Newspaper Page Text
The Wcstejpn HcrsifelL
Kdited by A. G. FA3IBUOUGH.
Tirms. Tliroe dollars per annum, payable within six
months after the receipt of the first number, or four dol-
I B jf no t paid wi'hin the year. Subscribers living out ot
Iho state, will be expected in all cases, to pay in advance.
So subscription received for less than one year, unless
Ihc money is paid in advance; and no paper will be die
outinued until all arrearages arc paid, except at the op
ion ofthe publisher. Persons requesting a discontinu
uice of their Papers, are requested to bear in mind, a 6et
irment of their accounts.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates;
(ioatho number of insertions is not specified, they will
jt continued until ordered out.
£rF> All Letters to the Editor or Proprietor, on mat
crsconnccteil with the establishment, must be ros r said
aordcr to secure attention.
‘-CP Notice ofthe sale of Land and Negroes, by Ad
ni’iistntors, Executors, or Guardians, must be published
Ix ti dais previous to the day of sale.
fhc sale of personal Property, in like manner, must be
üblishcd forty days previous to the day of sale.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must be
üblished forty dats.
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of
Minary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes,must be pub
shod four months.
Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Ad
linistration, must be published THIRTY days and for
.etters ofDi un’ssion. >ix months.
We arc authorized to announce Allen
latthcws, Esq. a3 a Candidate to represent Lumpkin
lunty, in i !ie Senatorial branch of the next Legislature.
July 16.—.15
53-We are authorized to announce John D.
ir lds as a candidate to represent Lumpkin county in the
factorial branch of the next Legislature.
August 34.—21 —
We are authorized to announce Isaac R.
talker, Esq. as a candidate to represent Lumps in coun
in the representative branch, ot the next Legislature.
July 9.-14
(j3 We arc requested to announce the name
Dr. Ira 11. Fosteras a candidate to represent Lumpkin
only, in the next Legislature.
July 16, —15
We are authorized to say that Henry
mis, Esq. is a candidate for Justice ot the Interior Court
said county', to fill the vacancy of 44'm. Dean removed.
August 31. —21 —
fyj* JVe are authorized to announce G. A.
dtlvElt, Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriff at the eusu-
January Election.
uly 16.—15
W T eare authorized to announce the name
Vlaj. David Irwin, a? a candidate to represent Cass
inly, in the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature,
uly 1C —15 —
-Wc are authorized to announce Cornelius
iper, Esq. as a Candidate to Represent Gihncr county,
lie Senatorial Branch ol the next Legislature,
uly 16. —15
.wc are authorized to aunounce Jatncs B.
ason,F.sq, as a Candidate to RcpresentGihncr county,
lie House of Representatives at the next Legislature,
uly 16. —15
We are authorised to announce the name
uhti Miller, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Cass
nty in the Representative branch of the next Lcgisla
uly 16.—15
ljt • W T e are authorized to announce William
Nixon, Esq. os a Candidate for Colonel of the
G. M. of Lumpkin county,
ept. 21.—24.
WlELubscribcr offers for sale the following Lands,
. to wit:
No. Dis.
08 10 1 Adjoining
127 10 > Carrollton,
130 10 ) well impr’d.
76 10
34 4
136 0
40 r>
337 7
40 9
No. Dis. Sec. ;
119 15 2
556 15 2
258 11 2
165 8 1
266 11 1
Terms, apply to A. G. FAMBROUGH,
iraria, Sept. 7.'—22—tf.
VIES WITCHER tolled before John Y.AUgood,
Justice of the Peace for said county, a brown-bay
‘any, four years old, four feet high, branded on the
■moulder thus, (L) appraised to fifteen dollars, hv
■ a Johnson and John Right
tree extract from the Estrayhook.
pt. 14.—23—3 t.
