Newspaper Page Text
The local committee in charge of
the aviation meeting are meeting the
djfficultit a resulting from the f*U-
vra at VhMosta, wtb the grit and an-
or;y characteristic of Weycross. We
must have a success here they sey
sad at once proceed to take action
to bring such success; As will ha
seen hy official notice elsewhere, they
met Mr. J. S. Berger here last night,
and made Immediate arrangements at
-real cost to get two of the most cele
brated men In the aviation world to
be present at Waycross. Men who can
Benevolent and Protective Or-
of Elks held their*
In their hothc here last night and
following officers were elected for
ensuing year:
B. Harrell, Exalted Ruler.
A. Wall, Esteemed Leading Night j
E. Phelan, Esteemed Loyal
R. Lovelace, Esteemed Lecturing
J. Paine, Secretaiy.
. H. Buchanan, Treasurer.
B. J Secklnger, Tyler
C. E.Bostwick, W. T. Brinson, H.
Hengeveld, Trustees.
These are among our most promi
nent citizens and with such men at
the head of the order wc Bespeak for
a prosperous year.
Waycross again asserts her position
among tho Important cities of Geor
gia (Ferrall notwithstanding), and to
day reports the fact that Waycross
has the third Barbers’ Union in Geor
gia, the other two being in Atlanta
and MacQn. Atlanta, the Capitol of
Georgia, Macon the would-be Capitol,
and now Waycross, the future capltol
of Southern Georgia. So Waycross
Still moves on to great things.
The organization of all the white
barbers in our city Into a union, means
that Waycross has a guarantee that
the white barber shops will be run
on humanitarian and absolutely sani.
tary principles, that the men will
^iave reasonablo hours and just pay
“for'their work, and that under tttofr shops.
The Wilkes Dry Goods Co., Is tho
name of the new firm (hat will open
(heir doors for business in Waycross
on Wednesday next, March 8th. The
gentlemen composing the firm are
Mr. L. B. Wilkes, H. W. Taylor and
J. A. Fitzgerald. The latter two gen
tlemen will have active control of
the Waycross business.
This firm will carry a complete and
comprehensive line of high-grade dry
goods and will cater to the best trade
in our city.
In view of the important fact that
they are interested in several other
stores in Southern towns, they are
able to enter the Northern markets
and secure goods in large quantities
to the benefit of their patrons. Both
gentlemen in control here are genial
inen and seem well qualified to hand
le the Waycross trade.
The new store occuffes the old
stand of The Grace-Brautley Co., anl
will be ready for business with
“Special Acquaintance isale” on Wed
nesday morning, March 8th., when
they otter some wonderful bargains.
The Herald with every feeling of
loyalty to our many old friends al
ready In business here, welcomes the
new firm and prognosticates for them
obligation their work must be first-
o|gss and courteous in character. 3o
ll "seems to be* the bounden duty of
qll to patronize the union barber
It Is the desire of the president of
the Ministerial Union of Waycross
that all the members of said union
be present Monday A. M., at Id o'clock
ut the First Methodist Church. Please
let every minister be present os there
will be vacancies to fill and Import
ant business to attend to.
Member of French Aero Club Who
Has Crossed English Channel In
A Bleriot Monoplane Secured for
Meeting Here Next Week, With
Two other Professional Aviators.
Nothing But Success Pessible.
Following a conference here last
night between J 8. Berger, railroad
and express officials, and members of
the aviation committee closed with
new aviators to insure a- perfect sue-
’cess at the meet here next Thursday,
The management proposes to give
to its patrons during its opening
week—beginning Monday—the best
shoW over given in Waycross. One J Friday and Saturday,
of its special features will be Phillips, I The Exchange Bank wired monoy
remarkable dog and pony act. Pro-:the American Expres.t Company to
senting what’ la conceded to bo the irelease a Bleriot monoplane which
most perfectly trained dog and pony has just reached this country from
on the road. Especially for the ladle I Paris- This machine has been con-
and children there will be a matinee signed to its owner, Count Ladle Lew-
all next week. j kowlcz. a member of th* French Aero
Be sure and bring the .children to Club*, who will arrive in Waycross
see the dog and pony. There will bo Monday or Tuesday. The machine
other vaudeville features also. Prices has a hundred horse-, ower engine,
matineeS and 10 cents, night 10 and »nd will be the first with such high
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to our many friends for their
kind rememberahee and sympathy for
us in our great sorrow and loss, In
thff deaih of our wife and daughter.
J. R.. Hemby.
Mrs. M. E. Babbitt.
can stop the Frenchman from doing
stunts, and lie wires that ho ft very
anxious to try for soino new records
while in the United States. His salary
is only $2,500 a month, with expenses
pAld extra, but he says he thinks ho
will stick to tho game at least three
months In this part of the world.
The Waycross meet will 'really bo
Power to be shown In this state, if! the only aviation to h« held In
not in tho South. "ils part of Sopth Georgia. It Is
The manager of the aviators now Fua ran teed ovont now, and ono that
showing a;* attempting to show in j wll bring thousands to the city. Way-
Valdosta was very frank in his sta- cross Is determined to have tho meet
foments to the conference laBt night successfully, and. n- expense Is being
The proprietors of. tbo. Majestic The
a tor aro busily at work with a large"
corps of assistants pushing tapldly the
alteration of the Majestic, and will bo
ready to open business on Monday
night. The interior of the building
has been entirely remodeled.' Tho
room next door having been secured
and thrown In, making a most coraocl-
Ions little theatre that will seat
nearly 500 people. Tho entire Inter
ior decorations are green and gold
with cluster lights, electric fans and
all tho modem improvements that go
to make its patrons comfortable.
