Newspaper Page Text
Telephone 1231
[Santa Claus Is Here
Big lot of Christmas Toys of most every description for all ages
of Children.
Dolls! Dolls! Dolls!
To delight the little Girls there are B0tls of all sizes 5c to $6.00
For the older folk We have sensible butup-to-date-presents put up in neat holly berry boxes
No. 9 Pendleton
See our. Santa Claus Window,
Dolls Toys and Etc.
We the Grand Jury sworn and em
powered to eerve during the December
term 1911, beg to leave to report
these our general preeentmente.
We have examined by apecial com
lnlttee and otherwise the condition ot
the county roade and convct campe
and attach hereto their report.
Report of Road, Bridge and Convict
Cantpo Committee.
To Th^ Grand Jury:
We the commlteet appointed by the
Grand Jury to lnapect the roade,
bridges, chain gangs, camps, etc. be]
leave to. submit the. following:
We And the road from Waycross te
Glenmore, Manor and Argyle In a
very bad condition especially from
Ruskln on to the county line. The
small bridges have fallen In and are
lying In the bottom of the ditches..
Embankments across Camp Branch
and Alligator Creek are very badly
washed and very difficult for two
vehicles to pass. The crossing of
Hebards road Is bad and needs I mine
digft attention. On the road from
t'njlor to McDonald place is bad es-
; dally at Sam Henderson Bsh pond.
On road from Waresboro to Homer*
vllle Is In awful shape Rom Bryant
Crlbbs to I. R. B. James place. All
bridges from Manor to Millwood are
in bad condition. Road from Manor
to Swamp should be completed as
agreed upon by road commissioners
and citizens. r
We find road in bad condition from
city limits to Btckley at places here
Embankment at Kettle Creek needs
repairing. Kettle Creek bridge set
tling at one place, bad road at t mile
post and. at little bridge at 6 1-1 mile
post, approach to river bridge bad,
shaking on North side river bridge,
lad bridge at 10 mOe post, bad bridge
jit !t mile post, bad bridge at 19 14
mile post, approaches to Hog Creek
are in bad condition resulting from
washout, bad bridge at 22 1-2 mile
post. We recommend the completion
of road from Blckley in straight line
on to Coffee line in -direction of Nich
Washout needs repairing from Tel-
more to Wllsonvllle. We recommend
road from Henry Turner’s on tb coun-
ty line.
We recommend the grading uproad
higher through some ponds on road
to J. F. Taylor's, which are now Im
passable and are a menace to the
traveling public. ,
We recommend straightening the
road from Waycrogs to Olenmore,
thereby eliminating crossing the rail
road twice. A-previous Grand Jury
has also recommended this same
We recommend the grading and
claying of this entire road to Clinch
county line where practicable.
We recommend that commissioners
leave wells equipped with buckets
and troughs where they establish
their camps, for travelers .to water
thelr stock.
We find the convict camps in fair
condition, they are well fed and are
clothed, but the sleeping quarters not
proected sufficient during cold weath
er. We find the city convicts in good
condition and camp in kept In excel
lent condition. But we condemn the
city calaboose as being a disgrace to
any town or city and recommend It be
torn down and burned.
G. P. Folks, Chairman, e
J. G. Steffen,
W. V. Deaton,
W. K. Booth. .
P. I. Griffin. "
We Submit Herewith Report of Book
Committee As Follows:
Report ot book committee. Decern
J. C. Humphreys.
J. J. Hargraves.
J. E. Dlcktns.
By Special Committee We Have Exam
Ined the Property of the County
and City Jail and Submit Hare
with Their Report,
We your committee applnted to ex
amine the public buildings of Ware
county, beg leave to report as follows:
We find the Jail In good condition.
Court House In fair condition. We
examned the city calaboose and find
same In as filthy condition as It would
seem possible to get It, It la unfit to
keep stock In and should be destroy
O. O. Parker. , '
I. R. B. James.
B. P. Bryan.
We recommend that the Mumford
Home, Macon, Oa., be given the sum
of Eight Hundred Dollars.
We hnd the pension roll before us
and recommend no changes In same.
We recommend that Steve Morgan,
pauper, be raised from two, to five
dollars per month.' Elmira Miller
from four to ten dollars Per month.
Wal Rlvenbnck from Jen to twenty
dollars per month. Gabo Hancock
from three to five dollars per month
and that Kate Thompson be pul- on
the roll at ten dollars per month.
We-recommend the faithfulness of
. D. Woodard and M. 1,. Bunn mem
bers of the County Boare of Educa
tion and recommend that they be ap
pointed to’ succeed themselves.
We recommend that the County
Ci mmlrisloners donate the sum of
one hundred dollars per month to the
Kings Daughters Hospital.
We recommead that a shed and lot
be built and fenced In for the accom
odation of stock of the citizens of
the county while In attendance at
court and other business and recom
mend that If there Is note undent land
for this purpose, that the county com
missioners buy the amount needeitt
We recommend that me per diem of
sloners Immediately pure base the ad-Jurors and bailiffs be fixed at two
ding machine and stand now in nse dollars for the next year.
