Newspaper Page Text
filir Wester it Herald.
t by O. P. SHAW,
lilted by A. G. FAMBROUGII.
Three dollars per annum, payable within six
l>ths after the receipt of the first number, or four dol
|if not paid within the year. Subscribers living out of
litate, will be expected in all cases, to pay in advance.
| o subscription received for less than one year, unless
Intoney is paid in advance; and no paper will be dis
linuea until all arrearages are paid, except at the op
Kfthc publisher. Persons requesting a discontinu
|of their Papers, are requested to bear in mind, a set
lent of their accounts.
IdteatisEments will be inserted at the usual rates;
|nthe numberofinsertions is not specified, they will
Entihdcd Until ordered out
fy All Letters to the Editor or Proprietor, on mat
loanoctcd with the establishment, must be post paid
|der to secure attention.
Notice of the sale of Land and Negroes, by Ad-
Kiators, Executors, or Guardians, must be published
E dais previous to the day of sale.
|he sale of personal Property, in like manner, must be
llished roRTT days previous to the day of side.
Iticcto debtors and creditors of an estate must be
Hidied porty days.
lotice that Application will be made to the Court of
Inary for Leave to sell Land or Negroes,must be pub-
lotice that Application will be made for Letters of Ad
litration, must be published thirty days and for
Krs of Di mession. nx months.
my. We are authorized to announce G. A.
KkER, Esq. as a Candidate for Sheriff at the ensu
■ January Election.
■uty 16.—15
We are authorized to announce William
■Nixon, Esq. as a Candidate for Colonel of the
i,6. M. of Lumpkin countv.
il UNA WAY from the subscriber about the 25tli of
August last, a Negro man by the name of Jack,
Hut thirty years of age, five feet eight or ten inches high,
■ pretty heavy built; he has rather a down look when
wen to, and speaks slow and Somewhat stammering;
Bk has a large nose, and is light complected, but a full
lodod negro; he is a Blacksmith by trade, and is very
Bd of spirits, i think he will aim for Washington,
Bikes county, Or Charleston, Soulh Carolina, as I am
Brined it has not been long since he was brought from
Blatter place. I will pay the above reward for the de-
Bry of Jack at the Alatoona Mines, Cass county, or
Bnty-fivc dollars, iflodged in any Jail in this State, so
Btl get him again.
Bepl 21.—24—w3m.
EvA Mil ROM the subscriber on the 12th inst. A
BtfST JC Negro man by tlienamcot'Hcnry, about
Hull eighteen years old, yelloW complected, elen-
HnA der marie, sfeetßor 10 incites high, has rather
a down look, when spoken to, stutters, and
fj materially changes his voice before ending a
sentence. lie belongs to a gentleman by
Bnameof ICli H. Baxter cf 11 uncock county, Geo. but
my employ when ho absconded in too neighbor-
Bj of Auraria, where I have been opperating on a gold
He, and was brought from North Carolina to this state,
Heave, by the persuasion of some white person Any
Hson apnrcheildiug said Negro, and lodging, him in
Hsafe dad, will he suitably rewarded by dropping a
Hto E. H. Baxter, of Hancock county, or the subsen-
Bin Auraria, Lumpkin countv Geo.
HjIROM the subscriber, a large pided work steer, with
B large white and rod spots, and a very large knot on
Hjaw; he went offa few days since in’company with
Bother work steers, supposed to be running away, om
was of dun n color, and the other a dark brindlc.
IBev went in the direction of Carroll or Tennessee. I
;ivc a liberal reward for the delivery of said steer to
l Auraria, Lumpkin county, or thankfully receive
that will enable mo to get him.
irana. Sept. 21.—24—ts.
HE Lubscriber offers for sale tire following Lands,
to wit:
No. Dis.
98 10 ) Adjoining
127 10 > Carrollton,
130 10 ) well nnpr’d.
76 10
34 4
98 6
I ioG 6
49 5
337 7
49 9
N T O . Dis. Sec.
119 *5 2
556 15 2
258 11 2
165 8 1
266 11 1
•'or Terras, apply to A. G. FAMBROUGH,
Huraria, Sept. 7. — 2-2 —ts. .
