's -ale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June
next at the place for holding Courts ill Paulding
ou a ty, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 499, Ist District, 4th Section, o^
oriu-inallv Cherokee, now Paulding County: levied ona 8
thepropertyof Stephen W. Blount, to satisfy sundry fi
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Burke County, in
favor of N. L. and S. Sturges, vs. Sturges and Blount,
levy made and returned by a Constable.
Lot No. 319,2nd District, 4th Section, of
orifinally Cherokee, now Paulding County: levied on
as the property of Samuel Barron, so satisfy two ft. fas.
issued from a J uslice’s Court of Burke County, in favor of
Joseph Perry. Levied and returned by a Constable.
Lot No. 744, 19th District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County ; levied on us
the property of-■ illiam Doyle, to satisfy a fi. fa. from
Burke Superior Court, in favor of Reddcck Rutland,
vs. said Doyle, and Southworth Harlow, endorser.
Lot No. 292, 2d District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county: levied upon
as the property of Benjamin Devane, to satisfy an exeeu
tion from Scriven Superior Court, in favor of Stephen Cor
ker, administrator, &.C., against the said Devane.
Lot No. 10S5, 21st District, 3d Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county ; levied on as
the property of Henry M’Norrtll, to satisfy a fi. fa. from
Burke Superior Court, in favor of the Court of Ordinary,
of Burke county, for the use of Wade Brown, and Sarah
his wife. vs. the’said M’Norrill.
Lot No. 806, 19th District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county: levied on as
the property of James Polhill, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of Lowe, Tayb r Sc Cos. vs. said Polhill.
Lot No. 14S, Ist District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paul.’mg county : levied on as
the property of John H. Page, to satisfy a small fi. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of V ashingti n county, in fa
vor of Edward Garlick, vs. said Page. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 593, 21st District, 3d Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county : levied on as
the p op rtyof Samuel Tilly, to satisfy two small fi. fas.
issued from a Cum. ? f Burko county, in favor of
Joseph Perry, vs. said Tilly.
April 30. ‘ WILLIAM S. HOGUE, Sh’fK
OF every description, done in the neatest manner
and on the most approved plans, bv the Subscri
ber, at LEATHER’.’ FORD. Orders for work in his
line of business, will be promptly attended to, at theshort
cst notice. He will now en gage to construct frames ami
other pa its of buildings for applicants, in order to have
them ready to be reared up immediately after the sale of
Town lots, or other cases of emergency.
April 23—2—ts
THE subscriber begs leave to inform the Citizens of
Lumpkin,and the adjoining counties,that he is now
erecting in this place, A TIN FACTOR V, where n
constant supply of all articles in his line will be ket t.
With the assistance of his Journeymen, h- will be abl. V
furnish all those who may favor him with a call, (it
wholesale or retail, for Cash.
Aurana, April 23.—3—3 t.
ALL persons retailing, or wishing to retad Spirits i
Lumpkin County, Georgia, arc hereby notified, to
come forward and take out License according to law* as
the law will be enforced against all who fail to comply.
Gived under our hand this 22d April, 1833.
A. K BLACK VY ELL, j. i. c.
WILLIAM DEAN, j. i. c,
JOHN D. FIELDS, j. i, c.
JOHN C. JONES, j. i. c.
April 23.—3—3 t.
TANARUS, i- übseriher, lately from New-York, respectful•
ly informs the inhabitants of Lumpkin and the ad
joining Counties, that he is now ready to to receive or
ders for building
either atone, brick or H ooa, and by strict attention to bu
siness, hopes to merit a share of the puhlicipatronage.
I'or Reference, apply to
Athens, Geo. Apri!JG,lß33— 1— ts
rgMIE Subscriber has established a Laboratory in
-H- this place, for the purpose of Assaying, Refining,
and fluxing GOLD, and analysing every description of
metallic ore. Persons applying to him may rely upon
having these operations conducted with care and accura
Vein and deposit mines, will continue to be examinee
and tested, and all AGENCIES relative to mines trans
acted by him. Pumps and Wheelbarrows, of the most
approved construction, for mining purposes, will also In
kept on hand, lor sale atliis Office.
May H.—c rp, JOHN POWELL. .
THE undersigned has just received from New-
ork and Charleston,an exteusiveand wcll sob'c
ted assortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES
HARDWARE &OR CKERY, conetsUngm part
of the following articles, which lie will sell low for Cash
or Quid.
