Newspaper Page Text
I’ll** Western Herald.
Silitcd by A. G. FAMBBOUGH.
Terms. —Three dollars per annum, payable within six
nontha after the receipt of the first number, or four dol
irs if not paid within the year. Subscribers living out of
[is state, will be expected in all cases, to pay in advance, i
No subscription received for less than one year, unless i
!io money is paid in advance; and no paper will be dis
ontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the op
ion of the publisher. Persons requesting a discontinu
ing of their Papers, are requested to bear in mind, a set
rnent of their accounts.
Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates;,
lien the number of insertions is not specified, they will j
■continued until ordered out.
jc j> All Letters to tire Editor or proprietor, on mat- !
•jconncctcd with the establishment, must be post paid
iordcr to stecurc attention.
Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes, by Ad
;oistrators, Executors, or Guardians, must be published
■ •rs previous to the day of sale.
!r| T i„ “'’'sonal Property, in like manner, must be
fhc sale or p>~ Previous to the day ofsalo.
iblishcd FORTY BATS , ■>
Notice to debtors and prcu."° ofall be
iblishcd PORTY DAYS.
■ Notice that Application will be mad® to the ‘ ourt , ,°f
■rdinar)’for Leave to sell Land or Negron,?,must be pi.
Hhedrouß months.
■ Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Ad-1
Ministration, must be published thirty days and for |
Betters of Oi mission, six months.
arcTauthorized to announce’ G. ~A. j
■ARKER, Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriff at the ensu-
B? January Election.
■July 10. —15
I (fcjr-IVe are authorized to announce the name
B John M. Powel, as a candidate for Clerk of the Supe
■r Court, of Lumpkin county, at the next January Elec-
■ Oct. 19,-28
B Kj* We are authorized to announce the name
Bj“nics F. Foster, as a candidate for Receiver of Tax
Blums for Lumpkin county, at the next January Election.
■ Oct. 19,-28
K list of letters
E.MAINING in the Post Office at Gainesville, Ga.
on the first day of October, if not taken out in
Brcc Months, will he sent to the General Post Office a
B 1 Letters,
jrlha Ashworth, George A Knapp,
atrell Atkinson. William Kaughon,
iniel H. Bird, William Land,
Hen Burr, George Lathan, > 2 -
, Butterworth, DaVitT Lowery,
„„ N. Brown, 2. J ames Laurd,
illiam Bramlct, John Lott,
artin Barrett, William London,
mud M. Barkley, John Lyon,
is.M. Bailey, William Lowiy.
S5, Bamamin G. M-Cleskej.
tor Brven D G .VtcCleskev,
imbeth or Mery Ann Thomas Menyard,
Bcackit. Moren Moore,
C. John Juorten,
’ William Morris,
Chastain, ’ John Moor or Moren Jtfoore,
haß, Carnes, Isaac Mitehel,
“or (tamos John Mayson,-
iLmCrow John McCutchon,
,nK Carter ’ Hugh Montgomery,
illiam Culbcrhouse, Martin,
■ f'„<r.. r Archibald M’Laurer^
Zr Crawford Henry Maddox,
’ William Manning,
EX ‘
Imund Curley, or J. lr Narnunorc,
Woooy, Alexander Pickens,
Dunagan, ‘ Pitmat j,
■cuh Dunagan, Nelson Paget,
hennas Dunman, John Pjtraan,
corge Dolby, J £ m £Jl2F ,
tiu& Dunagan, 5f r * Pa 2 p f£’
*. or Bcnj. Dunagan, Henry Puples,
imucl Dyke, ° Jolm Pam,
corge Dunsou, Henry People.
T Davis’ Air, Richards or John
Ihert C. Fitr-gereld, Thomas Royland,
? Foster", Anderson Roberts,
charo Farrali, James M, Reeves,
muad F u.'"a.on, S,
itchel Fowler, Asahc! Smith,
G. David Sherreli,
illiam P Grower, ,Seaborn Slalen,
incy Griffis, ] s _'ac Sewell,?,
mes Gerard, Joseph S'eains,
seph Gladden, Bcnja.miit Sanford,
ha Guthrie, Robert btfx"on l
ephea Garner, HughSpuriin,
mes Gray, John Sijmons,
G( I. ard, Robert Smith, 2.