Sheriffs deeds
IN obedience to an oidcr of the Court of Ordinary of
Newton county, the undersigned, as guardian ofthe
orphans of Jesse Champion, will, at public outcry, sell 1
on the premises, all the Lots in the town of AURARIA,
Lumpkin county, Georgia, beginning the sale of said
Lots on the first Tuesday in November next, and con
tinuing the sale fiom day to day until all will have been
sold. The Lots vary in size, from sixty by one hundrod I
and five feet, to five hundred and fifteen by six hundred !
and fifteen feet. This thriving town is located on the I
ridge dividing the waters of the Etowah from those of the I
Chestateo; arid as regards salubrity of air, purity of wa
ter, fertility of soil, and quantity of the most precious me
tal, is surpassed by no neighborhood in the Southern j
States. In rapidity of improvement, it is unequalled by
any tovyn or village in Georgia; and, as the sources of its
prosperity are inexhaustible, its importance must be du
rable. The terms will be made known on the day of sale.
gust 24. —20—tds.
Cherokee Town Lots for Sale.
WILL be sold on Monday the 30th day of Septem
ber next, the Town Lots at the county Site of
Cherokee county, upon Lot number 167, in the 14th Dis
trict, 2nd Section, it being at the place generally known
ns Jack If'right’s old place. Sale to continue from day
to day. Terms made known on the dav of sale.
WILLIAM B. KEY, j. i. c.
August 31. —21 —3 t,
W r ILL sold on the 3th day of October next, the town
Lots at Pleasant Grove, Paulding county. The
undersigned, in making a selection for their county town,
have endeavored to please the fancy, and suit the conven
ience of ail, and non-j who have seer, the Pleasant Grove,
will pretend todoubl for a moment,that they have not been
wanting in attempting cither. The sale will be conti
nued from day to day, till all the Lots are sod. Terms
made known oil the day of sale
JOHN BROOKS, j. i. c.
GREEN CARNES, j. t. c.
August 31—21—tds.
THE Subscriber wishes to sell the Lot ofland where
on Wiley Bishop now lives, near the junction of the
Chestatee andChattahoochie rivers, containing one hun
dred and fifty Acres, more or less, thirty-five or forty Acres
of cleared land, with good fences, and comfortable dwel
ling and out houses; with an excellent fishery and Mill
Shoal. For terras, apply to
Gainesville, Geo.
Juno 4. —9—ts
A&voMßsrurx hr
HAVING removed to Auraria, Lumpkin county,
now tenders his professional services to the public,
and will practice in all the counties of the Cherokee Cir
cnit; and Carroll, Campbell, DeKalb, Hall and Haber
slmm counties.
Having been engaged for three years in gold mining,
he will, (assisted by Mr. George 8. Moody, from North
Carolina) act as agent in the examination, and sale of
gold lots.
Letters upon either branch of tho above business, ad
dressed to me, will be promptly and faithfully attended to.
August 24.—20—ts.
THE undersigned have entered into Copartnership,
in the practiceof LAW, and hope by strict atten
tion to business confided to their care, and the assistance
of Judge Underwood, to merit a share of public patron
age. They will practice in all the Counties of the Cher
okee Circuit, and the adjoiningcounties of the Western
and Chattahoochee Circuits. Their office is at the Conr
House in Lumpkin county.
July 2.—l3—tf
THE undersigned have entered into copartnership in
the practice of the Law, for the County of Lumpk in,
and will attend to any professional business, which may
be confided to their care. Letters addressed to Harden
and Rogers,either at Mens or Auraria, will receive prompt
attention. „ .
May 7. — s—tv5—tv 6m
HAS permanently settled himself in Cassville, Cass
county, and will regularly attend to any business
directed to his care, in the Cherokee Circuit.
Angust 17.—19—w2m.
THE subscriber having located permanently in the
county of Forsyth, may be retained, partieulailyon
business of that county, and'generally in the Cherokee
Sept. 21.—24—3 t.
Cassville, Cass County, Georgia.
WILL attend punctually to all business entrusted
to his care lor Cherokee Circuit.
Communications must be post paid.
Sept. 21.—24—4 t
WiiEREAS Howard S. Council, applies to me for
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jo
seph Howard, late of said county, deceased,
These are therefoie to cite and admonish, till and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be
mid appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law
to shew cause, i's any they have, why said letters s.iould
i no ®venun n dermy
Sept. 14.—23—30d.
JUST received at the office of the Western Herald, a
[ar"c supply of Materials, suitable for Job work,
among which are fancy Bordering, Coloured Cards, do.
Inks, Ac. &c. Blanks of all kinds of approved forms,
kept constantly on hand for sale, all orders Idled with
neatness and dispatch.
