Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, MAY 29, I814.
Liegal Advertisements
GEORGIA—Ware County. :ounty, for the sum of one dollar
Under and by vortue of a I’ow- «nd twenty centa, beaidea intereet
er of Sale contained in the Mort- end coat.
gage Deed executed by II. Lea- Alan, at the aaine time and
ter Marvil to Dan Lott, on the place lot of land number II in
aecond day of January 1914, and block aix (6) of the Biveraide
recorded in the office of the Clerk Park diviaion, levied on aa the
of the Superior Court of Ware property of of W. T. Thompson
ounty in Book Seven (7) folio to satisfy two cxecutiona, one for
One Hundred and Sixty <160),
the undersigned will aell at pub
lic aale at the court houae in aaid
county, during the legal houra of
aale, to tho highest bidder for
cash, the follwing property, to
wit: /
One (1) W/ite Hearse. Alao
one (1) paitSfif Black Horses,
each horse being above seven i7)
years old, unnamed, and each
the year 1912 for eixty-flve centa,
and one for the year 1913 for six-
ty cents for state and county
taxes, beaidea interest and coat,
issued by ,1. T. Strickland, Tax
Also, at the same time and
place lot number nine (9) of
block 117 ■ of Riverside Park,
levied upon as the property of
Prank Owens, Kr., to satisfy an
weighing about one thousand for , tate connty
poundi. | tftxp* for tho year 191.3, issued by
hor the purpose of paying a j T Strickland, Tax Collector of
certain promissory note bearing 1
date on the 2nd day of January,
1914 aid payable ninety (90)
days after the date thereof, and
made and executed by the said II.
Leetyr Marvil; said note being for
two hundred and fifty ($250.00)
dollars pripcipal, stipulating' for
interest from date at the rate ofj
eight per oefit (8 per cent); the
total aiyrffnt due on aaid note be
ing two hundred and fifty dollars
($250.00)) principal, eight dol.
lara and tliirty.three ($8.33)
cents interest, together with the
nost of this ‘proceeding, as pro
vided in said mortgage.
This May 5th, 1914.
Dan Lott.
Andrew 11. Kates,
5 8 4wa.
GKORGIA—Ware County.
Will he sold on the first Tues
day in June next, at public outery
before the court house door in
aaid county, within the legal
houra of sale to the highest bid-
der for cash, certain property of
which.the following is a complete
Alao at the same time and
place and on the aame terms will
be sold the following property:
. All that certain trnet or par
cel of land known as lot Six (fi)
of Block Six (fi) in the Crawley
Subdivision, sniil lot being fifty-
six (56) feet front and running
back one hundred and live (195)
feet and being part of original
land lot one hundred and fifty-
six (156) in the Eighth district
of Ware county, Georgia, and ly
ing within tile incorporation of
the eit.v of Wnycrosa. Said prop,
erty living levied on aa the prop
erty of Gillis Faison to satisfy
three certain executions issued
upon three judgments rendered
at the April term, 1914, of the
Justice Court of the 1231st dis
trict G. M., Ware county, Geor
gia, in favor of The Fidelity
I man and Investment Company
against Qillin Faison.
Also at the aame time and
place and on the same terms will
be sold the following property:
All of lot one (1) in hlock "B”
in North Side, a subdivision of
Wayerosa, Ware county, Georgia,
aa per plat of record iu the office
of the Clerk of the Superior
court of Ware county, Georgia,
in hook of maps "A,” page 6.
Said property levied on as the
property of Lucy Faison to satis
fy four certain executions issued
upon four judgments rendered at
the April term, 1914, of the Jus
tice Court of the 1231st district
G. M. Ware county, Georgia, In
favor of The Fidelity Loan and
Investment Company against Lu-
ey Faison.
Written notice of levy and
this advertisement given to each
of above named defendants.
This May tith, 1914.
D. W. Pittman,
5 8 4wki. Sheriff.
GEORGIA—Ware County.
The appraisers appointed to
set aside a twelve months support
for the family of Dr. M. M. .lohn-
aon, deceased, having filed their
return, all persons concerned are
hereby eited and requir'd
to show eause in the Court
of Ordinary of Ware county,
on the first Monday in
June, 1914, next why the applica
tion for said twelve months sup
port should not be granted.
This the 4th day of May, 1914.
B. H. Thomas,
Ordinary Ware County, Ga.
5 8 4wks.
GEORGIA—Ware County.
