Newspaper Page Text
f*a *
“There, will be no record-breaWn#
(•11 of vote* in Georgia today.—Ali-my ^ frefh fllb> raone u ,. 7 u
Herald." The vote .w»•’ not henry, — — ,
only about one hundred thousand, btft y, Mi c _ A<
It waa enough. Some o( the .•anil- An unusually intereetlng musical
date* thought Itwae too henry poaalf program will be given Sunday 3 p. m.
bly.—Savannah Pre»«. at the apeclal aervlce (or mother* a>:-1
The Valdoaln Time* la of the oyiu tot her». Mias Kate Lewis will play
Ion that “Pope Brown la a good tuna. the piano, Ulan. Addle Belle lowther
a good citlien, a good fanner nod he will alng, Mlaaea Adam* will play
ha* the reapect of hla friend* and op their vlollna, Mlaaea Rlppard uid
ponenta alike. He deaerve* well of Brown will alng. The subject for
Fate, but a cruel joke waa practiced the hour will be: “More Living »nd
upon him when hla campaign manager i*»g Talking Religion.”
waa choaen. it waa one of thoae tUt-
penaatlona we do not underatand, ard . jy8T POLISH UP THE OLD ONES,
we accept It aa one of Fate’* Ironies.'’ The cebwebbed resolutions that
' Mr. Preston Ake arrived in Way-
cross yesterday from , Fort Wot In,
lud., with a car of bouaahold good*
and stock. Mr. Aka's father bought a
farm north Of Waycroas a few weeks
ago and paid $10,000 cash for It and
with the balance of the family will “a
here In about a sfeek and take posses-
. # i The buying of Gifts appropriate
P erson ^ or whom the Gift is
\ * nten d e d is sometimes a difficult
matter. You want beauty, you
would like to include serviceability.
1 he Gift that is purely ornamental can never be so
satisfactory as the one that combines
beauty with service
Your Christmas selections from this dtore HAVE THESE TWO
QUALITIES, and the result of a purchase made here is to endow your
gift with all that a gilt should have. It will not be cadt aside and
forgotten in a few weeks or months, but will give years of useful
service, adding pleasure and comfort to the home where it goes. Such
a gift is worthy of your consideration, and the codt is no more. Our
large dtore is filled with hundreds of articles from which you can seledt
a suitable gift for any friend or member of the family, and if it is
more convenient for you to pay AFTER Christmas you can arrange
the terms to suit, either in SO, 60 or 90 days at SPOT CASH PRICES,
or on small monthly payments.
Will aoon be made to i
And hung upon the wall
Until the nail pull* out again.
And with a crash they fall.
ahine once
New resolutions few men need
When rings the New Year's bell,
As old one with the dust rubbed o!t
Will answer Juat aa well.
A great variety of pocket knives In
Individual Xmas boxes.
14 3t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co.
14 3t C. 8. HARDY A SON.
Tbo tax books will positively close
next Wednesday, December 10. Cad.
early and avoid the rush. 1 can be
found In my offlee In Court House.
J. T. Strickland,
Tax Collaotor Ware Count/.
Elegant Assortment ol Roekers
We are showing 200 styles at prices to
fit any purse, the newest styles and fpatterns
in Rattan are here with Settees and tables
to match. We have a large assortment in
Oak and Mahogany, also a number of great
values in Turkish Rockers, some upholstered
in bedt quality chase leather and others in
genuine leather with the famous guaranteed
Seng springs.
That Richly-Flavored Coffee
You Drank in - »
New Orleans
t game famous French .
Market blend that so delighted Andrew Jackson,
Henry Clay, and the gallants and beauties ol a
hundred years ago. In those days
The "Georgian*'’ aro requested to
meet promptly at three o'clock lomur.
row afternoon nt the Y. M. C. A par-
P. N. Harley Hdw. Co.
The prettiest end daintiest lot of
Xmas handkerchiefs ever shown In
fha city at Miss Eddie Parnell's
A Great Display of Dining Room Furniture • *
The larged! line ever shown in this city. Thirty pat-''
terns of China Cabinets from the leading factories of the
country at prices from $16.00 to $50.00. Fifty patterns of
high class Sideboards at from $16,00 to 675.66. Thirty five
dtyles of Buffets from $19.00 to $50.00. A large line of
Pededtal Extension Tables from $11.50 to $56.60. Seventy-
five patterns of Chairs from 80c up to $11,50 each.
could be had nowhere else, but NOW you all may serve this
famous beverage dally at your own tables. For the old French
Market blend u perpetuated by
The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process
and the real old French Market Coffee can now be had at your
grocer's—In hermetically sealed tins.
All harshness and bitterness is roasted out of French
Market Coffee They used to drink cup alter cup In New
Orleans at midnight. You may do the same today.
There Is only one real old French Market flavor.
At All Grocer,
C/m/iu/“French Market Coffee"—the coffee with a hlttory )
—Is packed only at the
K.w Mbt C... lll„ Fr.pri.lul)
Big lot ot beautiful fur*. Nothing
prettier for an Xmas present. Call nt
Ufa Eldlo PamsU'a and soo them.
Tha Ladlaa Exchan,;e have only
three of tboaa splendid fruit cants
left. If you would llko one of thorn,
Phono 331 or 33.
A football, glove, mil or baaaball
will delight the boye for Xmas.
14 St P. N. Harley Hdw. Co.
If your house or the house of your fri:nd is made y* aim erd bright
with the Christmas spirit and the holiday tokens offered by this dtore,
THAT house will remain cherry and comfortable through all the days
of 1913/ Remember the best gift is the gift that serves.
This Range
Tha South. Bend, Mallaable
This Week
Tfe Will Givefoa
This Set of
Cooking Ware,
Davenports and Couches
either in genuine leather or in best guaranteed
chase leather. Our line is extensive, compris
ing about thirty styles at a wide range of prices.
The Davenports are from' 628.CO to $50.00, the
Couches from $16,00 to 50.00
Lava EaamaM
War* Cereal Cook. (
ar. Padding Pan
aad Stew Kettle
Tko larva bat*
The ideal gift for father, husband or broth-'
er. We have fifty different patterns, including
the famous Royal Push Button kind, the auto
matic and the rod style, in all the popular finishes
and upholsterings. They are Priced from
$10.00 TO $20.00
8, salts heavy
•tamsadatawpet, YhaMaaawhWhasla
hi II la aa tabs haavy alamstd Pol-
41a. Fan. witk kalaa Bicuad tka taa fir
Ftaaa cam.
ylataly aar*
roaal.4 with
We are shewing a beautiful line of Pidtures, Ladies’ Writlpg
Desks, Library Cases, Parlor Cabinetf, Parlor and Library Tables, 9*0-
tional Book Cases, Rugs, all sizes snd prices, Dinner Sets from $6.00
to $18,00, Brass Beds, Chifferobet, Wardrobes. Chiffoniers, Ladies’
Toilet Tables; Stoves and Rscges for coal or wood, the famous “Char
ter Oak” Line. iljjrs
;“The Store of Great Values|Where YourfiCredit Is Good”
Walker-Hood Furniture Co.
P. N. Harley
Hardware Co.
■ 14-en.Cop-
»cr SandMawbr lfkk«l*»Ut«4 5-pint
torn* CoCm Pet. hMvthr UnMd oalanidn.