Newspaper Page Text
Slicing tabs f Lumpkin County, will
continue to be in t ■■>■ ‘’ cstem lloiaU .
MR.blbi ‘XES, fcl. ;r. L. C.
April B. l —w4w.
Lmupkiit Kiicriii * Salts
war'll. L be sol.! on the tirst Tuesday in J
TV JUNE litat toe Ccuil-hoUe ill Auraria,
Lumpkin county, >\it:*iii the usual hours oi sole, the tui
iowing property, to wit :
One Negro mar, named Randu!, about 21
vnirs of age; levied oil as the pmpcrtv of V* illiam Rich
ardson, to satisfy two fi. faj. from Hancock Superior
Court, one i:i favor of Martha Cooper, Guardian lor Jo
seph Cooper, vs. William Richardson, and Gabth 1 Moss,
*h curity, and one in favoi of Martha Cooper, Guardian,
&c. vs.” William Richardson, and David Kendal!, security.
Property pointed out by iT.oinas \V. liams.
Lot No. 1054, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin t ‘ounty, containing 40
Acres, more or less; levied on as tli property ot 1 liomus
Rieves, jun. to satisfy three ft. fas. from Hall Superior
Court, in favor ofP. J. Murray, vs. Thomas Uievts, and
Joel Leathers, security on stay ts one oftlie executions.
Lot No. 1051, 4th District, Ist Section, as
above described ; levied on the property of Thomas
ttieHs, jun. to satisfy four li. fas. issued fiom a Justice's
Court ot Hall county; tw oin favor of l*. J. Murray, one
in favor of Joel Leathers for the use of P. J. Murray, and
one iu favor Francis C. Andoe, for the use of P. J. \iur
ray, vs. T homas Kievcs, jun. Levy made and returned
to tno by a Constable.
Lot No. 605, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
igihally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing -ft)
Acres more or less; levied on as the property of Ransom
Strawhorn,to satisfy four ii. fas. issued from a Justice's
Couit of Gwinnett County, in tavorof John Choice & Cos.
and one in favor ofThomas AIL n,vs. Ransom Strawhorn.
Levy made and tir.n; dtome by a Cot.stabL.
Lot No, 10S2, 12th District, Ist Section,
originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
40 Acres. ioie orle&s: leviedo.i is the prop.rty of Edwin
Pettigrew, to satisfy four fi. f.i>, issued from a Justice s
Court of Hall county in favor of A. iy. Blackwell, and
one in favor of John . ills. vs. said Pettigrue. Levy made
and retained to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 251, 15th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 0
Acres’ more or less; levied on as the property of Labor
Moncricf, to satisfy a ti. fa. issued from a Justice's Court
ot Taliiaierro county, in favor of Linton & Evans, vs. I
- Moncricf. L vy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 929, 12th District, Ist Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now’ Lumpkin county, containing
•10 Ac* es, more or less; levied on as the property of Wil
liam Nelson, and William Knight, to satisfy a ti. la. is
sued from Jaspci Superior Court, in favor of Archibald
Sandefer,adm'r. of A. Golson, deceased, vs. William
Nelson and William Knight. Levy made and returned
to me by a C unstable. *
Lot No. 406,13 th District, Ist Section, north?
levied on as the property of Anderson A.C. Hudson, to sa
tisfy ah. fa. in favor of A. H. Palmer, vs. Susannah Hud
son and Anderson A. C. Hudson, and Samuel M’Junkin,
indorser. Levy made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 195,13 th D strict, Ist Section, south;
levied on as the property of James F. Norris, to satisfy a ti.
fa. in favor of Richard Butler, vs. said Norris. Levy mad.
and r< turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 175, 13th District Ist Section, north;
levied on as the property of Ezekie l Daniel to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of • ■ an-ra llnscoc, for the use of ilicharu Sut
ler, vs. said Daniel. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 526, 12th District, Ist -Section; le
vied Oil as the property of James Love, to satisfy a li. fa.
in favor of Stephen Hackney, and one in favor of Wil
liam H. Morrow, vs. said Love. Levy made and return
to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 394, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the proper!y of Wiley Rigsby, to satisfy a ft.
fa. in favor of Henry Strickland, vs. John Rigsby, Wiley
Rigsby, and Silas Spikes. Levy made and returned to
by a Constable.
