Newspaper Page Text
'i--, *"
FROM SMITH COUNTIES FtIkston, Ga., Oc- L—At a raeetin,
of citizenB of Charlton county, Geor
gia, and of Nassau and Duval coun-
Formal Announcement 'of, Ues > F,orlda ’ at Caltoban Fesl<,rda >' a
proposition for the bridging of thv.
j St. Mary's river at some point west
j'of'fte Atlantic Coast Lino Railriad
was launched.
The bridging of the river west oi
: the railroad will get above the head
j of navigation and eliminate the tie-
j ceesty of a draw brige.
j The proposition ie to build a new
road in ?. practically straight line
, from Callahan to Folketon, which
Ex-Governor To Ap
pear Now Soon
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 2.—While they
have undertaken no active work for
their candidate, leading frieqffs of
Governor Joseph M. Brown in Atlan
ta have been astonished by the large
number of .sanguine voluntary re
sponses to his .announcement for the
pending gubernatorial contest that
have come in.
They called specific attention to a
few notable ones Saturday.
From Houston county, which ad
joins the county of one of the other
candidates, one writes:
“Houston county is stronger than
ever before for Joe Brown. He will
carry it by a handsome majority."
One of the most assuring came from
Colquitt, another South Georgia coun
ty, as follows:
"I do not think a Joe Brown club
will be organized here, simply for the
reason there ir, r.o necessity for it be
ing done. So far ns I can learn prac
tically the entire county is for Gov- j
ernor Brown, and there will bo but
little opposition to him."
Friends writing from Walton, the
present “home county" of Judge Rus
sell, say Governor Brown is the
strongest of the candidates diwn
I “Many of the life-long fr&ridi of
^ y ^udge Russell here are opposing him
Wants To Dispose of Some
Important Questions
Before Resigning
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 2.—Governor
Hoke Smth will resign the office of
governor on a date between the 15th
and 20th of November.
Organization oi i HOLDER WILL
Street Railway! BE REFEREE
The stockholders dl the Waycross An Executive Committee to have ROUND-STATE-TOUR
Street and Suburban Railway Com- the charge of the affairs of tils com-
pany met this morning in the offices pany was also selected consisting of i
of Messrs. Wilson, Bennett & Lamb- Gel. W, Deen, T. H. Calhoun, uno L. j Acted In S3I71C Capacity
In The Big Tour
Last Year
din, in LaGrande building, to. com- J. Cooper.
plete the organization of that com- Messrs. Wilson, Bennett & Lamb- j
pany. A franchise was granted this •din, were selected ns attorneys forj
company by the Secretary of State this company. J Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 2.—Hon. John X.
on the 1st day of September author- Propositions were then read from j Holder, of Jefforjln, Ga., speaker of
izing it to construct a street railroad different contractors and engineers ihe house of representatives, well-
sonville a little more than twenty
l miles shorter than the present route
' via King’’* Ferry and the Nassau river
into Jacksonville.
It is proposed to build a public
bridge across the St. Mary’s, the ex
pense which will be borne jointly by
Charlton county and Nassau county.
bitterly on account of the whiskey
plar.k In his platform. Many of the
former Hoke Smith men are lukc-
{warm toward Pope Brown, some say
ing he cannot win, others that they
don't care if Joe Brown is elected,
others that they are going to vote for
Joe Brown." . s
Excepting some informal work by
bis friends, no immediate campaign
will be undertaken for Governor
Brown. Pending hi3 formal announce
ment, which will not be before the
middle or latter part of the month,
in the city of Waycross with exten- for the construction and equipment of
eiona to Blackshear and WaresHoro as the lines of this railroad ,nnd the Ex-
hereto before noted in these columns, ocntfve Committee were instructed
The stockholders of tills company and empowered to proceed at once
met this morning and completed their and close contracts for the immediate
board of dl- construction of a street railway in the
quit ttio office of governor about the rectors consisting of Oeo. W. Occn, city of Waycross along the strode
time mentioned, for the purpose ot L. Cooper, T. H. Calhoun, h. A. designated In the frnhchlse which wnr
qualifying as n United gtates senator Wilson, 1 -. H. Burnet,
from Georgia.
Some weeks ago Governor Smith ; T * Brinson and H. D. Watt. , The officer
The public announcement to this
effect has not been made by Governor
Smith, but it is stated on good aw
short piece of road front Calls-1 thorltJr that h0 haB ' determined to 'organization hy electing
han ti the Duval county line, will
moke the distance from hero to Jack-
. \V.'Lnnibdln, John T, Myers, W,
Brinson and II. D. Watt.
granted to this company a year
known newspaper man and prospec
tive candidate for governor, congress
man and other offices ,of position and
dignity, has consented to repeat his
splendid* performance of last year and
act ns referee in the coming Good
Roads Tour Around Georgia.
Mr. ’Holder, as will bo recalled,
made a splendid official in the Round
the Stnte Tour of 1910, and so well
of this company stato ^ did his management please particl-
stated unofficially that he thought lie After the adjournment of the stocky that this enterprise lias ample finan- j pants in the tour that-several of thosa
would resign about November 1, nnd holders the dire,-lore mot and elected rinl hacking and that they will pro- who took the trip ttnd who oxpect to
that was his original intention. j the following officer;;: George \V. can-! at once upon the construction ot
However several matters have Deen, president: T. II. Calhoun, dm th<-ir street railway system nnd that
arisen since that tlpio which demand vice president; J. L. Sweat, second within a few months they will have
the governor's attention ,and which vice president; H. U. Burnett, sec- tlinlr lines In actual operation and
make It Impossible for him to relln- retary, nnd L. J. Cooper, treasurer, making regular schedules.
quish the office until those matters ■ . ■ —
are disposed of or put in shape for
Ills successor to handle. I
Sliver skin, Pearl and Yellow Onion j
sets. Best quality, at Redding'*. |
25 ISt I
preliminary organizations will he
formed ond everything prepared for
a rousing finish.
