Newspaper Page Text
Lumpkin Sheriff's Sales.
WILL be sold op the first Tuesday in Oc
tober next, at the court-house in Lnmpkin
rvinty, within the usual hours of sale, the follow ill? prop
i rty, to wit:
Lot No. 533, 12th District, Ist Section; le
aded on as the property ofThouns 1 ligginbolliam, to sa
,sfv a ti. fa. issued from a Justices Court ot Richmond
utility, ill favor of Joan Coskcrv, vs. said Higginbotham.
2v v made ami returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 379, 13th District, South halt', Ist
f>ection; levied on as the property of Thomas Arnold, to
satisfy a fi. fa. from IFashingtori Superior Court in favor
if Morgan Brown, vs. said Arnold.
Lot No. 1030, slh District, Ist Section; le
i icd on as the property of Joseph G. Johnston, to satisfy
all. fa. issued trom a Justices Court of Bibb county, m
t avor ofTowns & Rilcv, vs. said .1 ohnston. Levy made
und returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 775,12 th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of M. Smith to satisfy a ti. ta. in
favor of Hogan O. Smith, vs. said Smith.
Lot No. 110,12 th District, Ist Section; le
v icd on as the property ofHenry Holcombe, to satisfy a
0 fa. infavor of Benjamin Hash.
Lot No. 37, 4th District, Ist Section; levied
cn as the property of Stephen M’Dermot, to satisfy a fi.
o. in favor of Lutlier ii Cos. vs. said M’Oermout.
Lot No 66,12 th District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of Thomas Mann, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of David Stitson, vs. said Mann.
Lot No. 482, 13th District, Ist Section,
South; levied cn as the property of Bryan O’Neal, to sa
tisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Burwell Russell, vs. said Bryan
Lot No. 792, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property ot Martin Relish, to satisfy a fi. fa. i
in favor of Thomas Camp, vs. said Relish. Levy made
and returned to mo by a Constable.
Lot No. 310, 4th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of John A. Hogg, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor ot E. Bird, vs. said Hogg. Levy made and
r -turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 337, 13th District, Ist Section,
South half; levied on as the property of Samuel Knox, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Joseph Smith, vs. said Knox.
Levy'made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1254, 11th District, Ist Section;
levied on as the property of Joshua Grace, to sattsfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hancock county, in
favor of Eli Champion, vs. said Grace. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 44, 13th District, Ist Section, north;
1 vied on as the property of Lewis Mihun, to satisfy a fi.
fa. in favor of R. Jlf. Richards & Cos. and other fi. fas. vs.
said Mihun. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
Lot No. 732, sth District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Isaac Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of William B. Shelton, vs. said Tate. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 249, 13th District, Ist Section,
South; levied on as the property of Alfred Webb, to sa
tisfy a fi. fa, in favor of John ChoiceSc Cos. vs. said Webb.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 49,12 th District, Ist Section; levied
oo as the property of Jonathan Gray, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of John Choice & Cos. vs. said Gray. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 408, 15th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property ofThomas James, to satisfy a
ti. fa. in favor of John Gorden, vs. said James. Levy
made and returned to me by Constable.
Lot No. 675, sth District, Ist Section; levied
on as the property of James Dunaway, to satisfy a fi. fa,
issued from a JusticeeCouit of Lincoln county, in favor
of Lewis Parks, vs. said Dunaway. Levy made and re
turned to me oy a Constable.
Aug. 81. SAMUEL JONES, Sh’ft.
On the first Tuesday in October next.
Lot No. 253, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of William Leverctt, to satisly a
fi. fa. in favor of William H. White, vs. said Lcvcrett.
Lot No. 76, 4th District, Ist Section, of ori
ginally Habersham, now Lumpkin county; levied on as
the property of James Carter, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. in
favor of William B. Shelton, and others, vs. Baid Car
ter. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1003, 12th District, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Eli Champeon, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Hancock county, in
favor of Bachelder & Cos. vs. said Champion.
Lot No. 412, 13th District, Ist Section;
South; levied on as the property of Basel Gowen, to sa
tisfy afi. fa. in favor ot P. J. ‘.Murray, vs said Gowen.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 297,12 th District Ist Section; le
vied on as the property of Alexander Lambert, to satisfy
a fi. fa. in favour of John Flanagan, vs. said Lambert.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
August 31. SAMUEL JONES, Sh’ff.
