Newspaper Page Text
Kitted by A. C. FAMBBOUGH.
Terms- —Three dollars per annum, payable within Rix ‘
loaths alter the receipt of tne first number, or four doi
irs ifnotpaid within the year. Subscribers living out of,
is state, will bo expected in all cases, to pay in advance.
Jfo subscription received for less than one year, unless
oinoncy is paid in advance; and no paper will bo dis
mtinuea until ail arrearages are paid, except at the op
w of the publisher. Versons requesting a discontinue
ice of their Papers, are requested to bear in mind, a set
raicnl of their accounts.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates;
hen the number of insertions is not specified, they will
■ continued until ordered out.
sr-p All Letters to the Rditor or Proprietor, on mat-
Bcannecied with the establisluneut, must be post paid
order to secure attention.
Notice of the said of Land and Negroes, by Ad- |
‘ibtrators, Executors, or Guardians, must bo published I
- t t pats previous to ihe day of sale.
The sale of personal Property, in Ida! manner, must be i
blished fortv dats previous to too day ot sa.e.
Notice to debtors and creditors of an estate must bd 1
lllishcd FORTY DATS. j
Notice that Application will be made to the Court of j
dinary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes,must bepub- j
Notice that Application will be madd for Letters of Ad- |
nistration, must be published thirty dais and for |
Iters of Li ‘.nnasion. six months.
R IVe aro authorized to announce Allen
Esq. as a Candidate to represent Lumpkin
|Hjnty, in ihe Senatorial branch of the next Legislature.
H(rJ> authorized to announce John D.
H/ids as a candidate to represent Lumpkin county in the
branch of the next Legislature.
Hr-)- We are authorized to announce Isaac R.
Esq. as a candidate to represent Lumpkin couu
■ftn tlie representative branch, oi the next Legislature,
■uly 9.-14
We are requested to announce the name
H. Fostoras a candidate to represent Lumpkin
in the next Legislature.
Hily IC,—IS
H We are authorized to say that Henry !
H is, Esq. is a candidate for Justice of the Inferior Court
to fill the vacancy of I Fin. Dean removed.
Hugust 31,-21
W care authorized to announce G. A.
Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriff at the ensti-
Hjaauary Election.
■Hlv 16.—15
|H3“ We are authorized to announce the name
H David Irwin, as a candidate to represent (. ass
Hlv, in th Senatorial branch of the next Legislature.
We are authorized to announce Cornelius
Esq. as n Candidate to Represent Gilmer county,
Senatorial Branch of the next Legislature.
We are authorized to aunounco .Tames B.
as a Candidate to Rcprcsor.tGilmer county,
House of Representatives at the next Legislature,
■ly 16.—15
ilj* We are authorised tri announce the name
Miller, Esq. as a Candidate to represent Cass
in the Representative blanch of the next Lcgisla
Sly 16.—t0
We are authorized to announce William
Esq. as a Candidate for Colonel of the
G. M. of pumpkin countv.
Hpt. 21.—24.
the expiration of sixty davs, application will
lie made to the Honorable thi lidcrior Court of
county, when setting foi ordinary p'irjioses, for
to sell all the negroes, belonging to the estate of
Ligon, sen late, of said county deceased.
I ROBERT LIGON, jun. $ ‘ lurat s *
H:>k 5a—25-cod
persons indebted to David Neely, late of Newton
t .a.ny veased, are required to make iminediatt;
and ,;i! those bolding demands against said
arc hereby notified to render them in according
.SAIwUI NEELY, Adtnt’x.
Hit 23.—25-40d,
HOTII Carroll and Cherokee, will lie purciiascd at
all times and the highest price paid by
Sept 29.—25—w3m,
FOR sale.
HIE Gold mine No. 212, 15th district 2d section,
known as the Sixes mine is for sale. Itl3 tinno-
Hfry to deacribe the lot as it is well known to miners,
BB most valuable mining lot in the district. There is
of water for 20 rockers, and cabins arc unlit
hands. Letters post paid addressed to mo at 1 al-
Florida, will bo attendeifto. The purchase mo-
Hf well secured can have reasonable time to run.
HHli-FIRM OF A. N. BAIRD & Cos. was dissol
H vid on the 6th inst. by mutual consent.
