Newspaper Page Text
The boys are disappointed that
have not been able to secure
anathletic park either location se-
fleeted .from the A. C. L. Railroad,
bui the changes in trackage propos
ed will eliminate the old grounds,
while the otjier ground is said to be
near the hospital anti the noise will
disturb the patients. This is rather
a curious objection in view of the
fact that the same ground is occu
pied by carnivals continually with
jttll "their noise and clamor. But Mr.
jKnight is now busy trying for anotk-
. A place.
our. opinion, the matter is up
the city, Waycross should with
out question supply the boys with a
park and give them a means and op
portunity for healthful recreation.
There are one or two good loca
tions that could be secured now at
reasonable cost and would be a val
uable and growing asset to the city.
Time is passing. let's do something.
Waycross is .the only totvn of any
aizt in Wiregrass that has not pro
vided a park for the boys and yet she
toss MORE boys than any other town
in the Wiregrass.
Its Deputy McNeil now, and condi
tions around the Sheriff’s office at
court house are returning the normal
building and Interior work on
the new depot and Express building
la pratically complete, but the delay
agaffi. Sheriff Pittman is being eon- Ja opening is caused by delay In the
gr&tulated on securing the services; delivery of furniture and some ape-
of Mr. W. A. McNeil. He is a' fial fixtures that are necessary. The
strong capable man, with a good bus-; A. C. L. railroad officials nre anx-
inets and official record, and v.ill be!* 0118 to open up In their new quar-
a valuable assistant to our^glieriff at Iters, but will not do so until every-
this time. Already Deputy McNeil thing is in apple pie’order, and they
looks quite at home in the office and'^'e probably waiting to catch n lull
says “hello boys’’ with all the cordial- to the railroad businesB, for an op- original line of thought
it/ and dignity of an old official.
Mr. McNeil was sheriff of Brooks
county for a number of years and
gave up**the office of ills own accord.
He will make a .most efficient and
capable officer
To’ our mutual interest your pre
scriptions will be compounded in the
most scientific method known to
pharmacy by an experienced pharma
cist at Red Cross .Pharmacy. Phone
440. We deliver the goods. 28 lw
petticoats, $3.50 and $5.00 at
/Rev. C. E. Wren, the pastov of
Jesup Baptist 'Church, was elected
President of the Piedmont Sunday
School Convention yesterday.
Wren has recently taken charge ot
tto? work at Jesup. He is a Virgin-
inn by birth and r. .very attractive
earnest speaker, and a great addition
to the Piedmont Association.
Hhe spoke yesterday on The ideal
Sunday School,” and dev. loped - an
ami made
po.tuulty to alter and lay new r track- /many practical suggestions that were
a S' e - _ LgrePtly enjoyed. He closed Ills ad-
One very encouraging sign of pros
perity and proof that things are mov
ing in Waycross is the remarkable
patronage at our various hotels. The
LaGrande, Phoenix and Virdle are
completely filled up all the time, and
a glance at the register dally will
i-Low a constant stream of , transient
The comparison of the register of
today tilth one a few. years ago,
shows a striking difference, that im
presses one with the fact that Way-
27 3t cross, isjiigcoming much of a town.
A Gentleman’s Haberdasher
It's the natty little “Fixings” that
lend grace and elegance to the
summer man's apparel, nobby
shirts, ties, pretty hosiery, with a
dainty line of underwear.
Most extensive plans have been <j,cts with the following points: For
prepared calling for a complete ^ successful Sunday .school, we neod
change In track lines for handling a } ieat j ideal, a hard Ideal and a
freight and passenger service. It Is heart ideal.
planned so that when complete, most'* Mr. R. D. Howell, County School
of the freights will enter yards with; commissioner e
out bnving to para through the center Epoke on 8nme 8ObJt . 0t . *, |B j| nc or
of town. ( . , ‘thought was extremely practical.
It Is stated that the removal to j hooking at the Sunday school through
udw depot and the pulling down of • b j s experience in, iirerary school
old depot and relaying tracks, will be ^ vorkt be brushed aside the policies
done simultaneously and will be one ^ tlxut so often hinder Suctessfjil Sun-
of the quickest jobs Waycross has ^ .j-y sc hool work and got down on a
j business basis. Ills statements
were frank and fearless and were
thoroughly enjoyed by those present.
One of the features of the night
service was the delightful Ringing
of the Bunn-Bell choir, led by Prof.
Zetgler, arranged upon the platform
behind the pulpit, they gave forth a
£pat volumne of swwt song.
The organizers of • tJ»o' convention
ate much disappointed at the - very
small attendance of out of tjj|
egetes, but this is probahly/^ue to
the'unsettled weather, t£e fact that
so many are busy on their farms
and probably the convention has not
beer, very thoroughly advertised. But
those present are much enjoyin'g the
Mr. Geo. W. Andrews, Field Set
rotary of the Sunday School Board,
was the speaker of the evening and
for nearly one-hour fc* entertained
those present with one of the most
original talks on Sunday school work
ever heard in Wayoross. He Inter
spersed his address -with Witty per
sonals and his ecceptric method of
handling his subject,* wjll impress it
on the minds of his .hearers in Bitch
way that It will/ result in grent
You want to remember that the
city delivery window at the posoffico
will not open tomorrow, Sunday.
Under orders from postolilco de
partment, there will be no further de
livery of city mail on Sundays and
the i»d$tofllce clerks will get a day
of rcsjnon the Sabbath.
Complying juriH Instructions from
c- Department at Washington, the
p;* Irons of the Post Office are noti
fied that on Sunday April 30th., the
General Delivery, Carriers’ and Stamp
Stindows will be closed and on every
Sunday thereafter. •
24 6t C; E. Murphy, Postmaster.
