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'u j.ifi— —-4-- ..-V i'. -i- •- i*.— -,-JJit.
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Special Meeting At
[ Keach of the ‘telephone subscjkcpv ! 12:20 apd 1:3d, \.hUU was »tra h::ax
; who signed the petition published In j hour and whiUi Hie Chief Operator-
The Herald of January 16th., has re-1 was absent .from th
at. dinner
Another big damage/iult 4 In city
court has been, disposed’ of without
• Jury dealing with the questions at
lssne. \ . _ n
In the snltot D fi. Thompson ver
sus the Marsh Cypress Company n
non-suit, was entered. Judge Mc-
*- Donald, in giving this? dlreqtipff, stat
Cd. that the ^plaintiff did not show'
that the company was responsible!
for birlAeing where he was on the
day^pjtd time of the alleged accident,
and that'It bad been shown that he
wns out. of position.
Thompson was -hurt in Lopndes
Matter,Of Vital Importance lo Everyy^^ZfL „„
. Citizen of Waycross Who Has the Messrs. 13. H. Thotrta* and Other Sub-
Best Interest of City at Heart. 8C,1berB B,gn,Dg ti,e pet,t,on:
elved the folmwtyg.reply from the j und 'without any previous com;diilnt; DEMOCRATIC MEM
b eui
i time, tonight at 7:
and was thrown back under' the • ot Trade,
moving ear. He asked $16,000 dara- i ■ '
Way (•tors, GRw,*
j Gentlemen:—^ *
i \Ve have read your communication
j published ju the afternoon Waycross
i papers of the 10th. instant, asking
I/or t ho removal our Chief Operator
! at Wayc oss. \V| have considered
' your request and beg to call your
I attention to some facts which are
.-possibly not knotfn to you.
FINES AND GANG SENTENCES, Sometime ago, and before the pres
GIVEN BY JUDGE. I ent Chief Operator was placed In
.' j charge of our operating here, com-
in city cou.t among the cases act-! Pl»*nts had beep made by some of
1“ T? "““'tied are the following: Tom Banks : °> lr atthserlbera jot the service they
| will bo,heard from. Don t forget the ; ^ co|ored larcency froln bolls0i 6 1 were receiving* These eotnplalnla
Tonight at 7:30 o'clock a yeelal
meeting of citizens will he held to;
discuss, a matter that Is of. vital im-;
podtnucu. Every poison Interested i
In’ the^continued growth of the city j
•ged to attend. The meeting will
be called to order at 7:30, and prompt j
attendance is requested.
Owing to the nature of .the matter j
to be discussed no announcement will j
be made until the meeting is called |
There will be several out j
county near Mllltown, by a fall under of town pcr , an , u , e meeting who
a box car. He lost Ills right aim.
jumping from a car he struck a
at the oBoard ,
months or $50. Forrect Moy, slnb- were Investigate!. It was found that
! bine, $100 or 12 month.. Arthur: «•>* ononttln* ifcles ot the company
[ward, drunk on public highway. $40 "" “ot being•'properly observod.
1 These rules are* the result of mniiy
LOCAL RAINS TONIGHT j New York, Jan. 20.—Fire on the
OR SATURDAY; WARMER lower East Side caused damage of
(Board of Trade Service., $1$«.000 and drove 1,000 preaon. out ^ and probably
From-Washington todoy cornea the j 01 their homes on the atreets. The
comforting Information that It will | greatest damage was. caused by a
be warmer. Many were of the opln., blaze which -burned out a six-story
Ion that the change last night would; factory building in Elizabeth street. | tax collectors . off|ce
bring on a cold spell, but In some 1 Tenement dwellers for some distance j
manner that Jumped In another dlrec-1 around were routed out.
tion. Rain is scheduled as'a side' Chinatown witnessed an exciting |
line with the warm; dope. The warm-[hl»2e shortly before daybreak when j If you have any taxes to-pay make
nets.Is, billed for a second appear-! a dvr-story loft building was gutted I It your business to go to the office of
ance Saturday in this section, with *nd panic stuck tbe.'neighborhood. j.J. T. Strickland, Rie Tax Collector,
or without rain. j Three hundred and mty.Jpdgerf In n j “Jims" office Is as neat at a pin and
—r — j hotel next door rushed* tp thu streets ] It a big Improvement since he took
For wood pbon! 216. 20 lm half clad. . ] over the office.