Gilmer Sheriff's Sale.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in
October next, before the Court House door
in the town of Elijay, Gilmercounty, within the usual
hours of sale, the following property,’to wit:
Lot No. 167, 12th District, 2d Section; le
vied on asthe property of John M’Canlese, to satisfy a
fi.fa. issued from a Justice’s Court Habersliam county, in
favor of Thomas B. Cooper, and John It. Stanford, vs.
said M’Canless.
Lot No. 71, 9th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property ofHezekiuh Finley,, to satisfy two fi.
fas. in favor of J. 11. Cooper &. Cos. vs. said Finley. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 51,12 th District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Jesse Mrckim, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued froma Justice’s Court of Habersham county, in fa
vorofT.B. Cooper, vs. said Mcckim. Levy made aud
returned to me by aConstablc.
Lot No. 138, sth District, 2d Section; levied
on asthe property of William Goodman, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from the Court of Common Picas of Augusta, in
Favor of Alexander Williams, vs. said Goodman.
Aug. 31. LEVI W. HUFFSTUTLER, Sh’ffi
Cherokee Sheriffs Sales.
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober next,at the Court-house in Cherokee, coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following property,
to wit:
Lot No. 264,22d District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Green, to satisfy three
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Washington coun
ty, in favor of Harris & Solomon, vs. said Groen. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 924, 15th District, 2d. Section; le
vied on as the property of Samuel Powel, to satisfy sun
dry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Stewart coun
ty, in favor of William Crocker, vs. said Powel. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 327,3d District, 2d Section ; levied
o’i as the property of Thomas Willis, to satisfy three fi.
fas. issued from a J usticc’s Court of Bibb countv, in favor
of V. S. Townsley, vs. said Willis. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 404, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Henry Ligon, to satisfy three
ute? i.’sued from a Justice’s Court of Talbert Countv,
;•> favor of.Marcus Vandever, vs. saidLtgon. Levy made
.nd returned to me by a Constable
Lot No. 21, 4th District, 2d Section; levied
on ns the property of Charles Kaple, to satisfy two ti. fas.
issued from a Justice's Court of Tallialorro county, in ta
vor of Jacob Johnson, vs. said Kaple. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 797, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the preperty of Eli Eberhart, to satisfy throe fi. fas.
issued from a Justice’s Court of Oglethorpe county, in fa
vor L. B. L topper, for the use of J. H Hopper, vs. said
Eberhart. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable,
Lot No. 64, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
ou as the property of James L. Lawless, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from aJustice’s Court of Lumpkin county, m favor
of J. J. Logan, vs. said Lawless. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 905, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on os the property of John Folkner, to satisfy a fi,
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Troup county, in fa
vor of Elbot Reed, vs. said Folkner. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 467, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of William Trammel, to satisfy
three fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Couit of Columbia
county, in favor ot Thomas Lyon, vs. said Trammel. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 700,215 t District, 2d Section; le
v, and on as the property of James B. Randall, to satisfy a
ti. fa. issued from thcSuperior Court ofNewton county,in
favor of Harriet Jack, vs. James B. Randall and Robert
L. Edwards.
Lot No. 347, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of John S. Head to satisfy sundry ti.
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Gwinnett county, in
favor of Mathew Strickland, vs. said Head and Nehemiah
Summerlin. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
Lot No. 764, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as tin- property of Wiley S. Allison, to satisfy sun
dry fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Butts County,
in favor of John R. Cargile. vs. said Allison. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constabl \
Lot No. 684, 15th Distnct, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Thomas Cameron, to satisfy
sundry fi, fas. issued from a Justices Court of Upson
county, in favor of John A. White, vs. said Cameron. Le
j vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 733, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property- of Robert S. Pounds, to satisfy
sundry fi. fas. issued from a justice’s Court of Columbia
county, in favorof James Caitledge and others, vs. said
Pounds. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 408, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of George H. Owens, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from t tall Superior Court, in favor of Thomas
J. Reed, vs. said Owens.
Lot No. 637, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of James H. Barton, to satisfy a
fi. ta. issued from Franklin Superior Court, in favor of
illiam Hackett, vs. said Barton.