! July o.—M—‘f
It cornel, tile Herald of a Holden World.
! WAi&BaJW) JT J
factorage and Comimssio.i Business,
THE Subscribers beg leave t.i announce to their
friends and patrons, and so the country in general
that they have removed toth? large and commodious
On the south side, upper end of Broad street, lately occu
pied by John C. Holcombe, where they wil Icon tin ue to
transact the above business in all i'.s legitimate branches.
They renew their pledge to abstain from all speculations
upon cotton, and arc prepared to exend their usual facili
ties upon produce in store. They rrtum their thanks for
the liberal share of patronage already conferred, and soli
cit its further continuance.
August 17.—19—Gt
And Commission Business.
THE undersigned think it proper to inform their
friends and the public, that they still continue the
above business, at their
New Fire Proof Warehouse.
They intend having nothing to do with the
purchase of Cotton, but will devote themselves exclu- I
sively to business confided to their care They arc pre j
pared to make necessary advances, and respectfully re- !
new the offer of their serv ices to the public.
August, 10—IS—2m.
RUNAWAY from the subscriber about the 25th of
August last, a Negro man by the name of Jack,
about thirty years of age, five feet eight or ten inches high,
and pretty heavy built; he has rather a down look when
spoken to, and speaks slow and somewhat stammering;
Jack has a large nose, and is light complected, but a full
blooded negro; he is a Blacksmith by trade, and is very
fond of spirits. I think he will aim for Washington,
Wilkes county, or Charleston, South Carolina, as I am
informed it has not been long since he was brought from
the latter place. 1 will pay the above reward for the de
livery of Jack at the Alatcona Mines, Cass county, or
twenty-five dollars, iflodged in any Jail in this State, so
that I get him again.
Sept 21.—24 w3m.
The Editors of the Washington News and Southern
Recorder, will please publish the ab- ve for three months
andforward their accounts to me in < ass county, Geo.
M,l ROM the subscriber living in
.Hr Jackson county, on Sunday
fe night the Sth inst. four Negroes; a no
gro man named Dick, (who will pro
hably attempt to pass by the name of
Mmk McKenzie,) between thirty-five and
Jty forty years of age, about the common
% jEj size, rather inclined to be slender, —
mm lifer’ also, Hagar; his wife, rather small of
statue, of a yellow complexion; speaks quick, but very
broken, having been accustomed to the sea board; like
wise her two hoy children, the eldest about 6 years old
the voungest some six or seven months old, and very
small. It is probable the above negroes may have been
enticed away by a person ofsuspieio is character,who was
in the neighborhood about that time. He is a chunky
well set man, red full face, with hair of a sandy complex
ion, and supposed to be about 25 oi 30 years of age. Who
ever will return said negroes, or give information so that
thev can be obtained, shall receive a reward of Ten Dol
Sept. 21.—24—2 t.
M-HTNRPM the Subcribrr a small Mac it
JU Horse, eight or nine years old, five
feet high, Branded on the left lap as well
as I now recollect with a perpendicular
line, three or lour inches long, drawn through two halfcir
cles! A liberal reward will b<- paid for hts delrvery to me,
and all reasonable expends NUCK()LLS .
July 16—15—ts.
/tfk ‘■74 STRAYED or stolen, from the sub
l jfifwtngi Hm scriber at Lumpkin Court-hour,,
HIl about the 10th of April last, a smali so
tjbyStjtycn. rcl horse, five or six years old, with a star
in his forehead; racks well. The above reward will be
paid for his delivery to me, and all reasonable expenses
paid. Any information respecting said horse, will be
thankfully received. p R M’CRARY.
Sept. 7.—22—ts ■
THE Subscribct takes pleasure in announcing to the
public, that he has opened a Confectioners Store in
this place, where persons can be supplied with every arti
cle, usually kept in his line on the most accommodating
terms. .. , . .
He is prepared to make Candies of every description to
order atthe shortest notice. Those who buy to sell again
can be supplied at 45 cts. per qound^
Gainesville August2l, —20—4t,
ALL persons arc desired to take notice, that 1 have
this day and do hereby -evoke a power of Attorney,
which 1 have heretofore executed to one Stephen Hanie,
authorizing him to sell Lots No. 859, I9th District,
Section, and 75, Bth District, Ist Section, and I caution
all persons from trading for said !o s, from said name
’. iIIiMAS V EM.