’ tnl 30. SAMUEL JONES, Sh’fl.
.uni i>kin lierifPs alt.
FILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
JUNE next, at the Court-house in Auraria,
..pkin county, within tire usual hours of sale, the fol
. ig property, to wit.
Lot No. 740, 4th District, Ist Section, ori
sally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
ores,more orless; levied on as the property of William
•I. Kimbrough and Robert Beall, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
am Putnam Superior Court, in favor of . illiarn Varner,
- rustee of Priscilla Ward, vs. said Kimbrough and
April 30.
WV'ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
JUNE next, at the Court-house in Auraria,
ipkin county, within the usual hours of sale, the foi
■v-rigproperty, to wit:
Lot No. 1051, sth District, Ist Section, of
mally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
• Veres, more or less: levied on as the property of James
•ratters, to satisfy three li. fas. issued from a Magistrates
,urt of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. lames
VVatters. Levy made and returned to mu by a Constr, ble.
Lot No. BC3, 11th District, Ist Section,ori
• mally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containin'’ 40
‘'-cs. more or less: levied on as the property of Isaac
- . -ntisty a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates
J'lapmsn iu... : n favor P. J, Murray, vs. Isaac
-ourt, of Hail county,... ‘irntd to me f>r a Consta
iapuian. i_.evy made ana re..
Lot No. 71, 15th District, Ist Section, ot
. rally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
-s more or less; levied on as the properly of James G.
~, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a Magistrates Court
alt county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. James G.
is. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 385,5 th District, Ist Section, ofori
.. T.vllj Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
o, more or less: levied on as the property of Basil
Go'ving, to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from a Magistrates
Court, of Hall county, in lavorol’P. J. Murray, vs. Basil
Gowing. Levy made and relumed to me by a Consta
Lot No. 274, 4th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing 40
Acres, more or less: levied on as tne property of Lewis
. hitchcad, to satisfy a li. fa. issued from a Magistrates
ourt, of Hail county, in favor ofP. Murray, vs.’ Lewis
/hitchcad. Levy made and returned to me by a Cou
; table.
Lot number 145, 12th district, Ist section,
f origestlly Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containin’
o aciee,more or less: levied on as trie property ofThom-
Carver, to satisfy an execution issued from a Magis
rl< s Court, of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs.
Thomas Carver. Levy made and returned tome by aCon
stabl .
Lot number 127, 6th district, Ist section,
containing ItlO acres more or less, of originally Cherokee,
now Lumpkin county: levisd on as the properiy of Jam
1 yk a!!, to satisfy a li. lii.i-snu* from a Magistral -
Corn t of Ha! 1 county, in favor of P. J. >! urray, vs. Jam
Keykindall. Levy made and returned to me by a Consl
Lot No. 392, sth District, Ist Section, ot'o.i
ginally Chet okee, now Lumpkin county, containing - .
Acres, mor orless: levied cn the property of Fichu
Thurmond, to satisfy a Ik fa. issued from a Magistrate’s
Court of Hall county, in favor of P. J. Murray, vs. j
t* ieldiug Thurmond. Levy made and returned to me
by a Constable.
Oii3 Lot, No. 103, 12th District, Ist Section
of originally Cherokee, now Lumpkin county, containing
Forty Acres, more or less: levied on us the property ot
Milt s M’Cleskey to satisfy a ti. la. issuyi horn the Su
perior Court, of Hall county, in favor of Jones L Sim
j uions, vs. Miles M’Cleskey.
| April 30. SAM’L. JONES, Sh'ff. L. C.
! Sheriff Sales, will be published in this pa
G’ilmcv Slu-riiTs Suit's.
IS STALL be sold on the tirst Tuesday in
w W JUNE next, at the Court-house In Gilmer conn
,v, w ithin the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property,
to wit.
