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A bank pays you
di vidends on what
you save, we pay
you dividends on>
what you spend.
For the past 15 months we
have been returning to our
customers who bought on our
easy payment plan 10 per cent,
of the amount they paid, in
trade cdupons, this has meant a
saving of hundreds of dollars to
thapeople of Waycross. This
plan of dividing our profits has
proven so popular that we are
g oing to continue It, and we
ave now arranged the follow
ing plan of dividing our profits
with those who buy for cash.
We have contracted with one of
the largest manufacturers of
high grade dinner ware, for a
large amount of the handsome
ware shown in the illustration.
With each cash purchase we
give you a coupon showing the
amount. Every $5 00 worth of
these coupons entitles you to
from one to seven pieces of this
For the benefit of our cus
tomers who buy on our easy
payment.plan, we pay you 10
per cent, of the amount of your
monthly payments, in TRADE
coupons, (as good as cash at our
st3;’3> lor making your pay- j
moots 3t ;r.? ?tore instead of,to
a collector.
First - Class Goods,
Low Prices and our
liberal policies, have
made this the fastest
South Gear„
pr 'ain
This beautiful China Ware
is on display at our store. We
want you to come and see it.
The decorations are the newest
out, very handsome and will
never wear off; the patterns
are all matched, are neat and
attractive, it is Semi-Vitreous
ware, the best quality made in
America. We give it to you
absolutely free. The reason is,
we want your business, and we
are willing to show our apprecia
tion of your business by divid
ing our profits with you.
If you want SPOT CASH
pricdS on your goods and it Is
not convenient for you to pay
SPOT CASH, you may pay us
ONE THIRD of the amount
cash, and the balance in three
more payments, due in 30, 60
and 90 days. No extra charges,
its for your convenience.
Whereas, In response to a call lv
sued and (limed t:y many cltl/.oni,
there oaiemblod at tho Court lloua.
In the City of Waycroaa, on tlio eve
ning of October 12th.. n representative
body of men. gathered from nil v/nlkB
and vocations of Ufo, composed ot
ministers of the Uospol, physician.'.,
lawyers, bankers. morchnnt3 and
members of the organisations of Holl
er Makers, Machinists, Cn Workers,
Blacksmiths, Locotnotlvo engineers.
Conductors, Switchmen, Ilrakomon,
Moulders. Inspector,, Carpenters,
Clerks. Travelers T. P.' A's., Farmers'
Union, U. C. T's., and the other ele
ments going to make up our cosmo
politan population; the object and
parporo of this meeting l olng to con
sider matters political affecting Way-
crass, end to deeldo on candidates
and measures, to urgo before tlio
voters at tho approaching municipal
primary, and
Whereas, by a majority ballot ol
ever one hundred voters, H. D. Reed
was endorsod for Mayor, Or. W. K.
Meeks was endorsed for Alderman,
Second Ward. W. E. Chandler lor
Alderman Fourth Ward, and C. A.
Leroent for Alderman, clxth Ward,—
there being the ontr Aldermen to he
elected at tho ensuing election, and
Wksiesr, by the endorsement ol
these candidates (or nomination at
the primary, as men deemed worthy
to bear the standard raised by this
mooting; U becomes proper and right
that the pnrpoaaa (or which this
mooting stood, and for which tho or-
here effected stands,
1 he act forth la a declaration of
Therefore, be It rreolved—
I. That the Cltlieoa League, form
ed st said meeting; standi for a
SQUARE PEAU for loth rich and
pSBT, Mil. act ' V -JTo ...varltUu
enjn* the tor% bet JUSTICE :: all.
The 1 T eK>* ' "i f '""I ■'*
tlco-kjT Cl'r Oaves ■-"•■dnt ■ skeuli be
mont to our schools, colleges und 6Ui* MR. 2UTL2H IS NOW
er educational Institutions. Tho needs BAPTIST MINISTER.!
for a ppblic library Is apparent, and
steps should he taken to secure one I Spa«nnburg Herald.