avid Guest. Enoch Smith,
sorge llawpe, 3. Wilkinson Small wood,
ijah Holland, 11. L, Sims,
illiam Harper, ‘William Scnter;
soph Hutsell, T.
accis Hesterly, 2. John Turner,
din S Hardridgc, David Tavlor,
homasHendrix, Reuben ‘l'homton.
illiam Howard, James Tait,
icsrard Hatley, W,
iliiam Hartgroves, Jessy Wmdsor, jr.
ihn Hughs, Jessy W insor; F.
hcodoro Hinsdale, William Werk,
obe.t Hall, Watter ebster,
imtlall, Francis Whitlock,
eny Hill. John Wells,
J. John Wells,
liomas Jackson, China Walker,
dui Ilcy, Nathan Ward, 2,
W Jones, James Whitten, *
iram lones, Joseph Whorten,
ussel Jones. GcorgcTFilcot,
K, David W'aid,
filliam Kell, .
October 1?.—27 —3t
To Post masters and the public.
7IOR the future all letters intended for persons at
- Lumpkin Court House, and its vicinity, should be
irected Lumpkin Court House Georgia. All letters in
anded for persons at Nuckoilsville, Harbin’s store Aura,
la and its vicinity, should he directed Auraria, Lumpkin
aunty, Georgia." ’ POST MASTER.
October s—oo—fit
REMAINING in the Post Ufllcc at Harben’s Store,
Ga on the Ist October, 1833, and if not taken out
by the Ist January next, will be sent to the General Post
Office as dead letters.
i A. James Jones,
Peter G. Ashley, John C. Jones.
David Alison, k,
Vi illiam Ashley, JTilliain Kecmim, 2.
j James E. Allen. Andrew Kcrson,
IL H, Knight,
1 Eaton Bass, JJrcwry Smith,
Larkin H. Blake, James Sellers, 2,
j Geergcßell, Samuel Pl. Smith,
James Boclair, 2. James f. Simmons,
Emanuel Bennett, L.
William Bell, Bryce Cittle,
i A. Bugg, Jesse Lockabv,
j John Banks, James Leonard,
i James Baisclair, James Loyd,
| Hartwell G. Blakey, James Cuestbrd.
Elisha Byne, M.
David Bailey, James Mc“artncy,
N. Bacral, Zealous JlJillcr.
Thomas Butler. Abner McVay,
Thomas C. Bowen, James Moreland,
Torrence Bryant, 2. .Matthew J, Morris,
George fV. Barker, 2. John M’Lam,
E. L. Bryant, J ohn M ercer, 2.
George Bruce, James Mc”artncv,
John Bruce. James E. Alaxey, 2,
C, Thomas .Mills,
Robert N. Combs, 8. Austin Jtfullcn,
• Abner F. Caldwell, 3, Tharlesll. Mills, 3.
Tame" 1 Crow, Sheriff UnionJß mes Mulien,
Jamfc- > James Mcßay,
County, . John M’Farlen,
James H. La.. nn e ton > - ,7 j\j, Moore,
! John D. Caton, , ,; o un .
Jesse Clayton, HyahMc.^
John Cathran) .Tamos .Ucßcc,
Elisha CreswcU, {““P’ 1 .
Lewis Clark, Jonathan D. .Miller, ,
Jacob Carral, _
Castin L. Cr.m, £ an ,‘. el
Philip A. Clayton, Stcrim ” *
?: £ h “ stain> George H. Owens. 2,
John Coffee, John Oxford.
Andrew Cope, p
Hartwell Carter, W A J Phillia*
George Cockbun* t““
Comelus Cooper, Henry Parks,
Henry a Cone, James Pitner)
John Conner, D. S. Powell,
John Chastain, John Park.
A. Clinstoper,
! r, TTilliamß. Cineen,
Doctor Dryer, r
Robert Dcvenport, James Rogers,
F, or G. Darter, Jefferson Reed,
William Doadman, Miller or Daniel Ra _
John Dobson, a G. Royal, 2.
Allen VS .■Dicker, Enos Rentfrow, 2.
M. & S. Dunn, Ansel Rice or Daniel Moses,
Henry Dryman, Hezekiah Rutledge,
Mark Richardson,
James Elliott, 3. Fielding Roy al,
Charles A. Ely, Alfred N, Richey,
“harles A. Ells, George Rccd,
irilliam Evans, Berry Reed,
John Earnest, .Mijamin Robbins.
