Newspaper Page Text
Cross-Stitch Pattern for Cushion Top or Pillow Sham
DllliU DCII IIOTW i ’™ n b " w,lh ” sgal ”
DIUM'DlLL HU ILO i 00018 oul *° •** u * »
I we we nlwaya glad to sat any who
„ „ . ~ , 1 may feel Interested enough to tall on
Bmo-BeH Institute is constanUy
crowlnt and Improving. We are glad .... .
. ... . . ... Ptof. Ray has Jest returned from a
to bays the following new students ■ •
trip to Vidalla in the Interest of the
who base come In since Christmas: '
Mieses Cora Riddle, Addle Johnson, ' ■-
and Mr. R. C. Riddle of Ontbam Oa, at U. B. CHURCH
<*; *.»«. MW, Ella Roberson. ^ ud hear ,b. noted lie- Brewtou. T*r«a Bowen, Mr poacher, Bishop T. C. Cm-
Tim Robeiwon and Mami D.,00 of ^ ™ hi. hoaror. quit.
Blacksbear, Ga.; Misses Ethel and ...»
. . a treat, and It will be free. Remem-
I, o) u Brooks of Klngsland, Oa.; Mias . , , ■
* - _ „ her that the admission In other cities
Loots. Smith of Millwood, Ga.; Mr. .
. “ nad on other occasions ranges from
Barton Meeks, of Nichols, Ga.; Mr. -
■ , • 50c to »IJ)0 to hear what you can en-
W. a O Quinn of Odum, Ga.: Miss ’
. .. joy tonight tie. at the United Broth-
Eulalia Blackwell of Canton. Oa.; Mr. 1 ’
„ . , ren’s church In Gilchrist Park. While
J. Allan Bland of Vidalla, Oa/; and ....
there will be no admission there will
Messrs Piank Arthur. John Justice, . ..
, _ , be a free will offering for the benefit
Bellas Parker and Miss Mattie Rainey
■ of the ladles Aid Society. The re-
of Waycross and Mr. Edwin Tatum. t
, . . „ . *ival In progress still continues to
Applications are received dally and ... ..
. . be well 'attended and doing morn
WlS feel „ure of more new students.
The Bunn-Bell Spirit Is rising sap- * 00<i ' •
Idly. The bahkel-bull team is hard to
match. Come out lo the game nest 111 I nil IIIftTA II
Monda^,afternoon, between Bunn-Bell WflSH|N|l|||N
and the High School. . Just watch III1UI1II1II I Ull
our B, B. I. boys and the W. H. 8. aariilffh ■ rTTm
boys too—that If there Is anythin, Ul|I|P I L I I L U
left of them after the game. IlLVlU LL I.1 til
Mr. Walter Radford Is staying fn
.the dormitory now. We are glad and
sofa.he. By John Corrigan, Jr., Washington
Mr. jlmiry Hodges left, sometime Correspondent, Atlanta Constitution,
before dbrlstmas on aocoimt of sick- Washington. D. C., Jan. 1#.—(Spe-
aeaa. Wp are glad lo see him bacs I clall—The Democratic House caucus
looking as .happy and and well as ev-1 on j Mugrr jath, to which all newly
«d. ^We art slfo glafdf James Peeks I sleeted representatives have been In
'recovery M return to B. B. I. J vfud’wlll be an event of notional In-
Mill LfDlft Bunn ®nd Ms* Nwl You* terest and Importance.
jfBfn/l also returaed after a short Th# jpogram Is all cut and dried
Ahatnce. ***’ ■ that will be eubmltted to the caucus
The new dormitory le finished and for approval, bu( there ere still pos-
aust of the rooms oqcuplsd. There allbllitldgs Of excrement pnd strife,
is room for only a taw more. binging upon the attitude of the new
The new coterie of dem-
The. boys ere fixing a tennis court members,
for ths girls, who or# taking quits ocratic leaders nave selscted from
an Interest In the game. We hope to among the 'hold over members, those
soon have a "star" team. who are to go on the prominent end
Tbs atudapt body and teachers at- all-powerful ways and means coin
tended the' exercises at the W. H. S. mltiee. If their plane carry out,
In honor of Generals R E. Lee's and each of the 14 democratic members
Stonewall Jackson. The line showed of the ways and means' committee
op to good advantage. Prof. Ray'e I will eiercise part of the power for
epeech wat enjoyed by. nil bat espec-1 roerly lodged In the speaker. In ad-
lolly by the students of B. B. I. ' j Ultlon to framing a new tariff bill li
Mr. Julian Gray has been alck at la proposed lo nave tide committee
Ida borne In Blaekehaer (or the let! name the democratic membership ol
law weeks. We are delighted jo .cart, all the other commltteea of the house,
that be. will be numbered ameng us Representative Brantley,. at pres-
agaln -soon. ent a member of the committee, was
It also gives na pleasure to know not put on the original elate prepar-
that Mies Edith Smith 4a up and will ed by the new house leaders. The committee assignments.
