Newspaper Page Text
For the benefit of the strangers in our city, we again explain the
following plans; which has proven so popular during the past year.
We give you spot cash prices on your purchase,you pay only S of the
bill, we divide the three equal payments,payable in 30,60and 90 days
and charge absolutely riothing for the extra time, or we will sell you on our easy
payment plan and instead of sending a collector to get the payments, we pay you
10 per cent, in trade coupons good in trade at cash prices, for making your pay
ments at the store. We have five large stores, buy goods in large quantities and
therefore get price consessions that enables us to sell you goods much cheaper
than the small dealer.
Our Spring Line of Rugs Will
Be on Display this Week. -
We are proud of the assortment we have
ready for your insredtion, all the newest shades
and pat.erns are here, in all sizes, and you will
r . n .— the prices lower
WsGH than these rugs have
i dver been offered in
■ this city except at this
E Oiir line of small
fft| Rugs contain an-
w|SeS&SlliBw other shipment of
our famous
-Rattan Parlor Suit.
A beautiful suit exadtly like above cut
made of best grade whole rattan, 4 QC
finished in finest quality Shellac
Vi cash balance'30, 60 and 90 days.
We sell very hand«. uno solid oak extension Table, claw
feet, extends to 6 feet, exactly like cut.
A great value at.! :..$14.60
•4* 1*3 Cash, Balance 30, 60 and 90 Days.
Don’t feel like you are imposing on us when 3 ou phone
us to send out samples.
The Store of Great Values where Yo ur'Credit is Good
106 Plant Ave.
Phone 499
A. R. HOOD, Mgr.
balance to suit purchaser. Rat
ter Brothers, Vlrdle Hotel Building,
Phone 470. ' 14 3t
its Energy and Will Power from
Its Victims.
WANTED—Salesmen o t
/ Pc) Ab,llty and neat appearance
to call pn all merchants in
their territory; elegant side line, con
venient to carry; good commlsilonn;
prompt remittance. A 419, Bellmont
Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O. 24, 31, i, 14 ui
atarrh robs It* victim? of energy
jme physicians say of will power,
it may be the teaaon why thous-
h of catarrh sufferers haven't am-
an, enough to accept this fair and
lie otter by G. R. Brinson 4 Co.,
ch they make wlthont any whys
wherefores or red tape of any
FOR RENT—Ono dclrabte room;
suitable for two gentlemen. 12 Si
cr »i» SALE
• FOR SALE—My Paean Orchard, on
corner of D and Thomas streets. It
contalna thirty-four trees IB full bear
ing. These trees are seedlings end
the nuts of the paper-sbee). variety, of
excellent quality. For tcrrae-lii^ly to
me at 29 Folks street. li. Brew
er- 16 2w
FOR 8ALE—Fine milch cow for sale
cheap. C. M. Williams. 73 Otlmore
atreet. 13 6t.
R. Ilrlnsou Co., says, '.wo
■antes HYOMEI to cure catarrh,
* or chronic, or money, back”,
that offer In open to every reader
he Herald*
VOUEI. (pronounce It Hlgh-ome)
ha purest Australian Eucalyptus
blued with Thymol ind rther
a killing antiseptics,
rar a few drops Into the email
pocket HYOMEI Inhaler ind
the It Into the lungs over the in-
ad membrane with cater.h genes.
Is plaaaant—It kills the germs,
hoe the tore membrane, aid
a catarrh; If It doesn't your men-
bottle of HYOMEI coats^SO cents
1. R. Bilnson A Co., anil drug-
« everywhere. A complete outnt,
:h Includes a bottle of H' ? OMKl
ud rubber Inhaler and simple In-
ctlona for use coats $1.06.
FOR 8ALE, CHEAP—Second-hand
l.uggies, harness, saddles, wagons and
hoists. McGregor Mayo. g 2w
Wagons, Buggies and Harness
and dairy hand wanted. Apply'to . lf ». cojne ln and Uat your proper-
Mr. Frank Armstrong at Salnu Rest tr wlth "*• w « h,T# •*»«»!
(arm or to Herald offlea. 9 6t '•* •»«» <I»Y for dealraliie property.
. — If Jou own property and. can noil (t
WANTFn 00 *“Y **"■» v« Base the purchaner.
, - nrln ^ ^ f-lat it now. Rainwater Brothers.
WANTED FOR U. 8 ARMY-Ahle-1 Vlrdle Hotel Building. Phone 470.14 3
luggies, Surreys,
Spring Wagons, Light Farm Wag*
ona, Cross Ties and Wood Wagons,
Turpentine Wagons, Wagon Har
ness, Suggy Har less, Carriage Har-
n si, Light and Heavy Team Collars
of 'every-description, Studebaker
Wagons, Auburn Wagons. Sewer
Pipe, WeU Curbing. Disk Harrows.
Wire Fencing, Hsy Presses, Mowing
bodied unmarried men between ages
'of .18 and 35; cltliena of-United Sta-,
tea, of good character and temperate j
habit,, who can apeak, read and write |
the English -language. For^hformn-
tlon apply to Recruiting officer. South-
Eulldlng, Wnycroas, Ga.; 13 West York
atreet Savannah "ba.;
t -V FOR SALE.; Vf
’ Hotel^itea, £
Flat altev;
ManufHfluting sites. - '
Bualoeea altos.
Homea' complete. ^
Site* for homes. ' •.'.fV''
Improved forma apd (arm lands
All at bargain ptices. j ;•
Rainwater Brother,.
1 Vlrdle Hotel BuRdlns. Phone 47ft
K 3t ' ■' .
10S West For
syth street Jacksonville, Fla.; 146
Market sheet Charleston, 8. C.; or
113 Sonth Maine atreet, Fltagerald,
Ga. Jan. i ’ tf.
en'a Darby's and soft hats all prl-
WANTED—At once. ^ good cook.
;ood wage, to right party. Apply at
: Brunei street. 6 6t
j WANTED—Stenographer, , salary per month.. Light work, easy . The fell
hours; Claim A Adjustment Co., room I silly wife;
| No. 422, 1-aGrande Building. . 6 .irmldga.
I hive ap ‘tied up a first t lass Meat
M*rket, and will also carry vege-
tible tud enjutry produce.
i FOR RALE—A* gnap,* three detira-
I tie homes on McDonald, street, and
rcae desirable homo on Jane street*
i! all have ,modern conveniences. ia.y i
• lots. c!ose in. Small cash paynyeot,
The nagging woman' t\pn »Uu<hter
the most devoted affection that man
ever laid at anyone’s feet. «
Wa/cross, Georgia
Way cross, Ga.
IV A ba iy, Avenue.