Newspaper Page Text
iV^CROSSMAYHAVE Many Able Speeches By
A GREAT “WHITE WAY” Agricultural Train Speakers
t This Important and Interestingiflove-'
Went Is Now Underway Among .J
Merchants and Citizens. i
An Important and interesting
went Is now underway among
merchants and citizens for inaugurat
ing a “White Way” In Waycross. TJie
importance and value of well and
brightly lighted streets, needs no ar
Other progressive cities have recog
nized the great drawing power, as’T?'.!
as the financial advantages to a sec-
The Educational Train has passed,
with what practical results time alone
can tell. It came freighted with a
rich store of suggestions, practical in-
| structionB, Chd absolute demonstra-
I tions of the results that follow scion-
{ tiftc common sense and intelligent
cross alid Ware county.
The exhibits are very interesting
and instructive and it in be rcgictted
that the schedule would not permit
a more extended time for their exam
ination. '
The high school children, 7 grades i
attention to the needs and necessities i In number, made a fine showing and
of -laud culture. | Waycioes feels’ proud of her manly
The great crowd present demonstra- [boys and bonnie girlB. Alderman Sin
ted the interest that these railway clair with futherly interest saw that
viewing the wonderful progress
of Ware county during the last few
years, wo desire to direct special at
tention to the phenomenal growth
.iiul development of our country school
ysfetn, and in doing so to recognize
vlth due appreciation the splendid
The policy of the Herald will be In sonle knowledge from the rich ban- | crowd and many visitors were present |lu|)J|c rerylce
trips have aroused. Fanner, :
' they sustained
ic, merchant, banker, clerk and pro- ! ing trains. Every section of War
fessional men, all eager to gather | county was represented in the grea
In i
tion by such methods of brilliant and ! future “ u ha ‘ l>fen ln the P" 1 ". » n |,r ° Vlded ‘
honest endeavor to give you all the * A® 1 ** W. Lambdin in his appro-
local news possible, just as early as P rlatc opening remarks, struck the
we can and as,correct as we can. keynote, as ne sounded the tic.-Iri,
We try as far as possible to avoid * Bacl1 10 So ^-"
giving you what is sometimes called Br * A - 8oules address, despite
1 attractive lights in important thorough
\ fares and Waycross cannot afford to
A •' lay in the rear.
Cuts and estimates of cost are be
ing secured, the Atlantic Coast Line
Railroad, the government and large
•property holders are becoming inter
ested in the movement and within the
next few days we will have some de
flate data to submit along these lines
that is being rendered
by County School Commissioner, J.
It. Mourn, and the present County
Monrd of Education, consisting of Mr.
(.1. li. Calhoun. .1. L. Inman, 11. D.
It affords The Herald great plena-.j Woodward, M L. Dunn and R. W.
ure to note the continued and increao | Dennett As will be remembered,
fiom neighboring counties.
“dope" or "pipe dreams,” Judging our " le ™ntln.mus fright against the , ^ evl(Jell(i( , Q{ , hp <uccea( of fhe these gentlemen were unpointed by
readers to be Intelligent citizens,
nose of passing trains was most in- j
i real estate propositions of Hon. G. W. j •Judge T. A. Parker, after the remov*
petent to know what la true and what ‘tructlve and Interesting. Waycross r){pn |n ^ Rp( .,, Hri He ||a| WOT|Ied j al of the old board by request of the
I. ivim people necessarily enjoyed some of , ' I ,
is not true. We discourage the in- P«°P ,e necessarily enjoyed some fch’n'tlng of fairy pic- h,s rac >' as,de8 * one of which was*
tures of tilings dreamed of, but try ( ft l uding to the many passing trains)
to present facts as they are and thus thought I was in Waycross. hut b'y
thelp to build up our city on a Ann baB- t * ,e man y Pacing trains I must be in
hard, faithfully and V-oncstiy and it grand Jury.