Wesley Edwards. s.
F- John M. Silbcrt,
Miry Freeland, David Schoolfield,
H. L. Fields, James E, Starr,
H. H. Pisher, The Sheriffof Gilmer Cos.
J. M. Foster, James D. Sutton,
A G Fambrough, Sherill of Union county.
John Fry. Madison T .Smith,
G. Stephen Shelton, 3.
Allen GUI, .M. M. D. Smith,
Joseph B Gonder, 4, Claringtine Southlin,
‘d. illiam Gilliland, 2, Leigh Sims,
Janies D. Grey, Zehudcc Slaton,
Joshua J Good, M. Stricklin,
Thomas Gallaway, William Slone, 2.
Alexander Grinnage, ‘William Smith,2.
Isaac N Griffin, T.
A Gilhert, clerk Superior Mr. Tanner,
court Union county. Lcmue 1 Thomason,
George W. Griffin, \\ illiam G. Tuck,
Hyram Green, John Thompson,
J. H, Gordon. William Tracey,
H. John L. Turner,
John J. Kigginbotham, John Taylor,
Joseph C, Habersham, 1. Mrs. B. Thompson,
Drewry H, Harris, Samuel Thompson,
Benjamin Hill, John Tute,
Caleb Hamdon, Hardy C. Tatnm.
Holcob G, Harper, \V,
Henry Husley, .Madison Wells,
George W. Harris, J, H. Wilson,
Benjamin D, Hynds, TANARUS, W. Williamson, 2.
Joshua Holland, Davis Whelehel,
Archibald Hunter, Allen Whitfield,
Benjamin Hayegood, Samuel B. Weir,
James Holland, John N. Whcscnant,
Philip Holley, James Whitten,
Gesrgc Hise, William Worley.
F. M. Hunt, Y.
Enoch Hall. JeslYaaey.
N. Jornagin,
N, B, HARBEN, p, m.
Oct, 12—27—3 t
1H ,1 ROM the subscriber on 1h <• 12 th inst A
A 1 Negro man by the namcof Henry, about
eighteen years old, yellow complected, slen
der made, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, has rather
a down look, when spoken to, stutters, and
materially changes his voice before ending a
sentence. lie belongs to a gentleman by
ifEliH. Baxter cf Hancock county, Geo. but
was in my employ when he absconded in tne neighbor
hood of Aurana, where 1 have been opperating on a gold
mine, and was brought from North Carolina to this state,
by a speculator. It is probabic that he has been induced
to leave, by the persuasion of some white person Any
person apprehendiug said Negro, and lodging, him in
any safe Jail, will be suitably rewarded by dropping a
line to E. H. Baxter, of Hancock county, or the subscri
ber in Auraria, Lumpkin county Geo.
Sept 28* —25—3t,
FOUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Newton County
when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for said County, for
leave to sell the whole of the Real Estate belonging to Jes
se M. TFhitc deceased for the benefit of the creditors of
said deceased. JOHN SMITH, )
July IC—ls—wlm.
FOUR Months after date appljpation will be made,
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lumpkin
county, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell the real estate of RobertL.gon, sen. late of said coun
ty, deceased. robertmi tchell,
Sept. 2?,— 25— wlm
It comes, the Herald of a C olden World.
Months after date application will be made to
JL the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Hall county,
dCC S e c72B.-25-w4m- OAKMO!f ’ Ad ™
N Obedrence to an order of the Court of Ordinary of
f 1 ? cou nty, the undersigned, as guardian of the
OThansof Jesse Champion, will, at pubic outcry, sell’
on the premise?, all the Lots in tfic town of AURARIA
T co " nt 3% Ge °rg ia , beginning the sale of said
d„,lr,L h,,h^ t r Tues<ii, y in November next, and con
timirng the sale from day to day until all will have been
rhe Lots vare m size, from sixty bv one hundred
nnH r 1 tofiv f S, hundred and fifteen by six hundred
ridl ? | fC€ Vu Thls thriving town is located on the
ridge dividing the waters of the Etowah from those of the
IrflrnV “r d “? ro £ ar<is salubrity of air, purity of wa
ter, fertility of soil, and quantity of the most precious mc
ml, 13 surpassed by no neighborhood in the Southern
states. In rapidity of improvement, it is unequalled bv
any tow n or village in Georgia; and, as the sources of its
prospeuty arc inexhaustible’, its importance must be du
raole. Ihe terms will be made known on the day ofsale.