Lot No. 50. 26th District, 2ml Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county, containing one
hundred and sixty Acres, more or less; levied on us the
property oflsham Ponder, to satisfy a fi. fa, issued from
a Justice's Court in Hall county, in favor of P. J. .Murray,
vs. said Ponder. Levy made and returned to me by a
Lot No. 157, 9th District, 2d Section, ori
finally Cherokee, now Gilincr county, containing one
hundred and sixty Acres, more or less; levied on as the
property of Josiau Hickman, to satisfy a li. fa. issued
from a Justice’s Couit of Hall county, in favor of P. J.
Murray, vs. said Hickman. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable. *
Lot No. 225, 24th District, 2nd Section, ori
ginally Cherokee, now Gilmer county, containing one
hundred and sixty Acres, more or l ss; levied on as the
property of Elisha Norris, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from a
Justice’s Court of Hull county, in favor of P. J. Murray,
vs. said Norris. Levy made and returned to me by a
April 30. LEVI W. HUFFSTUTLER, Sh’ff.
She*.iff Sales, will b published in this
paper. WILLI AM HOG UE, Sh fi!
I’aiMidins SiiPi'iiLs Sale,
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in June
next at the place for holding Courts in Paulding
ounty, the following property, to wit:
Lot No. 499, Ist District, 4th Section, of
originally Chirokce, now 1 aulding County: levied on as
the property of Stephen . Blount, to satisfy sundry ti
fas. issued from a Justice's Couit of Burke County, in
favor of N. L. and S. Sturges, vs. Sturgcs and Blount,
levy made and returned by a Constable.
Lot No. 319, 2nd District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County: levied on
as the psopeitv of Samuel Barron, to satisfy two fi. fas.
issue*i i". >su. o’s Couit of Burke County, in favor of
Joseph* ..y. Levi 1 an l returned by a Constanta.
Lot No. 744, 19th District, 3rd Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding County : levied on as
the property of illiam Doyle, to satisfy a fi. fa. from
Burke Superior Court, in (avor of lleddeek Rutlaud,!
vs. said L'oyle, and Soutlrw orth Harlow*, endorser.
Lot No. 292, 2d District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county: H i ! upon
as the property of Benjamin Devane, to satisfy an exccu
tion from Scriven Superior < Mint, in favor of Stephen Cor
ker, administrator, iec., against the said Devane.
Lot No. 1085, 21s>t District, 3d Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county : levied on as
the property of Henry Ai’Norrill, to satisfy a fi. fa. from
Burke Superior Court, in favor of the Court of Ordinary,
of Buiko county, for the use of Wade Brown, and Sarah
his w ife. vs. die said ’Nonill.
Lot No. 806, 19th District, 3rd Section, of j
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county: levied on as
the property of James Polliill, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of LC"e, l ay 1 r X Cos. vs. said Polhiil.
Lot No. I4?> Ist District, 4th Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county : levied on as
tire property of John H. Page.:'. satisfy a sni‘*U fi- fa* L- ‘
sueu from a Justice’s Court of a ten county, Mi fa
vor of Edward Garlick, vs. said Page. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot Xo* 593, 21st District, 3d Section, of
originally Cherokee, now Paulding county : levied on as
the property of Samuel Tilly, to satisfy two small fi. fas.
issuedfrom a Justice’s Court of Burke county, in favor of
Joseph Pern', vs. said Tilly.
April 30. ‘ WILLIAM S. IIOGUE, Slffi!
•'j’lJ’ifth rIHE Subscriber espectfully informs the
111 tfflt * Public generally, that he has opened a
Ford, on the Chcstatee River; this
place is as healthy a situlion as any in the up country; it
isfilte> n miles miles from Gainesville, and four miles
from Auraria, Lumpkin county,-and a central situation in
WE& im r©
Surrounded with curiosities, h t natural and artificial,
well calculated to cheer the spirits of the weary or engage
die attention of those in pursuit of pleasure. Lis Louse
is large and commodious, with suitable rooms fur the ac
commodation of all Families or private prisons that may
think proper to call on him. Uis table will hr furnished
with the best the country affords ; bis bar supplied with
choice Liquors: his stableswith plenty of provender, and
no exertions will be spared on his part to comfort the
Traveller at Home.
