Newspaper Page Text
Jss. Sinclair seconded It, stating that
I: waa time to atop talking about
things and do something for the city.
Mayor Cox expressed himself as
bolng heartily In favor of purchasing
sych ft machine, but could not. see
how It could be done at present, am)
pointed out man$ things that were
more needed, Including thp gewernge
to the King's Daughters "hospital.
Pointed out that It would be some
time before taxes would como In,
and liabilities were facia); the olty
that must be met. Including the $6,-
000 pump Just going to; ho Installed,
and' finally told council that If the
notion passed he would feto It In
tbs interest of economy.
After further discussion from Al
dermen Parker and LeCotint, the vote
was taken and resulted ,ln 3 to 1 In
favor of automobile. Aldermen Jasi
Sinclair,'Moore and Parker voting
a 'Joe Brtjwnlte, whether you are
white or black; whether yon sell
whiskey or preach prohibition; wheth
er you are a Socialist, a Democrat or
a Republican; whether you ride In
an automobile or drive a mule;
whether; whether you support John
Cox or A. M. Knight; whether you
My business
The servceB last night was unus
ually good. The large crowd seem
ed to grasp every wbrd from begin
ning to end. The Holy Spirit was
with the speaker. After the bene
diction the crowd still lingered In
groups, talking in loud tones of the
greft service tor tile Lord.
Prof. Schofield la giving Waycross
singers an Idea of what they can do
The funeral of Mr. P. G. Blackmer
occurred this' afternoon from Trinity
Me.thodlst church at 3:30 o’clock.
Mr. Blackmer died yesterday at his
home on Reed street, .after a prolong
ed Illness.
cuss me or praise me.
Is to get news and give everybody
an absolutely fair deal as I write'It.
My career In Waycross is living tes-
.tlmony, that I am broad enough to
give and .take with Justice to all. I
bear ho malice and do not and will
not allow "any personal feeling to
Interfere with my work on The Way-
cross Herald.
I report things'as I nee them; try*
IBg to'be correct and fair to. all. My
aim Is the aim of The Herald, to
promote the Interest of Waycross.
fall along these lln-
Miss Eddie jParpoll will 'be glad to
have you call and,, see her beautiful
■ line of Bpring millnlery.
aye. Alderman LeCount voting nay.
Mayor Cox then Instructed Cleijk
Strickland to prepare necessary pa
per and 1 he would veto the motion.
„ Curbing and Pavjng.
Sortie discussion then took placo re
garding the curbing and side walks
round about the court house and ad
jacent streets. And finally on mo
tion the Btreet and Lane Committee
were instructed to order granite cur
bing for use to curb Albany avenue
to A., B. & A., depot and round court
liousej and to proceed to call for bids
for laying side walks.
When you see
es, iell - mo’ so, and I’ll give up my
Jpb’kSpd, try something else. These
nrathe ethics of Journalism as I on-
wutand' them and I am trying to
live "up .to them. ;
Jasper Wyldlng. .
M. L. Bunn has Completed the rm-
modeling of hla store next to the
Wilkes Dry Goods CO., and It Is a
a very commodious looking store.- It
Is suggested that It would be a^flno
stand for a high class grocory store.
As will bo rememtered years ago, It
waa occupied ,by the Orace-Brantley
people In a grocery store. As wo un
derstand It Mr. Bunn Is open to con
sider such a proposition. , - ■*
Worth From
of the tfajestle
The Management
Theatre has a novel ^treat In store
fer the children attending their us
ual Candy Matinee every Saturday af
ternoon, Heretofore each child has
been; given a. bag of good plain whole
some candy, but tomorrow afternoob,
eecb child purchasing a ticket, will
be given a large Candy EASTER GOO
and also, a Candy CHICKEN. The
Chicken Is, to be given with the hope
that a supply of eggs will be laid by
“IT" regularly thereby Insuring each
and every child a supply oC Easter
Of course, we do not guarantee
these Chickens as' ''layers,” however,
when we purchased them' we were
given to understand that they ware
extra good "layers.’’ *
We anticipate a very large atten
dance and we would suggest to eacn
Child the advisability of being on
hand early to Insure their getting pn,
cf these remarkable Chickens, eno
else- cno of these fine Eggs. We wIH
The Youmans Jewelry store are put
ting In a handsome set of new fix
tures, that probably are not equalled
lr. any store In South Georgia. The
cabinets and cases are all mahogany,
the centre glass cases are practically
all plate glass, supported by French
$4 00 to $6.00
to see a family changing from one ■
house to another. 'Ono cannot help
but think of the breaking up ( of as.
sodates that make homo life so beau
tiful. The next time you make a
change ’
..The Idea Is not absurd, even If you
have but a Ilttlo ready money. If
you are In earnest about wanting »
homo of your own we can help you Im
spito of your lack of casb.
claw leg tables. The center case,
racing the door Is horseshoe shape
and very handsome In appearance.
the doorway are
Cm each side of
handsome mahogany railings, within
which will be confined the watchma
ker and reglstery, men. In the rear
la a very handsome cabinet, sotn»
nine feet In .height With fine English
plate glass, mirrors and . shelving,
presenting a string appearance. Wo
congratulate the firm on the prog
ress they are making.
also have our regular vaudeville act,
In add'tlon to two reels of fine mo
il n pictures. Show stars at 3:30,
promptly. Admission, as usual, 6c
and 10c. 31 It
fudge Max Isaac, of Brunswick is
Waycross today bolding U, S.
:urt and taking evidence in the W.
bankruptcy case. This is
bropolonged case that gained
considerable notority sometimes
ice by reason of contempt proceed*
against our distinguished Way*
lawyer Judge J. L. Sweat, for
certain criticisms made on Judge
:'s decisions in this case.