. . Guardien..
August 24.—£0—tds.
And Commission business.
THE undersigned think it proper to inform their
Irionds and the public, that they still continue the
above business, at their
1 New Fire Proof Warehouse,
i f‘, QrQa 1
3 AUGUSTA. sSblfiteft
They intend having nothing to do with the
purchase of Cotton, but will devote themselves exclu
sively to business confided to their care. They are pre
pared to make necessary advances, and respectfully re
new’ the offer of their services to the public.
August, 10—18—2 m.
Gold 311ne for Sale
WILL be sold at Auction,at Lumpkin Court House,
on the first Tuesday in November next, Lot No.
669, 12th District. Ist Section. Seven du>t of Gold p<r
hand per day y haVe been made on this Lot, and it is only
sold to meet the urgent necessities of the drawer, who is
unable to woik the Mine to advantage himself. Un
ouoetionable tides will be made. Terms, one half c*h,
the balance in twelve months.
Attorney in fact for the Drawer.
Sept. 14.—23—tds.
THE subscriber, living in tbo lower part of F.lhjay
Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Mops, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer, and the adjoining counties, ti nders his services to
all those who rnay be in search of Lands, in the alrovi*
Section of country, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may be desirable to owners, or others interested,
lie will also art as Agent in purchaseing lands at Sheriff
Sale, in Gilmer county, his charges will bn reasonable in
proportion to his trouble. JAMES B. HENSON.
June 61, —15—ts.
Ti IE Gold mine No. 212, 15th district, 2d section,
known as the Sixes mine is for sale. It is unne
cessary to deacribe the lot as it is well known to miners,
as the most valuable mining lot in the district. There is
a sufficiency of water for 20 rockers, and cab.ns are buil
for rhe hands. Letters post paid addressed tc me at Tal
lahassee Florida, will he attended to. The pirehasc mo
ney, if well secured can have reasonable time to run
Sept 23, —25 —4t,
mITHHE subscriber osiers for saie.tnat valua-
JL hie House and Lot in the town of
Gainesville, Hall county, formerly occupied
by L. Cleveland for a Tavern. The House
is situated on the Publir Square, fronting the Court House,
in the most eligible part of said Village, and is well adapt
ed for a Tavern, having fourteen well ventilated rooms ;
four Chimnics with eight fire places; a good Pump, and
all the other necessary “out buildings; a good Garden and
stable lot, well improved. A liberal credit will be given.
Sept. 7.—22—ts.
THE Subscriber wishes to sell the Lot ofland where
on Wiley Bishop now lives, near the junction of the
Che6tatco nnd’Chattanoocliie rivers, containing one hun
dred and fifty Acres, more or less, thirty-five or forty Acres
of cleared land, with good fences, and comfortable dwel
ling and out houses; with an excellent fishery and Mill
Shoal. For terms, apply to
O'ai ntsville, Geo.
June 4.—9—ts
LOT of Land No. 92, 13th District, formerly Carroll,
now Heard county, Containing 9021-2 Acres. The
above Lot is situated in thc vicinity ofFranklin, the coun
tv 6eat of Heard county, and will be sold on reasonable
terms. All persons are hereby cautioned against tres
passing in any way to the injury of said lot. For further
particulars apply to A G. FAMBROUGH.
Sept. 14.—23—3 t
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and
the Public in general that he is now opening a
House of entertainment in Cassville, Cajs county, where,
from his knowledge of business, he hopes to shear a rea
sonable portion of their JQ^
July 9, —14—
The Southern Banner, will please give the above three
Insertions and forward their account forpayment.
M. J
Valuable lands for sale.
T I LL Lubecriber offers for sale the following Lands,
No. Dis.
98 10 } Adjoining
127 10 > Carrollton,
130 10 ) well impr’d.
76 10
34 4
98 C
136 6
49 5
337 7
49 9
No. Dis. See.
119 15 2
556 15 2
258 11 2
165 8 1
266 11 1
For Terms, apply to A. G. FAMBROUGH,
Auraria, Sept. 7. —22—ts.
JUr-T Received and now offered at ranr low price., ar
Lumpkin Court-IIoQEo,
Holland Gin,
Jamaica Rum.
