Newspaper Page Text
— ■ ■>
re ^ HE FEDERAL court
-rannah This Week
ney-General Felder
To Attend
3 ta, Ga., Nov. 20.—Attorney Gen-
^^Felder will be present In the
^'Vlted States Court In Savannah to-
. morrow to represent the State In a
case Involving the validity of Geor
gia’s labor contract law. Mr. Felder
was directed to go to Savannah by
Governor Slaton.
The case grows out of the arrest of
a negro girl at Vienna, Ga., who was
charged with violating her contract
and 1 who was convicted of cheating
and swindling. Habeas corpus pro
ceedings were Instituted In the Unit
ed States court to free her. on the
ground that the labor contract law
was unconstitutional. The case will
amount to a test of the law.
Both Governor Slaton and Attorney
General Felder believe the law to be
eonstltut^Val, as it differs In many
respects frhra the Alabama law which
was declared unconstitutional by the
United States Court.
Four White Men And The
Same Number Negroes
Picked Up By Police
The police are after the whiskey
sellers and from Saturday night up to
this morning they had. four white men
and four negroes behind the bars
charges of keeping whiskey for salo
in Waycross. The white men are Son
Cowart, C. R. Kemp, Jas. Walker and
Ben Hutto, and the negroes are Homer
Bums, James Bryant, Dave Carter and
Henry Mitchell.
Being unable to fnmisb bond all of
the alleged tigers are in jalL They
will have a hearing before Mayor John
M. Cox tomorrow morning.
Husband of Dead Woman
Another Negro Held By
Coroner’s Jury
One of the most brutal murders on
record In Ware county occurred some
time during Saturday night when Celia
Applewhite, a negro woman, was mur
dered in bed at her home on D. street
in Old Waycross. The discovery of
the horrible deed was not made until
Sunday morning. The woman’s body
was terribly mutilated with a knife.
Will Applewhite, husband of the dead j
woman end Lee Thomas and Johnny
White wore arrested and held In jail
pending the investigation of the crime
by the coroner’s jury.
Coroner Jackson Grimes had a Jury
summoned yesterday consisting of E.
Cottlngham, A. P. Padgett, O. M.
Williams, Robert Finn, B. D. Mnn and
A. Cleland. The jury, together
with '.ounty physician M. M. Johnson
lewed the body of the woman, and
adjourned until this morning
oh ence in tpe case was heard at the
For This Section If Penn
sylvania Road Buys
Register Now, Books
Open Until 9 P.M.
Hunters-are current today to the ef- Court House.
Mr. W. S. Culver, a well known A.
C. L. freight conductor, while tussling
with a friend this morning, wns ac
cidentally shot. The ball entered Mr.
Culver’s left thigh. He was carried
to the hospital for treatment and Is
reported to be getting along nicely.
feet tha Capt. L. Johnson has sold hn»
Kingsland and St. Marys Railroad to
Mr. Frederick Kauqman, of New York
representing pulp manufecturies. Mr. | of dcad woman> and
Kauffman has been In this section for
As a result of the coroner’s investi
gation, after the examination of the
many witnesses, Will Applewhite, hue-
Cooper, a negro hackman, were held
some time In the Interest of the pulp ; fop grand , ury . Apl) , ewhlte a ».|
manufacturers. *
Cooper told conflicting stories as to
their movements and whereabouts du
ring Saturday and Saturday night Lei
Thomas and Johnny White, the other
The accident occurred on the freight'previously Intended, probably be exten | two negroes arrested yesterday, were
yard below the freight depot. ded on to Waycross. . • released from custody.
Capt. Johnson's road extends from j
St. Marys to Kingsland, a distance of i
about ten miles. The road will, a3
A Look at The New Fait Clothes,
Shoes, Hats
v and Furnishings
Will Convince You That
You can get as good goods
and as nice Styles as are
Shown in the larger cities
The Prices Are Much Less.
(Savannah News.)
Of great interest to readers of thi
Morning News yesterday was the re*
port from Baltimore that the Penn
sylvania Railroad is about to acquire
the Atlantic Coast Line Railway.
Few transactions of this nature in
recent years, not even excepting tho
purchase of tho Central of Georgia
Railway by tho late E. H. Harriman
for the Illinois Central, have been
looked upon with so much favor us
being pregnant with inestimable bene
fits for this part of the country.
It was tho unanimous opinion that
such n combination of transportation
interests would bo one of the greatest I
things that ever happened on tho At
lantic seaboard. "It would be a tro-
menduously big thing for the South,”
said Executive Officer Joseph F. Gray
of tho Chamber of Commerce. "I uin \ While no considerable interest has
in favor of consolidation, with proper boon taken in tho present campaign
CrawfordviUe, Ga., Nov. 20.-—At a
Joe Brown rally In the court houfte
hero Saturday, Senator E. S. Griffith
and Hon. Hugh .Dorsey were the
speakers. Considering tho busy sea
son of the year, especially in view'd^
the fact that many of tbo farmers are
far behind with tho gathering of their
crops, quite a pice crowd greeted the
speakers and listenod with intense in
terest from start to finish. The speak
ers were introduced by Colonel Haw
es Cloud.
Taliaferro county has always been
a Hoke Smith county, Smith carrying
tho county'over Brown ill their first
raco by a large majority. This ma
jority In their second race was reduc
ed to about 56 votes.
The city registration books will bo
kept open until 9 o'clock tonight and
unless you register by that time yot*
will not bo permitted to vote in the
approaching city elections. City taxes
must also be paid before you can reg
ister, and City Tax Collector A. C*
Lowthor will be at the city hall until 9
o’clock tonight for the purpose of ol-
looting city taxes.