April 6.—l—Bt.
( Auraria, Lumpkin County,)
rMHIE Subscriber still continues
to occupy his Old Stand, on
JiFJtfeWil Main Street, a few doais above the Court-
House. Having exteu ed his improvements
he is now prepared to accommodate in more comfoi table
style, those who may favor him with their patronage.
Ready access to Maps, Diagrams, &c. can be had at any
time, and no exertions will bo spared to give to the Trav
„ ; n pursuit of information, the best knowledge of tii
c.le. j. ■ ; c f, j„' s means of information will afford,
country, y>. ’Vral patronage aheady received, its
Grateful for too • ■!.. so i ici n; - i
continuance 13rcspccAu. ROGERS’
Anraria, April 6--I—ts
“ITAVE opened a house of
MLg ■“"“'ENTERTAINMENT, in the Town
of Auraria. Lumpkin County. They occupy
the Establishment formerly occupied by Air.
Nuckolls, who has resigned his ntirc buwit.Gss to their
Persons who give them a call will receive as gopd ac
commodations as the country will afford.
!CP George W. Paschall will continue to prac
tice Law at the above place.
April G, 18331 —ts
BELIEVING it to Ire for the interest of Defendants,
as well as the b ‘.v r . 1 of Plaintiff’s in Execution,
n< tice is her: ly : v:...i land will not be sold at .Sheriff-’
al , unless the O’ rant proluced at the time of sale, or
•i . ntiOV. it abb. p that it has issuer!.
May 14.—6—ts.
A Mouth of steady habits who wishes to Icam
Tailors trade,
n. A. WILES.
Auiarin, May 21.—7—ts
rg'UlK Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens ot
■ tlrll,arnlthc adjoining counties,that lie continues
to carry on the above business m its various bran
ches, at his Old Stand, east side olthe Court-House
Square, where work shall bo dyne in the iioulest and
most fashionable style. He receives the PIIILADLL
PH IA and LONDON FASHIONS, quarterly—and
ket ps on hand
Ofevcrv description. He returns his hanks to the pub
lic for tfie liberal patronage heretofore received, and begs
leave to say, he has just employed a first rate Journey
man from the city of Baltimore, and pledges there shall
ia future be no disappointment. G. \\. BROWN.
April o—l—sm0 —I—sm
rBTHL Subscriber lias established a Laboratory in
H this place, for the purpose cf Assaying, Defining,
and Fluxing GOLD, and analysing every description of
metallic ore. Persons applying to him may rely upon
having these operations conducted w ith care and accura
Vein and deposit mines, will continue to be examined
and tested, and aII.AGENCIES relative to mines traps
acted by liitn. Pumps and Wheelbarrows, of the most
approved consfhietion, for milling purposes, will also be
kept on hand, for sale at his Office.
May 14. —6—3 t.
■ 111 “CMTHER stolen, strayed or Runa-
I'MteSy ti aay from the Subscriber, two Hor
s.s, and one Mare; one of t’^ehorses is a
hay, four years old, about fifteen hands
i* what lean; the other is a roan, six years old,
’ .ve sixteen hands high, with his left hind ancle swolen;
Th. .narc is a small grey about ten years old, back a
little sore: she has a pi culiar catch in her gate while at
tempting to pace down a hill. Any person giving satis
factory information about them, shall be amply rewarded
Or their trouble. IRA R. FOSTER.
Auraria, Lumpkin county, Geo. April 9.—ltf.
ALL persons are cautioned against trading for a note
drawn by Holt and A.aurable, dated some time in
April, 1833, for one hundred and twenty nine dollars and
thirty cents, as I have received the amount thereof, from
them, and the note has been lost out of my possession.
Auraria, May 7. —s—ts5 —ts
A PUBLIC meeting will be held in the Court House,
of this place on Thursdy next at 10 o’clock, A. M.
for the purpose of making arrangements for clearing and
repairing the streets of tlie Town. The attendenee of the
Citizens is respectfully requested.
Auraria, May 21—7
THE undersigned lias just received from New-
York and Charleston, an extensive and well selec
ted asssortment of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES,
HARDWARE & CROCKERY, consisting in part
of the following articles, which he will sell low for Cash
or Gold.
