Newspaper Page Text
Postal Saving System
Information Concerning Postal Savings Bonds
To Be Issued lanuary 1, i912. ,
Description of Postal Covings Bonds, .ted into bonds ere not counted si a
1. Depositors of tbe Postal Savings part of the maximum of $500 aU^wted-
System may exriianite tbe whole ro a . one depositor, and *h«r« is no Mm/* 3 **
part of thalr deposits on January .'Jtlon on the amount of available pcs*
2912, tor United States registered or tal savings bonds which may me nc
coupon bonds In denominations .*f quired finally by a depositor. i’hs
$20, $100. and $500, bearing Interest ^exchange is considered as utrto/
thefr face the names cf the persons
«t the ret© of 2 1*2 per cent per nn* effeht on January 1, and a depositor
to whom they are issued.
U». They are payable only lo
persons to whom they are issued or
their assign*.
(c). The ownership of register.ri
bonds can be transferred only by
signment in proper form.
Assignment Of Bonds,
Registered bonds are assigned
num, payable serrtlanDually, and re- ^ho has applied to convert bonds ail
deemsble at the pleasure of the Unit* j , r . ;, r * ,,t the ba'ance cf
«d States after one year from that'tbe maximumnTd -j’aacymns ! by the use of a form printed on ‘x
date In United States gold coin. I floo may deposit an additional amount ^ back, properly dated and acknowled.
2. Postal savings bonds are exempt jn January, though the bonds may no* ed. When the assignment ♦» made
from all taxes or duties of the Unite J. j P » have been delivered. jby mark, It must'Tie witnessed by at
Suites, as well as from taxation Jn j c. Postal savings bonds can b<? : least one person other than tbe officer
any form by or under State, procured only by the conversion of/before whom It Is made. A ledger
or local, authority. I postal savings deposits and will not t account is opened in the Treasury
- Conversion of Osposits. 'be Issued to persons who are not do- ’ Department at Washington with etch
holder of one or more registered
3. Applications for tJe conversion
of dei>oslta into bonds on January
1912, must bo rocolved before Decem
ber 1$, 1011, by the postmaster at tba
depository office where tbe certitfl*
cates were issued. The postmaster
wit! supply an application form wiii^h
jmsitora. They may be sold or
signed to any person, however, by
Mie holder, and when a registered
bond Is assigned a new bond will be
Issued in the name of the owner.
Registered' end Coupon Bonds,
7. The depositors "application must
must be made out In triplicate. l'ie indicate whether bonds are desired
bonds, and when such bonds are as*
signed they should be transmitted oy
the new owner to the Secretary of
the Treasury (Division of Loans and
Currency) for transfer on the boohi
of the department. Registered oon-Is
cannot be exchanged for coupon
depositor must indorse and surrender registered or coupon bonds. Con (km
' bonds. Coupon bonds may be con*
with his application postal savings bonds ore preferable for s depositor
certificates covering' the amonn; uf ^who Intends to hold them for a short
the bonds desired, for which the pos*. time only and who has ample •will-
master will give him a receipt. When J ties for th^jlr safekeeping. Tn«se
the post toaster tree elves the bonJa bonds are payable to bearer, and tbe
applied far he will notify the deposi- title will pass by delivery without
tor end will deliver the bonds on * Indorsement. Interest .or couoon
presentation of the receipt for tho bonds Is collected by means of iota-*
certificates surrendered. jeat coupons, which are detached by
4. The conversion of deposits In*© the holder as they become due.
bonds at a date less than a year *f er Registered bonds are preferable
th# certificates begsn to bear Inter* for persons Intending to hold them
•st forfeits Interest on the depjslft tor a considerable period, and the/
at In the case of withdrawal # or any differ from coupon bonds In the fob
other purpose. * lowing respects:
verted into registered bond% without
charge, at tbe request of the bolder.
Assignment By Minors.
9. Under the regulations of Hie
Treasury Department a minor can
not assign registered bonds without'
tbe consent of a duly appointed guar
dian or trustee, evidence of whase
authority must be submitted. A mi
nor has the right to convert bis pos
tal savings certificates Into - register
ed bonds, but if he should desire io
assign the bonds during his mlnorltr
he must comply with this regulation.