This Is the first time the writer
has had an opportunity to' attend a
court presided over by Judge Isaac,
and we were impressed with the dig*
nity and order kept in court room.
Judge Isaac is always a welcome
visitor to Waycross and in fact we
are- beginning to claim him as a Way
cross citizen- Since his last visit here
Judge Isaac,Vwho was already a dis
tinguished 'author) has joined the
"Fourth Estate" and Is now also an
editor and is publishing a very valu
able magazine for the benefit of the
legal fraternity entitliJ "Th« Nation-
si Bankruptcy Law List” and it has
already, a recognized place In the le
gal standard.
Ordinary B. H. Thomas, our cap
able Chairman of County Commission
ers authorises us to say, that the
county board, are going to work with
out delay and will not spare any ef
fort to complete In first class con-
tion the public road lor the National
Highway. He sugests that the city
authorities get busy as promptly
and complete and clay the road in
side the city. He points out that
they can shave down the bill on Rey
nold* .street and secure enough good
clay to put the road In splendid shape
at little expenee. He further in con
versation stated that he hoped city
would at once proceed to put a high
fence around the dump pile on Rey
nold street and hide It from the pub
lic gase. When Banner Thomas says
he will do a thing you can count on
Us being done ad done well.
The survey has now been complet-
ted for the Atlanta, Waycross and
Northern Kailway. The entire route
hat been carefully surveyed from end
been laid off. Chief Engineer, Mr.
D O. Edwards, is hard at work with
hit office force preparing profiles and
making estimate*, etc., for the build
ing of the road.
Referring to certain events that
hayo occurred reoently, I beg to aay,
1 im employed by The Waycross
Herald to manage the circulation de
hat been careruny surveyed irom ™ ,
to end and the field force have, now »» d *> *rlte up the local
news; and am . bending every effort
to ’do my duty along those lines. I
try to secure nil the news I cab and
to give it correct and fair to all and
make the paper as interesting as
Mr.* Edwards' state, that the iur-'.'po-'We: and some of my friend.
ve> show, that the road can bo built j have been kind enough to say I have
i , ... ... made some aucceee along that line
at a ..very nominal cost, as there are
no great difficulties in construction
to overcome.
He also states that It Is the concea
ls of opinion that this survey shows
that the new road will open up a
great agricultural country that will
give a profitable business from the
be "Inning and will connect and give
a fine route from St. Marys valuable
port up through Waycrose to Fort
Valley and eventually to Atlanta.
Capt Lem Jobnaon will call an Im
portant meeting on the plana laid
down In a few days.
In my work. My buelneae is to GET
NEWS and It makes no difference to
roe whether you like me personally
or not, if you have done anything
or are trying to do anything that will
benefit -Waycrosa or Interest bur
readers, I am going to. give It pub
whether you belong to my church or
any other' church or, no church at alt.
It does not matter to me whether
you are a Judge on the bench or a
•weeper on the afreet. Whether, you
are an Owl, an Elk or a Buzzard;
whether you are a Hoke Smithite or
A special meeting of City Council
vas called last night to discuss the
proposition to purchase an automo
bile fire wagon. Mayor Cox, Alder
men J. VV. Moore, Jas Sinclair, C. E.
LeCount and Calvin Parker were
Mr. L. M. Gosney, representative
ot the American LnFrance Fire En
gine Co., appeared before council and
explained the value and possibilities
of his automobile fire wagon. The
one proposed for uee of the city Is a
con,'.'nail"- chemical and hose wag
on, and would cost about $5,600. The
same wagon hai been lu use at Sav
annah ilnce early la January and
one it Just being shipped to Macon.
A long discussion took place, pro
and con. It was generally agreed
that more protection was a wise
precaution, hut the matter of finance
•Ike "Banquo Ghost”, kept bobbing
up during the whole time.
Finally after a spirited talk along
the.lines of progression Alderman J.
W. Moore moved that the city pur
chase thle automobile. Alderman
Among the speakers at the "Clean-
Ipg-Up” mass meeting to be held at
the High School Auditorium at elgbt
o'clock tonight will be Mayor Cox,
President Knight of the Board of
Trade, Dr. War, ’ President of the
Anti-Tuberculosis and Sanitary So
ciety, Mr. H. Murphy, Dr. Bradley,
City Physician and Health Officer;
Professor Pound, Superintendent of
Schools; Rev. R. A. Brown, Mr. f. C.
Sauls, President of the Central. La
bor Council; Dr. J. C. Rlppard, Pres
ident of the Ware County Medical So
ciety, and other prominent citlsenr-
The speeches will be ehort and
there will be a general discussion
after each sneecb. Great Interest la
being manifested in “Clean!n(-Uf»
Week” and the meeting will no doubt
be largely attended.
All who attend are asked to taka
with them a list of the places they
know of In the city that peed spec
ial attention. These lists will be cob
lected at the meeting and turned
over to the authortles.
H. C. Seaman
M I i S#
We have much pleasure In announ- >
clng that the building committee hope
tc have the Waycrots Y, M. C. A.,
qomplotcd and ready for business
about the beginning of May, when'
sp-clal exercises ,will be arranged tb
celebrate the event^
The upper story -1$ complete ‘and
the second story almost finished. Th<k
handsome stair way’s are done amt
the main auditorium la now being;
worked on. The bathing pool,Is tiled
and practically flnlahpd and >{ooka
cool and Inviting. The ornamental
front windows are In and in fact the
budding la ao far completed, that '
they are going to allow the Sbrlnera
to hold , their important gathering
there pit April 8th. Waycrosa hg»
looked and lunged to aso thla, build
ing finished and her hopes arc now
coon to be realised. . , 1 ,
A. M. Knigkt
and f>on
: '
■ - ; f •