Newspaper Page Text
to »ee a -family changing from ono
home to another. One cannot help
but think of the breaking up of **•
aoclatea that make homo life ao beau
tiful. The next time you make a
change '
The,Idea 1* not abaurd, even If you
have but a little ready money. If
you are In earneit about wanting a
home of your own we can help you la
rplte of your lack of cash.
eratloni and Improvement* have
made in Orace Church, whereby
eating capacity for the choir haa
greatly enlarged. Mere room
jeen Imperatively needed for
and Oon,
FOR wooer.
Will Displace The Dublin Route
Which Will Be Tried Out
Mr. Fitts la the State Organizer
foi the Socialist party of Florida.
The Miami, Fla., Hera’d on Feb. 15,
Fort Valley, Ga., March ^ 29.—At last, spoke very complimentary of a
JUST a suggestion |ARE TRYING TO
The success pf the "Cleanlug-Up, committee of the Civic League,
‘~ : --*Fvrt Valley the scouts, using their I public speech made by Mr. Fitts Jn 11?. Tuebner, cashier of the Hank o,
AN EXAMINATION OF HIS BOOKS j the systematic arrangements that
DI8CLOSED IRREGULARITIES, j may be made to cover all the town.
j We suggest that as there are to be
Muscogee. Okla., March 29.—The!six days to do to the work In, that
passepser on t*.a D.Je Flyer who! the city authorities allot one day to
committed suicide when the train was 1 each ward. Say, First ward on Mon-
near Waycross, Ga., Monday was L. J day, Second ward on Tuesday, and so
Meek" will depend very largoly on loot a working committee, of at least,
50 people In each ward, composed ofj^OR THE NEW YORK DISASTER
all classes. Who in their particular > ———
ward-day will work up teams and j Undiminished Vigor Shown By The-
take control and direct the efforts for | Officials irl Sifting Mass of
cleaning up thoroughly. Testimony.
The8o nre only suggestion. Better j
heads will doubtless think of many Now York, March 29.—Sifting down
'free lance commission, have decided ; that city.
to change their publsihed itinerary Socialism is coming and all aro ro-
In this regarl. They will turn south- quested to hear for themselves and
ward from here to try out the Thom- to. ask the speaker any question they
p.sville-Camilla route, hoping to reach j choose, concerning Socialism, and
ThomasvUle Tuesday night. That j the same will lie gladly answered by
route will take them to Madison;! him. Don’t let prejudice or ignorance
Fla., and thence over the roads they keep you from hearing all things, and
have already travelled to Lake City,
Fla., from Lake City they will turn
northward again along the Valdosta-
Tifton-Cordele-Vienna route and will
go on into Atlanta, via Henderson,
Perry,, Macon, Forsyth, Barnesville,
Griffin and oJnesboro.
l ’ This, change in itinerary temporar
ily displaces the Dubltn route which
will be tried next week. The
scouts believe they will save time
and accomplish more work by test
ing the ThomasvUle and Valdosta
routes while they are in this western
The Hawkfnsville-Fitzgerald-Doug-
Ins-Waycross route, from ’ Atlanta to
he sure and hold fast that which is
divert all the
i thoroughly
on that day.
: will he over
"’ulsa, of Tulsa, Okla., according to j wagons nn-> ene
void received at tho efllee of the j cleaning up that
Fouth Surety Company owners of the j By this means,
hank/ yesterday. Tuebner has been looked and the town 'well covered,
n Isslng ten days. | We also suggest that the executi
Officials of the surety company do- j —
clnred an examination of the hank’i
hooks had disclosed Irregularities.
more. The thing is, that system will
he absolutely necessary to success.
Fpasmodie action will not avail much.
But if each ward tries to he the clean
est ward, then you’ll have ALL clean
The Waycross Nest of Owls met
last night and transacted a good deal
cf important business. Among other
things, arranged for a strong commit
tee to investigate and prepare plans
for financing and building a suitable
Jacksonville is found to be 3C8 miles, j bu|llllng for tlle 0wIs homo .
At close of business the Owls went
into social session.
Waycross Is to have another secret claim will supersede all orders here
order. Alderman Moore and Dr. T. S. j in the advantages offered. The defi-
Palne are busily engaged securing j Lite plans of the order will he an*
applications for an order, that they r.ounced later.
As will be noted from the tefegram
sent to Judge Perham by Congress
man ’Brantley and publlshel in yes
terday’s issue of The Herald, our
new post office Is to he a far more
handsome building limn wo first hop- j » rter >»“ th « splendid production ; time. "The Fitzgerald people," said
ed for. Tho government have dlf-1 * nn «Bht you will went to rend the lie. "naked me which I would lake, nn, p A8T0R ENJOINED FROM
carded the simple brick and granite, bonk - Thc I>">y ls >>y a strong com- ' '
“The Man on the Box" tonight at
Parker Theater. To those who have
read the delightful novel by the s«me
name, written by Harold McGrath,
this means an evening of pleasure, j t'.onai Highway through these coun-
To those who have not It means that j ties. The Doctor said lie had a good
Dr. Gus Folks returned yostorday
from Fitzgerald, where ho attendod
an important meeting of the com
mittees who ar*» looking after tho Na-
tho great mass of testimony nt their
<)‘p;>osal, city and county officials hop
ed today lo draw closer .to the source
cl responsibility for Saturday’s fac
tory fire horror In which M2 persona
lost their lives.
