Newspaper Page Text
i Atlantic, la., March 30.—A large
^attendance marked the opening here
‘t'xiay of the annual convention of
■the Sou'hwest Iowa Teachera' Asso
The programme covers three days
and provides for address and discus
sions dealing with all .branches of
school work. Several educators
wide prominence will be heard.
% Evangelist Price preached to
-crowded house last night at the Oral
Baptist Church. There was unusual
power of the Holy Spirit In his strong
appeals. Mr. Price Is a power for God.
Every one in Waycross should take
advantage of this opportunity of
hearing - this servant of God. Prof.
Schofield Is giving Waycross some
very fine singing.
The Dixie Alrdomo changed owner
ship yesterday, the parties who
bought the play house being local men
of high business Integrity and the
financial backing and new Influence
around the Alrdomo will add very
greatly to this already popular-amus-
Be sure don't forget the mass meet
lug for cleanlng-up-week" to be held
a‘ the School House on Friday night.
Flans will be discussed and methods
adopted for a great success. Lets all
he out there.
The Important case of A. 8. Cann
ier ~vs the A. C. l. Railroad was sent
up to Court of Appeals today from
Waycross. This Is a suit for damag
es against A. c. L. railroad by one of
their former employees, and when'
tried In City Court here, Judge Lang
ford (acting in place of Judge J, C.
McDonald who waa disqualified)-di
rected the Jury to find a verdict for
A. C. L. railroad. Tie bill of excep
An enormous dam to be built
Columbua, Ga., March 30.—The
Georgia and Alabama industrial In*
dey aaya in its regular weelcly issue:
‘The highest dam ever built In the
South will soon be erected in Georgia
the contract having been awarded for
The construction of a dam 110 feet
tion is a very long and comprehen
sive one, and the case is especially In
teresting in'vlew of the fact that the
life of the A. C. L. Relief Department
practically hinges on the reaqlt and
number of other cases are belni
held up pending a decision on this
One of the best Known among these
hr sees Is that of Thos. McD. Kenedy.
Dr. G. P. Washington authorises the
Herald to state that he Is taking the
matter up of "Cleanlng-up-week” with
his people and knows that they will
fall in Hue heartily with the moref^
ment. Action will be taken In all the
negro churches'on Sunday and probab
ly arrangement, made for two mac.
meeting, hi different part, of the city
on Monday night, when some of the
piomlnent white men Interested to
gether with leaders among the color
ed people will address th emeeting
and tell what they want done.
Co. J. S. Walker, R. L. Berner of At
lanta and Crawley ft Crawley.
secured Mr. Carl Davenport as Man
ager and with Increased facilities at
bla command, Mr. Davenport will
doubtless add much to hts reputation
already won In Waycross for giving
amusements Just such as seem to
meet the approval of the public.
The show for tonight Is reported to
be a good .one SO those who attend graphs and are one of our specialties.
- Pedestrians cursing from Cordon
to church streets near Mr. Shults’
store, had a narrow escape this morn
ing, a sudden gust ol wind splitting
In half one of the grout oaks, and the
huge limb fell right across the path,
carrying down with It the telephone
wire. This Is a busy corner and ft
Is a wonder no one was hurt.
high and 125 feet wide at the base, at
the head of Tallulah Falls on the Tal
lulah river, the work to he completed
within noe year. -Sixty thousand
l'.orse-power will be developed, and In
the form of electric current will be
transmitted to Atlanta, over 10 Omtles’
away. A novel feature of the devel
opment will be that thb powerhouse
will be over a mile from the dam,
the water being covered, there by
r-eans of a tunnel.
“A fire at Fayette, Ala., which wip
ed out the business section of that
town, Is to be followed by the rebuild
ing of the place on a much more sub
stanttal scale Hum before, and sev
eral Important construction contracts
were let before the ashes were cool.