■ . a. McLaughlin.
■>t.7, 1533.
X persons havingbusiness with the late firm of
A N. Baird, & Cos. will call and settle the same
A. N Baird, who is duly authorised to close the
css of said Finn. A. M’LAUGHUN*
[>t. 7,1533.
LLpersons indebted to the said firm, arc hereby no
tified to conic forward and settle tlic same iiniuedi
with tlie undersigned, at his residence, “ .Winers
cat,” as lon <rer indulgence cannot be given.
j.U 2l<—B4—tfi
LL persons are cautioned against ptirch sing the
following Lots which were drawn in the late Lot
teries, and have been conveyed to me by good and suffi
cient titles. °
No. Di 9. See.
487 14 l
’ 1243 19 3
1610 33
. 1134 12 1
356 19 2
49 9 3
826 1 4
882 17 2
408 1 2
31019 $
1096 2 1
115 3 4
207 10 3
1027 2 3
c , Glynn county Geo.
Sept. 28, —25—4t
j tuc subscriber, a large puled work steer, with
! rr* - T * ur £ e white and red spots, and a very large knot on
■ins Jaw: he went off a few days since in company with
I r “ or k steers, supposed to be running av. av, one
Oi v\ Inch was ofdunu color, and the other a dark bundle.
I i hey went in the direction of Carroll or Tennessee. I
; will gh> 3 liberal reward for the delivery of said steer to
■ mb in Auraiia, Lumpkin county, or thankfully receive
i any information that will enable me to get him.
I Aurana. Sept. 21. —24 —ts.
HAS opened the Central Hotel, in the extensive Fire
Proof Brick Building;roccntly erected in this City,
the Location is central to the business of the place, and
the House is conveniently arranged for the accommoda
tion of Families or single persons,either as regular or tran
sient Boardi :s. The Beds and Furniture throughout,
, are neW and superior. The Table and Bar will always
be furnished with the best the Market affords, and no
| pains will be spared by the Proprietor, lo render comfor
j tabic and agreeable, all who favor him with their custom,
and he hopes from his long experience, and tlie satisfac
I lion heretofore ruidered the community, to merit from his
I friends and the a liberal share of patronage. Ex
| tensive and convenient Stublcs are attached to the Hotel.
I Sept. 21.—24—ts
ALL persons are cautioned against trespassing in any
way upon Lots No. 651,and 877, 12tii District, Ist
Section, originally Cherokee now Lumpkin county; as
the law will be enforced to the fullest extent against such
Sept. 21.—24—4 t
# Kb, t'e; nirb’ of the 12th ofthis month,
I UJr (V -pi.) two vuluable horses were
|lf cither stolen, or they broke from the pas
tlfiESfwlefc turo of the J.jJbor School near
Athens. One was a very large bay horse, C yeaieold,
lofty in gai*, black marie and tail, the latter very long—
was shoo before—it is believed he had one white hind font.
The other was a gray, eight years old, with some white
saddle marks, also a large well made horse, long inane
and tail, blind of one eye. though this would not be dis
covered without a close inspection—had all his shoes on
the day before lie was missed. Other marks not recol
lected. These horbeswerc/oonrdtothe Institution by be
nevolent individuals. *
The bay was owned in Washington, W ilkes county,
the gray in Madison, Morgan county —and it is [xiDsible
they may hava endeavored to make their way towards
one or other of those ptaccs, though it is suspected tlie v
went to the West. Any information relative to these
horses, w ill be ihirikfully received, and a reasonable com
pensation paid to any one who will either return them or
s ow their so that they may be recovered. Apply to
, r.L. ‘< ewton, Merchant at Athens,or to Mr. B. B.
Hopkins, Rector of the School.
Sept 28,-25 —It.
Lumpkin Court-house , Georgia.
