Newspaper Page Text
-Published By
A. P. Perham, Sr.
A. P. Perham, Jr.
Editors and Proprietors.
Miss Carrie Perham,
Personal, Society and Local.
1892 by A. P, Perham, Sr.
Buslnmi Office 25
Editorial Oflle 25
Residence 268.
Every Afternoon Except 8unday.
Office No. 8 Jane 8treeL
Month $ .<5
Months 11.25
Months $2.60
Year $5.00
All obituary notices, cards of thanks,
resolutions and notices of entertain-
manta, where charges axe made, will
be charged at advertising rates of 6
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Subscribers to The Herald that do
not receive the paper promptly and
•arly will pleuse rlng up the Circula
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An interesting article by Dr. It.
! N. Wilson, Editor of Union Advocate,
' organ of the Farmers’ Union
The Waycrosa Herald founded In Wilson will be remembered for the
<oo!»* * t.Herald ^founded In ?reat np«c?ch be made In Convention
of 8<-a Island Cotton Growers'
"My trip to Georgia was at the In
vitation of, or more correctly at the
command of National President Cbas.
fc. Harrett. I had the honor of mak
ing a speech In Union City, Go., the
home of President Harrett and of
spending a day and a night in his
home. While there I found out why
Barrett could do so much. Mrs. Bar
rett is the reason. When the true
history of the last four or five years
of Union work is written Mrs. Bar
rett will occupy a place juts a little
above that of her distinguished hus-j
band. Her sacrifice, her devotion
and her faith has been the arc •• teat
factor in making it possible toi her
husband to do what he has done.
They have a modest, comfortable lit
tle home one mile out In the country,
or was when they moved there three
>e:irs ago. but now nonriv In the edge
cf town, on a eleven-acre plot
ground that, will be a bower of beau
ty when the trees and shrubbery grow
a little more. If Barrett has a hobby
besides the Union. It Is trees and
(lowers. In bis home are five
healthy nnd interesting boys. Their
ages are from twelve clown. I en
joyed to the limit my short stay In
that home.
"Monday. March the 5th, was spent.
In Atlanta. Monday night I spoke In
Union City, and Tuesday 1 saw why
Union City had gr< wn In three years
from one house to moro than eight
hundred population. Georgia's Union
headquarters are there; the biggest
backhand factory In the United States
Is there; the Carmlcal Manufactur
ing Company, a farmer’s co-operative
concern, that makes farming Imple
ments, nnd Is, !n my judgement, des
tined to do -great things for the far
mers la there. I will have more to
any about this great movement later.
It is hut right to suy that we In
Mississippi are figuring on establish
ing a branch of that business in Mis
sissippi. It will mean an enormous
saving to the farmers In buying their
farm Implements. Then the great
Phosphate Company Is there. It Is
another farmers’ union enterprise
my pleasure \o attend the-Conyers met our party from Atlanta,
Seal Island Cotton Growers’ Conven
tion at Waycross and make my speech
tefore It. The growing town of Way-
cross did not fail to make those men
feel that the town was honored by
Laving them there. A great feast
was spread for them the last night
of the Convention presided over by
the Mayor and attended by many ofjfor him! I take ir»y hat off to the
the most profnlnent men of the little j Conyers people. At Conyers we met
city. A spirit like that of the Way- the agricultural train that had been
which included many besides the
speakers, with twenty motor cars and
took us on an eighteen mile spin to
see the country, before the speaking
time. Conyers people believe they
live right at the heart of the Uni
verse, and have a way of making one
j feel that they had beer., waiting just
Offlclnl Organ of the United States
Court of the Southern District of
WAYCROSS, GA., MARCH 28, 1911.
Maybe one of the purposes of mob
ilization was I he Canned Beef Trust.
— ■
And now the aviation Joke is on
Fitzgerald! Fllz should have profiled
Ay the fale of Valdosta and Waycross.
Governor Woodrow ’Adson Is liv
ing evidence of t ho error of the as
sertion, thut a prophet is not without
honor save in his own land.
The Chicago ward politician who
wm arrested for paying $2 for u vote
should be severely punished for "hull
ing" the Chicago voto market.
"San Francisco has had It
•now for fifteen years." But no
Wonder it snowed out there, since
Abo ltuef has been sent to the peni
tentiary at last.
The Fitzgerald Enterprise of Satur
day contained threo separate ac
counts of aviation flights in different
parts of the world. It Is noticeable,
however, that none of the flight*
made their start from Fitzgerald.
• Those who would reimburse l.orl-
nJer for expense Incurred In defend
ing himself against the charges of
Illegal election might also suggest a
public subscription to defruy the cost
of his seat. Then see what the pub
lic thinks about it.
The country Is listening with keen
Intel eat for the plans of the Demo
crats In the extra session of Con
groBa, which meets April I to consid
er the Canadian reniproclty. It is
very evident that the business men
of the country do not want Congress
to plunge the country Into a distress
ing tariff agitation at this time. The
country desires rest from agitation
wuch mm " ,h ““ 11 ■«"*• When the bull. I. pmV.J, h l, not
through congressional legislation ftnd j,„|[ ng p|g n „ the old plan.ntion bale
If the Democratic leaders in Con-1 nnt j ready to ship direct to the spin-
grees Shall Initiate a great tariff war ner8 „ , B a , ifu , package, well
thus disturbing business nt this time. 1 wrap<Hl R nd should that method of
the Democrat* will blight their chan- ^ parking the cotton become universal,
ces ot sending a president to the j t WOU | d raean muttons of dollars
mite House next year.
that is beyond the experimental stage.
