Newspaper Page Text
• •
Abmahrtmty Pure
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas*
try cooks J the world over
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Creaxh of
Tartar—made from grapes
i thSthdm
' « !• t ■ ■ - ■—
A Few Timely Suggestions
If your house or the house of your fiimd is mrde veim trd bright
with the Christmas spirit and the holiday tokens offexd by this rflore,
THAT house will remain cherry and comfortable through all the days
of 1912. Remember the best gift is the gift that serves.
Davenports and Couches
either in genuine leather or in best guaranteed
chase leather. • Our line is exit usiye K compris*
ing about thirty styles at a wide range of pricef.
The Davenports are from $28.00 to $50.00, the
Couches from $16.00 to 50.00
r ■ .r
Morris Chairs
The ideal gift for father, husband or broth
er. We have fifty different patterns, including
the famous'Royal Push Button kind, the auto
matic and the rod style, in all the popular finishes
and upholsterings. They are Priced from
$10.00 TO $20.00
A^e are] shewing a beautiful line of Pictures. Ladies’' Writing
Desks, Library Cases, Parlor Cabinet;, Parlor and Library Tables, Sec
tional Book Cases, Rugs, all sizes andjprices, Dinner Sets from $6.00
to $18,00, Brass Beds, Chifferober, Wardrobes. Chiffoniers, Ladies’
Toilet Tables; Stoves and Ranges for coal or wood, the famous “Char
ter Oak” Line.
ti‘The Store of Great Values|Where YourftCredit Is Good”
Walker-Hood Furniture Co.
Pearl Brooches
Pearl Beads
Hat Pins
Locket & Chains
Watch Fobs
La Valiers
Signet Rings
Shirt Waist Pins
Set Rings
Cameo Rings
Set Rings
Neck Chains
Scarf Pins
Toilet Sets
Cuff Buttons
Manicure Sets
Tie Clasps
Cut Glass, Etc
Military Brushes
Utile & Odom
Center Remabart and Elizabeth 8te.
W. P. Price, Paator.
Sunday School, 9:15 a. to. |
Preaching,. 11 a. nt. j
Preaching, 7:00 p. m. *
Special muilc at both .crrlce. by j
the choir. * 4 .1
On last Sunday morning our Mbool)
vat graded, giving ui About twenty
dasvea. We have a - place lor every
body who' will come.
Especially do we with to emphasize
on the men'a claee, taught by Judge
T. A. Parker. Thla dale waa organ
ized for buay working, bualneaa add
professional men above 21 year, of
age, Wo hope to make thle one of
the beet feature! of the Sunday
school. Everybody cordially invited
to attend all of the above nrvlcee.
Tomorrow at Central Baptlat Tab-1
eraacle' there will be apeclal muilc I
at both earvlcea. I
J. E. Summer, Pastor.
Rev. J. E. Summer, the paator of
Hie Oeenwood and Hebard Methodist
Churches arrived Thursday and baa
begun work in thla Important field.
Where he haa received a hearty wel
come. He will preach both morning
and evening tomorrow at the usual
hours for services at Hebardvllle.
Corner of Brewer and Church Streets.
Rev. J. U. Thrasher, raitor.
Love Feast for everybody at 10 a.
/ Preaching by the paator at 11 a. m.,
and 7:30 p. m.
Sunday School, 3 p. ra. J. P. Llde.
Bp worth League' 7:30 p. m., Tues
Mid-week Prayer Meeting, 7 p. m. #
.‘Wednesday. *
The members of the church are
tirged to be present. Strangers to
the <|!ty are tordlalty Invi'.v! and
visitor* will be warm!;/ wGlsomea.
Administration of Holy Communion
at 7 a. m.
Mass at 10 a. m. Sermon: “Holy
Communion Our Dally Bread.”
Rosary, sermon and Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament at 7:30 p. m
Subject: ’’The Catholic Uhurcb, the
only Saving Church/*
Sunday School and Peraevevanc*
claps nt 11:30 a. m.
Monday, mass at 7 a. ra.
fleeting of the Altar Society at
3:30 p. m.
When the annual electloirbf officers
will take place.
Divine Services and preaching .it
11 a. ra., and 7:30 p. m.
The Rev. R. A. Brown will preach
on a subject tomorrow morning at
the Presbyterian Church that will be
Interesting and Ihatructlve. The en
tire membership Is urged to be pres
ent, also visitors and strangers are
cordially Invited to worship with us I m. f *,
at both morning and evening services I Junor Epworth League, Friday. 3 p.
Svndfry Seliooi, at 2:10 ft. •« “» »
breaching, 11 p. m.
The Westminister League meet* at
6:30 p. m., and preaching at 7:30. A
good musical program will be arrang
ed for both aervlces.
Gilmore and Reed Streets.
Osgood F. Cook, Pastor,
Services tomorrow at 11 a. m., and
7:30 p. ra.
Preaching in the morning”ttf Rev.
Whitley Langston, presiding elder and
at night by the paator. Good music
and a comfortable church at both
hours. Strangers and newcomers
specially invited.
Sunday School, 3 p. m. Mr. V. L.
Stanton, superintendent. Adult Bible
classes taught by Mr. E. A. Pound
and Mr. L. J. Cooper.
Woman's Home fission Society,
Monday, 3 p. m.
Epworth League, Tuesday, 7:30 p.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.
That are good and wilt give years of
Service and Pleasure
The House 9f Christmas
The buying of Gifts appropriate
to the person for whom the Gift is
intended is sometimes a difficult
matfer. You want beauty, you
would like to include serviceability.
• mmmr .
The Gift that is purely ornamental can never be so
satisfactory as the one that combines
‘ beauty with service
Your Christmas selections from this &ore HAVE THESE TWO
QUALITIES, and the result of a purchase made here is to endow your
gift with all that a gift should have. It will not be cadi aside and
forgotten in a few weeks or months, but will give years of useful
service, adding pleasure and comfort to the home where it goes. Such
.a gift is worthy of your consideration, and the corfl is no more. Our
large Aore is filled with hundreds of articles from which you can select
a suitable gift for any friend or member of the family, and if it is
more convenient for you to pay AFTER ChrUtmas you can arrange
the terms to suit, either in 30, 60 or 90 days at SPOT CASK PRICES,
or oh small monthly payments.
Elegant Assortment of Rockers
We are showing 200 styles at prices to
fit any purse, the newest rftyles and patterns
in Rattan are here with Settees and tables
to match. We have a large assortment in
Oak and Mahogany, alcoa number of great
values in Turkish Rockers, some upholstered
in berfl quality chase leather and others in
genuine leather with the famous guaranteed
Seng springs.
A Great Display of Dining Room Furniture
The largest line ever shown in 'this city. Thirty pat
terns of China Cabinets from the leading factories of the
country at prices from $16. C0 to $50.00. Fifty patterns of
high class Sideboards at from $16,00 to $75.00. Thirty five
styles of Buffets from $19.00 to $50.00. A large line of
Pedeftal Extension Tables from $11.SI to $50 00. Seventy-
five patterns of Chairs from 80c up to $11,50 each,