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valuevS health his greatest asset, knowing that a good
natural mineral water is most beneficial, he drinks
Dctoden Lithia.
"The Greatest ol all Natural Mineral Waters"
The excellent medicinal virtues of this NATURAL Mineral Water are highly
appreciated by professional and business men. We have hundreds of testimonials,
especially from eminent physicians, who know from actual experience what
Bowden Lithia Water has accomplished. It has no equal in the treatment of
Rheumatism, Gout, Cystitis, Calculi, Gravel, Kidney and Bladder
troubles, and all disorders caused by an excess of Uric Acid.
BOTTLED ONLY AT THE SPRINGS, (Lithia Springs, Douglas Countv. Ga.)
Bowden Lithia Water is of delightfully pleasant taste and is an ideal Table ‘Water.
Keep it in your home—it is healthful all the time.
Met Inn is direct, to is shipped same day order is reeehred, or order (no your drauist or grocer.
% DDirri 5 CaKcn Dim jobs t? 50 I r»m wife mmai r. o.». wm
™5 £ 12 Gallon Carboys . . . !. MOO
LIST I 6 Gaiicn Cases (12 Sollies/ $2.50 gSettfiBSSSPA*-.
I 1
It is Cow or No Cow; MORE HIS OF
That is the Question] j|j£ SCIENTIST
Tli« City Council by motion last
nl^ht ordered that an election to de
cide the cvorlaattng cow question.
abonJd be held °o the second Saint
day In March. When the people will
hare fall opportunity to express their
LdU of cow advocate* were pie*
eat, while the Anti-Cow men w* e
aieo In aifht It warf appn«*nt that
4b# Council la largely opposed to Mr*.
Cow. Several Aldqrmen exprettslnK
thenaelvea emphatically on the mat
ter. Alderman J. W. Moore had the
courage to move that Council take
action at once, without waiting for
an election, but tlnutiy tlie above uc-
Uou waa decided upon. And now ila
up to fne people to decide.
Waihlngton, O. C., Fob. 8.—(Spec
ial)—A» the result of exhibits made
by the Southern Railway an l afllllot-
vd linos at various fnirs and exposi
tions in the North and West la.-t
fall, the land and Industrial depart
ment of the Southern has the names
of several thousand people who are
interested in the South with the view
of looking for homes.. Exhibits were
maintained by the Southern and afllJ*
fated lines at the Pittsburg laind
Bhow. the Illinois Slate Fair at
Springfield, the Wisconsin Slate Fair
rd Milwaukee, and toe Nc\v Yo k
State Fair at Syracuse, These ex
titbits were viewed in the aggregate
by over a half trillion pcop'.e accord
c»M at the llllnulH mnie f.;r and the AND Hl8 QREAT 018c0 vERY THAT
New York State Fair interested thous
ands who had previously coniid«red
cutton the only p oducl of Th# Roo , JnJc . Ml , ntl „. , sld that
-he South. Thou,and, of piece, of of th# troub|e , , ommon t0 bu .
llt« ratura were distributed showing
the opportunities for profit in other
lines of ngrlcultwe in the South.
Columbus, O.. Feb. 7.—Questions of
advertising, libel laws, legislation
fore the general assembly and ltffcor
renditions »ve* on the programihe for
discussion at the twenty-sixth* anmiu
meeting of the Ohio Atfsoclatea Dal
lies, which began at the Nell House
today with President John T. Muck
The sessions will continue over to
morrow. Walter Williams, dean oj
the scTiool of journalism of Missouri
State University, heads the list of
Hay City, Mich., Feb. 7.—Several
'Kindred prominent rep esentatIves of
the lumber trade are Id Ray City for
the annual convention of the Michi
gan Retail Lumber Dealers* AskocI.i
tiop, the sessions of which were be
gun today and will be continued over
lomo row nan Thursday.