Lot No. 803, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Angus M’Cormack, to satisfy two
fi. fas. issued from aJustice’s Court of Hall county, one
in favor of William M’Kinsy for the use of John Epperson,
the other in favor of Jonathan Betts, vs. said M’Cormick.
Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 609, 21st District, 2d Section ; le
vied on as the property of Seth Royal, and Benjamin Mo
bley, to satisfy a h. fa.’ issued from a Justice’s Court of
Bur.c couuty, in favor of A. S. Jones, vs. said Royal and
■Mobley. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 63, 22d District, 2d Section ; levied
on asthc property ofZaehariah K. Hamilton, to satisfy
two fi.fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Crawford coun
ty, in favor of Samuel & J. L. Calhoun, vs, said Hamil
ton, Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 1205, 21st District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Mathew Stevens, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a J ustice’s Court of Habersham coun
ty, in favor of Fountain Moss, vs. said Stephens. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 34, 13th District, 2d Section, levied
on as thy property of Bui well B. Bartlett, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favo* Robert Bird, vs. said Bartlett.
August 31. JOHN p . BROOKS, Sh’ff.
Cherokee Sheriffs Sales.
be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
* tober next, at the Court house in Cherokee
county, within the usual hours of sale, the following prop
erty, to wit:
Lot No. 748, 3d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of William King, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from the Inferior Court of Elbert county, in favor of
John King, for the U3e of William King, vs. said King.
Lot No. 102,13 th District, 2d Section; le
vied o i asthe property of Riley Jtf. Willingham to satis
fy a fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court in Coweta county,
in favor Samuel M’Junkin, vs said Willingham. Levy
made and relumed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 981, 2d District 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Riley .VI. Willingham, to satisfy a
fi. fa. in favor of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Willingham.
Levy made and returned tome by a Constable.
Lot No. 987, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property of Griffan Owen, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued Justice's Court of Walton connty, in favor of Sam’L
JVl’Junkin, and others, vs. said Owen. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 401, 15th District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property of Henry Niles, to sati fy a fi. fa.
in favor of John B. Hawkins, vs. said Niles. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 559, 15th District, 2d Section* le
vied on as the property of E. C. Hatcher, to satisfy a fi
fa. in favor of Francis A. Kirkland, vs. said Hatcher Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 340,2d District, 2d Section ; levied
on as the property of Josins B. Beall, to .satisfy a fi. fii. in
favor of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Beall.
Lot No. 1109,215 t District, 2d Section; le
vied on as the property ofSamuel Miller, to satisfy a fi fa
in favor of Samuel .Al’Junkin, vs. said Miller. Lew
made and returned to me by a Constable. ’ 3
Lot No. 609, 15th District, 2d Section- le
vied on as the property of Edward Jackson, Amos Jack
son, and B. F. Miller, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor nfZach
anahKeytle, vs. said defendants. Levy made and rc
turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 967, 2d District, 2d Section; levied
on as the property ofCariington Knight, to satisfy a fi
fa. in favor of Samuel JtPJunkin, vs. said Knight.
Lot No. 900, 15th District, 2d Section- le
vied on asthe property of Drew w Roach, to satisfy a fi
fa. m favor of James Adams, Adm’r. of Kichard Cannon
deceased, vs said Roach. Levy made and returned to
me by a Constable.
August 31. JOHN W. LEONARD, D. Sh’ff
Paulding Sheriff's Sale.
W^ r ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
, tober next, at the place for holding Courts in
i aulding county, the following property to wit:
Lot No. 294,2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property oflsham Law s, to satisfy a fi fa. is
sued from a Justices Court of Newton county, in favor of
Shaw & Banks vs, said Laws. Levy made and return
ed to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 583, 21st District, 3d Section- le
vied on as the properly of Green Y. Thornton, to satisfy
a fi fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Newton county
m favorot John Boston, bearer, vs. said Thornton. Lcvv
made and returned to me by a Constable. 1
Lot No. 640, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on asthe property of Daniel Johnson, to satisfy a fi
la. 1-sui and from a Justice's Courtof Newton county, in f'a
vor of Jacob Reynolds, vs. said Johnson. Levy made and
returned to me by a Constat!?. 3
Lot No. 610, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on osthe property of James Trussell, to satisfy sundry fi.
