Newspaper Page Text
dolt tan carrige dishes big Mot* tail. Dear Santa Clauea:
Alien Crowell. w« an clad Christmas la here.
Please bring me a bit doll and a
Dear Santa Claus • earrings and a table chairs. I want
Please bring be a cow boy salt a Some candy and trait too come to see
gnn and a pistol oaas. Soar cindy the poor boy and girts Uxx t lore
and fruit too. t am a good boy. yon.
Freeman Honeyanck. Marjorie Bonn.
and Bro'a. - /lettdrs
toy seren yrs. old and Br6.
STi both want a cowboy suit and a
pistol and some caps and we both
grant a drums a little engine and to
Borns and a little dumpean and bring
ns an automobile If It Is not tq large
lor you to bring and please bring
Pome Are works. Well I will close
grliblni you a merry Xmas, your little
Fleming and Tberon Nunes,
Vo. 94 Margaret St
Osar Santa Claus:—
I am a little boy and 1 want you to
ferine me a Book Booker Horses
broom and a whistle and some fraut.
Carlton Shepard.
Osar Santa Clans:—
1 am a little boy four years old and
f want you to bring me a cows boy
Mt, pfatbl. Knife, two boons and
•ante fruut, whistle, Sudan set and
• little ring add Santa done forget to
ferinp me some pistol capp. Don't
forget my little Bro.
Homer Shepard.
Dasr Santa Clausa
We are glad Christmas Is hero.
Flense bring me ■ atool chest and a
train and a imat ' want a foot ball too
candy and fruut too. I Jove you
Come to see the poor boy and girls
loo. Hatchet, tool chost, nails, boats
Dear Santa Claus:—
We are glad
we are glad Christmas is here brung
me a gun and a boat, I want some
candy and fruut: too colhe to see the
poor boys and girls too.
John E. Gooding.
Robert Vausc.
Dear Santa Claus:—
Please bring me a blcyclo. I want
a train and cars. Como to see the
poor boys and girls, l love you.
Frank Howell.
I want an Indian suit and a gun
aad tent. 1 love you. Do you love
Edward Bradley.
Dear Santa Claus:
I doll doll box I want s apple plsno
S love you. Como to see tbo poor
feoye and girls too.
Katie May Weldon.
Dear Santa t
We are glad' Christmas Is bare.
Bring «*• » ft tool chest, home and a
data and a coat I want tome candy
•ad fruit, too. I love you. Come to
•at the poor boy* and girls, too.
• Writing deake.
Ralph Utely.
Dear Santa Ctaua:—
Wo are glad Christmas la hero.
Plaua bring me a big doll and a
Wrtage, and a stove, and a table, and
A plnno and a table and cbalra and a
Chart.' I want aome candy and fruit
too. Como to see the poor boy* and
tUi too. t love you.
Fltranco Watt..
Dear Santa Claus:—
We are glad Christmas Is here.
Fleaso bring me a doll and a carriage
and a table and a chairs. 1 want
some candy and fruut too. I love
you. Come to see the poor boys and
Kiris too.
Beulah Lovett.
Do you love me?
cur Santa Claus:—* ,
We are Kind Christmas Is here.
Please bring mo a gun and a cow boy
suit I want aom candy and frufft loo.
I love you tbo poor.
Wiliam Croom.
Dear Santa Chaus
We art* Glad Christmas is here.
Please bring me a tool chest* train a 1
boat I want aome candy and lrti
I love come to see the poor boys and
girls too.
Agnes Hilton.
Dear Samta Claus.
We are glad Chrlstmns Is tyfro
please' bring me o'big doll and a car*
rijige and a stove and I want you to
come to. see the poor boys and girls
Nellie Rldenhove.
Dear Samta: train com© to see the
poor boys and girls too We are glad
Christmas is here I want some candy.
Earl Cordel.
Door Santa Clause
I want a tool chest I want a crysy
rile 1 want a big train I want some
candy and fraut too come tp eee the
poor boys and gftts too.