A 31.000.00o company was Incorporat
ed at Rome, (la.„ t j manufacture ce
ment. Two veneering plants will
soon begin operation near Brewton,
Ala. A company which set out
build a 10,000-aplndle cotton mill at
iLaQrange, On., ft und Its capital stock
so heavily over-uubscrlbtd that It In
creased the capacity of the plant lo
That Waycross. and her boy's need
a good base ball and athletic park M
. — [an undisputed fact. Why .tfiey don't
As will be seen from article below, get It le a myeterloua problem—that
the Waycroes Board of Trale are tak-! the enterprising folks should solve
Ing Initial steps to Institute a “Post j at once. “Satan finds some mischief
Curd" day for Georgia: This at flrst still for Idle.(finds to' do." Is a well
ement house. The new owners have may expect' - genuine entertainment Come and see them.
The motion pictures at the Males')
tic now are as clear as good photo-i 20,000 spindles, and Is organising with
1500,000 cap 1 ta:,stock instead of |25o,
coo, as first planned. Montgomery,
A’a, with n flew.,of encouraging in-
, "auptrlel: development, Is to'^'s'empt
new enterprises fro ,mtaxation for a
term or years.''
“Mobile, Ala., which Is making
many public Improvements of sub
stantial character. Is Inviting bids for
additional paving and sewer work.
Quitman, Laurens, Talbot, and Eman
uel counties In Georgia will all very
rrobably vote on road bonds. Hunts-
thought, will not appear to he a great
move, but a little Invhstlgatlon will
convince the skeptical that It Is quite
big thing as a method of-advertise
ments, directing attention to the beau-
tes and poeaobllitles of Waycross
and Georgia. Many thousands of peo
[le and many Georgians at that, are
quite unaware and Ignorant of the
beautiful spots and the live progres
sive circles we hay In Georgia. As
en example, let ua . quote the words
of Mr. J. S. Cohen of the Atlanta Jour
hdl, who Is now engaged In the scout
trip. He stated In Waycross the oth
er lay, when alluding to the pictur
esque spots at kings Ferry and
Coleraine, “I had no Idea we had aucb
beautiful spots In all Georgia.'' An
other gentleman, speaking of Way-
cross and her buildings, into, "Its ail
eye-opener to come to WaycWss. You
need to eee It to form a dear concep
tion of what Waycross Is.”
A "Post Card Day" -will mean the
sending out of thousand! of postal
card views of Waycross all over the
country, especially to the north, fh
sll have some one we know up there
oi If we prefer It we can get from
Secretary of Bosfd of Trade, names
to send then^ to,- -J people, who art
becoming Interested in the Sunny
Smith. “Post Csrd Day', April, 5th.
Is' a fine Idea ahd hag our hearty co
operation: ' - '
Waycrosi, Ga,, March 29.—The
Board of Trade of Waycross has In
stituted a “post card day" tor Geor
gia, and Is a'eklng the'co-operation of
every organization In the state, with
the view of getting Georgia views In
as many homos of prospective home-
Vine, Alp., win .vote on 3100,000 of seekers as possible. The Idea Is not
municipal building .and hotel bonds.!an original ono entirely) hut Is new
Rlakley, Ga., on 300,000 of Improve-] Id the etato. Florida will bare a post
ment bonds and swalnaboro, Ga., onward day May 1, the movement In
a 3(0,000 bond issue -Commercial that stA'e having originated with the
recognize!, though somewhat trite
saying and truth.
Anl If you want to ktep the ener
getic, red-blooded hoy's, whose veins
throb with energy and life, out of
mischief anl other graver temptation,
you must provide them with other
and better forms of recreation. '
The preachers, with all the earn*
eatness they possess, may fulminate
against sin, the Judge on the bench
(nay denounce crime, and the good
people may deplore and exolatm a-
salbst Its’evil results. But the fact
Is Indlsputed and has been proved a
thousand times. But tho undeveloped
energy of young manhood must and
demands some channel r«f escape, and
If a legitimate means Is not supplied
where he esn rid himself of his su
perabundant energy. He will find a
place himself; often at the expenaa
[of his manhood and his reputation.