fa*. issued from a* Justices Court of Jasporcounty, vs. said
Trussell. Levied on and n turned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 406,215 t District, 3d Section ; le
vied on as the property of W illiam Wheelys, to satisfy
three fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Meriwether
county, in favor of James H. Hill and others, vs. said
Wheclys. Lew made and returned to me by a Consta
Lot No. 1113, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of Daniel Stewart, to satisfy two
fi. fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hall county, in
favorof Henry Dunn, vs. Daniel Stewart Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 661, 3d District, 3d Section; levied
on os the property of E. M. Callaway, to satisly four fi.
fas. issued from a Justice’s Court of Henry county, in fa
vor of O. W. Cox, and others, vs. E. M. Callaway. Le
vy made and returned to me by a Constable.
Lot No. 703, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on asthc property of John Washington to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court ofHenry county, in
favor of John Dayley, vs. John Washington. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
August 31. WILLIAM S. HOGUE, Shff
Pauldin? Sheriff's ale. |
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober next, within the usual hours of sale, at
the place of hoiding Courts in Paulding County, the fol
lowing property, to wit:
Lot No. 220, 19th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of Stephen Cole, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Walton county, in favorof
J. A. Cocknate.
Lot No. 188,1 st District, 4th Section; lv~
viad on as the property of .Samuel Heald, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued issued from a Justices Court of Walton county,
in favor of Samuel M’Junkin vs. said Heald.
Lot No. 82, 18th District, 3d Section; le- 1
vied on as the property of Hoscv Camp, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justices Court of Waltou county, in favor
of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Camp.
Lot No. 751, 20th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property of William O. Neal, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justices Court of Walton county, in
favor ofSamuel M’Junkin.
Lot No. 557, 20th District, 3d Section; le
vied on ns the property of John Brown, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justice’s < ‘ourt of Walton County, in favor
of Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Bro wn.
Lot No. 817, 2d District, 4th Section; levied
on as the property of William Freeman, to satisfy a fi, fa.
issued from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, in favor
of Samuel M’Junkin, bearer, vs. said Freeman.
Lot No. 183, 20th District, 3d Section; le
vied on as the property ofR. S. Scroggins, to satisfy a
fi fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Coweta county, in
favor ofSamuel M’Junkin, vs. said Scoggins,
Lot No. 756, Ist District, 4th Section; le
vied on as the property of Hiram Williams, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, in
favor ofSamuel M’Junkin, vs. said Williams.
Lot No, 499,2d District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of “ right Sliiper, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of Coweta County, in favor
of M’Junkin & Perry, vs. said Shiper.
Lot No. 360,2d District, 3d Section ; levied
on as the property of J. D. Danby, to satisfy a fi. fa. is
sued from a Justice’s Court of Walton county, in favor of
Samuel M’Junkin, vs. said Danby.
Lot No. 272, Ist District, 3d Section; levied
on as the property of V.’ illiam Washam, to satisfy a fi. fa.
issued from a Justice’s Court of Butts county, in favor of
John R.Cargil, vs. said Washam.
Lot No. 688, 20th District, 3d Section; 1c
vied on as the property of John Dickinson, to satisfy a fi.
fa. issued from a Justice’s Court of Hancock county, in
favor orn. ij. t- (Uo & Cos. vs. said Dickinson,
August 31. JACOB PARLIER. D. S.
Union Sheriff’s Sale.
be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
* ® tober next, between the usual hours of sale, at
the house of Jack Butts, the place of holding Courts, in
Union county, the following property to wit.
Lot No. 33, ISth D’strict, Ist Section; le
vied on as the property ofKdwaro .Morgan, to satisfy a fi,
fa. issued from a Justice’s < ourt of /fall county, in favor
of Pleasant f/ulsey, vs. said .Morgan. Levy made and
returned to me by a Coastable.
August 31. GEORGE IF. GADDES. D. S.
WILL be sold on Tuesday Sth of October next,at the
late residence of Jesse M. White, deceased, the
whole of the personal property belonging to said decea
sed. Terms made known on the day. Sale to continue
from day today, until all is sold.