4000 yds. Sheeting and Shirting,
2000 “ Cheap Negro Cloth,
407 by S qr. London Duffie Blankets,
“6by 7do do do do
75 Point Blankets,
12 pr. 11-1 Rose Blankets,
400 yds. Chester Ticks,
300 “ Union Stripes,
200 “ Pittsburg Cord,
8 ps. Moleskin, assorted colours.
6 “ Bleached -uffolk Drills,
“ Cotton Diaper,
30 “ Calico, 6 do. Turkey Red Prints,
12 “ Ginghams, 10 do Boinbazetts,
8 “ Furniture Calicoes,
4 doz. Chints Shawls, 4 ps. Crimson Circassian,
do. Irish Linen, 8 do.Linenfold Shilling,
G do &„"-inett, Silk, fa Cotton Flag Hdkts.
Hhds. Molasses, 1 do. St. Croix Su
1 do. N. Orleans do. 3 do. N. England 111,.b
8 Bags Prime Green Coffee,
1 Pipe Holland Gin, 1 do. Cognac Brandy,
1 <jr. Cask Poach Brandy 1 Superior Cognac do.
1 do. H. Gin, 1 do. Madeira M ine,
G Hampers Champaigne, G Boxes No. 1 Claret,
1 or. Cask Port, I do. .Muscat, 3 do. Malaga,
3 Casks London Porter, 12 Boxes Soap,
3 Bbls. Loaf Sugar, 3 Tierces Rice,
5000 Spanish t-egars, 12 Kegs Crackers,
6 Bbls. rackcrel, 3 Boxes Sperm Candles,
G do. Charleston do. 1 Bbl. Almonds,
G Boxes Herring, 4 do. best quality Tobacco,
12 do. Bunch Raisins,
2000 lbs. iron, 100 Spades, Longhandled Shovels,
4 Setts Blacksmith Tools, 6 X Cut Saws,
G Mill .raws, 400 lbs. German Steel,
12 Kegs Nails, assorted sizes,
12 Boxes Window Glass, Bby 10,
24 Setts Knives and Forks,
Pocket, Pen, and Dirk Knives,
Razors, scissors, Shears, &c.
. Pad, Gun, Chestand Stock Locks,
4 Rifles, 6 Shot {. uns, t double barreled do.
Everpointed I cncils, Silver Steel Pens, &c.
fa: peut-rs fouls,
2 Crates Crocker, G ass, and China Ware,
2 Boxes Kings Cast-steel Axes, Tea-kettles,
An assortment of Tinware,
100 V/00l Hats, 25 Fine Fur,
100 Suits Negro Cloathing,
„ n . . . S. T. ROWLAND.
N. li. Highest price given for Gold.
April 6, 1333 I—ts
TFiE article* is strong, and well adapted to the roads
tins count.-). Enquire at this ffice.
Auraria, May 21. —7 ts
Tm ! E Subscriber, (late, of Athens, Ten.,) has perma
nently settled himseit in this place, wiierc %hc will
C* rr y 0,1 tlie abov f business, in all its various branches.
He r*v' elve ® monthly the New-York, Philadelphia, and
Baltimore laJ/ttoiis, a;d hopes horn assiduous attention to
bus:’ ’o im :’i a >.hurc of public patronage. Ilischar
ges will her ,i3onablc. D. A. WILES.
Auraria, May 21,-7—tf
I.’ Ri ‘’> County Town Lots for
® ILL be sold on the first Wednesday in July next,
V ¥ 1 lot No. 950, !2th District, IstSoction ; all the
town lot* laid out forthe county site, in said county The
sale to continue from day to day till all the lots are sold.
Terms made known on the b y of Sale.