This difficulty does not exist in the
fi. Postal gatings deposits conver- (a). They have Inscribed upon case of coupon bonds, which are traas
Not Necessary to have all the CASH Because
$1.00 Per Week
We are going to
Move our Store to
72 Plant Ave., and
the Public mu&help
move it. For an in
ducement we are
going to give 20%
on Everything
Clothing, Shoes and
Men, Women and
Christmas! Christmas!
Ladies, Mens and Children s
\ /
E&eady-To-We&p Apparel
. On Easy Payments
Stylish and UP-TO-DATE GARMENTS. You can
buy here with hill Confidence and Remember Your
Credit is Good and you pay no more for the privilege
than if you were to pay Cash.
You will be Satisfied.
Sam Heller Co.
78 Riant Ave. Our New Store
Next door to Walker-Hood Furniture Co.
ferred by mere delivery.
Payment Of Interest on Bonds.
10. Interest on registered bonds Is
paid by checks drawn at the Treasury
Department in favor cf ttfe registered
hoflder. These checks are sent by
mall to the post office address of th*
holder, and the holder of a registered
bond should notify the Secretary of
the Treasury (Division of Loans anJ
Currency) of any change in his post
office address at least 15 days before
the interest faflls due. Checks for
interest on registered bonds as well
as interest coupons detached from
coupon bonds, are payable on presen
tation at the United States Treasury
at the office of any assistant treas
urer of the United States. Interest
checks an# coupons covering Interest
on postal savings bonds may be cash
ed by postmasters under tbe same
condition* as other Government pa
Postmaster General,
(New York Times.)
Christmas Is cornin'! 1 hear It rf'hutn-
Up ihur chimbly place outer thcr
Turkeys are smellln' it, old hens arc
fellin' it.
Everyone's tellin' it plumb thru an'
Bonds Lost Or Destroyed.
11. Payment on registered bonds
that have been lost or stolen may be
stopped by notifying the Secretary of
the Treasury (Division of Loans aud
Currency) at Washington. If cou
pon bonds are lost the Government
does not undertake to protect
owner against the wrongful holder,
but recognizes the bearer only. T.»
owner has recourse only to such
,meant as he could use to recover any
other valuable property. When bonds,
either registered or coupon, havo
been destroyed wholly or in part, cr
defaced, a claim liffiy be filed with the
Secretary of the Treasury under cer
tain prescribed conditions for. their
replacement. Such claims will not ho
allowed for coupons which have been
detached from coupon bonds.
Information Relating To Ownership.
12. United States bonds are Issued,
transferred, and redeemed under such
regulations as the Secretary of the
Treasury may prescribe. Requests by
holders for additional information
after the delivery of the bonds shouM
be addressed to the Secretary of tho
Treasury (Division of Loans and
Currency), Washington, D. C.
Rub up the andirons—keep ’em a
Scow up ther pewter an’ copper an’
Fetch out ther kittle with porcelain
An’ pick up ther quinces tew turn
inter sass.
Jest as we alius have done nert.>
'Taint no use thinkin' ot troubles .o'
Thingi that’s gone by ain’t no placo
in our hearts;
Christmas is cornin’ a week from ter-
An’ right from this mlnit ther fr.d-
lickin’ starts!
—Lurana Sheldon.
Loop up the Christmas green, hang
up ther holly;
Nall up ther mistletoe over dor;
A few days before Christmas Myra
was told that she had been naughty
Santa Claus might not bring her a
present. "Well,’’ she saia, “you need
not say it so close to the chimney. ’
Everyone’s goin’ ter perk up an’ pe sup?
If Hans Wagner can’t Ty Cobb, how
can a horse-fly?
If a clock -runs, can a tomato c it-
Xmas Rates
Atlantic Coast
December 15th, 16th, 17th, 10th, 2l»t,
22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th. 30th, 31.t ,1911
and January let 1012.
To reach original starting point return
tag not Inter than midnight ot January
8th, 1812.
For full Information a* to rat on.
schedules, etc, ho nearest ATLAN.
T4C COAST LINE Agent, or communi
cate with:
B. M. North, A. O. P. A., Savannah.
. L. P. Green, T. P. A.. Thomnirille.
B. T. Morgan. T. P. A, Savannah.
O. A. Cardwell, C. A. Montgomery, Ala.’
T. J. Wright. Agent, Brunswick, Ca.
ooooooooooooooooo SKW »ooooooooooo«