Again opportunity should be given
the boys to develops their musole
and mind and train In' a healthy man
ner, that will conduce to a clean man
ly man. The world has no use to*
milk-sop today. It demands men,
strong virile and manly. ,'f -
Lets find them a park, whei-o they
can exorcise and develope.
If grounds can be secured, the park
and grandstand can be built all right.
bodies were organized at Reynolds,
Ga., and Marlon, Ala. Llborty coun
ty Georgia, le to havo a .now court
h.-use. New banks are reported tor
Dawson, Ga., and Dovereux, Ga. Nln-
(eon new corporations, with capital-
secretary of the Tampa Board of
Trade. Tho State day was 'decided
upon because of tho tremendous suc
cess of a Tampa post card day last
year. The Idea advanced by the Way
cioss organization Is -for every com-
Izutlon of 32,022100 applied for char-jmerclnl organization In Georgia, to
tor during the week:’’ . . agree to send out poetale of their res-
The disappointed look on the face
of‘Sheriff Pittman and hli Deputies
Is caused by the fact that they have
fret the ‘‘Airship'' and those fancy
Hunts that promised such Interest'to
alt must he abandoned! It is har'd 'for
us to bo dlsapolnted again, because
u s hud every assurance that the Sher
iff “would go up In tho air” and now
be will hqve to bo content t? simply
ride a "Tiger.".
The following Is sn extraot from a
letter received this date from Hon.
Wm. G. Brantley. It explalne Itself.
We all regret that the poetofllce could
not- he built of Georgia marble, but
wo understand that the Vermont mar
ble Is vfery fine.
This Is the estract:
Washington, D. ft, March 28, 1011.
Judge A. P. Perham, Waycross,- Gs.
Dcar-Judgo Perham:—1 recalved to
day your telegram, asking me to jvlre
sou particulars about tho post office
contract. I Immediately called at the
ofllce of the Supervising Architect,
and learned that the contract for the
bLildlng had been awarded to Am
bi-oie B. Stannard, St. James Build-
Ins. New York City, and requires the
1 sliding to he completed by April 1st,
1012. I understood every thing bad
been completed In the matter of awar
ding tbo contract, save tbo approving
ol the Contractor’s bond, which has
not yet come in. The change made
In the plans, resulting In a readver-
tlsoment waa the substitution of mar
ble ha the building material. As 1
understand It, the building will be of
marble up to the cornices. I regret
to, say In this connection thst tbo
marble will be Vermont marble. It
seems to me that Georgia marble
should be used, but the Supervising
Architect Instated on tho bids sub
mitted, tbe Vermont marble was tbo
cheaper, and for that reason will bo
usod. I looked over tho general plans
it tbe building, and It seems to me
that It will bo quite a handsome, com
u,odious and convenient building,
when completed. AH post ofllce build
ings aro now constrnctod that when
tho demand for more post ofllce room
r ilscs, It‘Is a very simple matter to
obtain It, by adding to the bonding.'
pectlve sections May 5. Tho co-op
eration of Indffstrtnl departments'of
tho rallroada has boon solicited, and
It Is more than likely that views tak
en along all the prominent lines of
road In the state will be* fumiehed
grails. It has'been estimated that a
slate working together In this manner
cun send' In one day at least a million
post cards, covering evory etato In
the Union.—Savannah Nows. “ '
This begins lo feel like real spring,
but don’t be In too IjIk a hurry to
pull off your heavy underwear.—Ex.
However, you can pull off your Jacket
and go to work.
See big show at Alrdome tonight.
lo seo a family changing from ono
house to another. Ono cannot help
hut think of tho breaking up of as
sociates that make hom6Ilfs so beau
tiful. The next time you mako a
The Idea Is not absurd, even If yon
have but a little ready money. K
>ou are In earnest about wanting a
homo of your own we can help you In wr
Bpilo of your lack of cash.
A. M. Knight
and Son
meal estate and insurancb