TIIK undersigned respectfully informs the public
that he has removed trorn his former residence, a
half mile south from Lumpkin Court house, to this place, _
and has duelled a HouSe of Entertainment at the sign of
the Indian King & Queen. Whore be is now prepared
for the reception of Boarders and Travellers. To such as
have heretofore patronised him, he relies for recommen
dation on the satisfaction which he may have been able to
those who have neither proof or the testi
mony of others, on which to rely, lie respectfully solicits a
cali. The Tableof the Indian King and Queen, will be
bountifully supplied with the best the country affords;
pr,''Dared he busts, in a style which will be satist'actoiy to
appetites the most fastidious —his Liquors will be of the
best quality, and stables, which aro in supcrioi order, af
fording the utmost security as well aB comfort, will be at
tended by the best ofOstlers. Grateful for the patronage
with which, in his oldstation, he liasheen so liberally fur
furnished, he solicits a continuance ofit at iiis new stand,
where he hopes to be obte to administer successfully and
satisfactorily, to the various wants and appetites of his
miests. ‘ JOHN O. BRACKEN.
° Sept. 29.—35—t5.
V m Tt ROM the subscriber on the 12th inst . 4
J Negro man by tlienafflo£>fHcnrj, übou.
eighteen years old, yellow eomplecwS*. stc.l
- tier made, sfeetßor 10 inches high, has rat.d-r
fjfX a down look, when spoken to, stuttere, and
SV/T) materially changas his voice before endm-a
/LJL sentence’ He belongs to a gentlemanT>>
(H'lV ‘■ iii - -,*• tt R ax ter of Hancock county, Geo. ojt
the “aineofKl H. übsconded in tllc ncighbor
rZf AurS where I have been opperating on a goto
hood °f llom North Carolina to tins state,
remulator Sis probable that he has been induced
1,3 a speculate Ik of some white person. Any
to leave, bythefMei-su and lodging, h™ > n
peraon anwH end ug by ,, ro pp,ng a
Zi rl Baxter, of Hancock county, or tljc subsen
her in Auiaria, Lumpkin county ®“ THAN COOK .
Sept 23.—25 —3t, J
~ -o cr date application willbemadi.
sell lias rcal'esUite'ot^Robert Ligoii, sen. late of said coun
ty, deceased. ROBERT MITCHELL, ) Adinr^s.
Sept 28, —25—wJm
It comes, tile Herald r a Oolden World.
■d 1 1 after date application will be made to
tno Honorable the Inferior Court, of Hall countv
i 1
I stolen. ~
>JI, lie: subscriber, on the nightof tlie sth inst.two
“ arc.-, one an iron grey, throe years old, has a scar
I ves .-r mside of her lelt thigh and aknci on the scarahout
the size, ot apatridge egg, she is rough shod all round,
about tour feet nine or ten inches high, long switch tail, j
whiter in the face than on the body. The other is a cfics- j
nut sorml, five or six years old, about five feet two inches !
mail, mmded on one of the shoulders with an O, a ro
inarkiblc roan spot on her left hip, a small star in her face.
, wl! . S l ' - ' 0 lPn dollars each, for the delivery of the .Wares, !
twenty-five for both or seventy-five for their delivery and i
the thief, with proof to convicr him.
Cobb county. JOHN PACE.
Sept 28, —25—2 t
No. Pis. Sec
1131 19 3
198 3 1
244 3 2
1128 16 2
156 6 3
1012 11 I
970 4 1
11034 3
826 17
738 14
296 15
132 12
416 21
FOR the accommodation of Persons travelling in the
Gold Region, the undersigned will run a Stage
weekly, from Clarkesville to Lumpkin Court-house; leav
ing Clarkcsville every Thursday morning, and arrive at
Lumpkin Court-house the same evening. Ri turning,
leave Lumpkin Court-house every Friday Morning and
arrive at Clarksville sahie Evening. Thus mcefing ihe
direct Line sot Augusta and Athens, once a week at
Camesvillc, Sept, 7.-22—It
THE subscriber, living in tbe lower part of Ellijay
Town in Gilmer countv, on the direct road leading
from said town to Sanders, oil the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search of Lands, in the above
Section of country, to ahowlandßor give such informa
tion as may be desirable to ow ners, or others interested,
he will also act as Agent in purchaseing lands at Shcrifl
Safe, in Gilmer county, his charges will be reasonable in
proportion to KI4 trouble. JAMES B. HENSON.
June 61, —15 —ts.
lost or Mislaid,
ON ly small pocket Valter, controlling one note on
.Robert M’Craiy, payable to Jumcs Gowdy, for fif
teen Dollars, ejghtv-seven and a half cents, dated some
time in April last, and due the first of September next;
one twer'y dollar bill on the State Bank ot Georgia; four
ter. dollar bills on the Farmers Bank of Chattahoochee.