Atlanta. Feb. ir».— 1 That train rob-
bers who operated without noise or
gunplay stole two mail pouches with-
papers valued at a cool half million
dollars, at or near Thalman, Gu., close
to Brunswick, a very short time ago.
is corroborated by postofllce Inspect
ors in Atlanta, it is probably the big
gest railway mail theft In the history
of Georgia ulnce the civil war. Tho
pouches were from Btunswlck, destin
ed for the north, and were stolen on
the night of January lf*th or January
21 st. When stolen the pouches were be
ing transferred from the A. B. A A „
j road to the Seaboard. Thalman, where
the theft is supposed to have occurred
Is a small ruilro.! crotSing where
thoio ate only five or svx dwelling
houses. A good deal of the bank pu
per which made up the sum will ho
useless to the thelves as payment onr
It is impossible without the proper on
dorsements, whwich could not be forg
In three years. During last year 12
new school buildings were 'erected,
termined man. He has brought hun
dreds of 'home-seekers to this sec
tion and -many of them rue now com-
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.^js foundation of truth, that will stand New York.
” ~ |close investigation. Any other meth- The elegant speech of Commission
The big revival meeting that fa in ; od can only'result In discouragement er T. G. Hudson, was thoroughly en- j jortably Bnd j lni , t) u y sf tt| w i.
•Progress at the Presbyterian church j and disenchantment to-The Tkrestocor Joyed. Mr. Hudson Is a strong and
Is growing In Interest and It Is evident coming citizen. ' inUtactlve speaker and his good coni-
that . great spiritual awakening' men sense way of handling his sub-
Is nn open recrct that.he has sur- j The history of the Ware county
mounted .many difficulties which schools during the last three years, j more than had been built during the
would have discouraged a less dc- show a continuous reerfrd of steady lb previous years. The contract has
among the church members and those j choir, with orchestra accompaniment ject combined with his rich Methodist
out of the church will be the result, j will furnish excellent mysic also a stories made’him extensively popular
Dr. A. R. Shaw who is conducting j solo will be rendered by Mrs. Howell and Interesting. While Ills long loy-
♦he services is an eloquent and able j This is not a revival o fthe Presby- al service to the cause of agriculture
preacher and his sermon will interest j tertoh church alone, it is g revival in Georgia give his words convincing
and benefit both saint and sinner. An | for Waycrosf, Lpt. $yery ope come, j weight with all who know him. He
earnest appeal ia made to every one j All those of other churches who will has many friends in this section ot
advancement along every line and tho
time is not far distant when Ware
county will take her place definitely
and permanently among the leides
He has given South Georgia an oi the ’‘talc in progn ssive cduc itie
! amount of advei Using, the value oi al uplift In the country districts.
prov j Length of 8chool Term.
services tonight, begin-{aid in the singing are invited Georgia anil as Je- well known, has a
’ At a
iPtly J
large chorus I there at 7*30 promptly.
great Interest in the welfare of Way-
To Close at
Worth From
SA B® to $6.00
ip* ' * ■ ** - - . * . ^
I H. C. Seaman
en himself the most interprlsing .and | In 1009 t|* average length of tne
liberal clUzen t’uis section has eve? country school term In Ware was
known. AH honor to Geo. Been. The three months, in 1910 It
Herald wishes him that great degree four months and in 1911 It will be
of auccess which he so richly deserv-five months: in twenty school dis
es. May he live long and prosper. triets the term will be from Heven
— r i to nine months.
WOOD FOR 8ALE. | Salary and New School Buildings.
Dry stove wood or lightwood. Phone' -The average salary to the teacher*
145—4 rings. 14- Iw.. has been increased nearly 50 per con'
Just been let for a four-room modem
school building at Manor at a proba
ble cost of more than $2,000.
8pecial District School Tax.
In 1909 the amount raised by dis
trict school tax was only about $3,000;
in 1910 the amount raised exceeded^
$8,000. This In addition to the State
• cbool appropriation is enabling the
various ATstricts to secure more com
petent teachers, to improve the stan-
d* rd and lengthen the school term.