. or six months. Docy William:
j vlcted selling whiskey, not sentenced j >' ea:8 0$ experience and n:e not ar
aB ye , i bttrary or burdensome upon the op-
I Today the court again took up crirn- j < rulora - an >* nr< L 1,<Blle ' aH<1 ,nUiJ be
enforced, for the sole puri»ose of en
nbling the Company to furnish its
elude the present session this after
subscribers efficient service. We se
lected one of yur experienced Chief
Operators. who v had been in* Ybe em
ploy of the company for more than
ten years.-to take charge of our o»p
erating here. 'The result was that
the service Itfproved and very few
complaints have Jieen made since
(then by aqf subaci^iers. We rro
pleased to note in your communica
tion that the .service has Improved.
Unfortunately, however, \ on last
Tuesday the ; .|oth. Instant, • there' wm
hie. for a vorjr short time, for uh to
furnish any service to our \Vaycross
subscribe! s. On that day between,
of any kind by any of the operators, ’
nnd without any notice or iifttinniion
of their Intention to do so, all of the
operators then at the switchboard
left the operating room and locked
tlie door without leaving any one In
charge of our properly, and this made
possible for any of our sujmcrib-
bycroas to receive any ser
vice. U'orcfctyptely this situation
Boon known -So/ us and the service
whs promptly tutored. Since then
no further Interruption to the serv
ice has occurred,
The fact that we were unable to
furnish you service on the ^10th. in
stant, for even a short time,»Is re
gretted,. and this would not have oc-
cm red if we had received intimation
In udvance that our operhtors inten
ded to leave the switchboard. While
we have investigated the matter and
have found nhtliing that would justif/
us Id discharging the Chtjef Operator,
we would state that she abas tender
ed her resignation as Chief Operator
at Waycross and another Chief Op
erator has been put. jn lier place.
We beg further to say that nothing
will be left undone on our part to
continue to furnish efficient service
at Waycross in accordance with the
reasonable rules and regulations of
Ihe Company applicable to our oper
ators, and trust that you will have
no occasion in the future to make
complaint as to our service, and we
confidently hope and believe that In
our effort to do this, we shall receive
your co-operation.
Yours respectfully,
IK. .
Tm.BORAflHt-COK-jJI'f-'. -
J. Epps Bt-onn,. *
Vice President and General Manager,
Yon Can Make No Mistake
By Wearing a Suit Made by
■ tee. „ v;'
_ . ' . P:
Speaker—Champ Clark of Mitsourfc,'
Ways and Means Committee—Con^V.
qressman Underwood of Alabama,.7
chairman; Congressman Randall of
Texas, Harrison of New York, Brai^t
ley of Georgia, Shackleford of Mis*
souri, James of Kentucky, Kitchin of
North Carolina, Hull of Tennesaee«
Dixon of Indiana, Rainey of Illinois
Hammond of Minnesota, Hughes* of\
New Jersey, A. Mitchell Palmer of
Washington, D. C., Jan. 20.—Rep
resentative Champ Clark of Missouri,
the Democratic leader of the House
and receptive candidate for the Dem
ocratic nomination for the presiden
cy, was tonight nominated by accla
mation for Speaker of the House in-
the Sixty-second Congress.
This, with the aelection of a Com
mittee on Ways and Means to make
early preparation 'of tariff legis
lation for submission to Congress Im
mediately upon the beginning of tho
next session in December when, the
House becomes Democratic, was one
of the features of the caucus of the
Democrats! the old and new'mem
bers, of the nest Congress, held Id
the hall of the tyouse at the Capltol-
|aat night
.V^ere were .$10 Democrats present
Mr. Hax .of'Virginia presided and Mr.
Ashhrook of Ohio was secretary, Fran
cis Burton Harrison of New York
«allefk 4i th« attention of the caucus to
the name of Theron Akin, represen
tative-elect from New York, had been
called twice In the opening roll call)
The Stein-
Sam W. Peck
Block Co.
X and Co.
Preiident'a firdtri.
Strause & Bros.
The best dressed men you meet on the street
are wearing them.
They are the Best on the market today.
You can get them at:
Anything You Need For Boys.
•art, and he ou£ht not to bo nlloweil
to remain In the Home.
! We therefore recommend that he
; he suspended until 1 hit next' meetfna
Atlanta, Ou„ Jan. 181 11)11. 01 The Board."
