Newspaper Page Text
; -—
Says They Will Be Glad To
Pay 12 or 13 for Amer- -
ican Cotton
♦ Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 3.—Harvey Jor-
dan, former president of the Southern
Cotton Growers’ Association and now
head of the Farmers’ Gin Compress
and Cotton Company, has returned to
Atlanta from a business trip to Eng
land and the continent. He has .been
away since August 12, and spent most
of the time among the English spin
Mr. Jordan says the English spin
ners will be glad to get American
• cotton this year at 12 and 13 cents.
Intervention of Powers May End The
Chiasso, Switzerland, Oct. 2.—It is
reported that on Saturday Admiral
Aubrey was suddenly ordered to post
pone the bombardment of Tripoli, as
there were signs of a possibility of
reaching, an understanding with Tur
Noted Sea Fighter And
Prominent in Spanish*
American War
New York. Oct. 2.—Rear Admiral
Winfield Scott Schley dropped dead
Is Proposed—Committee Is
Busy Working Out
The Details
A monthly booster publication for
the city and county Is a proposition
today near the corner of 44th street that will be submitted to the Board
and Fifth avenue, while on his way of Trade memberahip shortly by a
down town.
He had been out of town over Sun
day and on hia return here had gone
committee that is now working out
the details.
So far as is known at this time the
to the New York Yajcht club, on West idea of the publication will be to dc-
44th street. After a short stay at the vote space in each issue to the resour-
club Admiral Schley started to walk ce. and advantages of Waycross and
along 44th street toward Fifth'avenue
when he was taken suddenly ill.
A hurried call was sent for physi
cians, but before aid could reach him
the admiral was dead.
ceived a wireless dispatch stating
that Tripoli had been occupied by the
Two Turkish Torpedo Boats Are
Reported As Sunk.
London, Oct. 2.—A dispatch to
- a Lloyds from Corfu says that two
key through the intervening of cer- Turkish torpedo boats were sunk and
tain powers, thus avoiding a continaa- a third captured off Gumenltsea, near
tlon of the war.
News Dlspach Says Italians Hold
i ; Tripoli.
London, Oct. 2.—A correspondent
at Malta telegraphs this message to
“I am informed by one of the crew
of the British cruiser Aboukir, which
has arrived here,-that the vessel re-
Frevesa, by the patrollng Italian fleet/
Russian Neutrality Will Be Declared.
St. Petersburg, Oct. p.—The Rus
sian declaration of neutrality Is being
drafted and will be sijbmltted to Era-
eror Njcholas/at Yalt. It will not be
issued for a week. ■
Telegrahic Communication With Trh
poll Cut Off.
Ware, and distribute the paper at
fajirs, erposjltions, and other points
where parties interested may be
reached. This plan is said to be
cheaper than booklet distributions, ns
each month it is brought to date and
can carry photos of accomplishments
as soon as desired.
It is Now Captain Brewer
And First Lieut.
George Mayo
Mr. Fred Brewer, second lieutenant
’of Waycross Guards, Company F.
FJrBt Infantry, has received his com
mission bb captain from Adjutant
General tV. G. O’Bear. Mr. Brewer
succeeds Capt. Warren Lott, resigned.
Mr. George W. Mayo, sergeant, has
also received his commission as llrst
lieutenant of the company, succeed-
Forepaugh and Sells Bros.'
Shows Announced for
Early Appearance.
The Great Adam Forepaugh and
Sells Brothers’ circus will give two
performances in Woycross on Friday
October 20. Added glory attaches to
this show because of tre splendid
impression it has made since its open
ing early in April with Its new $3,-
200,000 oquipment.
For more than fifty years this great
mruson'ent enterprise has expressed
to the minds of everybody who cares
liemenanf or the company, succeea- ^ ^ ^ Qf anulscment
In* John T - Hilrvar ;'' re8ig ”^; /‘•ithe superlative degree of everything
second lieutenancy is to be Ailed la-1 . . . , mm ..
