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Editor Waycross Herald,
Dear Sir: —
Will you please allow me space in
your paper to reply to letter printed
In Waycross Journal of yesterday
Bignejl J, B. Thrasher and Your Mem
bers. First, I will say I believe that
had Rev. Thrasher been as- fair to me
as the writer of the letter signed
sonaJ stab at one of bis fellow towns- J PIEDMONT ASSOCIATION
Seventh, The man who says or even
Insinuates that I have ever been in
bankruptcy is a liar and is not a de
sirable member of any church.
Eighth, I have never asked Rev.
Thrasher and I trust not his writer
to vote for me and I will gladly fur-
»Your Members he
would not have n,8h ci ‘ hor wlth a P ern,,t 10 votB for
handed same in to be printed.
Second, I don’t think it jmt exnetl*-
right for Rev.Thrasher to have a letter
printed bringing in personalties when
he admits lie does not know the au
Third, I don’t think a pastor of an
church should not embarass his mem
bers by handing for publication-private f
communication signed Your Members, | * nm Eti11
when I am sure the’members of his! 011 my recor( *
either of my opponents.
Ninth, When I have anything for
the newspaper in the way of com-
Jiunlcations I will always furnish
same under my own signature and
will never be the COWARDLY CUR
„ j to stab any Citizen of this city or any
other with a letter of similar charac
ter without it.
villing to stand j rlsin,
member of the
Reports of Various Com
Were Elected
To Be Given—These Con
certs Have Been
Greatly Enjoyed
cnurch feel like as a member of same,
the name of the real writer should ap
Fourth^ I know' and have known all
my life that Trinity church has a* J
ways had and now lias on Its mom• j
bership roll, some of the very besi
j City Council and with the help of the
.citizens of Waycross I expoct to glv
Waycross an impartial administra
tion for the next two years.
Yours truly,
people and most gonsecrated Chrio j WEEK OF PRAYER, OCT. 2-8, 1911.
tiane to be found. The Home Mission Society of. First
Fifth, I notice the letter from Rev. | Methodist Church will hold their an-
Thrasher and the letter referred to and nual week of prayer next week at the
handed in for publication at The Way- church. The serviced will begin
criss Horaty was (written by the
same man—and not marked copy.
Sixth, It seems quite strange that if
the anonymous writer of the letter to
Rev. Thrasher had have mantod same
published he would have done so to
Rev. Thrasher had nave wanted same
promptly at 4 p. m., and will be in
teresting, instructive and uplifting.
You are cordially invited to attend
these services.
Mrs. Whitley Langston, President.
Mr. .pen Wyley, of Blacksbear
pastoff the notoriety of a direct per- spent today in the city.
The sessions of the Piedmont Bap
tist Association today was devoted to
the hearing of reports on foreign mis*
clour, Sunday schools, ministerial, aid,
etc. A collection for the orphanage,
at Hop.eville was taken up amounting
to about $18.00.
Following executive committee of
the association was elected: Rev. W. ! leader, Mr
H. Scsuggs, Rev. W. J. Car3\yes„! prove rap.i
Jugde T. A. Parker, Mr. T. W. Mor- en
Waycross; Prof. R. D. IIow- j tb
ard, of Blacksbear; M. L. E. Roberts. : have in the past shown that they
of Brunswick; Rev. B. D. Purcell, Jos-1 predate the efforts or the men,
up; Mr. J. K. Larkin, Hoboken. ! coming out by the hundreds to h
Trustees for three years -for Bunn* j them.
Bell Institute were elected as follows: , - 1 - 1 ■ ■ -
Rev. W. P. Price, pastlr ‘ First Bap
tist Church, Waycross; Col. Robert L.
Bennett, Jesup; Mr. T. W. Morrison,
Waycross; Mr.- W. S. Davis; of Hobo
BlaCkshear was ■selected as the next
place for the holding of the annual
sessions of tFe Piedmont Associa-
Rome, Sept. 29.—It Is officially an
nounced here that Italy and Turkey
! are in a state of war, beginning lit
! half past 2 o’clock on the afternoon
I of Friday, September 29.
