Newspaper Page Text
aycross Evening Herald.
County Commhsionerg met in
v jS SC88il>n lhis owning and fi*
rally decided on the building of a
new coupty Jail. Tfcey a!so decided
|thut the tAjJdljig should be cf ie-ln-
torccij.modern and up-to-date
ery particular.
e plans prepared by the Pauling !
W' /fcll Constructicn Co., was accepted '
I Md; tho Commissioner,; win pro.-eed ! Wtt8h, " Blrn - "• c - Kei * 1 1—
to ad.erllse for bids for construction;* 1 ™' Ta "' who iB 1,onorary P re,lden '
at 000*. The probable cost will be j t,f ,he Boy Scou,B of America, gave
tiboitl *50,000. which will he raised ! avldence of h,a inter *’ B ‘ ln the ’"ove-
I,,-. n ejeclal tax levy. i ment bv rei 'cl vln S 111 llle White House
this afternoon the many leaders of
the organization who are here in at
A despt rate shooting affray, occui-
red on Hazzard Hill Inst night, re- J
suiting in the killing of- one nfegro, I
Peter Dugger and seriously wounding ■
two t others, Bud Morgan ami Joe j
The building will be a handsome •
flriicutri* standing about 52 feet front J
court house and will probably face |
Albany avenue. The jail w ill be con-;
nected with court house by latticed !
passage so that prisoners may be j
i conducted to court room without un-!
necessary publicity. The Interior ar-j
rangements. will include comfortable
Jiving apartments fot* the jailer and
Will.also be so arranged with cell ac
comodation. that int capacity can he
: Increased at any time, to meet the
needs of a growing community. j
There will he separate depaitments i ^ r ’ **' ^ lo,r ‘ a8, Supeiinl
of cplls and hospital for female aa:l|° r ,Mk-f Do;,ur " uen ' ° r ’ ht ' A ' r '
Insane prisoners, and In fart the Com* I ' B «P w ‘ed fn Wayorosa to-
J day. Dr. Thomas will be here to fl-
• nali.v decide on a location for the new
Y. M. C. A. that the A. C. L. rail-
I One Negro Killed and Jivo Others ; culturists poured in from all points
J— J A* » this morning to meet the "College on
Wounded. , I Wheels”; Rome in buggies, wagons.
»■ 'and some riding the old gray inulc.
but all alike, bent on seeing and hear
ing something that would help them
In finding the gold hidden In our
NViregrass Foil. As the train rolled
Into the d* pot. the crowd had become
a very large one, many hundreds or
school dulldren, mingling with (the
throng eager also to see and hear.
The Unto allowed at Waycross was
and gets only two hours and every moment was
all that Is in the air flu e ,j with interest to all.
Its roots, its reason j
Imbine to make it a FLORIDA D. A. R.
Sucji is tine case Daytona,' Fla.. Feb. 14.--Splendid
suits, marched In procession from the , move him from the scene or action. : with .. T he S q»r Man” that startling lirovlded for
Willard Hotel to the executive | A crowd of negroes watched or hint. , dramatic clast: In which William lnany de | egales wUo have como t0
mansion, where they were received j and Humped on him cutting him very , Kaver , ham s J ml HO hnav „ y and I)aytona for lhe allnual mreting of
in the East Room by the President badly. The negro fought desperately . which will heVseon at the Parker
and several members of his official | to get away and Anally drew his gun Theatre, Friday, Feb. 17.
I'lcrk of (’<
A representative of The Herald in-
\estfgated the matter, and the details
are as follows: Joe Gaillard was sus
pected by the negro gang on the Hill sustenance ft
the first meeting of their j to be investigating illicit whiskey sell- j and lhnt Jleg
national council. jins and gambling among them. They ; for ex j Mt<>nce
The boys, clad in regulation khaki. therefore apparently decided to re- • poo j true bJi
pi;# springs fret
and is nourished by the sun that shin
and the w%4 that blows
ldent i
tnlssloners expect to make It the most
complete structure of its kind in j
Southern Georgia. Mr. Virgil Parker, .
will supervise the construction work. I road a "“ aboul 10 crect ln Waycross. ■ Hth »"-l Brinson.