, that pertains to the show business. It
‘ f* . i haa moved steadily onward ana up-
Captain Brewer and Lieutenant)
, ward year by year. No other circus
Mayo aro anxious for every member I
' . i has ever advanced to within sight of
of the company to be present at tne
• it. Though and American institution,
meeting tomorrow night. Those who
expect to attend the Savannah races, 4 .. ..
... known In every country on earth. It
in November should not fail to be , , , .... M
[ has been enjoyed by millions upon
present. millions of the people of the earth.
HUMPH^YsT^L^ONS ; Crowned heeds, royalty. potentates.
MILLINERY OPENING. th * “ ,dd, ° Cla8Be “ aad ‘" 0 " Ca8an -
Although tt ha. been .almost «..«** a " "7 ^ *
' plauded it. Its magnitude and brll-
bearahly warm today, the announce- .....
Nanay have never ceased to be a
ment that the well known millinery,
. . ....... source of wonder.
deparment of Humphreys & William-;
,. . ,, ... , I After an absence of several sea
son would hold t.:cir annual fall and. .....
T . • .. . 1 sobs it now comes, clothed In new
1 winter millinery opening, was enough . .....
I . „ , „ . , . . splendors. In every particular It Is
to bring the ladles out In crowds to , ■ ■
tt Is of the world of all times. M Is
Fights Scheduled For Tonight.
"Knojkout" Brown vs Tommy Gin-
ty, 10 rounds, at New York City. .
Marseilles. France, Oct. 2.—Tele
graphic communication with Tripoli
by way of Malta has been Interrupted
since 4 o'clock yesterday morning.
Turkey Tells Greece Not To, Be
Alarmed. j to bring the ladles out In crowds to ‘ ,
Athens. Greece, Oct. 2.-A m» ' ^ taBd|0Be hala and coat more attractive than ever before. Us
a. say. iuU3 on dlsplay m|89 Scarboro and |long trains, stretching out ever one
I mile of track, groan and creak under
MISS Fleming, who are both well, of worU . wWe ponders
Known and experilhcod milliners nave V. , •
offlcinl statement made today
that the Turkish charge lias informed
the foreign minister that Greece need
not get alarmed.
A Look at The New Fall Clothes,
Shoes, Hats
and Furnishings
Will Convince You That
You can get as good goods
and as nice Styles as are
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Much Less.
charge of tills department and ore
showjfftt’the handsomest and largest
lino of pattern hats shown here in
years, and are especially gracious in
showing their customers their stock.
The show windows, done all In tb»
purple whlch'js to be so popular thlsj
AT Y. M. C. A.
Big Crowd Expected—Re
duced Rates On The
A. C. L.
Next Friday, October Cth, will bo
"Waycross Day” at the South Georgia
Land and Agricultural Expoittton at
Ware county has a very creditable
exhibit at the fair, and a good crowd
from Waycros, and other parts of the
county Is expected to nttend. The
Coast Line has granted a rate of 12.40
for the round trip, and It Is hoped
that all who can possibly do so will
attend on Frldny from this section.
In fact, a regular "booster” delega.
tlon should be In attendance.
Those going to Tlfton Friday wUl
leave here on the regular train St
7:60, and will leave Tlfton on the re
turn trip on a special train about 7:80
Friday evening.
The special meeting of City Coun
cil, scheduled for yesterday afternoon,
was postponod until Thursday night
at 7:30 o'clock. The matter of ap
plications for street car franchises
will come up for consideration.
that have been gathered from every
corner of the earth. The menagerie
tent Is the home of 780 wild beasts,
representing a complete chain of
all animal creation now extant. The
main tent Is the largest spread of
canvas over lif ted ' into - the air. It Is
purple whlch'js to he so popular mu i “
....... „ the most remarkable audience room . .
■earon Is especially attractive. Every ..... lel '
...... J . „|V|, In the world, searing 15,000 persons.
lady In the city is Invited to vtklt
' .. t The organisation of this year num-
Humphreys & Williamsons millinery
.. . hers 1.000 people, of whom 350 are
and up-to-date coat suit department.
the picked stars of Europe. Asia anti
America. In the etablee are 000 hors
es. The Bhow covers ten acree of
grournV The parade In Itself oost
The program arranged for the or
gan recital tonight at the PreBbyter-
Ian church is a most charming one
and troso who mlBS hearing It will
miss a treat. An offering will bp
taken, the proceeds to go towards
paying for the magnificent new organ
which the good ladles of the church
have worked hard for.