I The reason is given' that Turkey
j has failed to meet the demands con-
—* | tained in the Italian ultimatum.
The Waycross Band will play an- j Italy will provide for the safety of
other of those delightful 'rc'jrrrt* < Italians nn d all other foreigners in
tonight, weather permitting. Only.j Tripoli and .Cyrene, using to this end
lour more weeks remain for thes* a *I t,l ° means at her disposal,
popular concerts, and they have been | The blockade of the entlro coast of
successfully carried on so far by tin* | Tripoli and Cyreneica will bo under-
men who have given their time and I taken Immediately and notlilca-
money. The band under ita present. Hon of this act will be sent to all neu-
L. M. Cornell, will im- tral powers,
nnd with several play-1 The Mfnieter of Marine Is believed
icmfig they hope in future to give j to have sent wireless orders to the
best of :r : uc to the public, who | Italian fleet off Tripoli to act Immo
Engineer J. J. Thotnos was injured j
yesterday by a piece of iron falling | ^ ' formerIy occupled by the Way .
on hs foot. The ac-cMent was a very c:0fiB ^,j d storage Company, next to
A new enterprise for Weycross Is
the E. V. Jones Produce Company,
'.vhlch\bcsins business under the most
favorable circumstances. The new
ou.pany will be* located in tbe build.
painful one. Mr. Th oma’.^wfl ibrou Kht
to his borne on Lott street lag nt;
J. E. Vann & Company.
Mr. E. V. Jones, who will bo mana
ger of tbe new concern, Is well nnd
favorably knqpvn to the people of
Waycross and this section. He Is a
business man of wide experience, and
the success of the E. V. Jones Pro
duce Company Is ussured.
ft F
rii .. ..
This action followed a meeting of
the cabinet at 17 o’clock at which It
Yf.n d added to proceed with the meas
ure- previously determined upon.
Trouble between Italy and Turkey
which- culminated this afternoon in a
declaration of war at Rome, dates
back to 1578 when with the making of
the treatj*. concluding the Russo-
Turkic!i war, the powers are under
stood to havo agreed to permit Italy a
"pacific penetration of Tripoli.” Ti»-
key claims this rght has been respec
ted ever since.
Italy has colonized Tripoli until her
interests in that African province ar»
very great. She has asserted, how
ever, that her subjocts have been, mis
treated by tbe Ottoman authorities
and constantly discriminated against.
The official announcement was made
lato this afternoon. It declared that
the two countries were in a state of
war, beginning at half past 2 o clock
on the afternoon of Friday, Septem
ber 29.
This Is the hour at which the Ital-
Touched On Foreign Mis
sions, The Regis
tration Law, Etc
A Look at The New Fait Clothes,
Shoes, Hats
and Furnishings
Cpnvince You That
You can get as goodgoods
and as nice Styles as are
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Much Less.
Hon. Thomas E. Watson arrived in
Waycross last night, from Douglas,
where he spoke yesterday. All the ar
rangements had been completed for
the speaking here today, and Mr. Wat
son spoke from a platform erected
on the corner of Teheau nnd Eliza
beth streets. He began speaking at
10:20 and spoke for an hour and ft
half. I
Air. Watson spoke on foreign mil*
stona, tbe fee system and the Geopfila
registration law. Ha ulao touched ozf
tbe present system In force in Geor-
gia In regard to the purchasing of
school books. Tbe crowd hearing
•Mr. Watson was estimated to be be*'
tween live and six hundred. A num
ber of ladles attended the speaking.
While in Waycross Mr. Watson was
a guest of LaGrnnde Hotel.
Every man In Waycross must not
fall to bear Prof. Any on the special
subject that will do tho saint and tbe
sinner good. Special music will be
rendered by tho quertetL Don't tor*
get that all men are welcome whetb-
lan ultimatum to Turkey expired. It' er a member or not, the doora are
followed a eeitlon of the cabinet at open to nil. All mothers are urged
which the Turkish reply was consld- to prny for tbe salvation of their lor-
Fite hundred children and a large
ered and found unsatisfactory.