H EL persons are desired to take notice, that 1 have
B- this day and do hereby revoke a power of Attorney,
•eh l have heretofore executed to one Stephen Ham-,
•homing him to sell Lots No. 859, I9th District, 2d
•hen, arid 75, Bth District, Ist Section, and I caution
■ persons from tradin'*’ foY said lots, from said Hanie.
H'tlyo,— u—4ai
FOUR months after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court of Newton County
when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for said County, for
leave to sell tbe whole of thcllcal Estate belongin'’ to Jes
se -M. White deceased for the benefit of the creditors of
said deceased.
July 16—15 —w4m.
FOUR Mouths after date application will be made to
the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Hall county,
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the re
al estate of William W heeler, sen. late of said county,
deceased. J OHN GARMON, Admr.
Sept 28. —25—w4rn—
FOUR Months after date appljfation will be made,
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Lumpkin
county, when setting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell the real estate of RobertLigon, sen. late of said coun
ty, deceased.
ROBERT LIGON, jun. i Admr *■
Sept. 28, —25—w4ra
Jlnd Commission Business.
THE undersigned think it proper to inform their
friends and the public, that they still continue the
above business, at their
New Fire Proof Warehouse,
—l AUGUSTA. Jlilfi
They intend having nothing to do with the
purchase of Cotton, but will devote themselves exclu
sively to business confided to their care. They are pro
pared to make necessary advances, and respectfully re
new the offer of their services to the public.
August, 10 —IS—2m.
IN obedience to an order of the Court of Ordinary of
Newten county, the undersigned, as guardian of the
orphans of Jesse Champion, will, at public outcry, sell*
on the premises, all the Lots in the town of AURARLY,
Lumpkin county, Georgia, beginning the sole of said
Lots on the first Tuesday in November next, and con
tinuing the sale from day to day until all will have been
sold. The Lots Vary in size, lrom sixty by one hundred
and five feet, to five hundred and fifteen by six hundred
and fifteen.feet. This thriving town is located on the
ridge dividing the waters of the Etowah from those of the
Chestatee; and as regards salubrity of air, purity of wa
ter, fertility of soil, and quantity of the most precious me
tal, is surpassed by no neighborhood in the Southern
States. In rapidity of improvement, it is unequalled by
any town or village in Georgia; and, as tile sources of its
prosperity are inexhaustible, its importance must be du
rable. The terms will be made known on the day ofsale.
gust 24.—20—tds.
WE the undersigned Justices of the Inferior Court of
said county, protest against the proceedings of
the Justices who have located the countysitein this coun
ty, as we were not present at the doing thereof. Ist Be
cause it is not a central situation. 2d. Because it is not a
suitable placa for a town, aad no pains will be spared on
ourpart, to have it removed to a more suitable and central
GREEN CARNES, s. i. c.
Oct. s.—2G 2t.
TH E undersigned have entered into Copartnership,
in the practice of LAW, and hope by strict atten
tion to business confided to their care, and the assistance
ofjudgc Underwood, to meri! a share of public patron
age. They will practice in all ttie Counties of the Cher
okee Circuit, and the adjoining counties of he Western
and Chattahoochee Circuits. Their office is at the Cour
House in Lumpkin county.
July 2.—l3—tf
THE undersigned have entered into copartnership in
the practice of the Law, for the County of Lumpkin,
and will attend to any professional business, wliich may
be confided to their cure. Letters addressed to Harden
and Rogers,eitherat Athensot Auraria, willrcceivc prompt
May 7.—s—wCm
Cassville, Cass County, Georgia,
W r ILL attend punctually to all business entruste
. to his care for Cherokee Circuit.
Communications must be postpaid.
Sept. 21—24—4 t.
HAS pennant ntly settled himself m Cassville, Cass
county, and will regularly attend to any business
directed to his care, in the Cherokee Circuit.
Angust 17,—19—w2m.
HAVING removed to Auraria, Lumpkin county,
now tenders his professional services to the public,
and will practice in all the counties of the Cherokee Cir
cnit; and Carroll, Campbell, DeKalb, Hall and Haber
sham counties.
Having been engaged for three years in gold mining,
he will, (assisted by Mr. George S. Moody, from North
Carolina) act as agent in the examination, and sale of
gold lots. ‘■ . ,
Letters upon either branch of the above business, ad
fr/v'sed to me, will be promptly and faithfully attended to.