George Gardner. ~
Do you love me? I am a good girt
Dear Santa Claus
Ve are glad Christ here I want i
*oat, hall too 1 1 want some candy to I
wmt sotte sweet I love you! train to
Oetne t oeee poor boys and—
Robert Creamer.
Do you lore me,
Dear Santa Claus:—
We afe glad Christmas Ls here.
Please bring me a carriage and a
doll and dishes too, I went some candy
and fruut too 1 love you. Come to
see the poor boys and girls too.
Ula May Curry*
Deer 8anny chaus
We are glad Christmas Is here.
Please bring me a train and a boat I
want some candy and fruit too come
to the—
Ray Fite.
I Dear Santa Claus
We are glad Christmas is here.
Please bring me a stove and a doll
I want some candy and fruit too.
Please bring me hair ribbon, Santa
Como to see tbo poor boys and girls
Evelyn Williams.
Dear Santa Claus
Please bring me a tool chest and
i bicycle and some dandy. I love
you 8anta. Bring to the poor boys
and girls.
Wiilium Sharpe.
(William never asks for anything
st Christmas wlwthout saying
•please*’, so he says.)
Dear Santa Claus - Waycross, Ga.,‘ Dec. 12 1911.
Please doll 1 want some candy and | am ten years old, and I am In the
apple too. Come to see the poor boy fourth grade. I want you to bring
and girl too and I want a chairs and me a doll bed a doll trunk, as I have
I want you to come to and I want you ^ 0 . .wYsMewwlflJt^ w
a nice doll. Bring my doll a sweater
Waycross, Ga., Dec. 14 1911.
Dear Santa Clouse—
Plese Bring me a doll and carrig
and some Fruite Plese Donte forget
me for I am an new girle In Way-
cross. I wish you a Merry Christ
mas Santa Clouse. Good by.
Blanche Clark.
. .
Waycross, Ga., Dec. 14, 1911.
Dear Sasta Clouse—
Plese Brusg me a prety Doll an<F
carrige and some fruite and iTmder
all the of us. Well I close for This
Time good By old Santa Clouse.
Inez Waters.
Waycross, Ga., Dec. 14, 1911.
Dear santa douse—
plese Bring me a doll that will go
to Sleep. 1 wont a carriage and a
pair of shoe with red top' send mo*
some fruite. Well old Santa douse I
am a new girl in Waycross I goes to
school I am 9 year old and In third
graidel go to Sunday SChool. My
name is Albearter Clarke.
149 Albany avenue.
For Your Xmas
If you want the best Turkey’s for
Christmas and Now Year, give me.
your orders now. I will select a good
e and save It for you. They will be
heaper than last Christmas^
Will have Uncle Sams fruit cakes—
the best—they will be sure to please.
to see the poor and—
Millicent Mooli.
Dec. 14—1011.
I am a little boy 7 yrs—old, and 1
will be so very thankful I araf spared
to see Xmu and trust I will he clear
of fever, l*e been having the past
week so as to enjoy myself., Now
Santa Claus just* send me whatever
you desire me to have. 1 am not at
all particular. The most I desire
now is to be spated to my p$pa and
Grand Mother. 1 now wish you and
every body, a Merry Rmas and Happy
Nfcw Year. Sincerily
Little Robt. Whitehead,
95 Lee avenue.
Your laving friend
Mamie Allen,
31 Lott Street.
WaycroBa, Ga., Dec. 14, 1911.
Dear Saata Claus, IVaycroes:....
I want you to bring me an Indian
suit and Tent, drum and born and A.
C. book and train and track oil
burner (A. B. & A.) I live at 29 Lott
atreet and wtwll be looking for you.
From Mack Williams, Jr.
Dear Santa Claue:—
Please Bend me a Baby bumbs a
etory book and somb fruit,
youre Truly
Mary Ellen Johnien.
1 Ilk* you Bantu Claua. Pleaae
bring me • tent. I want tome candy
too. Come to aee thel poor boy* and
(trie too.