Though every Indication pointed to
thia acton by tbe royal government,
there wna always a possibility that
the good office, of other govern-
menu would be successful In avoid,
number of ladlea attended tbe Red hostilities, and when the final de-
Goose reception at Wllkea Co., atnre c |,| on 0 j the cabinet waa announced
yesterday afternoon. Tbe Red Goose the excitement throughout the city
which/Is advertising the Red Gooee WM intense.
1 Throughout th. earlier hour, of the
" 1,11 "" ’ * day the papers had issusd special edl
Wilkes Co., has attracted a great deal
of attention the past week while tak-
Ing a stroll down tbe atreets of the
city. Especially, have hundreds of
children enjoyed the goose. Delight
ful refreshments were served the
large crowd yeeteroay by Wilkee Co.
Special Tp The Herald.
Omaha, Neb., BepL 30.—President
Taft will arrive here at 8 o’clock to*
morrow morning and will remain In
tbe city until Monday morning ti the
gneat of the Omaha Club. From the
tlon be will he taken to the clnb
breakfast and then will attend
. *1
[. for
The Trinity Epworth League woe
most delightfully entertained at a
Conversation party last night by the
Misses Anson and Minnie ojnee at
their horn, on A. and Thomas streets.
Much fun was occasioned by the dif
ferent. topics rip for discussion and
when the evening ' wes over then
could he no doubt, even In the minds
of the hostess that everyone preeent
had thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
Among those preterit were Mlttee.
Nell Rogers, Sallte Mae Brlerly,
Merle BoetUck, Mis* Wade, Gladys
and Helen Orrel, Helen Prldgeon,
Florence Smith, Mis* Odom, Alyt
Hyatt, Emma Strlckand, Fannie Hill,
Miss Miller, Lida Ruble, Anson and
Minnie Jones; and Meters. Charlie
Joner, oJe Gibbs, George Smth, Ol-
lle Dupont, Jake Phillips, George
Phillips, Hermta, John and Jesse
tlons announcing that the Italian fleet
was moving In plain tight of the coast
of Tripoli and Intimating that war
might be declared at any moment.
Tbe minster of foreign affairs, Slg-
ror Di San - Glultano, received tbe
Turkish reply from the Turkish am
bassador thle morning and Immediate
ly went Into conference wth hi* aato-
cele In tbe ministry. It Is understood
that the Ottoman government com
pletely conceded Italy 1 * economic
plans In Tripoli, bnt evaded a direct
answer demanded by thin government
which bad let forth In Its ultimatum
that T.rkey n.b** .ay that »*.*. would
resist the proposed occupation of
Tripoli end Cyrene.
church. In the afternoon he will d»
liver an address at the Auditorium
under the auspices of th* Y. M. C.
of your own or rented, hi within
Instead, the Port* sent a.concilia- A „ ttat J0U bare to do If In-
tory note suggesting further delay. It qulra of ua p* r baps you bare bad
was known that at tho same time troub|e houle .b,intln* at other
Turkey tranamlttsd a note to the pow , times.
ers in which it Is assumed that *h* | LET 08 «N3W YOUR WANTS,
represented herself as the Injured Qdbl llMr we wlB bare some-
ty, and by Inference at least, sought, th|(lg j u(t au tted to you on our Usta,
their Intervention. i We have a numhar of Ideal places
The Royal government decided to j juat now.
stmd absolutely by It* ultimatum of j ja og mm
yesterday, end In the absence of the j XXwlltt,
rridsreirn. Will Connor, Mr. Wella, reply called for, to declare Italy and’, 0 m ___
:<t. Rowland, Dr. Marks. Will Capps, Turkey In a state of war from the! Ot. OOIl
y i-*::ry*. ;.ee Cutter and Mil hour Gut the ultimatum of 24 hour*'REAL *•*»"■? ".surancW
LSYg^saKiaMMS^fifl ^jgL -nsfttdf? ,{■ / aSSSTA