August 24.-20-ts.
JAViES WITCHER tolled before John Y.Allgood,
a Justice of the Peace for said county, a brown-bay
Marc Pony, four years old, lour feet high, branded on the
right shoulder thus, (L) appraised to fifteen dollars, by
James Johnson and John Right.
A true extract feomthe^book. ooKg c _
Sept. 14.—23—3 h
It comes, tiie Herald of a Golden World.
ALL persons arc cautioned against purch sing the
following Lots which were drawn in the late Lot
teries, and have been conveyed to me by good and suffi
cient titles.
No. Dis. Sec. No. Dis. Sec
487 14 l HBl 12 3
1243 19 3 188 3 1
1616 33 244 3 2
1134 12 1 1128 16 2
356 19 2 156 6 3
d9 9 3 1012 11 1
826 14 970 4 !
882 17 2 1103 4
408 1 2 826 17
34019 2 733 14
1096 24 296 15
145 34 132 12
207 10 3 416 21
1027 2 3
Glynn Bounty Geo.
Sept. 28,—25—41 —
JUST Received and now offered at very low prices,at
Lumpkin Court-House.
Holland Gin,
Jamaica Rum.
Cogniac Brandy,
Rye Whiskey,
Cordials assorted,
Claret, Medeira,Tencriff, and -Malaga Wines,
Porter, Ale and Beer,
Soda and Seidlit Powders,
Lemon Syrup,
Cheese, Beef, Sausages and Crackers,
Rice and Raisons,
Candles and Tobacco,
Cocoa and Brazil Nuts,
Almonds and HazleNuts,
Scotch and M. Snuff
A general assortment of Patent Medicines,
Cigars, Spanish and common.
Shoe Black, Paste and Liquid,
Cologne and other Perfumary,
Fancy Cake, and Ball Soap,
Sugar and Coffee,
Fire Crackers, Starch, Pearl Ash, &c. Ac.
A general assortment kept constantlv on handas
above. N. B.*HARBEN.
August 31.—21—ts.
To Gold Mine Speculators.
THE Undersigned tenders his services, as an Expe
rienced practical M iner, to examine and test any
Lot in the Gold Region, disbelieveing in auv certain tlieo
ry until proven by practice, he will warrant his opinion
when given to be correct, his price for examining and giv
ing a verbal, or written opinion, as may be required of any
Lot, will be twenty five Dollars Letters encloscing that
amount in Cash, will be strictly attended,and all necessary
information given, he may at all times be found at Leath
er’s Ford or in Auraria Lumpkin County.
Augnst 10.—18—ts,
jlj'B" I’'’ 1 ’'’ Proprietors of the Atheno
jB Stage Line, have determined
to continue tlieir tri-week ly line ro
Auraria. Hereafter the Stage will reach this placi on “tun
day, Wednesday and Friday mornings, and Wave for Au
gusta, oil Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings
This arrangement will open a direct communication by
stage tri-weekly with Augusta, Milledgeville; and week
ly with Pendleton, via Gainesville and Camcsvillc. The
6tage will also run twice a week to Athens, Tennessee;
leaving Leathers’Ford on Sunday and Wednesday morn
lls| iday 28.—8 —ts.
M-JTN STRAYED or stolen, from the sub
mJ seriber at Lumpkin Court-house,
about the 10th of April last, a small sor
rel horse, five or six years old, with a star
in his forehead; racks well. The above reward w ill be
paid for his delivery to me, and all reasonable expenses
paid. Any information respecting said horse, will be
thankfully received.
Sept. 7—22—ts
THE Gold mine No. 212, 15th district, 2d section,
known as the Sixes mine is for sale. It is unne
cessary to deacribc the lot as it is well known to miners,
as the most valuable mining lot in the district. There is
a sufficiency of water for 20 rockers, and cabins arc buil
for the hands. Letters post paid addressed to me at Tal
lahassee Florida, will bo attended to. The purchase mo
ney, if well secured can have reasonable time to run.
Sept 28, —25—4t,
FROM aCherokce Indian, on tl c 23d of September
last, living near the Bi“ Savannah, in the 15th dis
trict, Ist Section, a bay stud Pony, about fourteen hands
high, four years old, three white, and the left fore foot in
clined to be roan, and has on his right side,a ream or white
spot; a star in his forehead. Any person giving infor
mation tome, living at New Bridge, Lumpkin county,
will be compensated for their trouble.