July 16.—IS—tds
AGREEABLY to an order of the Inferiot Court of Ra
blm couunty, wil. be sold on the first Tuesday in
October next, at the Court House, in Marion county,
Lot of Land No. 36,15 t District, of originally M uscoge
now Marian county, sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of James Strawther late of Rabum county, de
July 23,-16 —tds
AGREEABI .A to an order, of the Honorable Inferior
Court of Newton County, when sitting f or ordinary
purposes will be sold on the first Tuesday in October next
within,lna legal hours of sale, at the Court House in
Morgan County, the one half of Lot of land number 30,
one in the 19th District of originally Baldwin now Mor
gan County, it being part of the real estate of William G;
Wright deceased, also at Gainsvillein Hall County ori
the first Tuesday in November next
Lot No. 138,inthe 12th Disiriet, of Hall County, sold
for the benefit of the heirs of said deed. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
, , , HENRY LANE, Admr.
July 30th—17—tds.
Guardian’s gale.
AG REE ABLY to an order of the Honorable, the In
ferior Court of Newton county, when sitting for
orttmary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Oc
tober next, within the legal hours of sale, at the Court
House in the Town of Covington Newton county : Two
tracts ofLand, (numbers unknown,) situated within 1 1-2
miles of Covington, adjoining lands owned bv Cary Wood
J. Harmon and others. Sold forthe benefitof theorphans of
T. T. Cureton, dec’d. WILLIAM BROWN Guar
July 16.—15—tds.
AGREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of
Habersham County, when sitting for ordinary pur
poses, will be sold to the highest bidder on the first Tues
day m November next, at Hie Court house in Lumpkin
county,Lot Number one hundred and eight, in the fourth
District of formerly Habersham, now Lumpkin county,
belonging to the Estate of Cunningham Ellison, dec’d.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de
ceased. Terms made known on the day of sale.
August 24—20—tds.
ANTED at this Office,
* two 3mart active lads as ap
■3£s prentices to the printing business, Ap-
Auraria, August U& mUßtbc tmmediately. j
Four Months after date application will he made, to
the Honorable the Inferior Court, ot Newton Coun
ty, when setting as a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell
the whole of the real estate belonging to Walter Poole,
late of said County dec R
May 21. —7—4 m
FOUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Newton County
when sitting ae a Court of Ordinanr, for said County, for
leave to sell the whole of the Real Estate belonging to Jes
se M. White deceased for the benefit of the creditors of
said deceased.
JOHN SMITH, ) Admr’s
July 16—15—w4m.
Prudence Capehar*, )
vs. > Libel for Divorce,
Henrt Capehart, J
In the Superior Court of Hall County.
IT appearing, by the return of the Sheriff! that the de
fendant is not to be tound, he is therefore hereby no-
I titled to appear at the next Superior Court, for Hall coun
ty, and answer to tile said case, or the same will proceed
expaite as to him, and Judgement will be entered up
against him. WILLIAM H. UNDERWOOD.
Set pro LibtUmi.
J uly2,—l3—*m3m
THE Subscribers takes this method of informing their
friends and the public generally, that their House
is completed and furnished in a style inferior to none in
, the upper Country, and they flatrer thcnraelvea that the
Man of family or the fashionable visiter will fiind it one
t of ihc most pleasant summer retreats in the upper coun
try. They hope by strict attention to merrit a continu
ance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed.
N. B. The Copartnership of A. &.W. N. Bishop was
by Mutual consent dissolved on the Ist Jau. last, and
the establishment is now conducted by.
A. & W. F. BISHOP.
July 30—17
THE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends, and
the public generally, that he has opened a house of
Entertainment at the
in Cherokee County, and hopes by using his best exer
tions, to have his house and stables supplied plentifully,
with the best of every thing necessary that the Countty
affords, to merit a share of public patronage. His char
ges shall be moderate as the times will admit; and Ills
tare the best he can procure. He therefore will be thank
ful for a share of public favour.
August, 10 —18—It.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends, and
the public generally, that he has opened a House
of entertainment, at the Allatooney Gold Mines, in Cass
county, the above place is a handsome and healthy situa
tion, with the advantages of good spring and well water,
and the pleasant Mouatain breeze, and is surrounded with
a romantic forest, in the centre of the Gold Region, Alla
tooney, is 45 miles from the Carroll Mines, 70 from Au
raria in Lumpkin county, and on the direct road leading
from Auraria, to the Carroll mines.