The maker of said note, is hereby notified from pavirg
the same to ariy person except myself, and all persons
arc cautioned ugainst trading for the same. A. liberal re
ward will be paid for the above, delivered to the subecri
ber at Lcathei’s Ford, Lumpkin county.
August 24.—20—ts.
I HP IE subscriber offers tor sate,mat valua
j; t! JBL blc House and Lot in the town of
Gainesville, Hall county, formerly occupied
hv L. Cleveland for a Tavern. The House
is situated on the Public Square, fronting the Court House,
in the most eligible part ot said Villaim, and is well adapt
ed for a Tavern, having fourteen Well ventilated rooms ;
four Chimmes with eight fire places; a good Pump, and
all the other necessary out buildings; a good Garden and
stable lot, well improved. A liberal credit will be given.
Sept; 7.—22—ts.
A FEW Copies of the Rules of Court, which can b
on bed application.
—and Commission Business,
rBMIE Subscribers beg leave to announce to their
A friends and patrons, and to the country in general,
that they have removed to the large and commodious
S WARE fiß*
On the south side, upper end of Broad street, lately occu
pied by John C. Holcombe, where they wil lcontinue to
transact the above business in all its legitimate branches.
They renew their plodgc to abstain from all speculations
unon cotton, and are prepared to extend their usual facili
ties upon produce in store, ’i hoy return their thanks for
the liberal share of patronage already conferred, and so i
eit its further continuance. , .
August 17.—10 —Ct
And Commission Business.
THE undersigned think it proper to inform their
friends and the public, that they still continue the
above business, at tiieir
New Fire Proof Warehouse,
They intend having nothing to do with the
purchase of Cotton, but will devote themselves exclu
sively to business confided to tnrar care. Ihiy are pre
pared to make necessary advances, and respectfully le
'-v of thetr
August, 10 —IS —2m.
a LL DPisons arc desired to take notice, that 1 have
-V this day and do hereby revoke a power of Attorney,
which 1 have heretofore executed to one Stephin Halin',
authorising him to sell Lots No. 859, I9tli District _
sldon.arel 75, Bth District, Ist Section, apil I caution
aiTpersoiis from trading for soul
July 9, —H —* m
So dollars reward.
R-. NAWAY from the subscriber about the 25th I
August las s a Negro man by the name ofjat'-
thirty years of age. fivo feet eight or ten inches high,
and pretty heavy built; he has rather a down look When I
spot™ to, and speaks sloiv and somewhat stammering- !
Jack hus a large nose, dnd is light complected, but a full
t,a,ip - and is very
fond of spirit*. I think he will aim for Washington,
V. likes county, or Charlestbn, South Carolina, asl am
informed it has not been long since he was brought from
fr? e - att( T P u ' te - J will pay the above reward for the de
livery of Jack at the A lat oona Mines, Cass county, or
I tweuty-five dollars, iflodged in any Jail in this State, so
i that I got him again.
Sept. 21.—21—w3m:
1 he Editors of the Washington News and Southern
Recorder, wnl please publish the above for three months,
and iorward their accounts to me in Cass county, Geo.
tJLTROM tlie subscriber living in
JL Jackson county, on Sunday
night the Stli inst. four Negroes; a ne
gro man named Dick, (who will pro
bably attempt to pass by the name of
McKenzie,). between thirty-five and
forty years of age, about the common
size, rather inclined to Be slender,—
also. Hagar; his wife, rather small of
statue, of a yellow complexion; speaks quick, but very
broken, having been accustomed to the sea board; like
wise her two boy children, the eldest about 6 years old- - I
the youngest some six or seven months old, arid very !
small. It is probable tile abdVfe negroes may have been
cnlicod aw ay by a person of suspicious character, who was
in the neighborhood about that time. He is a chunky ■
well set man, rod full face, with hair of a sandy complex
ion, and supposed to be about 25 or 30 years of age. Who- \
ever will return said negroes, or give information so that
they can be obtained, shall receive a reward of Ten Dol
Sept 1.-24 -2t
jgfj', ROM the Subcribcr a small blata
fTKWSIa A 1 Horse, eight or nine years old, five
? f t , et Ifigh, Branded on the left hip as well
a. I now recollect With a perpendicular
line, three or four inches lone, drawn through two hßltcir*
cles. A liberal reward will be paid for hisdebveryto ific,
and all reasonable expenses paid. , „.