George Thorpe.
Plena tbring me n tool cheet train
tad a boat. I want aome candy and
frat. Come to tee the poor girl dolll
doll tan carrige dlabaa big atove tall.
Alice Crowell.
Dear Butn Claua *
Dear Santa Claua:
We are glad Chrlatmae la here.
Pleaae bring me a big doll and a
piano. I want hair ribbon too, candy
and fruit. I want pleaae. I love
you. Come to aee the poor boya and
girle too.
able batre bear Do you love me? boy
Alice Perbam.
Dear Santa chue -
Wo are glad enriatmaa. Pleaae
bring me a big doll and carriage. I
want tome,candy and fruit too. I
love you. Come to' aee the poor boya
and girl too. Do you love me?
Marie Dlckene.
Dear Santa Claua:
1 want a big doll too apd a carriage.
Come to aee the poor boy and gtrla
Dear Santy Clawa:
Plena bring me a wagon and a
cow boy cult and come fruit. That
will be all (hit time
Herman Jobnion.
Waycross, Ga.. Dec. IS, 1911.
I want a doll dressel In blue and a
doll carriage and some fruit.
Margurerite Holton.
Waycrose, Ga., Dec. 18, 1911.
Dear Santa Claua:—
1 want a money and a Irani with a
track and aome fruit.
Jamea Holton.
Martom Brolm.
Dear Santa Claua:—
Pleaae bring me and little aiater
something nice for Xmae you may
brtng'me a wagon and a toy piatol
with Iota of caps bring alatar n doll
,-nd a atove and itto of dishes.
Your Uttle friend. , -
Carl Wllum,
78 Polka atraet
Waycross, Ga, Dec. «, 1111.
Mow are yon and your riandaara
now. If yon teal very rick thla year
pleaa bring me n cowboy sutt, belt,
piatol, ptitoleaac, pant*. hat and cow
boy whip. Good by Santa Ctaua
Tonr little friend
Marvin FarralL
Waycroas, Ga., Dec. 14, 1911.
Dear Old S&nta:
Will you please bring me Christ
mas a little stove and Indian dreea.
Please don't forget little Jack and
Bcnjle. Fmm
Francis Wiliams
29 Lott atreet.
Waycross, Go, Dec. 16, 1911.
I am a little boy four yeara old.
Please bring me a little train, a little
wagon, box of tools, n drum, etc.
Wieblng you a "Merry Christmas", 1
am your little friend,
Oecar J. Allen, Jr.
31 Lott street.
Dear Santa Claus:—
I am a little girl 9 yeara old. I want
you to bring me a doll bed room set
lots of nuts, candy and lota of
frulL I want you not to forget the
poor children. Your friend,
Gertrude Xetrles,
15 Alice etreet. >
Waycross, Ga., Dec. 14,1911.
Dear Santa Claua:—
I never writing to before I Just have
blglnlng going to school Thla year I
onte a new . suite clothe a naw pair
■hoe and a new cap a exSpresa wagon
aome roman canel and skyrocky I am
n frald I will ask for to touch but
bring me aome apple. I wish you a
marry Chriskmas.
Jerry Waters,
149 Albany avenue.
Dear Santa Claua:—
I want n doll that says mama a
story book and plenty of frail and
don't forget my little brother.
Annie May Johnsen.
Phone 301 Phone 62
J. W. S. Hardy
Ont lot special fine tailored suits,
regular |30 and $35—now $22.50.
Humphreys & Williamson.
See notice of public Eale of hone*
at A. C. L. depot, coming' next weok»
N EXT time you
walk by the store,
we wish you’d stop a
minute and take a look
at Big Ben.
He’s the finest sleepme- ,
ter made—the best looking
—the best built—the bestt
running. You needn’t Vy
take our word for it, we keep
him in the window;^ you
can see for yourself. " ,
$2.50 ' .
Tklal* tke dodt they mater*
Marjorie Bonn.