Tho stage is act in center, with
handsome circular shaped ante-rooms
"I"* nvo m " clllnca ' Thc mKhla wn * I and Is large enough to handle any
take place dally a. ft. at outlined, rain ot , how . Tho , concry vory
or shine. Nothing abort of a cyclone and Wrlk)ng charactor Ilaa
detail, and after conferring with the
railroad and express officials present
it was determined to wire for the n«"v
apparatus and avlntors withiuot delay.
Tho new arrangements will give
Waycross three professional aviators
He said he was- disappointed at the
outcomo of the Valdosta meet, that
the inn sent him were not as repres
ented, and that he was more than wil
ling to get busy and have profession-
•$ ale at the meetings bo gives in fu- by coming Id WaycroisMarch 9,_10
'lure. He wbnt oyen- the situation in an JJI
To Close at
$3.00 A PAIR
Worth From
$4cOO to $6.00
>; at
H. C. Seaman
spared to carry out this intention.
Tho Coast Line has increased the
radius fr special rates so that all citi
zens of Valdosta desiring to see aero
planes propen ly handled may do to
been painted and put up by Mr. C. C.
Buchanan, Jr., ntpl Is very artistic.
Mr Fred Brewer and Mr. Jack Phelan
are to bo congratulated in their en
terprise nnd they have certainly pre
pared a theatre that Is a credit to any
city. On Monday night they will
open with a great bill of amusement
and will doubtless start off with n
packed liuiiBt-, us they deserve.
Five room cottage and two lotB oh
C. street, No’s. 48 and 50, 50x210,
each. Pecan trees, peach trees,
grape vines, shado trees on place.
Also sowernge and water connections.
Price $1,500. Apply at No. 48 C.
street. 1 4w
We have made arrangements to
loan money In Waycross.. The more
money you want tho better we like
It No red tapo—Just money. That's
(oil. See . .
The plans are about completed for
this important convention ot A. 0. L.
railway employees, representing all
the mechanical branches of the road.
The convention will gather in Way-j
cross on Monday next for three days.
Headquarters will be at the Phoe
nix Hotel. In addition to the dele
gates from all points on the system,
thero will be present national officers
representing every craft. The moving
spirit to whom must he given the
credit for the labor that has finally
resulted In the proposed organization
of this important federation of the
entire system, Is Mr. Cliff G. Lewis,
secretary of the Waycross Lodge of
An Intelligent and advanced expo
nent of union labor, conservativo and
long-sighted, he • has for some time
planned and'Worked to bring tho men
all inechaulcal cfafts into a federa
tion where their joint Interests might
be handled a a Obit and the result of
his Intelligent wortc is the calling of
this convention.
In addition to the convention Way-
cross will also entertain the Adjust
ment Board of the machinists of the
A. C. L. system. Mr. John F. Ayl-
sard of High Springs, who la chairman
of the adjustment board, has called
the board to meet in Waycross on
board which Is commonly known as
the District Lodge ot Machinists. The
local committee In charge of plans
for the convention are: Cliff G. Lewis,
chairman; C. T. Arrington, A. P.
Goodwin, J. R. Smith, D. K Wlnfreo,
C. T. Miller.
The programme for Monday Is as
412 LaGmnde Building;
The flyers had had luck at Valdot*
ta yesterday. They'll do better when
they havo Waycross for a starting
fly and will fly. The railway and ex
press Companies havo kept tho wires
busy. Mr. McCranio and Mr. Stork
Convention called to order at to llk « T|,0 J«»> a - Th °
o'clock--!!, cliff O. Lewie Chairman' rot "“chlnea and the French flyer's
of Local Committee.
Pmyer by Ilov. It. A. Drown.
Welcome -to City hy Mayor J. M.
•'Wc are Kind you arc hero" by Jas-
|icr Wyldlng, Waycro.a Herald.
Short Addreaa hy Attorney of Tiad.
o- and Labor Aeeombly.
Addreaa by Hon. A. McGllvary Hop*
presenting the Grand Lodge I. O. O.
Short 8pecch hy Visiting jGrand
Lodge Officer., representing varloue
Kxecutlvo acaalon.
Monday night delegate will mcot
tho Trade, and Labor In re
gular meeting and enjoy a social time
with' them.
It la expected that Mr. Jerome Jonca
of Atlanta will be preeont during the
convention and will apeak at the Op
era Houae probably on Tuesday night.
Monday, March 5th. Mr. C. G. Lewis Complete announcement of that meet
ly ^ secretary and treasurer of the Ing will be mndc later.
are already on the way and the Her*
aid jolna with them In a hearty wlabi
and in the strong belief that ont ot
this, ebaoa Waycrosa will as uaual
rise tlumphant nnd carry out succosa*
fuly the greatet aviation meeting Ini
the'South’s record. *
Will secure you the title and posse*
sion of an Ideal borne. It that prop*
sltlon Interesti you, come and aee us.
Wc also have eeveral cosh
bargains in real estate.
' Every one of them will make money
for the buyer who acta at once. If
you are looking for an Inveetment
that la bound to prove a money mak
er you'd better not mlis this chance.
Some one may ba ahead ot you to
morrow. Act today. ^
A. M. KnigLt
and Son