inanity originate in the stomach, and
be is proving U by the hundreds of
remarkable cures his phCovery i*
making all ove’ the county. The
people at Cherokee drug store have
undoubted proofs from many well
known people of the state. Over at
Lafayette, Ind., Mrs. Frank Herat, a
sister of ex-Governor Hanly, derived
sc much good from the great remedy
that sue permitted her name to bt
published in her home papers for the
benefit of those who suffer as she did
The following was recently published
by the Peoria Journal: •‘The people
of Peoria no longer doubt. Root
Juice has done so much good for so
many people of this city thut there
is hardly a neighborhood where the
great medicine foas not mude several
wonderful cure*. Mrs. Sarah Husain-
ger, of South Adauis street, said. ’For
ten years I suffered with Indigestion
and constipation and was so nervous
and Irritable that people called me old
crosa-patch. My complexion was very
sallow and 1 suffered much with my
back nnd side. 1 have used hardly
three bottles of Root Juice an l as
yon see my complexion is clear and
free from blemishes. My back one
tide liavc ceased to pain me and my
food no lunger lay a nnd fenuent* m
my stomach. I (eel well anh strong
’ Roc;.ford, Hi.. Feb. 7.— Illinois
Petal! Merchants’ Association began
'ta Mutual convention in .Rockford
mu to reports Jun compiled by tli» ' <K,a) ' ‘ ,n «U«jid*»ce o! delegates r,nj my nerve, arc perfect. I am tell
l.anU and Industrial DepnrinirM ot r,oni *” ovw the Stoic. |nx all ot my frlendsof the wondc'ful
the Southern In addition a, la te a) Tlu “ ne«t°»» will continue threej bool | the , rea , remedy did for me.
number vlrlird tire exhibit of tie e»d »U> bo devoted largely to;Mr. Andrew Tocher, who to well and
tenth and Ita Reaourree made jointly 'he dltcuaalon of Innvunce, the Par-, favorably knohn here. aalJ. T want to
at the Onto Valley Kapovlltcn In Clu "*• l ,0 ■ , • ,h * competition of the mall j tc || you Ro q t Juice la the moat won
c’esatl by the railroads of the south. orJ,r houses and other subjects »f .oerful medicine on earth. I suffo el
east. j'*'' '"'efest and Importance to the j (or msn y years and took enougi med
The agricultural possibilities of the rfltl1 "' Mle - I Iclne to fill a barrel, but m.v combi-
southeast wi’re displayed to magrrtfl- j “ — - | nstlou of stomach,, liver, kidney and
cent advantage at ihe«e falra, ire Mark Twaln’a Books At Auction, 'other trouble, continued to
t outhern Hallway exhlhlls receiving New York, Feb. J.-cBook collector* '.worse. I said 1 would not give up so
■rant favorable notice nl all of them and dealers from all over foe country 11 kept on trying nrlthov* any benefit
Fro« 10,000 to. 15,000 persons visited were on hand today at he opening ol j until I commenced with Root Juice. I
Re exhibit dally at the Pittsburg the sale at auction of the library and
Land Show, coming from all the mid. man use Ipta of the late Mark Twain,
die • tales and froth Canada. A large The hooka, with few exception*, con-
n umber of thrifty German farmers tain the dated signature ot the torn-
wo o among those moot Interested at oua author. Included In the ooUec-
WiKoaslo State Fair. The exhibit lion are presentation copies from ] well poatsd regarding the rasoedy and
of the varied products of tho South* many noted writer*. (Me glad to explain ft
and have
llrejy floe
am now on my third bottle am
gained ten pounds. I am entli
from pain. I can eat anything and
digest It and can aieep like a,baby.’
The people at the drug etcjre ore
One of Onr Great Values
Solid Oak Rocker,
Exactly like cut, cobbler seat, heavy
white hickory stretcher connects arm
A Large Comfortable,
Servicable Rocker -
On our easy payment plan.
Lloyd’s Princess Go-Carts
Co^t no more but are absolutely the besT money
can buy. Extra wide seat, finest grade S pattern
Springs, Laige Canopy Hood, folds with only one
motion, Covered in Be^t Grade Chase Leather.
These are only a few of the reasons why this is the
btst carriage on the market.*
$8.50':TO>1$ 12.50 EACH.
Which was already very low. we have a large assortment
and in orcer to reduce our slock at once, will sell them at
the above discount until the require number been
disposed of.
We have Great Values atfrom
$7.00 to $25.00
' - <NdW- '
Our t Spring Line of [Room Size
Are now on display. A truly beautiful assort
ment, all the newest oriental and flora] patterns
in the latent shades and colorings. Our line
includes an all wool 9x12 feet size. Of *\CA
seamless 7-wire tapestry Brussel 8*
Also the be& grade Smith Axminisfteis9xl2 feet
size, in the seasons patterns
AT $22.50
We will have in a few days the largest assort
ment of CREX Rugs ever shown in this city.
214 feet wide, 4%
feet long, - all wool,
handsome oriental
and floral patterns.
One of our great
$1.98 eaeh
on our easy pay
ment plan.
Special Prices this week on Writing Desks
we have a numb r i f different styles to close out
at a substantial redudli* n In prices.
4.q$ TO I.Q,go
The Store of Great Values where Yoiu Credit is Good