If you expect to cast a ballot In the
approaching municipal elections you
must pay your taxes and register.
Tonight Is your last opportunity. 1C
you do not take advantge of li you wll*>
not bo allowed to vote and in addition
will havo to pay cost for the collection
of taxes. Register! Register! Resist*
ior Governor, nil Indications point to
Y. M. C. A.
At a supper this ovenlng at the
Railroad V. M. C. A. building on Gil-
moro street, tho plans to complete
the canvass or funds to equip the Y„
"The bonents that would accrue to ■ the county going for Joe Brown in the c building will bo discussed
Savannah and to the-whole South can j coming primary,
hardly bo estimated. And while I j -*-
know no more about tho reported deal
than has been published I can readily
understand why tho Penn<ylvanl\
could desire to control such a proper
ty as the Atlantic Coast Line. It
would mean much better service bo-
ween the North and South, and greatt-
ly improved facilities for handling
M. A. O’Byrne, Esq., who is a stock-
If you Registered in tho stato elec-
holder in the Coast Line, said ho hop-»^ oa 1° 1910 and since that tlmo havo
ed the reports were true as ho would I PuAd your stato and county taxes for
regard such a move good for tho, tho year 1010. then you are eligible to
Pennsylvania, tho Coast Lino and all | voto ‘a special gubernatorial elec-
of tho territory through which tho H° n *° be held next month, otherwise
system runs. "Savannah would beno-
ftt beyond measure by such a transac
tion," he said.
you are not qualified and, if you want
to vote, you had better pay a visit to
the office of the local tax collector and
It would probably moan tlmt tho j ™novo the disabilities which prevent
samo character of service In ofToct y°u fr° ,n voting,
between New York and Washington, j . Ml \ny people in. Ware county havo
would bo Inaugurated through tha j bocn somewhat puzzled as to whether
South over tho Atlantic Coast Lino’s J «*>’ ,,ot they would have to again reals-
system all the way to Tampa. That' 1 ® 1 ** Qnd T1 »° Herald has been busy
alone would be a great improvement, f trying to put ibese people right on tho
and yet it would be only ouo of many ritual ion. If you roglsteroo and voted
benefits that would undoubtody ac-'hi 1910 and latqr paid'your “Slfl luxes,
crue to this part of tho country.” I then you are qualified. However,
It lms been suggested that the op- J there aro many who registered fn
orating hea^^grters would very like- 1910, laying their 1909 taxos, bul If
Iy he mov^^back to Savannuh from they have not sfneo paid their RKIbs
Wilmington in tho event tho Penney!-
an!a took over tho Coast Line. As
concentration is the policy of all big
railway system tho executive head
quarters of the Coast Line would be
moved to New York where the affairs
of the Pennsylvania aer looked after.
One of the best numbers of the Ly
ceum will be tho entertainment of (he
Vassar Girls on Wednesday Evening
xt. This will be one of the most
delightful entertainments of the Ly
ceum’course and will undoubtedly at
tract a large crowd. Sextettes, quar*
tettes, trios and duos will be given
on many different kinds of instru
ment! and the program will be unue
ually verted. A great treat le prom
ised all who attend. ra-w
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Archer, of El
Paso, Texas, will rrlve tonight TBSy
will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Goodrich on Jane street.
The oyster supper given Saturday
night' by the‘lades of Groce Episcopal
Church woe a success in every wsy.
The ladle* will clear of all expenses j the poisoning of the Governor's chick-
about seventy dollars. en».
for last year they cannot participate in
the election.
Tho books will remuln open for
some tlmo yet, and those wtTo aro not
qualified will have an opportunity to
do so before tho primary.
Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 19.—Policemen
are guarding the executive mansion
of Kentucky tonight, assigned there
at the request of Governor Wilson.
Fears that the historic house myy be
set on Are or that food taken In for
the use of the Governor's household
may be poisoned, are responsible’for
tho guard.
Some time ago Governor Wilson
discharged an employe who hod
worked on the place. This employs
continued to get his meals from the
exocutive kitchen until the Governor
found It out and he was ordered from
the place. The next development was
(and adopted.
This canvas, begun a fow days ago,
has resulted in $2,000 subscriptions,
raised exclusively among R. R. mon, to
date and tonight plaus for its further
progress will be discussed by General
Secretary H. M. Johnson, of Savan
nah, W. A. I-oyd, Jacksonville, Fla.,
II. M. Finch, Rocky Mount, N. C.,
John F. Dudley, Fiorenco, S. C., and
Stato Secretary, J. V. Road and any,
others prosent who wish to oxprosf
This is a very worthy esuso and
tho mo3t remarkable success of th#
canvass so far is a fitting tribute to
It and from tho success attained wS
predict a quick finish with great suo*
cobs .
There will bo no money nskod for
tonight. Only the coinmittoe and a
few others havo been lnvltod to this
■upper, ;
The supper will be served by Mos-
dames W. F. Eaton, H. S. Dubose,
II. B. Lee, W. P. Croom, L. O.
Jonkins, W. J. Tubbs and J. M. Fes-
The Ware County Toachers’ Insti
tute opened at the Court Houso this
morning at 10:30 o'clock. The instl*
tute was opened with prayer by Rev,.
W. J. Carswell, after which Prof. R„
H. Powell, the expert in charge, mado
a talk and explained the work of tha
meeting. The Institute will be In sea-
slon up to and Including Friday.
Real Estate
and ■
& Son '
Phone 266
LaGrande Bldg.
* 1* k ;