* without dolay. All our ellomosynary *
At The Theatre j
administered honoetly. economically laM „ atloIl!| lhouli b0 , ostored an d night, but that didn't deter tho folk,
and equitably. Tho Tax rate should ^ anJ 08|)e< , ia!w „ 0 w , commen .j . of tho South.lde Baptist Cnurch from
be us low a. possible consistent wltS ^ Eau , htor( , HolpltaI , or , U j turning out und ftlllng the auditorium
raoetln* the needs for revenue, and work j nn the occasion of the ordination of
nil property should be asseEsed alike.
No better or more refined play has
segments as rank favor!,‘Ism, and
plcdgo ouraelfes to an assessment
Dasod on value not s.i ownership.
We believe that the Street Tax should
that "James Osborne" as ho has given
his name, Is other than he pretends,
and she wishes to find out at her lets*
ure who he really is.
Warburton accepts the position and
remaining acts have to do with hls
... —. — . . ccrvln.; her as coachman and butler,
es, manufactories, public service cor-• reputation for efficient evangelistic jTheatre tonight, with Mr. Bert Iw . ldontally nm i :Ing her i 0V e him;
no rations and those thing, which tinging, an exquisite voice, jin the leading role. The play _U a
make tor the upbuilding el a city. yet cultivated and trained until it com-j d,J.matlsalHon of Hareld McGraths
Resolved. IV. That this orsanixa-1 Charles Underwood Duller for the been put on the American stage th .
Wo condemn all IneSnalttle. in as-.^ ^ ^ commKlei glvlng ministry. | “The Man on the Box whmn
' due oncourasemcnt to new onterprls-! Mr. Duller has made an enviable, he the attraction at tlm V
ILtlMl lur lilts U[|III.IIU|.1N Wl O tivy, 1 * . . .. _ _, ma
trade not to exceed »2.00 per an- ^ , Q uf( , c „ y property A 0 ulu pletcly compiles with overy wish of popular novel of the same name, and
,m. Returns of property by Tax mte comuen- hls mind. But though he ha. answer-;has boon a wonderful success on tout.
find "Robert War-
u full hearing and an examination oi
tho property.
nttm. iteturns or property uy tux b(j vtthout al)oquate compen . Ms
payers should ho adjusted only utter inonoy or Borvkl ,, ' to the ed the call he had felt for some I In the first
city or Its people. We believe the years to give the service of hi. voice, burton" brought before a^msgltdrate
time has come for, the city to own its In sacred song to the praising of, chaged w .t rsc ess s
Resolved II. That this organisation' City Mall, ar.d favor the erection or God, he has lelt also that tho Lord; duct on. , .r cn ,
stands lor progress. We .believe In a I purchase o. such building as will bo called him Into the ministry and re- s°n na secure
progressive ago. and !n a progressive adequate to the needs of the city for fi-lra. hi. every ..lent, that he may I ng and during a
city. No backward step should bo tlio nest decade at least, boltevmx combine In hls musical talent with seen tc
taken. Not only should our tux rate ( the satao to be conducive to economy preaching and make hls labor in the pro.^us n
he as low as iwsslblo consistent with I In public si rvlce, and for the better vineyard of the Lo£d moro effectli o.
affairs. A con- Few men seemed to be blessed with
o many talent! and association for
the city's legitimate needs, but tbe iransrement of cil
| money so collected should be "expend tral City market should be provided
led to the very best possible advan- for os early as practicable; also the offlclcnt work in the ministry as Mr.
