Newspaper Page Text
r Fines For “B
igers” And Pistol
Of Train' At Hardeeville
Some Doubt Guilt Is
Work To Begin' Soon—To
Be Completed By
May 15, 1912
ferred To Ware
AtSlaughterville Thursday
Night—Total Loss—No
The cotton gin of Mr. R. H. Rawls Glennvllle, Ga., Dec. 15.—-Z. L.
at Schlattervllle, was totally destroy Moody, who for several months, iris
Moody Charged With Ope-1 Of Assuult With Intent To
rating Blind Tiger In
Toombs County '.
ed by Are Thursday night. Cotton
seed and cotton to the amount of
about $5,000 was consumed along
with the building. There was no In*
aurance the Herald learns.
The fire caught, it Is supposed from
the engine room. There Is no fire
fighting apparatus at Schlattervllle
and nothing could be done to save
the building.
Every Noble is requested to Urtng
or send his Christmas offering not
later than December 21st, to Noble W.
J. Clark. Our donations will be used
In Waycross this year. ’ ' »'■
W. D. Morton, Deputy Potentate.
I will sell at auction to the highest
bidder, before the Court House door
at 10 o'clock, Saturday, December 23,
a number of guns and pistols to pay
charges for repairs made at my shop.
. Winchester, pump guns, breechload
ers, rifles, etc.
16 6t • J. T. McGee.
alleged, has been operating a blind
tiger and who broke jail here on the
night of December 8, was located
about five miles from here today and
captured by deputy Sheriff H. R
Collins aiid a small posse after i
pitched battle, in which Owen Waters
was shot in the arm. Moody was
shot in the arm and head, but nis
injuries are not serious.
Moody and three companions were
arrested on December 7 by Deputy
Collins, who placed them in Jail a?
this place. On the night of December
8 they broke jail and escaped. All of
them, except Moody, were captured
last Saturday by Deputy TolHns on
the Altamaha river near. Doctortown.
Moody will be taken to Reldsvllle
and placed in the county jail there
for safe keeping.
After getting two death sentences
under the charge 6f murder and finally
coming clear when a change of Venue
was granfed, Brunswick McRae, a
negro from Bryan county, was found
guilty with intent to'murder in the
Ware Superior Court yesterday and
sentenced by Jtfffge Parker to serve
four years In the penitentiary. McKAe
was tried tot shooting at J. 1>. Boht-
wright. At the same time Boatwright
was shot McRae killed Zeenas War-
hell, 9 a well known Bryan county
man. 1 *
McRae said he shot, to escape ar
rest for Jumping a labor contract.
A fine line of scissors and
knives at ^
16 It Watt Hardware Company.
Regular meeting of Painters’ Uslon
Local 602 will be held at the hall
Friday night, December 15, at 7:30
o’dosk. Full attendance desired.
14 2t W .8. Burton, Secty.
Enameled Savory Roasters are the
best made.
14 3t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co.
The Ladies Exchange have only
three of those splendid fruit caK?s
left, if you would like one of them,
Phono 331 or 32.
Mrs. B. M. Thomas, wife of a well
known Pierce county fanner, died
suddenly this morning about 5 o’clock
from'hWri disease‘at her home near
Hoboken. The deceased is survived
by her husband and a number of chil
dren. She leaves a number of rel
atives In. Waycross. The funeral and
interment will occur tomorrow.
Ware Superior Court adjourned at
noon today until'the fourth Monday
Iff January. The grand jury made
their report yesterday afternoon, and
were excused until the fourth Mon
day in January.
This morning Will .Applewhite, who
was charged with carrying a concealed
weapon, and who was tried TRufrsffhy,
resulting in a mistrial, wai again
Placed on trial this morning and was
convicted. He was given a year on
tho gang. Wilbur Clark was also
tried on a whiskey charge and found
guilty. He, too, was given a sentence
of twelve months.
“Son" Cowart, a young white man,
Convicted of whiskey selling, was
sentenced to twelve months, however,
he was given the privilege of saining
his freedom by tho payment; of $300.
New Lot of Gloves
New Lot of Neckwear ./.
New Lot of Fancy Vests
New Lot of Mufflers and Reefers
New Lot of Bath Robes
✓ • * . • • . . ‘
New Lot of Sweater Coats
Decided To Settle The
Matter With Their
Shot Guns
Tampa, Flo., Dec. 15.—Standing 25
feet apart, Ulrlck l-angford and Henry
Drigger* poured squirrel shot Into
each other at Labelle City Into yen-
terday afternoon, according to a din-
patch received here today. Drlggera
expired before be could be removed
from the ntreet and Langford died n
few hourn later.
Doth men had been drinking and,
following a quarrel decided to "shoot
It out. Both necured shotgun*, atop*
ped off the dlstanco and at the word
commencedd firing. Drlggera wan
completely dlaemboweled, firing the
necond nhot, which cauned Langford’n
tli, while lying on the ground
Both men were prominently connec
ted. .
. Mr. A. I. Wllaon, representing 8.
H. Krena, who ownn the vpcant lota
next to H. J. Benton; la In the city
ami., has awarded the contract to V
C. Parker & Son for the erection of
a brick building. The new efructure
will contain two storle* and a baae-
ment, and will cost about |20)000.