May 21,—’7—tf
Dll. John H. Thomas, having spttleTl himsclfin Au
taria Lumpkin County, respectfully lenders his
pr Sessional services, to the Citizens of this and the ad
joining counties. From his experience as a practitioner
of twelve years in the middle part ot this S Late, and with a
promise of charges in proportion with the times, and stiict
ri ention to calls, he hopes to merit a share of public pat
Auraria, May 21.—7—ts
jfc-_• r|pm.- Proprietors of the Alliens
_.lhi -'Qe H Stuge Line, liuVe determined
cuatinue their tri-wcekly line to
vn nrtu. ite.. attei the stage will reach thisnlacotgtSun
day, iv ednesday and Friday mornings, iimlleavo for Au
gusta, oil Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
This arrangement will open a di.ect communication by
staire tri-\wt‘kly with Augusta, and week
ly with Pendleton, via * Juinesville and Caniesville. Iho
stage will also iun twice a week to Alliens, 1 ennessee;
leaving Leathers'Ford on Sunday and Wednesday morn
May 23.-6- ts.
THE Stage will remain in this place from -iy morn
ing to Tuesday evening. Persons wis r g con’
i ance to th * adjacent country, can be accomin *atcd
J May 23—8—3 t
RESPECTFULL i intorms the inhabitants of
Lumpkin, and the adjoining counties, that lie has
taken the new building, next door below the Post Office,
where he intends carrying on the Tailoring business in
all its various brandies. The Subscriber flatteis liim
self, from his experience in business that he will
be able to give general satisfaction, and will warrant all
work done by him, to he equal to that done in Augusta,
or elsewhere. Work done according to the most appro
ved fashion or to order.
N. 14 Particular attention paid to cutting.
Auraria May 28.— S —3t
WILL be sold on Monday the 24tli June next, ai
Ellijay town, all the town Lots laid out for the
county site in said cou* y. The sale to continue from day
to day till all arc sold. Terms made known on the day of
RALPH SMITH, j. i. c.
May 23.—8—tds.
The Cherokee Intelligencer, Federal Union and Geor
gia Journal, will confer a favor by inseiting the above till
tlie day of sale.
rail IE Subscriber respectfully informs the
imPA public, that he has opened a house of
E> i KRTAINMENT at Huntsville; the
Gold Alines in Paulding county. This place
is in a healthy situation, with the ad vantages of good spring
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded with
a romantic forest, and better than all, m the midst of the
Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-five miles from thi
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuna mines
in Cas 3 county,and on the direct road leading from one* to
the other. JACOB PARLIER.
May 23.—8—ts
FROM the subscribe l some time last October, in this
county a dark Bay marc, about fourteen and a half
hands high, heavy built,some wind galls about where the
ham string joins th - thigh, long tail, seven or eight years
old, a natural trott , and a bright bay horse about live
years old, this spring, well made from the girth forward,
Roman nose, droop tumped and cat hamed, walks, trots
and canters finely, some saddle spots on the back, and had
a long tail when he left; ny person delivering said horses
to me, living on cain creek in this county, or giving infor
mation so that 1 get them shall be liberally rewarded for
the same, and all reasonable expences paid.
May SI, —7—3 t
ALL persons are hereby notified, that I have tlie equi
table title to the undivided half of lot of land
number 77, in the third District, and first section, drawn
by Amos Ellard, and have now a suit pending in Forsyth
county, where the land lies, for the same.
Auraria ay 7.—-s—til
Months after date application will be made, to
. the Honorable the Inferior Court, ol Newton Coun
ty, when setting as a court oft frdinary, for leave to sell
the whole of the real estate belonging to Walter Poole,
late of said County dec.
May 21.—7—4 m
. y erffc .. l, ''Se.ibers are now reciivinglroin
Ne;:--Yoik, a general assortment of
Jp-jll PAINTS, OIL, cce., which shey oiler to
Country Merchants, or Tradesmen the
Augusta prices. Their Stock is fresh and vv’arunted ot
the best qualit . . LINTON & BACON.
Alh ns, ay 14—G—ts
A I. L persons except those having licence from the pa
i titee, are hereby forewarned from using the
Punning, Gold-washing Machines, under the penalty pre
scribed by the Patent act. Those who wish to use the
above mentioned machines in the State of Georgia, can
obtain the privilege for one year, or the balance of'the un
expircd time of the patent, by paying to the undersigned,
the licence pnee; and those who have been using mem
may avoid a prosecution by paying for a licence for the
present year, within thirty days from this date.