Confederate Soldlera’ Home of Oa.
In the matter of the difficulty be-
tween Captain A. W. Force. Bnpcrlr.. rile abov « «ndln* approved, and
tendent of the. Home, and Mr. M. e!« “ ordered that Supt. A. tf, Fmce
Fp*. December. H10. ' | be .u.pended until the next meeting,
Repoit of Inveatlpatlng Committee: | ut «.e Board, and that, in ( the, mean-
"Your (nyeitlgatln* CommitUe beta | "W W- Oeo. W. Miller be deelrmtoj
leave*to report, that on the 27th day.* 0 *** •* ® tt P*-
of December. 1910, It «aa called to! ** ** (of** 1 * 1, ordered that lnmat,
the Hojneib* PreWdent H. W. BelL “• C. Few be.auatMnded from ,«U
to InTeetigbte ChJ teporj relative 'to. Prlvll*#. of the Home unUl the next
the 'conduct of the '8npeHntf«ident j n,eet,n * °l tlle Boat*-
In connection with *n aauuti by him | T,,,, Dcc ' **- ,9)# '
on Mr. M. C, Few. one of the Inmate,, j Hi w ' 8*®- Prealdent.
-»pt on the aaaembllng/,of tlie] Action of the Hoprd of Tru.teez,
Committee ' the . Superintendent• pre-i Janua r!' **.
eented cfharge. nninat Mr. Few. j Captain R. A. 8. Freeman offened
The Commlllee determined lo In-;*'■•> followln* Rceolutlon, which waa
veallgete both maifera toother and, ai ' 0 P*«* » »»'• °* *»« <•» «>"
proceeded to auminoo the partlea and! n;ember ‘ v0,l »« therefor eacept Win.
take tcfttlmony, aid/ herewith enb-js. Thomaon and C. D. Phllllpa), W.
mlt Ihe Mlnutee of the Investigation M..Dunbar absent:
which fully rovers Ml the evidence "The Board having carefully could-
ea taken down end read over to the ered the foregoing report submitted
witnesses anil approved by them; by the Investigating Committee, end
Alao. the finding of the committee. the evidence eubmlted in the case, of
H. W. Bell, ‘ the difficulty between Superintendent
C. D. Phllllpa, A. W. Force, end Inmate M. C. Pew,
Wm. 8. Thompaon, It la ordered by file Board that the
Investigating ^Committee, auapenslon of Capt. A. W. Force be
Finding of the Committee. and the samp ia hereby approved, and
“The Committee after conelderlm that ha be removed from the pos.-tSon
the evidence cannot Justify the Bu- of Superintendent, and the office he
perlntendent, am such, In assaulting declared vacant"
Mr. M. C. Few. although ea a man . On motion alao, ordered that Mr
he might have been' Justifiable. Few's auapenafon be approved and
We therefore recommend that the continual until the neat meeting of
Superintendent, A. W. Force, be. sue*, the Board.
C. Few denies any evil Intent i^mak- ACCUSED OF SPYING
Ing big remark as to the Superlnten- AT BROOKLYN YARDS
deni, yet the manner In which It .was j ’New York, Jan: 20.- A man giving
made, made jt Innuendo of the.baeeat; hla name as Ray .Fuller, accused of
having stolen from the Brooklyn na
vy yard a blue print and drawing,
rfcdwlnp elementary diagrania of both-
umjamlttlng and deceiving ’circles of
wireless telegraph apparatus In the
navy yard test wns arrested by the
federal autpcilUoa today.
Fuller waive! examination and eon-
sented. lo , so lo Brooklyn.
by fire will qot bring grief and ruin
to your home If you have had th*
forethought to secure one of our
The cost for ample pro'c-tlon, to
guarantee you against loss In event
of such a catastrophe, Is very smalt.
If you wish to know mote about ouf
reliable companies, a postal wlD>
bring our representative to your
pended by.' the l4estdent, (after he The abofe and foregoing l| a' true a -vg- TT • |
shall have, made.tip fils, mopthly pay. copy of’the proceedings of the Board.'xjL, JYle J\Ill^ht
anJ Son
roll), until the next meeting of the''January 18, 1J1L
Board of Trustees.” H. W. Bell, President.
•We further fnd that although M. W. H. llaiilnun, Secretary,