Agent for Lutnpkm county.
Oct. 5. —2G—If,
OT of Land Np. 92, 13th District, formerly C arroll,
1 i now Heard county, containing 2021-2 Acres. The
above Lot is situated in the vlcinitv ofFrankhn.the coun
ty seat of Heard county, and wiilbc sold Or. reasonable
terms. All persons are hereby cautioned against tres--
passing in any way to the injury of said lot. For further
particulars apply to
Sept. 14,—23—3t
WHEREAS Howard S. Council, applies to me fc
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Jo
seph Howard, late of said county, deceased,
These are therefor eto cite and admonish, all and sin
gulsr the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to b<
and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law
to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters shouk
not be granted.
Given under my hand this 13thriayof September, 1833
M. P. QUILL!AN, p. c. c. o.
Sept. 14.—23—30d.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and
the Public in general that he is now opening a
House of entertainment in Cassville, Cass county, where,
from his knowledge of business, he hopes to shear a rea
sonable portion oftheir patronage.
July 9, —1-1—
The Southern Eanncr, w ill please give the above throe
Insertions und forward their account fur t
Gold Mine for Sale
WILL be sold at Auction,atLumpkin Court House,
on the first Tuesday in November next, Lot No.
669, 12th District, Ist Section. Seven diets of Gold per
hand per day, have been made on this Lot, and it is only
sold to meet the utgent necessities of the drawer, who is
unable to work the Mine to advantage himself. Un
questionable titles will be made. Terras, one half cash,
the balance in twelve months.
Attorney in fact for the Drawer.
Sept. 14. —23—tds.
THE- FIRM OF A. N. BAIRD & Cos. was disaol
ved on the Cfh inst. by mutual consent.
a. McLaughlin.
Sept. 7. 1833.
4LLpcrsons havingbusincss with the late firm of
A N. Baird, k Cos. will call and settle the same
with A. N. Baird, w'ho is duly authorised to close the
business of said Firm. A M’LAUGHLiN
Sept. 7,1933.
ALL persons indebted to the said firm, are herebyno
tified to come forward and settle the same immedi
ately with the undersigned, at his residence, “ .Miners
Retreat,” as longer indulgence canhot be given.
4 “ A. N. BAIRD.
Sept. 21. -24—ts.
THE subscriber, living in tbe lower part of Eliijay
Town in Gilmer county, on the direct road leading
from said town to Sanders, on the Federal Road, having
furnished himself with Maps, Lottery Registers, and
other necessary information in relation to Lands in Gil
mer, and the adjoining counties, tenders his services to
all those who may be in search of Lands, in the above
Section of countrv, to show lands or give such informa
tion as may be desirable to owners, or others interested,
he will also act as Agent in purchascing lands at Sheriff
Sale, in Gilmer countv, his charges will be reasonable in
proportion to his tronble. JAMES B. HENSON.
June 61, —15—ts.
/feck finHE subscriber oilers lor sale, that ralua
-551*1# J- ble House and Lot in the town of
JiliJat Gainesville, Hall countv, formerly occupied
by L. Cleveland for a Tavern. The House
i situated on the Public Square, frontingtbe Courtllouse.
in the most eligible part ot said Village, and is well adapt
ed for a Tavern, having fourteen well ventilated rooms ;
four Cliimmcs with eight fire places; a good Pump, and
all the other necessary out buildings; a good Garden and
stable lot, well improved.
Sept. 7. —22—ts.
KE M YIN IN G in the Post Office at Gainesville, Ga.
on the first day of October, if not taken out in
three will he lent to the General Post Office as
dead Letters,
.Martha Ashw orth, George A Knapp,
Burrell Atkinson. WrlliainKau£hon.
isd, BulU’fVorlli, David Low'.y.
Jesse N. Brown, 2. a ' nce Lurd ’
M-dST* SSJztSy.
SSXbSS. gftftgjrcT.