It Is a success. J. G. Eubanks, the
picsidont, deserves great credit for
the work ho has dono. Tho savings
to the Georgia farmers Is so great
that I can't see how' any of them enr
stay out of the Union and keep the!
self-respect. Georgia farmers «iiso
eight hundred thousand tons of ferti
lizer every year. Even one dollar
ler ton would mean a fortune saved
every year. The Neeley Gin Compress
Is there. It was my good fortune to
see tho press pack a •talc rotten.
It takes the lint right from the gin
stand and automatically folds the
lint back nnd forth nnd when the
bale is finished It can he unhoped
and unrolled and the lint will he In
one solid sheet of balling as thin ns
mother used to put In her quilts,
saved to the farmers. » nm^very fa-
v orahly Impressed wPh the Neeley
Gin Compress.
"While there 1 saw another mon-
It is
The action of the Pennsylvania de
mocracy In ousting James M. Guffy
fro mthe party leadership, has been j ey-maker and money-saver,
received with great rejoicing In nil I rew thing not yet on the market,
parts of the country. This lepdrous j j s the Moreland Bale Tyln
old traitor ha* been a millstone a-
round the neck of Pennsylvania de
mocracy for years. He worked like
a Catiline, to prevent James H. Her-
n a grand old democrat from being
nominated by the democrats last fall,
whose tiuiaixuion would have meant
» democratic victory and Governor.
Derry was afterwards nominated by
the independents and cam ewithln a
few votes of overturning that great
republican majority. He will be the
next governor of the Keystone state
without k doubt. It he lives.
Whatever proesure the bale of cotton
tr-ay have this machine holds It.
Neeley c impressed bale was tied out
the old way and waa then smaller
than the big compress can make, but
mother bale was tied out the new*
vav nnd the new bale was 2.250 cu
bic Inchea smaller than the bale tied
cut the old way. That will mean
nuch In saving car and ship space,
vhlch la the* same thing as money.
Mr. Farmer, wake up, there Is a bet
ter day dawning for yon. Don’t sleep
on through It.
cross people, would build a city In
desert. Not only Waycross has
but all of Georgia. I told Governor
Hoke Smith that every man In Geoi
gia that I had met believed he lived
la the middle of things. The Gover
nor said he didn’t believe any thing
< I the kind, he knew he lived there.
The reorga rolrlt is worth cultivat
ing in Misslstipp!.
"On SaturdB • me n.t- dt/ oi
March, and w- last day In Georgia, It
vas my pbasure to be one of the
peakerr at the Union meeting of
I’armors at Conyers, Ga. The other
ij eak< rs were President Barrett and
»cv. Hoke Smith. The citizens
cn the road since February 7th, and
will not end until March 25th. The
state of Georgia believes in helping
her farmers.
"I trust that the trip will help me
to do better work for the farmers of
Mississippi. It was certainly an In
spiration to me."
Take Foley’s Honey and Tar. It
gives quick relief and expels the cold
from your system. It contain* no
c-plates, la safe and sure. Gem Phar
First week In April Is "Cleaning-
oftip Week” In the city. Get busy!
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Thirty Years
OT the old fashioned heavy,
cumbersome, drudgery kind
that makes your arms ache
and your back tired and have driv
en many a boy from the farm, but
the light, strong, sharp, steel kind
that make gardening the pleasure
it should be.
T HERE is usually a good garden where
there are good garden tools. Buy
them NOW and get the full use of them
this season.
P. N. Harley Hardware Co.
44 PlantJAve. Phone 186
After March tenth, 1911, this company will sell Incandescent
Electric Lamps at cost to us, which is as follows, upon the erturu
of the old lamps:
8 Candle Power, 30 watt 15c each
16 Candle Power, 60 watt 15c each
32 Candle Power, 120 watt 25c each
GEM (Metallzed Filament) LAMPS:
20 Candle Power, 60 watt 20c each
32 Candle Power, 80 watt 30c each
40 Candle Power, 100 watt s 30c each
MAZDA (Tungsten) LAMPS:
20 Candle Power, 25 watt 60c each
32 Candle Power, 40 watt 65c each
48 Candle Power, 60 wat‘„ 90c each
80 Candle Power, 100 Watt $1.20 each
We recommend the use of the "GEM" to replace the common
carbon lamp, as it Is more economical In the consumption of cur
rent and more efficient In the production of light, without being
as fragile as the MAZDA or Tungsten Lamp. »
The Ware County
Light and Power
) ©oo<>o<><><>o<>o<><><>c<>ooo<>c><>c><>-<><><><> <><><><> ooo
With Clip For Papers.
The very thing you have been wanting for
years; fastens on the house.' The mail
carrier will always have a place to put
your* letters and papers.
Prices Are Reasonable
75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50
Watt Hardware Co.
Italian Olive Oil
Italian Olive Oil represents the first
run of oil from OHves of uniform
ripeness. Made from perfect fruit,
bottled in a sunny clime, put up un
der perfect conditions. It stands for
tbe very best of condiment and food.
Use Olive Oil freely In tablespoonful
doses as a food. There is nothing
more easily assimilated or which is
more acceptable to the system than
pure Olive OH, and that is what
PHONE NO. 160.
Cherokee Pharmacy
Waycross, Georgia
Wheelwright and Blacksmith,
Horseshoeing A Specialty.
Next to Wilson Laundry, justiin rear’of
Singleton iFurniture’Company.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.