■ A
A Look at The New Fall Clothes,
Shoes, Hats
and Furnishings
Will Convince You That
You can get as good goods
and as nice Styles as are
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Much Less.
Waycroxs, Ga., Sept. 20, 1911.
I Given Away by The First To the Editor of the Herald;
National Bank to its I Reply to Rov. ,r n. Thrasber'a In,
Patrons jqulry In Friday's Journal, 1 wish to
Isay that 1 am In favor of the present
j Stato and city prohibition lawB, and It- by jj ra> Frank Howell, whose beautl*
The Frst National Bank, with Its I elected mayor I will do all within my| fu , ,, alway , hear(1 wlt|l pleaa .
usual u|,to-date enterprise, Is now power to secure their Impartial en- urt - an j Mr j ame , Morgan. The fob
forcemeat. j lowing program will bo given, to
It has come to mo that eomo of the wftlch the public !• Invited;
outer this year's tour, have urged that
Mr. Holder again* bo chosen for this
important post.
Program cf Organ Recital to be Given
Tuesday, October 3, at 8 P. M.
The organ recital to be given Tues
day night at the Presbyterian Church
on the beautiful new pipe organ by *
Mr. Jno. L. E. Daniel, promises to be
one of the most delightful over given
In the city. Mr. Daniel is a magnifi
cent organist and the fact that he
will give the first recital on the organ
1b an assurance that Its very best
quaities will be brought out.
Mr. Daniel will be assisted
giving out to its friends and patrons
a valuable little book, entitled, "Geor
gia Laws Made Plain," und it Is just
what Its name implies.
There ore about 100 pages In the
book, including an index, and it con
tains all the Georgia laws needed by
the ordinary person; expressed ,in
plain language, and easily found from
the lnder.
The Herald Is advised that the bank
has a few of these books yet on hand,
and any of its friends or patrons who
have not been supplied with one can
get it by calling at the bank, aa long
aa the supply lasts.
supporters of other candidates for
mayor arc not satisfied with my for* j e j
mer statements that I am a Democrat. 2
I wish to repeat that I am, and have 3
always been a democrat, and have a>- j
ways voted for democratic candidates,
and huvo never voted for nny candi
date of any other party in any city,
county, stato cl national election.
Yours truly,
L Improvisation—Jno, L. E. Dan-
tion in put at Novemkor 20, at latest,
and it is said he will resign easier it
he feels it incumbent upon him to!
deal with. * ]
2. Fantoria—W. T. Best.
3. Canzone —Harris.
4. Mljnon—Thomas.
5. * Song, “Sundown,” (Mrs. Howell'
Violin Obligato.
0. Serenade—Schubert.
7. Rerceuse—Olsen. -
• 8. Salut d’Amour—Elgar.
4). Song, “The Rosary" (Mr. J. F.
10. Grande Oifertoire—Wely.
11. Elegy—E. Lemaire. -
12. Romance—Zltterlmrt.
Organist, Mr. Jno. L. E. Daniel, Oc-
: :!?J
According to Chairman Wright's. tober 3rd 1911.
view, the candidates for governor and j
the people should be given at least; fresh SHIPMENT OF SEAL
thirty days’ notice of the primary, and j 8 HIPT OYSTERS TONIGHT,.PHONE"' ■ • /'
on tue other hand, he does not think j 288, K, H. BOSTICK. 2 3t
ft should lie fixed too near Christinas’mi ; ■ emrm i i
time when the people will be
—— | busily engaged with the holidays.
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. l.—Chairman W. J Primary About December 9.
I. Wright ot the state executive com- It may ho put down, therefore, that
mlttee announced In Atlanta thla the primary will be called early In
week that he will call a meeting of December, probably about Decembor
the committee within a week after 9, which would be Wednesday, or In
3ov. Hoke Smith' hies his resignation, the middle of the week following. |
which mean* the meeting will be held In thla election will be nominated
the latter part of October or the Drat a candidate for governor anti a can-|
of November. dldate for commlaaloner of the new ,
Chairman Wright aaya he thinks commerce and labor department Juat
the meeting will come about the first created by the General Assembly. AN ELEGANT HOME,
of November. There are three announced candidate of your own or rented, it within
It war stated unofficially at the es for the former position. Judge R. reach. All that you bars to do Is In
nate eapltol today that Gov. smith n. Runell, J. Pope Brown, former quire of |ja. Perhaps you.have had
will resign to tako effect from the state treasurer, and former Governor trouble In house-hunting at other
15th to the 20th of November. . Joseph M. Brown. For labor com- > -.‘mea. .• *
Aa 8oon As Ha Can. mlaaloner there are as yet only two LET US KNOW YOUR WANTS,v
He Snd.i he han several matters to announced candidates, B. Lee Smith,'and quite likely we will have some
clear up. Including the Western and of Atlanta, n well known typographer, thing Juat aultad to you on our lilts,
Atlantic lease propsltlon, the question aad Joreph McCarthy, of Savannah, j We have a number ot Ideal places
of the state's Interest In Tallulah o member cf the Legislature and au- juat Bow.
Fails aad tbs situation In North f tiler of the bill under which the de-
Georgia growing out of the sulphur partment was established,
fame* from the Ducktown copper ■■ ■ ■
mines, and that It will take him Ion* We are headquarters tor low prtaM
ger than he expected to set through'ar.d sexy terms,
with these. The date ot his resign »• it a Home Fnraltut Co.
& Son