4000 yds. Sheeting and Shirting,
2000 “ Cheap Ne’gro Cloth,
40 7bv 8 qr. London Duffle Blankets,
“ 6bv7 do do do do
75 Point BKtfkets,
12 pr. 11-4 Rose Blankets,
400 yds. Chester Ticks,
300 “ Union Strints,
200 “ Pittsburg Cord,
8 ps. Moleskin, assorted colours.
6 “ Bleached Suffolk Drills,
6 “ Cotton Diaper,
30 “ Calico, 0 do. Turkey Red Prints,
12 “ Ginghams, 10 do Bo’mbazctts,
6 “ Furniture Calicoes*.
4 doz.Chints Shawls, 4 ps. Crimson Circassian,
4 do. Irish Linen,B do.Linenfold Shirting,
6 do. Sattinett, Silk, Jt Cotton Flag Hdkts.
g Hhds. Molasses, 1 do. St. Croix Sugar*
1 do. N. Orleans do. 3 do. N. England Rum.
8 Bags Prime Green Coffee,
1 Pipe Holland Gin, 1 do. Cognac Brandy.
1 qr. Cask Poach Brandy 1 Superior Cognac no.
1 do. it. Gin. 1 do. Madeira'Vine,
6 Hampers Cliampaigne, 6 Boxes No. 1 Claret,
1 qr. Cask Port, I do. Muscat, 3 do. Malaga,
3 Casks London Porter, 12 Boxes Soap,
3 Bbls. Loaf Sugar, 3 Tierc-s Rice,
5000 Spanish Segars, 12 Kegs Crackers,
6 Bbls. Mackerel, 3 Boxes Sperm Candles,
6 do. Charleston do. I Bbl. Almonds,
ti Boxes Herring, 4 do. best quality Tobacco,
12 do. Bunch Raisins,
2000 lbs. Iron, 100 Spades, Longliandled Shovels,
4 Setts Blacksmith Tools, 6 X Cut Saws,
6 Mill Saws, 400 lbs. German Steel,
12 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes,
12 Boxes Window Glass, Bby 10,
24 Setts Knives and Forks,
Pocket, Pen, and Dirk Knives,
Razors, Scissors, Shears, &c.
Pad, Gun, Cbestand Stock Locks,
4 Rifles, 6 shot j uns, I double barreled do.
Everpointed Pencils, Silver Steel Pens, &c.
Carpenters Tools,
2 Crates Crocker, U ass, and Cliinn Ware,
2 Boxes Kings Cast-steel Axes, Tea-kettlqs,
An assortment of Tinware,
100 Wool Hats, 25 Fine Fur,
100 Suits Negro Cloathing,
N. B. Highest price given for Gold.
April 6, 18351 —tt’
THE Subscnoci’ resp dimly itiioaus the citizens of
Hi*ll, and tii adjoining counties that lie continues
to carry on the aixrve business in its various bran
ches, at his Old fctund, east side of the Court-tiouse
Squat c, w here work shall be done in the neatest and
most fashionable style. He receives the PHILADEL
PHIA and LONDON FASHIONS, quarterly—and
keeps on hand
Os every description. He returns his . hanks to the pub
lic for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and begs
leave to say, he has just employed a first rate Journey
man from the citv of Baltimore, and pledges there shall
ill future be no disappointment. G. W.’ BROWN. ,
April 6 —l—sm
A LAUGHLIN tc CO, have on hand m this
• place, four thousand dollars worth'of erchandise,
evinnut.ilg ai*
GROCEKI-. -c. which they ai e disposed tu sell on the
above terms.
Persons wishing to embark in the busine- immediate,
ly jn tlie GOLI K, C. If ant j j n a populous ant | fl our .
, tshmg v ;.,age, will <'o well to call without delay at tho
Store, and examine sos themselves,
April 6,1833—1—ts
Ml fUTHER stolen, strayed or Runa
■ i way from the Subscriber, two Hor
ses, and one Mare; one of horses is a
bay, four years old, about fifteen hands
hign, somewhat lean; the other is a roan, six years old,
above sixteen hands high, with his left hind ancle swolen;
The mare is a small grey about ten years old, back a
little sore; she has a peculiar catch in her gate while at
tempting to pace down a hill. Any person giving satis
factory information about them, shall be amply rewarded
for their trouble. IRA R. FOSTER.
Vuraria. Lumpkin county, Geo. April 9. —ltf.
. i 1 h!E Subscriber . cHpectfully informs the
Public generally, that he has opened a
Leather’s Ford, on the Chrstatee River; this
place is as healthy a sitution as any in me up country; it
is fifteen milt s miles from Gainesville, and four miles
Rom Auraria, Lumpkin county, and a central situation in
uvrounded w ith curiosities, both natural and artificial,
wv!! calculated to cheer the spirits of the weary or engage
’ attention of those in pursuit of pleasure. His House
? : and commodious, w ith suitable rooms for the ac
commodation ot all Families or private p< isons that may
think proper to call on him. Instable will be furnished
with the best the country affords ; his bar supplied with
choice Liquors : his stables with plenty of provender, and
no ( xertions will be spared on bis part to comfort the
Traveller at Home.
