Newspaper Page Text
ANOTHER WRECK Mass Meeting Tonight
IN YARD HITS At The Tabernacle
\ ATHLETIC park.
Also A Special Song Service.
disastrous wreck occurred early
tjiis morning on A. C. L. railroad, al
most in center of town, resulting in
the sad* death of Conductor W. G.
Kendrick of Brunswick, and injuring
negro fireman, named VV. Frlzell of !
Atlanta, Ga., April ^2.—Governor
| Brown has offered ten rewards ofi
jtlOO each for men charged with mur
der in Washington county Jenkins
county and Telfair county, the com
plete list follows:
Conducted By Mr. and Mrs. Butler
Special Sermon By Dr. Phillips.
* A fine crowd braved the weather
last night and greeted Dr. Phillip:*
and Mr. and Mrs. Butler nt Central
Baptist church last night.
The singing was fine, and Dr. Phil
lips expressing his wonder and de
light at such a crowd In such weath
er, gnve one of his delightful Diblo
reading studies, Interspersed with
clear cut admonition and arguments
that was so much enjoyed. At tho
close of the service four more Joined
the Central Church. It seemed as
though the weather and all conspired
together with God’s pnovldence to
bring the people closer toegther in
earnesnesst for service. Today cot
tage prayer meetings were held at
the following homes and tTie atten
dance showed growing Interest and
the blessing to be derived from such
service. Tho meetings were at hom
es of Mrs. M. L. Moore, Mrs. 'E. H.
Keed, Mrs. J. IJ. Pugh, Mrs. John
Lott, Mrs. J. T. Ross and Mrs. D. F.
Tonight there will be a great mass
meeting held especially for tho rail
road men and their wives and fami
lies. Dr. Phillips Is especially inter
ested In the railroad workers and
wherever he goes tjiey always crowd
tc, hear him. He will preach a spe
cial sermon foe their benefit.
Mr. ond Mrs. Butler have prepared
a special and delightful musical pro
gramme and that will start at 7:15
and will worth a crowd to, hear It.
It Is to bo hoped a mighty crowd of
citizens will be present there tonight
und hear the beautiful singing and
enjoy the privilege of hearing this
pilghty man of God proclaim tho
One hundred dollars for Dennis
Boyer, who killed Jim Mason in Wash
intton county in 1907.
One hundred dollars for Julius Mad*
j Ison, who kjjlled Will Edwards In
Washington county in 1910.
One hundfed dollars for Lee Smith
who killed Louis Brown In Washing-
Special to The Herald.
Washington, Df C., April 12.—Prac
tically all of the patriotic and veter
ans’ organizations of the District ot
Columbia held special exercises to
day in observance of the fiftieth an
niversary of the firing on Fort Sum
ter. which event marked the com-
mcncement of the civil war.
Special to The Herald.
Laporte, Ind., April 12.—The twel
fth annual State convention of In
ti ksmiths and horseshoers
assembled In this city today for a
two days’ session. Members of the
association from every section of the
Slate are In attendance.
Features of the opening session
were an address of welcome by May
or Darrow and a response for the
visitors by President F. J. Perry.
i Spartanburg, S. C., April 10.—Heart
broken over the death of her husband
in a local hospital this afternoon, Mrs.
W. Y. Dunlap of Union, S. C., dfed sud
ctenly one hour and a half later while
oo a train bearing her home
Mrs. Dunlap's daughter, who accom
panied her, probably rode several
miles beside her mother before she
discovered that she w,:s dead.
was Instantly killed and fearfully
The escape of Flagman Edinfleld
was miraculous, he was with the Con
ductor In the caboose, when the col-
Lsion occurred. The fearful compact
burst the caboose Into splinters and
he was thrown through tho gap In
the car and escaped with slight inju
ries. The frame of the caboose was
carried on by the engine through the
other cars and no wiles under the
prostrate engine.
Engineer Dodge was In charge of
the Savannah freight and escaped in
jury. Whether he Jumped from the
engine when he raw the danger or
x.ot, is not known. But it is stated
that when parties reached the wreck,
they found the engine hnd never been
cut off, but It is possible that the Jar
may have put the steam on again.
Conductor Kendrick’s body was
carried to the undertaker, and Mrs.
Kendrick and her children came in
on early tralp from Brunswick to
take charge of the remains.
of tho oldest
Special to Tho Herald.
Eugene, Ore., April 12.—Nearly two
hundred delegates, representing the
o'angelical Sunday schools of the
state, are in Eugene for tho 26th an
nual convention of the Oregon Sun-
Jay School Association, which met
today for a throe day’s session. Six
ty of the most prominent Sunday
school workers on tho Pat!"e coast
If sympathy cost money, hardly
anybody would ever get It.
Veils, Veiling, Belts In fact almost
anything a lady needs, can be found
at The Bon Ton. 2t
who killed Missouri McDuffie, in Tel
fair county, in 1911.
iter Hats
iter Shoes N
>ter Shirts
iter Suits
Mew belt pins and beltings, 25o
and 50c.
12 2t Humphreys & Williamson.
Mr. Kendrick was one
conductors on the system and was
highly respected by all who knew him.
., will moot Wednesday
2:30. Regular meeting.
Three choice residence lots for
ale, cheap; Brunei and Marlon
streets. Apply to A. P. Perbam, 8r. r
n if Herald office right now. 10 lOt
Line of Women
and Childrens’
Special to Tho Herald. ,
Washington, D. C., April 12.—The
College Men’s-Democratic League has
completed arrangements for Its Jcr-
ftrson’s birthday banquet to be given
tomorrow night at the New Willard
The principal addresses of the eve
ning will bo delivered by Speaker
Champ Clark of the House of Repre
sentatives; Dr. Thomas Nelson Page,
the well known author, and Warren
atfferson Davis, president of the or
ganization under wbosf auspices the
ianquet will take place.
for you are not likely to get such an
other real estate opportunity again,
in a hurry.
you arc after, and are prepared to
sell It to you for a really low prico
and on the most liberal terms. Don't
delay coming to see us about It, or
prompter buyers wllf snap’ up tho
beat bargains. e
- By arrangements with Sheriff Pitt*
I I man, Deputy Sheriff C. A. Bennett,
L* had entire charge of the books
and collections of the Sheriff’s office.
' erdaj Mr. W. J. Mullis and Mr.
C. C. Buchanan, Jr., checked up the
H quarter’s work and found that Mr.
! Bennett had collected In taxes and
executions, etc., more than 922,000.
And It checked up correctly, to a
penny. This la a fine report and
! shows correct and faithful attention
to duty. We congratulate both Dep*
l^/ iuiy and Sheriff.
It tskes aTl sort of men to make a