Work on the building will begin
after the holldaya.
The erection of thin building wilt
add materially to appearance of this
section of the city.
Plant Division O. 1. A., to the B. of
E. have elected the folldwlng offi
cers for 1912;
President—Mrs. O. A. Radford.
Vice President—Mrs. A. R. Camp
bell. ' •
So^rotary—Mrs. W. W. Phillips.
Treasurer—Mrs. J. J’. Thomas.
Insurance Secrotary—Mrs. C.' M.
Chaplain—Mrs. C. T. Bsavefs.
Guide—Mrs, 1. L. GoodrSp.-'
Sentinel—Mrs. J. W. Lyon.
Delegate to G. I. O. to be held St
Harrisburg, Pa., May, 1912—Mrs. J.
W. Fesperman.
Alternate—Mrs. 8. B. Henderson.
Savannah, Oa., Dec. 10.—George H,
Hill and . Henry Elchorn, of Baltimore,
who; were taken In custody yesterdar
afternoon at Hardeeville for alleged
complicity In the fobhory of tho At
lantic Coast Una'train at that point
on Tuesday morning are not believed
here to ba thb men wanteif. '
They had been at Hardoevllle tot
several days before the robbery and
for several days since and, were only
detained yesterday afterhootar They
do not seem to be very much worried
over the fact, that suspicion bus been
directed at them.
V. M. C. A. ,
The mothors' and fathers' nop
Sunday 3 p. m„ Is open to all. After
the service, there will be several ush
ers of young ladles and young men
to take everybody through the beau
tiful building, especially the hand
somely furnished rooms for our men.
livery rooty In thq building Is occu
pied. '
Misses Kate Wilson and Suslo
Sharpe, assisted by several other
young ladles will meet the mothers
and daughters at the front door and
give Uiem the glad hand of welcoine'.
Music by six of the Waycross young
ladles will be a treat. Remember lha
hour—3’ p. tb.
„ B. M. Norvel, Secretary, '
I will offer In exchange for good
city, property or for sale for the next
twenty^days my celebrated . Saints
Rest Farm, near the city and direct!/
i'tile Barilla River. New six room
bouse, also a four room cottage, large
new born, two other bents and other
out housee. Fifty pecan trees, moot-
•Jf them bearing, . the finest novel
tailing spring of water In the county
In front of bouse, tiirelre or fourtMn
head of cattle, tour or live cows now
In milk. The best situation for stock,
poultry and track raising In this sec
tion. My only. Reason for offering
this property Is because I am too
busy to look after It. Ask anybody
about Saints Rest Farm,-.and If 'you
want to trade come to see me.
' A.'P. Perbain^Sr.
Very favorable comments were beard
last, night upon the beautiful display
of fanny nrtcles to be seen at the
Catholic Baraar, as well ns on the J f®
moderate prices marked on seme. J .
The country store supplies Its pa- Se *
irons with useful and elegant articles
on terms so liberal thpt It would put
any 19 cent store out ef buelness In
n llffy.
Hot colfee,, chocolate and oystera
will be served Again ,tonight. You
say you don,'t like oysters. Oh, but
then you'd not try. a plate of the oys
ters served by tbs Catholic ladle*.
Rather ask those who know.
Come and pay'us a visit tonight In
LaQrande Building, next to the hotel
ytrtfuce. It is. positively your Isgt
chance.' ’
A rifle or gun would make an ac
ceptable gift for that boy. We have
a complete line. . <
Watt Hardware Company 1 .
. 'Whkirite insurance on automobiles
at S';*r>oht. Phono l!5,’LottdVa-
< Insurance Agency. 15 -it
Mr. J. Uee Parker, chief electrician
tt the Const Line shops, had a nar
row eacape from Instant dsath yester-
yesterday by a live wire. While mak
ing tests a five wire caught acciden
tally, and Mr. Parker. was severely
shocked. The current was put off,
end physicians hurriedly summoned
and Mr/ Parker wa* restored to con
sciousness and removed to ; his home
on Mary street. Both of Mr. Pariter’i
arms were severely burned, He, Is
getting along t very nicely ' today,
though it will 6* some days yet before
he will tfe able to resumo wdrS.
The Merchant of Venice'^
Tuesday evening Decembr 19, 1911.
Everyone should avail themselves of
the opportunity that will bo given
Tuesday evenldg. This play has beep
pronounced by crltlcs | all over the
United Btates as being the finest col-
Jogs play ever ,given. '.Don’t bit any
one think when they come that ihuy
are going to aee some dry and staid
Play, for "The Merchant of Venice”
revised Is (he most laughable farce
evsr given.
A greet variety of pocket knlvc! In
Individual Xmas boxes,
14 31. P. N. Harley Hdw. Co.
Hi Hi
Office Clerk of CouncU.
Your water rent must be raid by
l or It will bo ^cut of
l at (YmeH
Tho Greater contentment and
meat Christmas brings to the
family opupylng Its own home.
a Christmas present
of a real home
To your wife would bo the verj
and most enduring gift you
You can do so If you
earnest Come and we'll point ont.l
way. Don't feel that you hi
caBh enough. You din t need
A. M. Knight
& Son