N. B. the post office is removed from Sanfordvillc tothjs
July 9, —14—ts
THE Undersigned, grateful for the patronage that
has been extended to him since he has had the man
agement ofthe above Establishment, respectfully informs
his friends and the public generally, that the HOTEL is
now open, and will continue so during the summer,and at
all times and all seasons, and pledges himself that his ex
ertions shall be to rchdcr the accommodation* of this Es
tablishment inferior to none in the city.
The Stables arc amply supplied with an abundance of
good provender, and under the management of a careful
and experienced Ostler.
July 2, —13—4 t
MFJAHE undersigned, takes this method to in-
JL form the Public generally, that he has
taken the House, recently occupied by Lee
. targette, & C leghorn, as a Tavern, at the Al
(atoona Mines, in Cass County; and is now ready to ac
■ ommodate as many as may find it to their interest to vis*
it this interesting, Golden Region of country. Trav
ellers who stop to rest, will find his Table supplied with
the very beet the country will afford, his Stables well fur
nished with provender, and attended by a first rate Ostler,
and no exertion wanting on his part, to comfort constant
Boarders, or render agreeable the situation of the tran
sient visitor. a R. Mc’LAIN.
July 2,—l3—tf
THE undersigned respectfully informs the public tha
he has opened a house of Entertainment at the
tourt House of Lumpkin county, and is now pre
pared for the reception of boarders and travellers. Trust
ing to the efforts which he will make tb give general satis
faction, he deems pledges and promises as altogether
useless—suffice it to say, that he hopes none will go
away dissatisfied. His charges will boas moderate as
circumstances will allow.
T , . . , ANSELM BUGG.
July 2—l3—tf
ftA HE Subscriber respectfully informs the
lllDft public, that he has opened a bouse of
iiiijg ENTERTAINMENT a t Huntsville; the
Gold Mines in Paulding county. This place
is inahealthy situation,with thead vantages ofgood spring
water, pleasant mountain breezes, and surrounded with
a romantic forest, and better than all, in the midst of the
Gold Region. Huntsville is twenty-fire miles from the
Carroll mines, and twelve miles from the Alatuna mines
in Cass county,and on the direct road leading fromoneto
the other. JACOB PARLIER.
May 28.—8—ts
(Jluraria, Lumpkin County,)
FT! HE Subscriber still continues
Nnliitt -*■ to occupy his Old Stand, on
JJgfK Main Street, a tew doors above the Court-
House. Having extended bis improvements
nc is now prepared to accommodate m more comfortable
style, those who may favor him with their patronage.
Ready access to Maps, Diagrams, &c. can be had at any
time, and no exertions wi!l be spared to give to the Trav
eller in pursuit of information, the best knowledge of the
county, which his means of information wm afford.
Urateful for the liberal patronage already received its
continuance is respectfully solicited.
Aurana, April G—l—ts
rflll E andoraigned has taken the house r, r
ISiihL JL merly occupied as a Tavern, by
llitW Paschal & Sons. The house having undo
gone a thorough repair, he is now able ‘
ccomodate all persons disposed to patronize him. IlisT,
ble will be supplied with the very best that the count*
affords ; his Stables with plenty of provender and an
tire ostler; his bar with the beßt of liquors; and even
possible attention shall be rendered on his part, to ensa/
a share of that custom, which he intends to merit. e
Auraria June 8, —11—ts.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends ta)
the Public in general that he is now opening
House of entertainmeut in Caasville, Cars county, when
from his knowledge of business, be hopes to shear a rca
sonable portion oftheir patronage.
July 9, —14—
The Southern Banner, will please give the above tin#
Insertions and forward their account lor payment
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of
Hell,and the adjoining counties, that he continue
to cany on the above business in its various bin.
ches, at his Old Stand, east side of the Couit-Hous
Square, where work shall be done in the neatest ud
moat fashionable style. He receives the PHILADEI
keeps on hand
Os evciy description. He returns his thanks to the
lie for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and bets’
leave to say, lie has just employed a first rate Joumtv.
man from the city of Baltimore, and pledges there shall
in future be no disappointment. G. IV. BROWN,
April 6—l—sm
ON or before the first day of January 18341 promise
to pay, Joshua Holden, or bearer five hunorotdai
lore, for value received, February 9th 1833.