Apnl 6.—l—Bt.
Lumpkin County ,)
/Synj&Y riIHE Subscriber still continues
!!!y to occupy his Old Stand, on
tjfijßaSS :a * n Street, a few doors above the Court-
House. Having extenoed his improvements
he is now’ prepared to accommodate in more comfortable
style, those who may favor him with their patronage.
Ready access to Maps, Diagrams, &c. can be bad at any
time, and no exertions wi’.l be spared to give to the Trav
eller in pursuit of information, the best knowledge of the
country, which his means of information w r ill afford.
Grateful for the liberal patronage already received, its
continuance is respectfully solicited.
Auraria, April 6—l—ts
Georgia Journal, Federal Union, Colum
bus Enquirer, Macon Telegraph, Augusta Constitution
alist, Southern Recorder, and Savannah Georgian, will
give the above 3insertions, and forward their account to
P E ° r th <? Office
...■■■ ■- “P, “ ‘ arc ugain reminded of
Henecessitjofdoemg tlioir accounts. Those persons
thus indebted, who may hare removed to the Cherokee
ndt r a “f lheir respective dues to
Col. Allen O, f ambrough, who is authorised to receive
the same, or to the .Subscriber at Athens—where all
momesduehim will be received either by nimself or Mr.
Crco. W. .-haw, whom lnsabsence, will act as liis agent
....,„ O. P. SHAW.
Anrana, April 6—l—6w
H AVE opened a house of
[lg'fiL j, -XKttTA.INMENT, in the Town
AX’ of Auraria, Lumpkin County. They occupy
the Establishment formerly occupied by Mr.
Nuckolls, who has resigned his entire business to their
Persons who give them a call will receive as good ac
commodations as the country will afford.
ECP* George W. Pascliall will continue to prac
tice Law at the above place.
April 6, 18331 —ts
A!( F. practicing law in partnership and will attend all
the courts in the Cherokee circuit, and those in the
counties of Hall, Habersham, and Gwinnett, of the W es
tem circuit. The former has an office in Gainesville,
Hall county, and the latter an office in Auraria, Lumpkin
Auraria, May 7.—s—ts
THE Co-partnership of Fambrough and Jones was
mutually dissolved on the first day of April last.—
Persons having business in their hands, will find it w’itli
John A. Jones, of Carroll county ; our joint attention
will be given to the unsettled business of the firm.
Auraria, May 7.—s—ts
THE undersign < ~ve entered into copartnership in
till! practice of tin- Law, for the County of Lumpkin,
and will attend to any professional business, which may
be confided to their care. Letters addressed to Harden
and Rogers either at Alliens ox Auraria, will receive prompt
May 7.—s—tv 6m
ALL persons except those having licence from the pa
tentee, are hereby forewarned from using the Patent
Panning, Gold-washing Machines, under the penalty pre
scribed by the Patent act. Those who wish to use the
above mentioned machines in the State of Georgia, can
obtain the privilege for one year, or the balance of the un
expired time of the patent, by paying to the undersigned,
the licence price; and those who have been using them,
may avoid a prosecution by paying for a licence for the
present year, within thirty days from this date.
Mamies for the Patentee
April 30.—4—ts
ATTORNEY AT LA a, has located at Lumpkin
Court-House —and will practice in all the counties
of the Cherokee,and in Hall and Habersham, of the Wes
tern Circuit. All communications addressed to him upon
business in his profession wilLbc promptly attended to.
April 6 1833 —I—ts
ATTORNEY: AT LA ~ has located iu Auraria,
Lumpkin County, and will practice iu all the coun
ties of the Cherokee Circuit, and the county of Hall,
Western Circuit. All business entrusted to his care,
will be thankfu ly received and promptly attended to.
April 6,1833—1—ts
l Air.
(Lumpkin C. H. Ga .)
AB. & H. HOLT, have removed to this place and
will Practice Law ill Copartnership in all the coun
ties ofCherokee Circuit, and in the adjoining counties of
the western and Chattahoocliie Circuits.