In the Tax Collectors office,.for thkj We .desire to follow In (ho foot
nse of the County Officers., . j steps of previous grand Juries and re-
Rexpectfully submitted, -. commend that the fee system be
ber Term ,1911.
We your committee appointed to In.
vestlgate and examine the books of
Finance and Records of Ware County
beg to submit the following:
We find that the bi’oks of the dif
ferent Justices of the Peace have been
kept In accordance with laws govern-
Ing such records.
We find that the books of the Clerk,
Sheriff, Ordinary and Treasurer have
been kept In a manner that would
Indicate a great deal of care and In
terest In the proper keeping of the
records that have such an Important
bearing on the Information that will
surely effect each citizen of the cdun-
ty from time to time. Wdricommend
them for their completeness.
We find that the system that has
been tntrdduced tn the County Tax
CoIIecors Office to be one of the most
complete of which we hare any
knowledge. Mr. Strickland deserves
special mention for the very able
and diligent manner that he has per
formed the duties of the office. We
find his cash book to be complete and
Aldertban James Sinclair Is report-
ed to be quite sick at his home oh
Church street.
shows the dally receipts nnd (he din-
position of all funds In a manner that
enables anyone at a glance to tell the
financial condition of the office as
regards to the State qs well as Coun-
We. find the books of the County
School Commissioner are In good con
dition and in balance, showing -the
proper disposal of the funds of the
Board of Education.
We recommend that the South
Georgia Auditing Company be appoln-
ed as County Auditors Instead of C.
Buchanan, Jr., who has been ap
pointed State Auditor for the Board
of Educatlo'n. Appointment to date
from November 1st, 1911 at the same
salary allowed for last appointment,
viz 1200.00: per year.
Wo recommend that the Com'mls-
abollshed and all cohnty offices be
put on a salary nnd tbat the same be
sufficient to attract competent: men.
We recommend that the 'foreman
and clerk of this body be paid the sum
of ten dollars for extra services.
We, recommend tbat these present
ments be published in the Waycross
Journal and Waycross Herald and
thanks aijd appreciation ot his able
charge lttfmaklng clear to us our du
ties and' responsibilities both ii
Jurors and citizens.
W. J. Carswell, foreman: G. P. Folks,
B. D. Finn, W. M. Denton, R. Q„
Bennett, J. C. Humphreys, C. E.
Williamson, B. F. Bryant, J, O.
Steffes, J. J. Hargraves,' J. P, Lids,
that they be paid ten dollars for such j, B .Dickens, F. B. Trent, O. O-
publication. Parker, Allen James, J. A. TomberBn,
We hare thoroughly considered the
matter of the handling ot the busi
ness ot the County of Ware through
the Ordinary and Commissioners of
Roads and Revenue and In our opin
ion the same Is unwleldly and not sat
isfactory, by reason of the fact that
there are too many heads to one or
ganization. We have therefore given
the matter considerable thought as to
how the same could.and should be
remedied and to this end we recom
mend that the Commissioners of
Roads and Revenues of Ware County
be abolished and that our Represen
tative introduce, a bill In our next
Legislature repealing the former act,
thus restoring the handling ot the
affairs of the County exclusively In
the hands ot the Ordinary, or that-
same be reduced to a single Commis
sioner and tbat ho or the Ordinary
be given proper compensation for the
time that they may devote exclusively
to the affairs of the county.
This Is no reflection upon the pres
ent board of County Commissioners.
We believe them to be honest, con
scientious men, striving bs best they
can to serve the people and, conserve
the best interest ot the county, and
we heartily endorse their expressed
purpose of putting the roads already
built In good repair, before undertak
ing the construction ot any new roads.
The thinks of this body are due
and tendered the South Georgia Audit
ing Company for assistance in com
piling these presentments.
The labors of thls-body have been
greatly lessened by the efficient and
of our able solicitor and> his assistant,
C. L. Redding to whom our thanks
are tendered.
In taking leave ot bis Ron. Judge
T. A. Parker we desire to express our
R. P. Peterman, Ellas Moore, Jr-
Keep up-keep down, ouy ait Over
land 30. Cheaper to keep up than a
horse and buggy.
14 6t cod. Kelley’s Oarage,
I am still at the same old stand, 22
Brewer street, and prepared to do all
kinds of cabinet work, uifcplstering,
trunk repalqfng, etc. - Having don#
your work for the past six years l
think I know how to give you the
Ind of work you want. When you
need any repairing dfino, remember
The old reliable dablnet-Maker, 22
Brewer street, phone 2?4. 22 tf
Get the habit, smoke “Y. B. 8."
Hear Havana. , 27 If
Big supply of card board, all col
ors, Just received at Herald. tf
Ring up 61S and get a demonstra
tion. If the car does not sell Itself
Its our fault
14 fit eod. Kelley's Garage.
Tho meeting of the Georgia drain
age congress In Waycross on the 19th
ought to be of deep interest to the
people of the entire costal section of
the state. It Is one of the really jtreat
movements In Gorgla today, absolute
ly untainted with the touch of slate
or other politics. Glynn county, like
the others In this section. Is vitally
Interested and will send a big delega
tion to the meeting.—Brunswick
With the McNamara brothers In
the penitentiary the price of dynamite
may decline.