All pcrsoi a arc hereby forwarned from trading for m
original of the above note, as the said note was fraudu
lently obtained the consideration having wholy failed, ud
I am determined not to pay the same.
July 16, —14 —ts
The Savannah Republican, will give the ahove 4 so.
B -rtions. J, g_
FOR SAMUEL EATON, who broke jail in CUv.
ton, Raburn County, Georgia, on the nightof the
25th inst. Said EATON is about 25 years old near
feet high, stout built, fair complexion, dork hair, bint
eyes, quick spoken, possessing considerable intelligent
and apparent decency. I will give the above rewaidd
he is apprehended, and delivered to me in Rahum Count:,
JOHN S. HENLY, Jailor R. C.’
August, 10—18—4 t.
A MAN experenred ;n the Mining business who on
give the best references for his character and thi
rties, wishes to get employment in a mine,vein or diposi;,
Enquire at this Office.
August, 10—18—If,
to Land iiuixters,
THE subscriber, living in the lower part of F.lliji:
Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road Icadaj
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Itoad, luvi*
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, iai
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gi.
mcr, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search of Lands, in the above
Section of country, to show lands or give such inform
tion as may be desirable to owners, or others interested
he will also act as Agent in purehaseing lands at Slier!
Sale, in Gilmer county, his charges will be reasonable!)
proportion to his tronblc. JAMES B. HEN SOX.
June 61, —15—ts.
THE Subscribe! takes pleasure in announcing talk
public, that lie has opened a Confectioners Stolen
this place, where persons can be supplied with every arti
cle, usually kept in his line on the most accommodate;
He is prepared to make Candies of every deaeriptioa to
order at the shortest notice. Those who buy to setttflio
can be supplied at 45 ctt. per pound.
Gainesville August 24,—20—4t,
ALL persons arc cautioned from trading for • Mir
given by me to B. F. Patton, for six hund .t W
lars, dated 27th February 1832, and due twelve mo ’’k
afterdate, as I have substantial defence against ’hesaid
note, the Consideration having entirely failed, and 1 di Dl
intend to pay the same unices compelled by Law
August 10,—18—3t
THE CAMP MEETING for the Cheetah* M*
sion, will commence on the thirteenth day of Sep
tcinber next, at Edward Adair’s, in the Oothcaloga Viv
ley, Cass county. Such Preachers of the Gospel, as M
willing to laboi for the advancement of the cause of Re
ligion,are affee tionately requested to “ come over and ®lp
August, 10—18—
DR. John IL Thomas, having scttlod himself in A?’
raria Lumpkin County, respectfully tendon M
professional services, to the Citizens of this and the *•
joining counties. From his experience os a practitioM
of twelve years in the middle partof this State, and wtM
promise of charges in proportion with the times, and l
attention to calls, he hopes to merit a share of public P
Aur&ria, May 21. —7—ts
ONE small pocket Wallet, containing so*
Robert M’Craiy, payable to James Gowdy,lto’
teen Dollars, eighty-seven and half cents, dated
time in April last, and due the first of September nWi
one twenty doUarbiil on the State Bank of Georgi*. ”t
ten dollar bills on the Fanners Bank of Cbattano#"*”
The maker of said note, is hereby notified from P*J"
the same to any person except myself, and all
are cautioned against trading for the same. A uW]“£
ward will be paid for the above, delivered to the suD,e
her at Leather’s Ford, Lumpkin county.
August 24.—20—ts.
THE Publication of the Giorqia
was regually printed in this office, hut failed Jon
years, owing to circumstances which could 1,01 “t-uj
trolled by the former editor, will hereafter he conß"*’
every year, with the calculations of Robert Gw**.**!
The almanac for 1834 will be printed with new UP*,
new Zodiacal and Astronomical signs, on good P*r|
and carefully superintended. Persons wishing t® P
chase by the Groce are requested to make carUjig
ration : the price will be as low as it can be afforaw, *
save expense and a small profit— Ccinritutianalist
Augusta, July 23,1833