£ In the specifications for Jail will also The locatlon ° r lhe bulldlng ,H a
be included the plans for concrete vePy ,mportant matter .)»» ft* useful
valks, etc., for improvement of the! ne8s wi " be lirgely'dete^SHneil by IU
grounds around Hie court house. belng acc€SBible to ,hB men Bmt,loyo!
In the shops. A location was, sue.
gested, In rear of Mr. McCranfe’i
house on Haines avenue, facing end
lhe Florida division of tho Daughters
of the American Revolution. Today
Edwin Mili»| Royle In "Tho Squaw j was given over to the reception of
Man" has teritten an lionest and. by iho visitors. The reeulnr sessions of
many considered, "thegieat American ihc congress will begin tomorrow am]
play"-; which. Its whole year's run at continue until Friday.
Wnl lack's Tire litre, Sew York, fully .
•‘.tests. Thirty-three characters are! to SPEAK for reciprocity.
equtred for fne correct Interpretation j Chicago, HI., Feb. 'll—.lames
~ rh:« ulece and n wealth or scenic hri, the railroad magnate, Is tho
and lighting effects fo rllie four nets. prime mover m the groal demonstra-
The third set, for example, shows a tlon to be held here tomorrow night
cycloramie view o fthe great Arlso-|by the supporters of the plan for re-
Bud Morgan was carried to his na desert with adobe houses here and | clproclty wllh Canada. The demon
and shot Bud Morgan, then ran into
the barber shop, pursued by Peter
Dugger with a knife in his bund. As
the pursuing neg » tried to enter the
shop, he tripped and Oalllard allot him
in the head, killing him Instantly.
Gaillard then made his way to town
in a terribly wounded condition and
reaching Brinson's drug store, was
attended to at once by Doctors. Eng-
house and received medical attention
and was found to he shot in the groin.
He will be can led to jail today.
Fresh cabbage plants from South
THE 8TOVE, $3.50 PER CORoJ of hospital. But it was found to be j Carillna will he received at 30 Reed
MEASURE6, OR $1.00 PER LOAD, too small for the building proposed to'-&i/eet one day this week. Price: 20
PHONE 70, AN8LEY COAL CO. 14 3t be erected. " cents per. hundred.
To Close at
$3.00 A PAL
there dotting the desolation. Painted siratlon will take t.he foim of a ban-
by Ernest Albert. the peer of all seen-1 <j ue t at which Secrotary of State
<e effects ever presented on any stage j Knox and other public men of prom-
y.—*——— Inchce will deliver speeches’ advocat-
WOOD FOR SALE. Ing reciprocity with the Domitfroii.
Dry stove wood - or liglitwood. Phone j
146—4 rings. 14 lw
rnmMfimaammas * wa »—ir-
Officers Were Elected At The
Masons y Annuity Meeting
Worth From
$4.00 to $6.00
H. C. Seaman
. .. . ^
: • .4+; * «♦ J f** .* *. ' *T=r; 7
Dr. Alex E v Keese, of Atlanta. Ga„
Supreme Inspector, assisted by Mr. J.
Mitt 1 Wells, General Organiser, of
the Masons' Annuity, instituted in the
Masonic Hall last night a Lodge .of
the Masons' Annuity., The following
officers were elected:
W. J. Hodgson -Past Commander.
I sonic fraternity. We are assuied
that it has beeh wonderfully success-
| ful in the thirteen years of Its exis
tence, having paid during that period
more than $200,000.00 to heneflcfaTies
while at. the same time It has nccuir.-
mu la ted a Reserve Fund of about $400
000. Mr. J. Mitt Wells will have
J. M. Bell—Commander.
W. D. Morton--Vice-Commander '
John W. Moore—Recorder. i
W. J. Sanders-—Marshall.
J. D. Mitchell—Guard; !
J. Clark Sentry. J
W. I). M. Bradley—Me JIca! Exam- j
As stated in n previous Issue, the
Masons’ Annuity is a co-oporative or
ganization, chartered under the lawa
of Georgia, and confined to the Ma
charge of territory In this section and
•vlll make Waycross headquarters for
i»is work. Tho following is a list o.’
the members secured to dute:
J. \i. Bell, VV. D. Morton, Dr. 1>. M.
Bradley, .1. Mitt Wells, .1. I). Mitch
ell, VV. J. Hodgrnn, VV. J. Sunders,
Oscar K. Whilden, \V r . J. Clark, P. K.