Mornicsfor the Patentee
April 30.—4—ts
Oh every description, done in the neatest manner
and on the most approved plans, by the Subscri
ber, at LEATHER’S I%RD. Order’s for work in his
line of business will be promptly attended to, at the short
est notice. He will now engage to construct frames and
other parts of buildings for applicants, in order to have
them ready to be reared up immediately after the sale ol
Town lots, or other cases of emergency.
May 28.—6—tds.
By. an advettisement in several of the newspapers, 1
discover among many others, Lot, No. 820, in the
12th district,ot the Ist. Section oftliu Cherokee Territory
offered for sale by a company of Speculators. I therefore
deem it, necessary to adopt this plan, as a caution to all
persons who may feel disposer! t„ purchase the above
named Lot, (820,12. 1,, a* lam fullv proper. dto shew,
i t,w J “ t!I V owner of on,- undivided hall of said Lot, and
! aotbonsod by pow -r of attorney, to dispose of
I the other undivided bait of said Lot, and that I am also in
| possession of said Lot, with a full determination to hold
on, until I am dispossessed throueh a due course of law,
should that be determined upon by said Company, or any
person who may feel disposed to risk the consequences.
at co o - JOS. J. SINGLETON.
May 28.—8—41
J] ] Henry K ennedny aj,s lomefor let-
V 7 ters of administration on the Esu t- of John Cure,
late of naid county, deer used: •
These are therefor, to cite and admonish, all and sin
gular, the kindred and creditor ~f saidd.ceased, to be
and appear at my other ithin ts. lime pre-a il-d by law,
to shew cause .fany they have, why saul CUc.-s should
not be granted. J
Given under my hand, this 23th May, 1833.
a *a i cc, M- P. tUJILLAN, u.c.c.o.
Auraria, May 28.-8—30(1
neatly printed,
DAVID OXFORD tolled before James Ownbv r
oil tlie2otli day of May, 1833, a buy horse, nearo
I lands bin'll, very thin in order, übout 10 or 12 yearTol,
wills old shoos on before; ho is light made, and has so r
white spots on his shoutders, supposed to he done by Ik
collar j ho had an old bell on, the collarstipposcd to be**
old hipstrap. Appraised by Jonathan Oxford and
drew Flowers, at fotty dollars.
M. P. QUILLAN, c.ts I
Auraria, May 28.—8 —3 t
TO pkintersT
RESPECTFULLY inform tlie Printers of the United I
States, to whom they have long been individually knotT I
as established Letter Founder?, that they have iiowfom!, l
ed a co-partnership in said business, and hope from £ I
united skill and extensive experience, to be able
full satisfaction to all who may favor them with their ot’
The introduction of machinery, in place of the tediou.
and unhealthy process of easting type hyliand, a deaidcr.
atmn by the European and American founders, was by
American ingenuity, and a heavy expenditure of time and
money, on the part of our senior partner, first successful.
Iy accomplished. Extensive use of the machine cast It!
ter, lias fully tested and established its superiorityin al
ry particular, over that cast by the old process.
The Letter Foundry business, will hereafter be cans
on by tlie parties before named, under the firm ot
Their specimen exhibits a complete scries, from Dii
inond to 14 lilies pica; the Bookand News type bcinn
tlie most modern and light style.
itYT 3 White, Hager & Cos. are agents for the Smiti
and Rust Printing Prescs, which they can furnish totbtj
customers at the manufacturer’s piices.
Chases, Cases, Composing Sticks, Ink, and every ait
ole used in the Printing business, kept for sale, amlfc.j
oished on short notice. “ ( ltd type taken in exchange fj
new, at nine eents per pound.
N B.—Newspaper proprietors who give the above ties
insertions, will be entitled to five dollars, in suehartidj
as they may select from our specimen.