The Highroads enthusiasts returned
from Baxley last night and report a
fine meeting and lots of enthusiasm
for the highway via Baxley and a
strong intelligent movement is now
underway to build across tho Altaina-
ha river, if his bridge can be built
it will make a practically direct con
nection from Augusta to .Jackson
feel “summery” is an easy matter
to a man who trades here.
The Waycross city band wlU give
another of their delightful concerts
in the park tonight. They w)U use
their beautiful new instruments,, arid
will havo' special music prepared Tor
the occasion. Go out and enjoy the
Prominent landowners ant) those in
terested in the development of the
agricultural and mlrflrnl lands (Of
Georgia, were called together 1 con
ference at Atlanta yesterday, to dis
cuss the great Land Congress pro
posed by the Atlanta Constitution.
Mr. George Deen went from Way-
cross. This proposed Congress, means
great things for'the development of
the lands of Georgia and especially
the Wiregrass district.
Columbus, Ua„ April 29.—Girard
Overby reached the city thl, mom-
inn from the gtate farm and ‘yjt with
Thomas E. Strlppllng this afternoon
for Mlllctlgevllle. Tin;, prisoner was
net hand-cuffed. ” *■ " •
Ordinary Manner Thomas, T. J.
McClellan and County Commlaslonci
‘r. .1. Miller returned laet night from
Del-und, Flo., where thoy went as tho ; to bo folt all around!
I 1 gupsts of the 1‘aolly Jail Company,
Alee Temple. t ^ | n()Wct the now , a ,| down there.
I this auspicious
Savannhh, On., April 29.—Thore
are ninny swelled heads jn Savannah
today. The answer?
Xobles of the Myotic .Shrine enJoyed| Mr H |^ verH edde, ifbe genlaf
n ceremonial aesslon bite last night, Representative of the Paully Co., ae-
There were Quests preSi-ut from A' 1 ' j c /np(l filed them and proved a de*
sunta, Macon, Atlanta, Albany, Vai-j ll K btful host Mr. Thomas ami his
dorta, Waycross and other paints j com mlttee were delighted with tho
and the occasion was one that was!j a) | They found, it a comodtous
g!early enjoyed. I structure of brick, admirably,. Sited
Potentate Cutts was St tits best nndj UJ) all 1 the modern convenlenc-
he had the tyrls give i show that CT of aD uptmdate Jail. The build
Ing Is arranged to look like a large
private dwelling und the Inside
entirely deleted with cement, with
specially constructed vcnlllatjon, mak
Ing It thoroughly safe and sanitary.
Tho new Jail plans for Ware call
for the same style of building, but
with much more commodfous Interior.
The DeLand Jail will accomodate
about 60 prisoners. The Ware Jail
will accomodate 90.. Also the new
tail will hftve specially arranged male
and female fpsane cells.-,'- . „
The county commissioners have not
st decided on the Jail, but will al
lot the'bid at th’dr meeting next
Tuesday. ,'gj
Ordinary Thomas states. tSi.-ii De
Richmond, Ky., April 29.—FoijjJep
Major C. B. Woods yesterday after
noon shot a runaway horse to save
from injury two young girls wjjto had
'lost control ot the animal. The' horsd
driven to a buggy, became frighten
ed by tho breaking of h piece of‘the
harness. In (he buggy were' Ray
ana issle Million, who with difficul
ty had held themselves In. Many
futilo attempts were made to stop
tho runaway, and ns ,tho horse ap
proached the Woods jibine Mr. Wood*
rushed into the house and grabbed
his rlfln. ‘ i •
Land Is one of I lie most heaullfut
places ho has visited. Orange groves,
peach orchards and grape trcee. be
ing seen all around. They are now
busy gathering peached and grape
fruit, and a line air of prosperity lg
Between the how depot and Ex
press office will be left quite u largo
loco of vacant land. Wo suggest,/It
such Is not already planned), that
the A. C. L. company can lay that
out In u most attractive little park^
with grass and shrubs and’ flowers,
that will bo restful and attractive la
tho passengers. ^ J -
Ot course, the cow becomes a prob
lem to confront, hut probably’ the.
vahroud intends to fence iu llirit
particular tract. In muny of tile
northern states these depot gardens
arf made very attractive^ and form
a lino advertisement, tholr beauty im*
pressng the location on tho memory
fniever. In traveling through • Fug-
land, tho beautiful depots alwaysat*
tract the attention of vislors. There
the railroads companies offer yearly
prizes to the depot agent or station
master who designs and maintains
the prettiest degjot yard, and the
competition for honors is keen, la
our Sunny Sdptttland we seem to
rutiier pride ourselves on Just hovr
barren ye can make out depots look,,
but we will do better in* Waycross..
have; been wwrtii seeing Judging
from the yella that cabio out of tho
bail in the Knights of‘Fythias. build
ing where the. ceremony took - place.
The next JMirney of tho Temple
whi be to (’olund.uf. . .
W. Morgan ^oikii Will Graduate.
\Ye ackniwled with appreciation
the receipt of an irivlteiion to attend
the commencement exercises of he
Atlanta College ofj
Surgeons on
ness the graduatl
gan Folks, son
zen. Dr. Frank
late the young
To wit
in Mor-
family on
if you have property, for solo or to
rent. We are doniijktlr rocemax
InqyfWes fir deslrabUA houses, stores
and building sites.
WE HANDLE real estate
for some of the largest holders in tb||
rity and will bo glad ty j^lcr yo^H
them as to our motboiy
businf HS. I
A. M