Cognise Brandy,
Rye Whiskey,
Cordials assorted,
Claret, Madeira, Teneri9| and -Malaga Wises,
Porter, Ale and Beer,
Soda and Seidht Powders,
Lemon Syrup,
Cheese, Beef, Sausages and Cracker^
Rice and Raiacns,
Candles and Tobacco,
Cocoa and Brazil Nuts,
Almonds and i!azle£tuts,
Scotch and M. Snuff
A general assortment of Pateat Mediciaas;
Cigars, Spanish and common.
Shoe Black, Paste and Liquid,
Cologne and other Perfumary,
Fancy Cake, and Ball Soap,
Sugar and Coffee,
Fire Crackers, Starch, Pearl Aah, kc. loc.
A general assortment kept constantly on kandas
above. N. & HARBEN.
August 31.—21 —ts.
ALL persons arc cautioned against punch sing the
following Lots which were drawn in the late Lot
teries, and have been conveyed to me by good and suffi
cient titles.
No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec
487 14 1 1181 19 3
1243 19 3 198 3 I
1616 33 £44 3 I
1134 12 1 1128 18 9
356 19 3 156 6 3
49 9 3 1012 11 1
826 1 4 970 4 1
882 17 3 1103 4
408 1 8 826 17
34019 2 738 14
10% 2 1 296 15
145 3 4 133 1 9
207 10 B 416 81
1027 2 3
Glynn county Geo.
Sept. 28, —25— it —
4LL persons arc hereby cautioned against trading for
the following notes: one for eighty dollars, princi
pal; another for three hundred and seventy Dollars; also,
at: obligation on Asa Keith, and Vincent D. Keith, for
eighty two head of hogs, made payable to Benjamin M.
Smith; as the consideration for the above notes and obli
gation has failed, and we are determined not to pay'them,
unless compelled by law.
Also, a bond given to the said Benjamin M. Smith to
make titles to Lot No. 12, in the 6th District, 2d section ;
also a bond to make titles to Lot No. IG4, Bth District, 3d
section; as the consideration for the said bond have fail
ed and lain dctcrmidcJ not to make title* or pay the same.
gOct. 12.—27—ts
‘To Gold Mine Speculators.
THE Undersigned tenders his services, as an Pipe
rienccd practical Miner, to examine and test any
Lot in the Gold Region, disbelieving in auy certain theo
ry until proven by practice, he will warrant his opinion
when given to he correct, his price for examiningand giv
ing a vcibal, or written opinion, as may be required ofany
Lot, will be twenty five Dollars Letters cncloseing that
amount in Cash, will be strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, he may at all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in AurariaLumpkin countv.
Augnst 10. —18 —ts,
i itl ir r HF I’ ro P r ' c * ors of the Athens
” Stage Line, have determined
to continue thrir tri-weekly lineto
Au ruriu. Hereafter the stago will reach this place on Sun
day, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and leave for Au
gusta, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
This arrangement will open a direct communication by
stage tri-weekly with Augusta, Millcdgevillc; and week
ly with Pendleton, via Gainesville and Camesville. The
stage will also run twice a week to Athens, Tennessee;
leaving Leathers’ Ford on Sunday and Wednesday morn
May 28.—8—1£
BOTH Carroll and Cherokee, will be purchased at
all times and the highest price paid by
Macon, Sept 28.—25 —w3m,
HAVING recently removed to Auraria, oilers his
professional services to the people ol
and the adjoining counti<-s.|
’ Oct’ —26—6t*—
HAVING removed to Auraria, Lumpkin counit,
now tenders Iris professional service* to the public,
and will practice in all the counties of the Cherokee Cir
cnit; and Carroll, Campbell, DcKalb, Hall and Haber
sham counties.
Having been engaged for three years in gold mining,
he will, (assisted by Vlr. George S. Moody, from North
Carolina) act as agent in the examination, and sale at*
gold lots.
Letters upon either branch of the above boveeae, ad
dress. and to me, will be promptly andfaithfullj attended to.
August 24.— 20— ts.
T E tmdcrsvpnec hare entered into Copartnership,
m the practice of LA W, and hope by strict atten
tion to business confided to their care, and the assiatanen
of Judge Underwood, to merit a share of prublic patron
•ff6* practice in all the Counties of the Cher
okee Circuit, and the adjoiningcxninties of he Wester;*-
and Chattahoochee Circuits. Their office is at the Cou*
Houae in Lumpkin county.