Tho program Is as follows: i
1. Improvisation—Jno. L. E. Dan-
Fantosla—W. T, Best. ‘
3. Canzone—Harrli.
4. Mignon—Thomas.
6. Bong, ''Sundown," (Mrs. Howell*
Violin Obligato.'
6. Serenade—Schubert.
7. Berceuse—Olsen.
8. Saint d’Amour—Elgar, i
8. Song, "Tho Rosary” (Mr. J. F.
10. Grande Offertoire—Wely.
11. Elegy—E. Lemalre.
18. Romance—Zlttorbart.
Organist, Mr. Jno. L. E. Daniel, Oc
tober 3rd, 1911. ,
283, H. H. BOSTICK. 2 St
Mr. J. Young Todd, of Donalds, 8 (
C, has been etigaged and will arrive ( |1,000,000. It - .
Thursday to assist Secretary Norvel pi—rsma of the whole world’s blsto-
In the Y. M. C. A. work here. Mr. J ry from the ancient daye of Egyptian
Todd le a college man and hae been ( pagejntry up, to the military specta-
very active In college association clea of modem times. It Is a world s
work. His npeclal work hors will ha j f a | r 0 f knowledge and diversified in-
the physical culture work In whloh ho tercet, a horse fair, a congrees of na-
naa had splendid training and Is well | tlons, s garden of mythology, a gal-
fitted to uke charge of that 'part of j i er y of sculptury, a musical eonven-
the work. Mr. NorvcH'feela very for-j tlon, a congreea of myths and fsrles
tnnsts. In having secured such a vain- and a tremendous zoo, all rolled Into
able man. one grand line three mile* long.
’ This is tlie greatest metropolitan
circus which for many years has been
00VE ^"^VACKSM 1 TH-P-^^r2
„ . „ „ „ . _ | where It makee Its home In the lisa-
Atlanta, Ga. ^ovemor Hok. 1 ^ ^ „ „ tb .
Smith, now 1. a full-fledged, black- Qf „„ whlcU
smith. He we. elected an honorary ^ M| owner , compsr-
member of Local No. 1 of the Interna
tional Brotherhood, of Blackamlthe t ,on, ' ____________
and Helpers at the opening session pQR ^ MA80Ng .
of their thirteenth biennial session,
hero today • . I Special To The Herald.
Following, of welcome by| Fort Worth. Texne. ^ J.-Ttta,
Governor smith. Msyor Winn .„d;"rzt heme for sged Mavens
, .. . . i tahlifhed in the Bou-hweit waa «e<li* AN ILIOANT HOME, .
other, and respens. by *“ ldea ‘ *!"* l A D rllnfto „ ( , , bor dlst .nc.; of y0 „ own or rented. Is tilth!.
w - Ki,n ^^=:: ,e Aft::Tr"s ^ M ic.u« A„
announc y ta P conducted under the auspices of the quire of us. Perhaps you have had
neon a Journal (rand lodge of Texas and wss attend- trouble In house-hunting at other
committee presented Its report end | h ,,
various matter. In tit. hand, of the «l by prominent member, of the Ma
president were referred to commit- .»nl= fraternity from every part at
tees, for reports tomorrow. The con- (he State.
venUon will bo In seislon until Sat-: ' "
urtay and the meetings will be he-' POLISH CA
hind cloved doors. •- : Special To The Herald.
Syracuse, I. Y„ Oct. 3.—Delegate,
from many parts of (he country dr®!
attending the biennial eofiventlon of |-
and quite likely we will have some
thing Just suited to you on our lists.
We have a number of Ideal places
just now.
A.M. Knight
& Son
ONION SETS. . ..... .
Silver .kin, Pearl sad Yellow Onion the Polish Catholic Union of.Amerl-j
f,„t csslltr. St Redding's- os, which met In this city today for a j REAL ESTATE AND ILSURANOF
nut I- , . anhfir