Re-iekit Mcnren Moore,
iScacKiT. John Aorten>
~ William Morris,
S-Tlsmin! ’ ** Moor orMorenMoore,
John B, Carnes, \XnMaV~n!
v?fr John McCutchon,
Sarah'csrtor," ’
William Culberhouse, Archlba ld M’Lauren,
Chinr Coffer, Henry .Maddox,
Arthur CrawfoM, William Manning,
Gabriel Coley, “ ‘ u pj,
William Carey, N
William W- Carey, EJ . yjarramorc,
Edmund Curley, or J.
Woody, Alexander Pickens,
n Daniel Pitmau,
’j 1 ’ Nelson Paget,
Joseph Dunagan, _/ 0 j, n Pitman,
Thomas Dunman, John H Prycr>
George Dolby, j\fr. p aop les,
j'oohua Dunagan, Henrv Puples,
Jos. or Beni. Dunagan, John - pain J
Samuel Dyke, Henry Peoples.
George Dunsou, R,
11 M Dyke, jj r Richards or John
A T Davis, Thompson,
Rebecca Dyke. William L. .Rood, 2.
, k. William P, Keed,
Jacob Lbcrhort. Williams Robin?,
, John Reely,
RobcitC. Thomas Royland,
A K Foster, Anderson Roberts,
Richard Farrah, James M, Rocvcs.
Edmuod Furga.on, S.
Mitchel Fowler. Asahel Smith.
G- Pavid Sherreii,
William P Grower, Seaborn Slaten,
Nancy Griffis, Isaac Sewell,
James Gerard, Joseph Stearns,
Joseph Gladden, Benjamin Sanford,
John Guthrie, Robert Sexton,
Stephen Gamer, Hugh Spurlin,
James Gray, John Sijmons,
J Gerrard, Robert Smith, 2.
David Guest. Enoch Smith,
George Hawpe, 3. Wilkinsou Smallwood,
Elijah Holland, H. L, Sims,
William Harper, WilliamScnfcr;
Joseph Hutsell, TANARUS,
Francis Hesterly, 2. John Turner,
John S Hardridge, David Taylor,
Thomas Hendrix, Reuben Thornton.
Wilham.Mowurd, James Tait,
Shesrard Hatley, IV,
Wiliiam Hartgrovcs, Jessy Windsor, jr,
John Hughs, Jessy Winsor; 2.
Theodore Hinsdale, Wiliiam Werk,
Kobc.t Hall, Watter ebster,
IsamHall, Francis Whitlock,
Rerrv IIil!, John Wells,
J. John Wells.
Thomas Jsekson, China Walker,
John Ilpy, Nathan Ward, 2,
J W Jones, James Whitten,
Hiram lonce, Joseph Whortcu,
Russel Jones. George IFilcor,
IC, David JFaid.
William Kell,
October U -r- ’t
REMAINING in the Post Office at llarben’s Store,
Ga. on the Ist October, 1833, and if not taken out
by the Ist January next, will be sent to the General l ott
Office as dead letters,
A. James Jones,
Peter G. Ashb y, John C. Jones.
Da\ id Alison, „
William Ashlcv, IFilham Keenuni, -.
James E. Allen. Andrew Kersou,
B. H. Knight,
Eaton Bass, Drewiy Smith,
Larkin H. Blake, J ames Sellers, 2.
Gccrge Bell, Samuel H.Smith,
James Boclair, 2. James T. Simmon?,
Emanuel Bennett,
William Bell, Bryce Cittle,
A. Bugg, Jess’- Lockaby.
John Banks, James Leonaid,
James Baisclair, James Loyd,
Hartwell G. Blakey, Jamed Cuesford.
Elisha Byne,
David Bailey, James Mcartnej.
N. Bacral, Zealous-Miller.
Thomas Butler. Abner McVay,
Thomas C. Bowen, James Moreland,
Torrence Bryant, 2. -Matthew J, Morris*
George IF. Barker, 2. John M’Lain,
E. L. Bryant, John Mercer, -•
Georg c Bruce, James Me ..
John Bruce. James ,.
q Thomas .Mills,
Robert N. Combs, 2. Austin -Mullen.
Abner F. Caldwell, 3 ? arle \m,£ ‘ ‘
John D. Caton, , Mcßary,
affix ;•£•
Daniel Nisler!
PhihpAClay.on, Sterling Norton,
do ! m £ hastam ’ George H. Owens.