This design may
pie, It is simply eme stitch laid over the smoothness slid finish of the work In pink, red or yell
the other, but one must remember depends upon this. In this design the in shades of green
that all the lower sttches should run basket should be worked In dull yel- sign may be lp di
one way, and the upper stitches the lows or browns, and the frame In the Ized cotton No. 16
The stitch Is most slm- other, nd they should never vary, as same color. The roses nmy be worked use for the work,-
To make hair grow'- aKSfrj/H heck,
lit Is the most delightfuraur dress
ing made, and Is a great favorite with,
ladies who desire beautiful and luxu
riant hair.
Price 50c a large bottle.
on Interstate Commerce; Represent- haring every variety of tariff views.
atlve Bell. Post Offices and Post There wets probably s preponderance
Roads; Representative Roddenbery, of high protective tariff advocates
Judiciary; Representative Edwards, present to look after thflr own Id-
Rivers and Harbors; Representative ’crests. “Policies" and not “Sched-
Lee, Agriculture; Repreeentatlve ules" were discussed.
Hughes, Public Building and Grounds. The - ardent tariff reform republl-
It Is not known yet what can ft dons cans like Beveridge and LaPollette,
tor the two newly elected members see In a tariff commission tbe possi-
from Georgia, Howard of tbe fifth and j bl'tty of gathering scientlfflcally and
Tribble of the eighth. The ways and In a business like way accurate in-
meatas committee will begin work at' formation on wheh to go before the
once preparing a new tariff bill, bnt' country and (bow what schedules are
the task of making up ths house com- unduly high and should he lowered,
mlttee memberships will be delayed'At present, tariffs are made In. th,
until the assembling of Congress next dark by mean* of log rolling, partis-
December. lanshlp, personal bias, tricks and
jokers, and no man has ths necessary
The democratic harmony dinner at , , . -, „ . ,
knowledge supported by verified facts
Baltimore on the 17th attracted a . „ , . _
. • and figures to show up the evil. But
large number of prominent democrats .. .
there will be no tariff commission
from all over the country. Th. M- lef ,„ atl(m acoordlng
lowing Georgians .cespted Invitation. (o ^ * T ^.
Ladies! Sm Money and Keep*is
1 Style by Readiag McCall's
Magazine and Uting Me Call Patterns
kecur, 5 »m
MOGULS KMCAZIHE help you dress «»i-
. Ubly at a moderate
expense by keepinr
? ou P A *ted on the
'‘■test fashions in
/ clotbee and bats, eo
JL r* . ■ New Fashion DcsUms.
J In waeli issue. Also
/iTvvm el information
■ cn * xApme and per-
* ' % w eoi^jaJluew. Only
A v , Me A year, inclndinr
A free pattern. Sob- -
mbxim scribe today or send
A Good Mineral Water
Necessity of Vital Importance.
Your health depends largely upon the water you are
drinking; more sickness is caused by impure Water than
through any other channel.
' »L. CssG
tot free ssmpltf copy.
enable jon to make In yoor
K owo bands, cloth Inc for
9 i which will be perfect
Be on th* Safe Side—DRINK
be higher than It
a Catalogue. * >
for, getting *nb-
ds. Rend for free
W A T E R\
••The Greatest of Ail Nalvral Mineral Waters”
It’s prescribed by most emment physicians with unerring
effect in the treatment of the following diseases:
la disorders caused by Uric Acid, Rheumatism, Kidney and Bhd-
.'der affections, Gout Cystitis, Calculi, Gravel, Indigestion, Dyspepsia.*
Bottled Only at the Springs—
Bowden Lithia Water is a delightfully palatable TABLE WATER.
Drink it freely—it is healthful all the time. H
Order ot us direct, to be shipped to you Erom the Springs the
day order is received, or order from your druggist or grocer.
It Is easier to preserve the color of rhe
Mir than to restore lr» nJtbough it w
possible to do both.'! Our grandmotbens
nnderstood the secrer. They mad** and
twed a -safe tea,” and tbeir dark, giosey
hair tong after middle life
fact; Onr mothers have gray hairs U'
fore they are fifty, but they are begin
Ding to appreciate the wivlom of our
grandmothers in using "tas* tea” fnj-
•« »«sss.*-si «UU M•
ready ro use preparadon called Wjetb«
Sage and Sulphur. '.%« a acglp tonic an I
color restorer, thia'preparati. it - vavtu
•uperior to th? ordinary "sage tra" made
b.v our grandmothers, and it can Sbe*
bought for SO cents and $1 a bottle* ot
fdmuvt any firvr-rlasa, or will
be sent direct by .h- Wy V \ j;hemi.
Company, 74 Corilandt v YorV
City, uj*oa receipt cf /
? Shir and rerotnmr^VV Cbem-
Pfiarrnacy. WW/ 'y
5 Gallon Demijohn .' f • V •. •
1Z Gallon Carboys . \ .
6 Gallon Cases <12 Bottles). . .
r. 0. B. Lhkis Soria*., GaarXia.
med F. O. B. Lithia Sprines, Ga., as follows:
in bo retumad free. (When retarnhig crept
) Demijohns, SI.00; Carboys, 52.00; Cates, }L
At AM Fcumtw.
Puzzle, and Anyone Guessing the Correct
sys, 62,00; _
his IS no -tji-ttht
Sentence first gets a $2.50 Box Chocolate Candy Free
I A. J. JUjEtFUq gt riant Avenue.
132 PfiKttm Sb - Atlanta, G»
1 A.'
vl II14-