July*!?—l3—l£ ~
. /Sc ‘■T9 STRAYED or stolen, from the suh
fjraggrai Ba scriber at Lumpkin Court-house,
* about the 10th of April last, a small sor
i el Ikirse, five or six years old, with i star
in his forehcau; ; acks well. The above reward will be
paid for his delivery to me, and all reasonable expenses
paid. Any infomiatijn respecting said horse, will be
thankfully received.
. V. R. M’CRARY.
SopL 7.—22—1 l
THE Subscribe! (akee pleasure in announcing to the
public, that he has opened a Confectioners Store in
this place, where persons can be supplied with every arti
cle, usually kept in his line on the most accommodating
terms. .
lie is prepared to make Candies of every description to
order ‘it the shortest notice. Those who buy to sell again
can bo supplied at 45 cts. per pound.
Gainesville August 24, —20—4 t,
fBiAKEN up by the subscriber at Leather’s Ford |
A Lumpkin county, on the 28th Inst, a dark Chrsnut i
colored hotse, übont four years old, with one white hind
foot, and one small white spot on his foichead and three
small saddle spots, no brands and without shoes.
TUe Governor's Letters to Mr.
From the Augusta Chrotficls.
Mieledgeville, April 6th, 1832.
J\ly Dear Sir. —l redd the Chronicle with in
creased interest —I concur with you generally
in matters ot ‘principle, and appreciate your
ability to communicate clearly and destinctly
your ideas on all subjects. In tho Chronicle of
the 4th. I was jjleased with the hoticc taken of
Gov. Troup’s letter by * 1 AGeorgian.” I was
pleased w ith your editorial temnrks on the sub
ject of the “ Hancock Meeting.” Permit ttie
to say to you, that virile I am decidedly in favor
of Reduction, my tac has had a promnient
place, in the Hancock and other meetings on
the subject of a Convention —without my privi
ty, knowledge or consent—t. e. witnoiit the
least consultation with me, by any individual
who has taken part in those? meetings. The
evidence of what I state, will bfe given to the
uublic in due time—in an incontrovertible form.
The official relation which I bear to the people,
at this important crisis, occupies all my time
and talents —would require J\loic If I had them
to bestow'. I am not to bo diverted from a
straight forward course. The State will sus
tain all its rights Fear not. Be strong. I am
calm and compost’d. I tlsb no threatening lan
guage, nor large swelling words. I shall not
ape Troup. But lam ready to do my duty.;
Do let me hear from you, and believe me
yours as ever,
A. H. Pemberton, Esq. Angusta
-When the above letter was written, we were, i
and had been for some time, sustaining the doc
trines of Nullification in the strongest, and most
explicit, and determined terms. Award ol this, I
he voluntarily opens a correspondence—telling j
us that lie “ read the Chronicle with increased
interest,” and “ concurred with us generally in
matters of ptiiiciple.” What else could have
increased that interest but nullification, since
scarcely any thing else had appeared in the pa-:
per for some time 1 And what other “matters |
of principle” could we have expected bo i ferrod
[to, but those of nullification, when wo had not
I discussed any others for a length of time ?
Ihe very article he mentions, respecting “ the
i u a < <v “k Meeting,” was one strongly censuring
the ellurt to draw ofFthe energy, lotercst, and
lecling of the State, to the subject of “ Reduc
tion,” w-hen they were all needed on the subject
ot resistance to the oppressions of the Tariff,
and Ought all to be concentrated on that, till .1
was finally settled and disposed of. Our whole
efforts at that time; were devoted to the rights
and wrongs of the State, and the proper mode of
1-c dressing the latter, and sustaining the former.
And what docs he say, in connection with oil
tots ?—“ The State will sustain all Us rights.
hear not.” Fear not what, but that we should
succeed, in tne course we were then pursuing?