July 9.—14 —4m
rSYMvUN up by the subscrib-r at Leather's Ford.
B Lumpkin county, on the 28: h Inst, a dark Chcsnut
colored horse, about four yeirS old, with one whitr mnu
foot, and one small white spot on hi - foi- head and three
small saddle spots, no brands and without shoes.
Angust 31.—91 —3t,
A MAN expereneed -.n the Mining business who can
give the best references for his character and abil-
I ities, Wishes to get employment in a mine,vein or deposit.
Enquire at this Office.
10—IS —ts.
TH E undesigned,Commissioners ofTcnnc3see Canal, !
having heard that some alarm exists from a report
| of the Cholera having bioken out among the hands, take
j this occasiuii from their personal observation on the line,
and from information on which they can rely, to assure
1 the public, that it is certainly unfounded.
I No case ofCnolcra has occured upon the Canal nor has
j there recently been any severe case of sickness or death.
There are at tliis time employed, from 500 to 600 hands
who are well fed, comfortably lodged, in good health, and
are in the regular receipt of higher wages, than are gen
erally, earned by others in the surrounding country.
JOHN. CRAIG, Pres't.
ICpThc subscriber is authorized to employ 500 or two
thousand hands at sls per month for the above company
he may at all times be lound at Leathers Ford or in Au
rana. D. C. GIBSON.
June 25th, 1833
J’ I T Received anu now offered at very low prices, at
Lumpkin Court-House.
Holland Gin,
Jamaica Hum.
Cogniac Brandy,
Rye W hiskey,
Cordials assorted,
Claret, Madeira, TencriffJ and JVlalaga Wines,
Porter, Ale and Beer,
Soda andSekllit Powders,
Lemon Syrup,
Cheese, Beef, Sausages and Crackers,
Rice and Kaisena,
Candles and Tobacco,
Cocoa and Brazil Nuts,
Almonds and ; ;azlc >uts,
Scotch and M. Snuff*
A general assortment of Patent Medicines,
Cigars, Spanish and common.
Shoe Black, Paste and Liquid,
Cologne and other Perfumary,
Fancy Cuke, and Ball Soap,
Sugar and Coffee,
Fire Crackers, Starch, Pearl Ash, &c. &.C.
A general assortment kept constantly on handy 3
above. N. B/HARBEN.
August 31.—21—ts.
Gold Region, the undersigned will run a Stage
weekly, from Clarkesville to Lumpkin Court-Imuse; ten v
ingClarkesville every Thursday morning, and arrive at
Lumpkin Court-ho iso the same evening. Returning,
leave Lumpkin Court-house every Friday Morning and
arrive at Clarksville same Evening. Thus meeting the
direct Line for Augusta and Athens, once a week at
Camesvilie, Sept. 7.—22—4 t
-V|h4TTF Proprietors of the Athens
JL Stage, have determined
to continue their tri-weekly lineto
Auraria. IlcrealTh r the stage will reach this place on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and leave for Au
fista, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
his arrangement will open a direct communication by
stage tri-weekly with Augusta. Milledgeville; and week
ly with Pendleton, via Gainesville and Camesvilie. The
s'tairc will alsb run twice a week to Athens, Tennessee;
leaving Leathers’Ford on Sunday and Wednesday morn
May 29.—8—ts.
To Gold 3linc Speculators.
THE Undersigned tenders his services, as an Expc
ri need practical Viner, lo examine and test any
Lot in the Gobi Region, disbelieveing inauy certain theo
ry until proven by practice, lie will Warrant bis opinion
when given to he correct, his price for < xamining and giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be required of any
Lot, wil Ibe twenty five Dollars Letters encloseing that
amount in Cash, will he strictly attended,and till necessary
information given, he may at all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in Auraria Lumpkin county.
Augnst 10.—18 —ts,
TO i.A.'.f) HUNTERS.
THE subscriber, living in the lower part of Ellijay
Town in Gihncr county, on the direct road leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search of lands, in the above
Section of country, to show lands or give Such informa
tion as may he desirable to owners; or others interested,
he will also act as Agent ill purchasing lands e.t Sherifi
in Gilmer county, his charges w ill be reasonable in
proportion to his tronble. JAMES B. HENSON.