Investigations stnrted yesterday by
FIro Marshal Beers nnd District At
torney WliUmnn were continued, and
in other official quarters the effort to
rlaco the blame was kept up with un
lit wished vigor.
While officialdom was thus strug*
pllng with tho questions which aro
being asked as to tho underlying caus
es of tho disaster, the mou
of burying the dead was
Added to tho 50 funerals of ]
many moro wero held todny.
remain 29 bodies so badly
that identifications seem Impi
and have aubstltuted marble up to | IW, nnd is one that Waycross tho.v
the cornice. This will make a very j fer-goers should patronize. H Is ono
of tho few good shows yet out on the
road, and the management ban been
c:.treme!y lucky In making a hooking-
fine structure.
The building will evidently be star
ted at once, as it must be finished by
April 1st, 1912.
The contracting* firm has done a
,reat deal of work for the V. S. gov
ernment nnd will no doubt give us a
fine Job.
for Waycross. Thc seat salo will
continue at LaGrande Pharmacy un*
til seven o'clock this evoning, when
tho salo will be transferred to tho
1 ox office at thc theater.
Waycross, In her onward march to
wards metropolitan ism, has added to
her many attractions a mlnature Zoo.
on Plant avenue, near the old
& W. crossing is to be seen n
large cage, containing a number of
splendid specimens of black and grey
squirrels, wonderfully tame and
seeming to enjoy the notice they ro-
from thc passers-by. On tho
may he seen a largo tunie
coon, hearihg tho name of Frank.
Frank has been trained and will per
form numerous stunts for the benefit
and sit thc command of his friend, ho
ill stand on his hind foot, complete
somersault and walk u light wiro
ct command, going ono way hanging
airship or something cles. I took j TRYING CHURCH MEMI
the ‘something elso* and then hurried j Tampa. Fla., March 29.—Tr
to my train for Waycross.” Urowng out of scnsutionul ch
Dr. Gua Knlka la tukln K irrcat In- „ nd counter-charge* hotwoen-
tnieat In tho Highway movement anil I ,, ur9 ot the „ mKroKa t|o7i of the
Is securing much popularity thero-1 Const-oBnllonut church of
front. In yesterday s Issue of the ( . a mo to n head yesterday v
Atlanta Journal, appears an excellent ;ol . nohert Lee Kirkland wi
cut taken near King's Ferry and
shows Dr. Folks dollvering nn appar
ently eloquent speech from a stump to
the scouts, while their 9ar was being
Special to The Herald.
Louisville, Ky., March 29.—If plans
discussed nt tho Kentucky Rural
School Conference hero today aro car
rled out tho Bluo Grass State will
he able to boast of the best sys
tem t f rural school education to he
found rnywhero In the country.
Thc movement whldh was launched
:oiuG.h’i)g over n yenr ago, alms nt a
consolidation nnd comploto reorgan
ization of the rural schools that will
bring them up to the same standard
; the heat city schools.
Tho phtn calls for tho enactment
o- a State law giving to each county
and come hack balancing him-1 the right to Issue bonds not to excoed
n top. The coon is as gentle ! $500,000 to establish tho system of
i cat, his only- aversion' being a i consolidated rural
dog, at the sight of one he immediate- —
ly prepares for fight. In addition to i PETITION IS 8IGNED
the taine coon, is a most interesting
family of opossums, healthy and fat.
Altogether the collection is an inter
esting one. The owner and trainer of
pets is Mr. L. H. Barnhill, tho
well known jeweler at 108 Plant ave.,
his natural love for animals has
given him wonderful control over
If permitted to use more space Mr.
Barnhill is going to add to bis col-
Jcctfon two others, bIho a large wild
cat and hopes to get a black bear
from Okefenokee Swamp, and a red
fox, making in all quite an interest
ing collection, that will be well worth
a visit and will be an instructive
the children of our schools,
readers, who secure a wild
or bird of any
To Prohibit Negroes From Residence
In git Cornell Dormitories.
Ithaca, N. Y., March 29.—Moro than
half of the $00 women students at
Cornell university arc signers of a
petition presented to Mrs. Gertrude
F. Martin, university adviser of wo
men, urging that negro students be
prohibited from resldenco in the dor
mitories. Mrs. Martin will forward
the petition to President Schurman,
by whom it will be laid before the
trustees. The petitioners do not five
ory reason in making the request.
with two injunctions, stayl:
from trying three prominent i
f< r stirring up strife in the c
Col. Herbert Wilson, our j
tornoy, had the unpleasant
chasing a would-be-burglar \
homo last night.
While seated in his dlnir
he hoard a disturbance In
room, ho went in to Investh
as ho opened tho door tho
rushed out thruogh the bath
the back door. Mr. Wilson
his gun and ran to tho
hoping to head him off. hut tl
had disappeared, nnd he was
to sny whether he was bk
But by tho noise ho made
got a-way,- Mr. Wilson Ih corta
ho must hnve been an nniatc
dly senrod. It is not thot
the man secured any plundi
duty of
ion seized
front door.
Alterations and improvements
speeds, j jeon uf ac | 0 f R
And Mr. Barnhill a ready pur- #| lc
or open to receive It as a gift| been
’or It for the benefit of the' hfti been
children should go down I t | me>
end see Frank go tbreugh his per* I
romance. f ring 174