“Be strong.” Strong ih what, btit the advocacy
** nullification? •* I am calm and fcotopoaed. (
use .... threatening language; fior large swelling
words. I shall not ape Troup. I am ready to do
my duty.”—Now what could all this be under-*
stood to mean, but that he should not use threat-
ening language, and large swelling words, ea
I rciup had done, but that he would sustain too
rights ot the State, as determinately as he had
done; notwithstanding ?
Neltt mask our reply to this, and an, extract
from another letter, the first part of which is on
another wholly different subject and therefore
omitted. Here they arc—and say if we did not
write therein horn begining to end, as one un
der full conviction that he agreed with us on th*>
doctrines of nullification ?
Now would he not, if not then a Nuliifier.
have uhdeceivcd us as to the evident impieasiou
i under which the above were written 1 Note if
he attempts to do so, in the following reply to
them, in the slightest degree.—A small part of
it in reply to that omitted in ours, is left out.
Millepgcville, June 9th 1832.
J\ly Dear Sir, —Your letter of the 6th inst.
is before me. And although I am sick and
scarcely able to write, not having answered
your former interesting letter, I feel that you
must not be longer neglected, lo6t niy silenco
should be attributed to some want of respect of
kind feeling, which docs not exist. My kindest
feelings are with you as a friend, in whose mo
tives, itidepehcibhcb and talents my confidence
remains unshaken. Iri regard lo the course of
the Federal Union, I shall remark, its Editors,
like the jest of the corps, as far ns I know, are
the rightful owners of all that appears in their
paper editorially. For myself, you may rest
assured I have no newspaper organ, not tho
slightest control, concert, or connexion with any
press in existence, so far as relates to tho po
litical sentiments of the editors. So far as lam
concerned, they affe entitled to the entire rc
sponsibilitv of all that appears in their papers
—As a public man, all that I ask from a frdo
press is, that when my public acts arc taken up,
th..t they. Will tell fAe truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truihi And this much ought to
;be expected from every honest Editor. °
I Having a great many things to do, I find it tie
| cessary to take one thing at a time, and I select
the most important one first. And when that is*
disposed of, I take up the next, &c. If I had
nothing else to doi but to write and make speech
es on subjects of political I would
certainly try my skill, at this important crisis,
rather than remain an idle spectator oftbe deep
ly interesting, scenes which now agitate tho
country. But it is my lot to be the superintends
ent of a mighty workshop. My auxiliaries are
few and feeble. Every thing that is not planned,
prepared and executed by myself, undergoes my
scrutiny, inspection and correction.
In a wold; Sir, let trie plainly say to you, I ato
at this stormy period, endeavoring to steer the
bark of Georgia, without one solitary competent
and regular adviser. I have found many of un
friends purely and exclusively selfish. If they
caunot advise so as to bring advantage lo then>-
selves, they drop off. V*'ell let them go.
My health is bad, but my spirits and confidence
firm and unshaken. If God spares my life, and
gives me health, I shall surmoUnt every other
I can write no mere, yfiiits as ever.
A. IT. Pemberton, Esq. Augusta.
How is the above letter to be understood, but
as giving us his reasons, therein detailed, for
not complying with our urgent wishes, that ho
would come out openly before the public, in ad
vocacy of the doctrines we entortained, and be
lieved him to entertain? Docs he not say, that
but for the pressure of other matters, and tlior
want of competent aid, &c. he “ would certainly
try his skill, at this important crisis, rather than
remain an idle spectator of, the deeply interest
ing scenes which, now agite the country ?” And
how were we to expect, from this, that ho would
have tried his skill, tkc. —for or against nullifi
cation? Should we have been justified in enter
taining for a moment, a single doubt, on that
score ?
M e here submit the case to the public, and
leave them to determine whether Gov. Lumpkin
j was or was not a nuliifier, at the time this cor-
I rc-pondi uce look place —whether, if he was tint
I so, he did not gixe us just grounds to believe ho
was —and wlic'iiur ho was wronged by the ex
pression of that belief, or had any cause what*
ever to complain ot it.
* r "A law of Virginia allows the retailing ofspir
; itous liquors at proper p laces. 111 one of tho
j counties the magistrates hnvc decided that there
is no su'.h is \A-.r . within ihr ir limit?,’
NO. 26.