June 61, —15—ts.
ONE small pocket \V allet, containing one note on
Robert M’Crary, payable to James Gow dy, for fif
teen Dollars, eighty-seven and a half cents, dated some
time in April last, and due the first of September next ;
or.etwei tv dollarbilton the State Bank of Georgia; four
ten dollar bills on the Farmers Bank of Chattahoochee.
The maker of said note, is hereby notified from paying
the same to any person except myself, and all persons
arecautioned against trading for the same. A liberal re
ward will be paid for the above, delivered to the subscri
ber at Lcathci’s Ford, Luiupkin county
August 24.—20—ts.
mFW3HE subscriber ofie-a for saie.ttiat valua
-1 |,; c House and Lot in the town of
Gaim sville, Hall countv, lormcily occupied
by L. Cleveland for a Tavc-n. The llons.
! is situated on the Public Square, frontingthc Court i bmsc.
I iii the must eligible part of said Village, a id is well adapt
| cd for a Tavern, having fourteen well ventilated rooms ;
! four Chimmes with eight fire places; a goorl Pump, am.
all the other necessary out buildings; a good_Gnn!en and
stable lot, well unproved. AWw iTCUELI”’
Sept. 7 22—tf.
ATE Copies of the Rules of Cour-. “ Inch unhi
had on applicatior-
August 24 —2O -■
Gold Mine for Sale
WILL bo sold at Auction,at Lumpkin 1 lourt Hone*,
oh tho first Tuesday in November next, Lot No.
:>,y, 12th District, Ist Section. Helen dsrls of Gold per
htmdpcrday , have boon made on this Lot, and it is only
sold to meet the urgent necessities of the drawer, who_ is
. unable to work the Mine to advantage himself. Un-
3 ucshonable titles will be made. Terms, one half cash,
le balance in twelve months.
Attorney in fact for the Dram c.
Sept. 14.—23 —tds.
6 1-4 Cts. REWARD.
R ANA WAY from the subscriber on the first of
September,inst. William Cantrell, an apprentice
to the Tailors trade. The said l>oy is about five feet se
ven inches high, and lame in his left leg; when be went
off, he wore a blue coat, striped homespm pataloons and
a black vest. He has ranaway from every place he has
lived at,befor> he come to live with me; and after I dressed
hinni|i betook it in his head to runaway from me about
10 o’clock on Sun Jay night, the first inst. 1 forwam any
person from employing the said runaway or harboring
him, ns he is bound‘to me by his father, and lam detet
mined *o put the law in three against any person that
either employs or harbors him.
Gainesville, Sept. 7. —22 —4t.
IOT of Land No. 02, 13th District, formerly Can-oil,
i now Heard county, containing 2021-2 Acres. The
al,ovc Lot is situated in the vicinit of Franklin, Ihc conn
tv seat of Heard county, and will be sold on reasonable
terms. AH persons arc hereby cautioned against tres
passing in any way to the injury of said lot. For further
particulars apply to A G FA MBROUGIL
Sept 14.—23 31
THE Copartnership heretofore existing under the
name of MURRAY & REIVES, was dissolved
on tb Sth inst. by mutual consent,- all persons indebted to
said concern, will phase pay John E. Reives, who areno
is duly authorised to collect the same, and all persons to
whom the said firm is indebted, will call on lain for pay
ment. _ _
ftept 14.—33—31.
’ S'-scriff’s Sales for October in
Lot. Did. See. Property of To satisfy.
°94 5 3 ’Viellyfc Shields, Mer. & Plan. Batik.
653 17 3 J M M’Donald, James and Cartlidge,
1144 21 2 J Hudsen, \V P
267 4 3 JAHoggr, S Hall,
46 4 3 B Garner. J S Andersofi,
849 21 2 LBtowd, B Harris,
169 16 3 J Driver, I* W“*
113 22 2 G C Branch, J -rauan,
1112 4 2 T Trammel, W Curry,
1273 21 2 1 Wheaton. S C Cnnlkmgs,
1276 17 3 W Covington, 811 Conyers,
150 23 2 B Radlbril, WEBarrin,
893 4 3 M Williams, M Philips, deceased.