New York, May 28, —S—3t
THE undersigned have entered into copartnership]:
tho practice of the Law, for the County ofLumpkjr
and will attend to any professional business, which mu)
be confided to their care. Li tters addressed to Hardt:
and Rogers,either at Athens or Auraria, will receive proos
attention. j
May 7.—j—wGm
41 TORNEY AT LAW, has located at Lump 1 ,;;]
Court-House—and will practice in all the
of the Cherokee,and i:i Hall and Habersham, olthe Wei
tern Circuit. All communications addressed tohimupml
business in his profession will be promptly attended to.
April 6 1833 I—ts ’
AITORNEY AT LAW, has located in AurarJ
Lumpkin County, and will practice in all thecon-l
ties of the Cherokee Circuit, and the county of HtJ
Western Circuit. All business entrusted to his cm!
will be thankful ly received and promptly attended to. 1
April e, 1833—1—ts |
zJTtr. ‘
(Lumpkin C. 11. Ga .)
A R*. &H. IIOLT, have removed to this place ml
will Practice Law in Copartnership in all tliecoml
ties of Cherokee Circuit, and in the adjoining counties Ml
the NVcstern and Chattahoochie Circuits.
April 6,183 a— I—ts
nil HE Subscriber has established lumse’f in this plap
-“ and will attend to all prolessiona! business coni
ded to Mm in tiles’ veral counties of the Cherokee Circt
—also in the Counties of Jackson, Franklin, Hall an
Habersham, of the Western Circuit. His office isati
north end of town.
Aurarfp, April G—l—ts
. ot the following counties ‘t- J Cherokee Circti
EoßsTxir, Lumped, Cass, AW
‘ L .°'“; Daulding, Cobb. S. ROCKWELL.
Milledgeville. May 14, —G—4t
A blue silk umbrella. The ring connecting the hey
with the stick lias b ‘en lost. The possessor aha' ;
be thanked, or rewarded, or O'-tl: us he pleases, byleatia;!
it at thi3 office.
May 28—3—ts
THERE will be lotto the lowest bidder, on Monikt
week, the 3rd of June next, the buildtugof a teinpo*
rary Court flouse, on Lot No. 050, 12th Disk Ist £■;
Given under our hands, 25th May.
JOHN C. JONES, J. t, c,
JOHN OXFORD, j. i. c.
May 28.—8—It
County of Cherokee
fHAVE now in the hands of the Engraver, whirl
will he completed by the first of Noveinb.r next,*
general and accurate Map of the Cherokee Count!}!
drawn from the returns of the District Surveyors. Ow
ing to the great number of Lots, into which the counlr”
lias been divided, particularly the Gold Region, and tlx
large dimension of the sheet it will require, to have slij
those numbers distinctly and accurately laid down, 1 hath
thought it advisable jo form the Map into separate an’
detached Sections , w Inch I designate as Gold Map ant
Land Map.
All the Land Districts in the Territory are laid do
on one sheet, and constitute a distinct and seperate Ma||
by themselves.
The Districts leserved and surveyed as Gold District'.,
are divided into three sheets or Map!. Districts No. 1
2,3, 4, 5,11, 12, 13, 14, anti 15, ol the first section, fo®
he first Map.
Districts No. I, 2, 3,14,15, 16, 17 18, 19, 20,21, and
22, of the second section, form the second Map.
Districts No. 1,2, 3,4, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, and 22, of*
third section, and Districts No. 1,2,3, 16, and 17, of*
fourth section, form the third .Map. On these Maps
bo found each District in the Territory, with every squat-
Lot of Land and Fiaction distinctly Iniddown olid monte
cd—ull Mountains, Rivers, Creeks, Branches, Roads, Fei
rics, &e. are correctly and faithfully delineated.
The Map will be handsomely engraved, printed
strong silk paper, coloured and put up m morocco cast’
at the following prices, viz:—
Land Map, 55 00
Gold Maps S3 50 each, or for the three, §lO 00
For Gold and Land Maps, comprising the
whole Territory, 1 ° sls 00 ’
Persons desirous of obtaining this valuable Map.
Jo well to inform the publisher soon, as hut a lino*
number can be obtained during the drawing of the W
All communications addressed to the subscriber, *
Millcdgeville, Ga. {postage paul of course,) will meet i’
prompt attention. ORANGE GULP”
Millcdgeville, August 23, 1832,