April 6, 1833^®lf
m . - ■ ™
THE Subscriber has established himself in this place,
and will attend to all professional business confi
ded to him in the several counties of the Cherokee Circuit
—also in the Counties of Jackson, Franklin, Hall and
Habersham, of the Western Circuit. His office is at the
north end of town. ♦
Auraria, April6—l—tf
BELIEYTNG it to be for the interest of Defendants,
as well as the benefit of Plaintift’s in Execution,
notice is hereby given, that land will not be sold at Sheriffs
Sale, unless the Grant is pro faced at the time of sale, or
uncontrovertable proof, that it has issued.
May 14.—6—ts.
THE SUBSOfBER will attend the Superior Courts,
of the following counties of the Cherokee Circuit,
Cherokee, Forsyth, Lumi-kjn, Cass, Murray,
Floid, Paulding, Cobb. S. ROCKWELL.
Milledgeville. -Hay 14, —G—4t—
ALL persons are cautioned against trading for a note
drawn by Holt and Maurable, dated sonic time in
April, 1333, for one hundred and tw°ntynine dollars and
thirty cents, as I have received the amount thereof, from
them, and the note has been lost out of my possession.
Auraria, May 7.—s—ts
ALL persons are hereby notified, that I have the equi
table title to the undivided half of lot of land
number 77, in the third district, and first section, drawn
by Amos Ellard, and have now a suit pending in Forsyth
county, where the land lies, for the same.
Aurana, May 7.-s—ts
PTIHE Proprietors of the Athens
Stage Line, have determined
~-- to continue their tri-weekly lineto
Auraria. Hereafter the stage will reach this placeon Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday mornings, andleaveforAu
fusta, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
‘his arrangement will open a direct communication by
stage tri-weekly with Augusta, Milledgevil’t and week
ly with Pendleton, via Gainesville and Oamesvillc Ti
stage will also run twice a wwfc leaving Leathers’ Fwd 0 n
Sunday and Wednesday morning.
May 7—A—ts. s
WHEREAS 1 Sampson Capps,did heretofore to wit,
, H ” , da y of April 1833, make and
deliver toI one Elijah Denton, a certain Power of Attor
ney, authonsing him, the said Elijah Denton, to sell
anil convey a certain lot of LAND, to wit. Lot No. 335,
m the 19th District, 2d Section of the Gold Region.
1 his is therefore to notify all persons, whom it may
concern, that I Sampson Capps, doherehy fur-good cause,
revoke said power, and declare the same null and void,
and ot no torce and validity whatever.
April 23—3—ts
TANARUS)”" 1 ” •• below IL,
c-'-'A yi'4y Mr conn tie* formed out of the Che®
kec tetri to ry, will please not to forw w
iett< rs and package* directed to 0%.
offices, to Cherokee Court-house —tnerc are three pr,;;.
routes passing parallel, through what was original])
Cherokee; the lower route by way of DcKalb County ti
Sandfordville, (Dawson,) in Cass county, to the head of
Coosa in Floyd County; the middle route by Warsaw is
Gwinnett county, Hickory Flat in Cherokee county, and
Cherokee Court-House, to New Echota in Murray coi&
ty; the upper and long established route, by GrainesviJ.
and Murruysville in Hall county, New Bridge ir. Lump
kin county, I fightower in Forsyth county, TlarnagevJl,
in Cherokee, Talkingroek in Gilmer, to Spring place J
Murray county. If a little attention is given to the abort, ’
much difficulty and dissatisfaction can be obviated by
sending letters and papers tooffices to which they areml
director!. A POSTMASTER, j
April 30.—4
WHEREAS it has been my good fortune to draw id
the late Gold Lottery, Lot No. 541. 2nd distru;
and 4th section, and which lot, I am informed, is veryviij
uable: —And w hereas this Lot is subject to executions!)
the amount of nearly $ 400, which have been obtainej
against me at sundry times and places:—And whered
it is very important that this Lot should not be sacrifice;!
for tile payment of these debts, hut rather be madetij
bring a fair price, for my benefit and the advantage,;
the just purchaser: 1 have seen cause to issue this®;
Proclamation, to the citizens of Cherokee county, and tfe!
divers other counties carved thereout, and admonish thee*
and the good citizens generally, of this “ rebelious State,
to keep a vigilant lookout for these kind plaintiffs in esq
cution, and foil their designs to purchase the said LotW
a nominal sum.
Given under my sign mannal, and done at Talboltc-j
this the 22d day of April, 1833.