The special district tax levy la 00ft
of the most interesting developments
of the ’ichooi work and is ,i criterion*
or pointer showing the growing*In
terest met recognition of the importan
co of the educational development.
In 1909 only 8 districts levied spec
ial tax; In 1910 the number increased-
to 10; in 1911 ran up to 20 with a
possibility of 5 or 0 more taking thl,*.
wise action.
Dr. W. H. Buchanan, President of School* end Teachers.
placed an elegant porte cocheue for r rK __ A „„ „„ . n
the Exchange Bank, today gave out . There are now 40 white and 20 col-
the convenience of the autos and car- ^
to Mr. Vlrgii Parker the contract for * ore( T *chools in Ware county outside
his elegant new home on Carswell K ! Waycross with a competent staff of
street. The building will be the band-' The house will contain some twelve | M white and 20 colored teacher*.
ftonu-Bt structure of its kind In Way- rooms, including a handsome recop-: Such In brief’outline Is. the last few
The design is very unique, Hon hall. The windows and front dc- j - VP ' ir « wonderful record of our county
and most attractive. The front of the sign are most original In character ( schools. Of coune there is yet great
building will be ornamented with two and the entire .ensemble speaks ©f j roon» for imprvementn, much Is yet
massive ionic pillars, some 30 feet In p^od.* taste and oTIglnnlity In the de- ( 1° done, many districts, yet Ing be-
helg:it, beautifully ornamented. Wide Signer of the building, and when com-. I'lnd f he great educational move-
jiia/.zu will surreund tho house, with plated will add much to the beauty ( m ©nt, but the Board and workers
exception of right side, who e will be of popular Carswell street. press on and Ware county is at last
beginning to look with just pride and
Dr. Buchanan Will Build New
And Beautiful Home
Knights Of Pythias
Will Attend Services
| g/atifleRtJon cn a future fraught with
hope, in an educational fgrlcultural
Sunday February 19th marks the
dove ot the M7th Pythian Peiiod and
the beginning of the 48tb.
Wakefield Lodge No. 27 have airanv
c.l .with Brother W. If. Scruggs( who
is a member) to prepare the sermon
and same will he delivered by him
ut the Opera house Sunday morning
In view of the nearly half cetnry of February 19th at II o'clock sharp, we
usefullnesk in fpstering brotherly love therefore urge each member of Wake
among nifcn, .Grand Chanceior Brant- field Lodge to niedt promptly nt 10
ky recommends that the members oi o'clock Sunday mornThg at the Castle
the oi ler mc*> at their Castle Hall Hall *o attend thin service. Visiting
Sunday morning February lath at/ 10 Brothers especially invited t*> meet !
o’clock, thende in a body march to a with us. The public generally is also ■ ,, , , , , . „
: tor every man if he but looks for it.
; church of their choice and listen to a invited to attend iT.e service. . t , ,, ft
j ,\\e can help you locate yours. Call
isiieclal sermon prepared for the occa- 'J'. H. Miller, f
■ 1 In and tell us your requirements,
j sion. ' • C. A. I.eCount,
the committee appointed by Chas. E. Cason* Committee.
10,000 Model Farms Are
Operated In Louisiana
Baton Rouge, La., II.—That field agents of the United State* gov
R 10,000 farmers pra<| established t as .ernment farm demonstration work.
■ many demonstration farm* In dlffer-" j t VM th© concensus of opinion that
'fl ent parishes in this state tbla year farmers were using more Improved
™ was the snbsuncc of reports submit' j machinery and modern methods than
^ .ed to the state manager* meeting of ev © r , ‘
Probably we have just such a pleca of
It doesn’t matter how little cash or-
how -much you have. We can soli
you a houve for ail cash or on the
easiest terms -imaginable. So don't
hesitate for lack of ready money. Tho
longer you keep on paying rent' the -
further away owning your own home ■
.will be.
A. M. KmgKt
and Son