tage. with neither waste nor grolt. garbage cf the City should be removed Butler. He is an ardent student In
Tho Sinking Fund provided to meet frequently, and cremated or other- Bible study and Is reading nt all
tho outstanding bends should ho kept wise disposed of so as not to menace times with the Word. Ho Is a quick
Intact, and so Invested ns to bring the public health. observer In human nature and knows
the best returns, to that tho payment This declaration of principles Is put. whcn and ' vhttt ucrtpturo 10 use - Ho
of bonds may bs made promptly and 'orth for tho purpose of defining the ■» 11 master lt^ sacred music, with a
our credit preserved. Next to tho position cf those responsible-for the volce ln ,l>e Prime of song service,
preservation of our credit, ns outlined Cltlscns League movement, And we He '* blessed with the aid of a wife
above, comes the needs for streets, heartily Invite all who deslri, good *ho la liia equal In song power, mu-
sidewalks and drainage, and these government for Waycross, who bo-j ,lt 'al training, and who renders him
should be improved lust as fast as Hove in these principles, who deaire (Invaluable asalstnnce In tong lervlco,
practicable, but the work should bs equal rights to all, special 'prlvllgaa' “nd withal a devout, tweet, Christian
done by a competent Supervisor, un- to none, to Join with us In carrying j no" 1 and. character that draws around
dor bend for faithful, honeht work, thla banner to vlckjfk by nominating! Her the ladles ot the church wherever
to that the moner spent for three In the primary tho candidates cn-
ImpcD^emrata mag be a permanent domed, and who (fond pledged to
gala to tho dig. Weeding edges ot hearty accord-with foe platform here
streets and throwing sand In the mid-! enunciated.
die Is a watte optima and energy,. J1 tf THE CITIZENS LEAGUE,
from which no benefit ts derived. We
stand for hard surfaced streets and
(or foe Utgleg of goofi sidewalks for Savannah, On, Oct. !L—lira. Lao
foe people who walk thereon. Elms, ot EUabeO, who owns • bags
Rcrolved, 111. Tbit thin crganlza- amount of real estate, was married
tlon stands for s “square deal" and here yesterday to John Orphans, a
they go.
practical joke, shaved off his beard,
door and kissing her ns she loft the
jumped on tho box ol a carriage as
tho -meets were leaving from a hal!
at the Britlab Embassy, In Washing-
-on. He supposed it was bis sister’s
carriage and that It would bo goad
fun to fool her by driving to hsr own
dlor and kissing her as she left tho
He jumped on the wrong box, uow
crer, took aa hls fair passenger Miss
Elisabeth Annessley, whom ho had
seen on beard ship coming from F.u-
rope and madly loved, but to whons
he had been unable to eecnro an In
troduction. He bad difficulty In man
aging foe horses and drove si fast
he was pursued by mounted police.
To save himself be drove to the curb,
dismounted, and when Miss Annesley
C-... - LoOM ACT. 1, “THE MAN
discovering the perCdlty cf her.fath
cr, tvho, cs an army official. Ts about
to sell the plans of Important fortifi
cations to a Kusslsn spy. He sue
| seeds Ir. preventing this, wms the
slrl and n-t !.xs toed with hls own
fortune the nmount necessary to re
store her father's honor.
Scats wili ho on Tale at LaGrandO-
Atlanta. Cr., Oct. 21.—Hon. Jol
M. Elston, president ol the (Snate,
, . wh<1 wti! I- -'ternef of Georgia lof
left foe carriage he had k tsed tat. ^ ^ foj!c ,. n? CoTeraor S:nIth .,
thinking she wa. bln own rister. ^ nsttt0
had him arreated; the poUce Prefer I prir(Et aSilIr ,
charge, of reckless driving agffinst in iucb t0 pernllt '
him. At the trtal. Ml. K; , u=e t!mt perlod
withdraws the charge of thdnetion. '■
A HfUoween party will he given
Tuesday evening October SI, nt the
home of Mias Etienne Goddard, S3
Hicks street, snip!cm at foe Wret-
minister League of the Preebyterlan
church. Various amusements sugges. j When he ts fined and has no mosey
lire of foe eenaon will he prorlu-si., to r«r the court, she pays the has
the state's haslxesr.
for PROGRESi. h« It advoesti-glv: Greek. The bride a M and tkh"groom jCMdy, peanuts, popcorn, .naiad and foe hlm and engai« hlm aa bar cocta
• r-•*: - “ BcfrpklB pi«s «U1 *014. 24 Si aim* Mid grooa. Sh« Is cafeM«t«
. T-rV
• ,34*1f Su.iF"
T. y!R fVnt :%f