May 7.—5 f
OWING to the delay of some of the Surveyors, i:
making their returns, and the consequent del*
that has unavoidably attended the publication ofthe GoS
Maps of Cherokee, I have concluded to reduce the prie
of them from TEN to SIX DOLLARS. The Gob* M i:
is divided into three parts, and the price of the three, com
prising all the Gold Districts, with the exception of ft
eleventh, in the first section, which has not yet been rt
turned, will hereafter he six dollars, or two dollars fifn
cents each. I have also now’ preparing, which will 1,
completed in a few weeks, a CHART representing i[
ery Lot on my Land Map, which, together with the Mat
will be sold fer FIVE DOLLARS. All persons wb
have purchased and all who may hereafter purchase ha
Land Map, slmll receive a list ot the Qualities, gratis, f,
soon as completed.
April 6—l—ts
TIIE Subscribers tak's this method of informing ti.’
Public, that lie has just contracted for, and got in!
operation, anew Stage Line, from Pendleton, South Car
olma, viaCamesville, Georgia, to Gamcsville,Georgia
under the following regulations, viz :
Leave Pendleton every Monday morning—arrive t
Camesville the same night—and at Gainesville on Tues
day night.
Leave Gainesville every Thursday morning—arrive i
Camesville the same night, and at Pendleton on Friday*
5 o’clock, P. M.
The above completes a line of Stages from SalcmNorf
Carolina, to Lumpkin Court House Georgia, in the in
mediate vicinity oi the Cherokee Gold mines. It is al>
the most direct route from North Carolina, or the uppe
part of South Carolina to the Gold Region in Georgia;!
it is intersected by Cross Stages, both at Camesville a;.
Every effort will he made to render comfortable tlics
who may favor me with their patronage.
Camesville , Ga. April IG, 1832—2—ts
County (if Clierokce
I HAVE now in the hands of the Engraver, wttj
will be completed by the first of November next,
general and accurate Map of the Cherokee Countfl
drawn from the returns of tiie District Surveyors. 0i
in”- to the great number of Lots, into which the count,
has been divided, particularly the Gold Region, and ti
large dimension of tiiP sheet it will require, to have
those numbers distinctly and accurately laid down, 1
thought it advisable to form tho Map into st J ) ‘’ r l a^e ®
detached Sections; wliicli I designate as Gola Map u
Land Map.
All the Land Districts in the Territory are laid do*
on one sheet, and constitute a distinct and seperatc
by themselves.
The Districts leserved and surveyed as Gold District’
are divided into three sheets or Maps. Districts No.!
2,3, 4. 5,11, 12,13, 14, and 15, ol the first section, foe
he first Map.
Districts No. 1,2, 3,14,15, 16,17 18, 19, 20,21, an
22, of the second section, form the second Map.
Districts No. 1,2, 3, 4,17,18, 19, 20,21, arid 22, off
third section, and Districts No. 1,2, 3, 16, and 17, off*
fourth section, form the third Map. On these Maps
be found each District in the Territory, with every squat
Lot of Land and Fraction distinctly laid down and numb
ed—all Mountains, ltiyers, Creeks, Brandies, Roads, Ft
lies, &c. are correctly and faithfully delineated.
The Map will he handsomely engraved, printed f
strong silk paper, coloured and put up in morocco cad
at the following prices, viz:—
Land Map, 53 CD
Gold daps $3 50 each, or for the three, $lO CO
For Gold and Land Maps, comprising the
whole Territory, sls 00
Persons desirous of obtaining this valuable Map, w
Jo well to inform the publisher soon, as but a limit ’
number can be obtained during the drawing of the Ld
All communications addressed to the subscriber, j
Milledgeville, Ga. ( postage paid of course,) will meet *
prompt attention. ORANGE GREEK.
Milledgeville, August 23,1832.
The following is a list of Post Offices established it
this Judicial Circuit, to wit:—
Cherokee County At the Court House, Wm. &
Harmgevitle —H. T. Simmons, P. M.
Hickory Flat —Eli M’s onnell, P. M.
Cass County—Pit the Court I ’,,
Two Run*—Chester ’’lawks, P M.
ftirsMe —B" r nct S. Hardeman, P. Al
oanjor^ tn! i e —John Davison, P. M.
- me Log —James A. ‘I hompson, P. Al.
Floyd County —At the Court House, Head of Coo.-i
G. M. Lavender, P. M.; Vann’s Valley, James Hcn
hill, P. M.
Forsyth County —At the Court House. HightoW
J. M. Scudder, P. M.
Gilmer County— At the Court House. Talking Ro
C. H. Nelson, P. M.
Lumpkin County— At the Court House, Harbcn’s Stonj
N. B, Harben, P. M.
New Bridge ; Robert Legon, P. Ah
Murray County New Echota; William Tarvin, P-' :
Spring Place ; W. N. Bishop, P. M.
Paulding County —At tho Court House.
Union County—At the Court House.