673 4 3 GVV Williantjon, T Dothard,
221 2. 2 A Warren, PJ Murray,
93b 21 3 H Keller, B H Conyers.
114 14 3 BJlforrice, JII Lumpkin,
59 25 2 A Evans, Green 6e Beaseiy',
143 11 3 S Smith, G Scott,
4 9 3 S Suart, B Bradley,
67 13 4 M Dial, R Butler,
150 24 2 J Hodge?, J Vestal,
97 12 3 J Hall, EWade,
308 S 4 W C Bates, D Holloway,
263 11 3 J Leathers, Fambrough & Eieck.,
195 9 4 \V Beaverett, Terrel it Rusk,
47 19 4 A Bradley, P Hulsey,
38 19 4 J Ammons, S M’Junkin,
123 18 4 MT Phillips, Irwin & Bryant,
243 10 3 T M Berrien, R Russell,
51 5 3 J Hollis, M Brown,
87 25 2 W. Hall, J Sellers,
6 1 1 G Johnson, S Brightwtill,
23 3 1 R Martin, Richards & Cu.
758 3 1 W Scott, db.
937 14 1 J Hutchins, S M’Junkin,
146 1 1 G W Jones, R. Hackett,
240 2 1 JB A vin, Kelly & Canon,
460 2 1 J Willingham, TMicisias,
293 3 1 E Lunsf.ird, J Wilson,
144 14 1 M Kendrick, Adams & Town*,
504 ! 1 W Harris, A Darrah,
1215 2 1 IS Carter, IF Williams-,
191 2 1 S Ryles, A. S. Jones,
1104 2 I D Collins, T Green,
227 2 1 Conner & Lawrence,M P Ear!?, & Cos.
849 3 1 L Lewis, J Shaw,
1096 3 1 J D llewel, JJ Moore,
443 2 1 J C Blanco, OMLi Hi bridge,
382 9 1 W Brow n, J Cam,
CB4 i 2 L Mims, Bakcy & Moody,
755 17 2 D Madden, T M’Cartney,’
599 15 2 G C Dean, K M Richards,
865 18 2 I’ Grey, Palms & Richards,
368 1 2 AV w Wash, M PendergrSst,
649 17 2 J B Bdtcinan, ct aV do
13 19 2 do. do
1033 17 2 J Bales, C Chambliss,
751 17 2 B Lane, JII Newton,
644 17 9 1 Covington, do
123 19 . J S Tradewell, R Garlic,
581 1 2 J B Shores, J Perry,
618 2 3 v\ Sanderford, H Perry,
172 33 8 Koval, AS Jones,
21 16 2 M King, J Watt,
335 17 2 J Crawford, S I’ormbv,
121 19 2 V Sanford, \V F Colt,
392 16 2 0 Jeter, J T Camp.
856 18 2 B O’Neal, H Williams,
1096 16 2 1 Griffis, P J Murrav,
77 20 2 L M Mathews, Bunn & Cos.
493 33 W. W. Barnitt, Saffold & Porter,
848 19 2 W. Greeson,) M’Junkin & Siiutir,
£OO 1 2 C F Seegar, J Perry,
932 17 2 EDcal, J Grubbs,
845 18 2 S R GCumming J C Mason,
542 17 2 Jl.lody, do
333 1 2 J Joueit, .1 Kirkpatrick,
913 Id 2 JPepkin, M Pierre,
169 16 i M Burge, ‘/.Booth,
1 10 16 2 do do
zt3 17 2 J BTalley, J Kirkpatrick.
319 33 1-ester l, sl-.ii ve. BRagiand&Co,
| S-. 14 1 * 2 OCilobense . Vlason&Co.
! 713 19 ’ Vv Adams, JonesicCo.
11263 2 3 ‘i C Mason Si Wilkie,
i 107 - l 9 2 J i ‘-,olt, F Hiihson,
983 !5 2 K Notion, Jit Stanford,
7.7 i 2 A > Bishop, James & Sirumons.
| 971 til 2 v I’o'.'bs, Ik fa. Justices Coin
j 821 33 S Sanders, \1 ascui & Cos.
57 19 2 J 1 uislev, do
! 357 : 2 I. 1 lira Vb. P’>r*A Richard-
NO. 35.