July 2.—l3—tf
THEundereigiioo r m ve entered into copartnership!!*.*
the praeffee of tht Law, for the County of Lumpkin,
and will attend to any professional business, which ma\*
be confided to their care. Letter* to Harden
ana lvoger*,eithcrat Athens or Auraria, will receive prompt
May 7.—s—r.Cna
Cassrille, C*bs Count)-, ©eorgit\>
WILL attend punctually to all basiness entrusts*
to his care for Cherokee Circuit.
Communications must be post paid.
Sspt. 21.—24—4 t.
A?? MW,
HAS permanently settled in Cassville, Casa
county, and will regularly attend to any business
directed to his care, in the Cherok x Circuit.
Angust 17.—19—w2m.
THE FIRM OF A. N. BAIRD A Cos. was di.jjc;
ved on the Ctb mat. by mstaal oonaent.
a. McLaughlin.
Sspt. 7. IBM.
A LL persons having busmens with the late firm ts
A N. Baird, A Cos. will call and cattle tike Stine
with A. N. Baird, who u duly *athorise*l to close tho
business of said Firm. A. M’LAUGHLIN
bept 7.1833.
ALL persona indebted to the said firm, are hereby no
tifiod to come forward and settle the same immedi
ately with the undersigned, at his residence, “ -Vuieid
Retreat,” as longer indalgenoe cannot be given.
„ „ . A. N. BAIRD.
Sept tie -94—ts.
|LI STRAYED or stolen, from the sub.
I JMHk .m-J senber at Lumpkin Court-hoi;-
•bot the 10th or April I tt , a ema H so!-’
rel horse, fire or six yoars old, with a star
m his forehead ; racks weil. The above reward wHI bo
paid for his delivery to me, and all reasonable expenses
y reitr t,on retPe£t ' DS * S,d k ° ne ’ wi “ k
6ept. 7.—99—ts r a.M-CfiART.
FROM aCherokee Indian, on tie 83d of SaptauiL-v
last,linng near the Big J%vmnnak,in the 15th
uici, lat Section, a bay Mud Tony, about foortaen hani-t
fawh, fooryeaia old, three white, and the left fore fot in
clmed to be roan, and has on hia right aide. ro an orwhiro
.pot; a star in so, forehead, AnT -
matron tome, bring at New Bnig?; Lumfkm
will be compensated for their trouble ’
Oct, 5. 26 ts, Ag * nt f ° r Lu “ ,pkm “"“tf-
A L .hi. P H n . , n^ e 1. o,ir t dtO ‘l k# tliatl have
l . h ' a d ° hereby revoke a power of Attorney,
wluch l have heretofore eiecuted to one Stephan Ham'e
authonung him to will Lots No. B*9, ISth District. 2d
Section, and 75, Bth District, Ist Section, and I caution
all persons from trading for nud lots, from aid Hanic
July 9.—14—4 m THOMAS West!
up some short tima back, a
-* bay horse, 12 or IS years old, 14 eg
15 hands high, with a star In hisforebead.
The owner can have the same, by prov
ing property and paying all necesaarv expenses. For
further information apply to the subscriber, living aome
12 or 15 miles, on the road leading from Auraria to KUi-’
Oct. 19.—28—*t
THE undesigned,Commissioners ofTenncsses Canal
having heard that some alarm exists from a report
of the Cholera having broken out among the hands, take
this occasion from their personal observation on the line
and from infonnation on w hich they can rely, to assure
the public, that it is certainly unfounded.
No case ofCholcra has occured upon the Canal dor li?>
there recently been any severe case of sickness or death.
There arc at this time employed, from 500 to 800 hand.-'”
who are well fed, comfortably lodgod, in good health and
are in the regular receipt of higher wages, than are ’<Wj
crally earned by others in the surrounding country *
JOHN. CRAIg, Pres f.
JCj* The subscriber is authorized to employ 500 or two
thousand hands at >ls pe r month for the above company
ho may at all times bo found at Leathers Ford or inAii
rana. D. C. GIBSON.
Juno 25th, 1833
A FEW Copies of the Rules of Court, which canb*
ilk on hvd application.
NO. 29.