Groff, O. F. Crawford, R. T. Illtcli,
K. F. Hull, P. H. Skelton, Rev. A. M.
Bennett, John VV'. Moore and P*of. K.
L. Ray.
. E. J. Berry, Is
a sort of court of last resort and la
1 1 he reeipltmit <»f all kinds of curious
inquiries ami requests.
! Yesterday he received the following
! letter of inquiry and we publish it
as some one may know of this family
and perhaps assiat some struggling
one to a fortune:
Now Yorw. Feb. 11, 1911. j
Dear Sir: —
I am trying to locate the heirs of
Benjamin Jackson (or Benjamin C.
Jackson), horn about 1807, and his
wife Rebecca Chamberlain Jackson,
nee Burschell, on account of somo
property to which they are entitled.
' It is known thut they resided la
Georgia in 1840 as one of their chil
dren, Florence Jackson was born In
your state on December 7, 1840, and
shortly afferwn'ids the family left
your State and came to New York
This man stated his business in
1841 w«uh that of a "Proprietor” and
Do doubt he was possessed of lands
Sffljv property jn your State and that
the family was probably somewhat
prominent, and the records might dis
close tht fset that he owned land In
your county.
’“"Die last surviving member of tho
family has recently died, leaving prop
erty and the heirs are unknown.
I have advertised the matter in the
papers of the latge cities of your
State without any result.
It Is very Important for their ben
efit that the heirs should he located,
as they are entitled to property of
considerable value, and it occurred to
me that If the matter could be given
publicity through the local papers In
your county that the matter would
he brought Co the attention of the
Assuring you in advance, of my ap-
atlon for any interest you may
the matter, I am,
Ycurk very truly,
Nelson H. Tunniclic.
Locating Offices For The
New Waycross Railway
A few fine mi pern on g and black
grape vines, well rooted, for sale.
They belong !o on old Confederate
soldier; two for 50 cents. Apply at
30 IJecd sticet.
For wood phons 215.
20 la
Mr. I). ft. Edwards, Civil Engineer 100 miles in length, its purpose Is to
arrived,In Waycross today from New supply New York with .water, right
York. Mr. Edwards has now complete Irom the home of Rip Van Winkle
charge of the survey anJ construe- and its cost to New York State is
rioft work of the new' Atlantic, Way- over.Jfi2 million dollars,
cross and Northern Railwny. He is —
for every man if he hut looks for iL
yours. Call
now busy looking over the city and FIGHT8 SCHEDULED
locating his permanent office and will FOR TONIGHT, j We can help you locati
probably decide on a convenient loca- Frank Klaus vs Leo Houck, Vi \ In and tell us ybur requirements,
tion In Southern bulldog. rounds, at Boston, Mass. * Probably we have Just s.uch a plccr of
Mr. Edwards is already an enthusi- "KidV Ferns vs Clarence English, READ ESTATE ON OUR MBT.
astic VVaycrossfte and speaks with 15 rounds, at St. Joseph, Mo.
great satisfaction of hie agreeable im-j Jeff Smith vs “Ki l" Hemy, Ifl
piessions of our city and says its rounds, at Albany, N. Y.
rbe llvest town he has struck since
He Informs us that the party sur- Springfield, 111., Feb. 14.' With Gov.
• ■ . . ‘.'"W ., . '
Xgftg<' i ■ ’■■ • w; " V,- ’
(eying the proposed route from SL Slubb, of Kanban beading the lint of
Mary's for new railroad are now near- speakers the temperance torcea nf
lug Waycoea and tbs surrey will then Illinois [allied in force In gprlngOeld
be put'ned rapidly on to other point.-, today for a mass contention under (he
Mr. Edwards was connected ae e^ansplcea ol tbe Illinois Anti-Saloon
glneer with tba grant “Catskill Via- Lengus. The chief purpose of tbe
-r" In New York itate. one of tha gathering Ja to further the pwaage of
greatest eoterprlaea of modern engln- g 6tate-W*de county option bill by tbe
W eering. Tbe aqueduct I, 'more tbanlegiatatnro now In isselou.
It doesn't matter how little cash or
bow much you have. We can veil
you n houne for ail cash or on the
easiest terms imaginable. 60 don't
hesitate for lack of ready money. The
longer you keep on paying rent the
further sway owning your own home
will be.
A. M. Knight
d si
and cion
.. i.i I