John Coffee, John Oxford. *
Andrew Cope, *
Hartwell Carter, - j Phillis*
George Cockbum, A - J Phill.?-,
Cornclus Cooper,
A. Christoper, John Falk ‘
„ William B. QnCen,
Doctor Dr} tr > R.
Robert Devonport, Jamee Rogers,
F > ° r G - Jefferson Reel,
Wllham Deadman, Miller or Daniel Ra&
John Dobson.- H G Boya i g.
Allen W. Dicker, Kent J froWi 2 .
M. &. S. Dunii, Ansel Rice or Daniel Mflse?,
Henry Dry-man, Hczekiah Rutledge,
. “1 Mark Richardson,
James Elliott, A Fielding Royal,
Charles A. Ely, Alfred N. Richqy,
“harles A. Ells, George Reed,
IFilliam Evans, Berry Reed,
John Earnest, .Miiamin Robbins.
W’esley Edwards. g.
F - John M. Silbert,
-Mary Freeland, David Schoolfieid,
H. L. Fields, James E. Starr.
H. H. Pisher, The Shoriffof Gilmer Cc
J. M. Foster, James D. Sutton,
A G Fambrough, Sherifl of Union count
John Fry. MadisonT.Smith,
G. Stephen Shelton, 3.
Allen Gill, ytf. M. D. Smith,
Joseph B Gonder, 4, Claringtine Southhn,
V ilham Gilliland, 2, Leigh Sims,
Janies D. Grey, Zciiudec Slaton,
Joshua J Good, M. Stricklin,
Tiiomas Gallaway, William Slone, 2.
Alexander Grinnage, William Smith, 2.
Isaac N dritfin, T.
A Gilbert, clerk Superior Mr. Tanner,
court Union county. Lemuel Thomason,
George W. Griffin, William G. Tuck,
Hyram Green, John Thompson.
J. H, Gordon', William Tracey,
M. John L. Turner,
John J. Kigginbotham, John Taylor,
Joseph C, //aberehtitfi, l. Mrs. B. Thompst'if
Drowry H, Harris, Samuel Thompson
Benjamin Hill, John Tate,
Caleb Hamdon, Hardy C. Tatum.
Holcob G, Harper, W.
Henry Husley, -Madison Wells,
George 4V. I1 arris, J, H. Wilson.
Benjamin U, Hynds, I’, W. WilliamsOD, P.
Joshua Holland, Davis Wholchel,
Archibald Hunter, Allen Whitfield,
Benjamin Hayegood, Samuel B. Weir,
James Holland, John N. Whcsenan’,
Philip Holley, James Whitten,
GesrgeHise, William Wdrlev.
F. M. Hunt, Y.’
Enoch Hall. Jod Vaary,
N. Jomagin,
N, B, HARBEN, p, m
Oct, 12. —27—Jt
THE undesignod.CumiiiissioncrsofTsftncssceCan*:,
having heard that some alafm exists from a report
of the Cholera haring broken out among the hands, taka
this occasion from their personal observation oh tbo lore,
and from information on rybich they can rely, to assure
the public, that it is certainly unfounded.
No case ofCholcra has occured upon the Canal nor has
there recently been any severe case of sickness or death.
There are'at this time employed, from 500 to 600 Hants
who are well fed, comfortably lodged, in good health, and
are in the regular receipt of higher wages, than arc gcr.
orally earned by others in the surrounding country.
fC7° The subscriber is authorized to employ SCO or tv o
thousand hands nt Sls per month for the above compati v
he may at all times be found at Leathers Ford or in A ti
rana. D. C. GILSON.
June 8*111,1633
A LI. persons are cautioned against trespassing in any
dl way upon Lots No. 951, and 577, 12th District i„r.
•Section, originally Chi rokee now Lumpkin count v >,
the law will be enforced to the fullest extent ugaiust su i,
Sr pt. 81.—24—’L
fUST reei ive.l :,i iti. office of tito Western Herald
largo supply i>f Materials, suitable for Job work,
among which arc fancy Bordering, Coloured Cards, <: ,
Inks, &e*. &c. Blanks ot all kinds of approved fojg. s,
kepit constantly on hand for sale, ail orders tilled v ;;U
neatness and dispatch.’
JVv —i l---f
O. 28.