Will bo sold at the court houae
door of said county during the le
gal hours of aale on the first Tui
day in June, 191$, to tho highest
bidder for cash lot eleven (II) in
Roneta Annex, levied on as the
property of Ed Shepard to satis
fy an execution against him for
state and county taxes for the
year 1913, issued by J. T. Strick
land, Tax Collector of said Ware
Ware county, Georgia; said exc-
ration being for the sum of $1.20,
besides interest and cost.
Also, at the same time and
place lots five still six (5 A 6) of
block 39 of Riverside Pat*, levied
upon aa the property of W. 11.
(.'anthers to satisfy an execution
fo rstate and comity taxes for the
year 1913, issued by J. T. Strick-
isml, Tnx Collector of said Ware
county, Georgia, said execution
being for the sum of $2.40, be
sides interest anti coat.
Also, at the same time an<\
place lots 34 anil 35 on Dorothy
Avenue in Riverside Park, levied
upon as the property of Mr. J. O.
Paaliarl to satisfy an execution
for state anil county taxes for the
year 1913, isaiied by J, T, Strick
land, Tax Collector of said Ware
ounty, Georgia, said execution
being for the stun or $2.40, be
sides interest and coat.
Also, at the same time and
place lots 14 and 15 in block 119
of Riverside Park, levied upon as
the property of J. S. llarleston to
satisfy and execution for state
and county taxes for the year
1913, Issued hv J. T. Strickland,
Tnx Collector of said Ware conn-
y for the hiitit or $2.40, principal
besides interest and coat.
Also, at tile aame time and
place lot 20 of block 111 ill River-
aide Park, levied upon aa the
property of II. L. Gordon to satis
fy and execution for state and
county taxes for the year 1913,
issued by J. T. Strickland, Tax
Collector of Ware county, Geor
gia, for the sum of $1,20, princi
pal. besides interest niul coat.
Also, at the smile time and
place lots' 13 nnd 14 ill block 133,
levied upon as the property of J.
F. Clayton to satisfy an execution
for stole and county taxea for tile
year 1913; said execution issued
by J. T. Strickland, Tax Collector
of Ware county, Georgia, said ex
ecution being for the sum of $4.80,
principal, beaidea interest and
Alao, nt tile same time and
place lot Three (3) of block 94 iu
Riveraide Park, levied upon at
tho property of L. W. Whitey to
satisfy two executions for state
and county taxes.for the years
1912 and 1913, isaued by J. T.
Strickland, Tax Collector of Ware
comity, Georgia; said cxecutiona
being for the stuns of sixty-five
cents ($.65) and $1.20 respective
ly, beaidea interest and coat.
Alao, at the same time and
place lot 20 of block nine (9) in
Conway Park, levied upon as the
property of J. Edward I’irrimg
to satisfy two executions for state
and county taxes for the year
1912 anil 1913, iaaued by J. T.
Strickland, Tax Collector of said
Ware county, for the sums of
$1210 and $2.40 respectively, be-
aiilca interest slid coat.
Also, at the same time and
place lot one uf block 93 in South
Decnwood, levied upon aa the
property of O. W. Ray to satisfy
two exs'cutious for state and
ounty taxea for the years 1912
and 1913, iaaued by J. T. Strick
land, Tax Collector of Ware
ounty, Georgia, for tho siima of
$1.30 and $2.40 respectively, be
sides interest and cost. ,
Alao, at the same time mil
place lot 20 of block KM iu Kiv.
erside Park, levied upon aa the
property of Mrs. Lena Mobley to
satisfy an execution for state and
county taxea for the year 1913,
iaaued hy J. T. Strickland, Tax
Collector of Ware county, Geor
gia. for the principal nun of
$1.20, Iwsidea interest and cost.
Also, at the same time and
place that certain tract of land
known as number 46 Sycamore
street, said lot fronting sixty (60)
feet on aaid Sycamore street and
running back an uniform width
a distance of 100 feet, being in
the city of Wayerosa, Ware coun
ty. Georgia, and levied upon aa
the property of Mack Jordan to
satisfy an execution for state and
county taxes for the year 1913.
iaaued by J. T. Strickland, Tax
Collector of aaid Ware county,
Georgia; aaid execution being for
the su mof $8.80, besides interest
and cost.
Also, at the same time and
place lot 16 of block 110 in River
side Park, levied upon as the
property of Julia A. Gross to sat
isfy an exeention for state and
county taxes for the year 1913,
issued by J. T. Strickland, Tax
Collector of Ware county, Geor.
gia; aaid execution being for the
slim of sixty cents besides inter,
est and cost.
Also, at the same time and
place lota 11 and 12 and 13 of
block 73 in South Dcenwood,
levied upon as the property of
Xcttie Kennedy to satisfy an exe
cution for state and county taxes
for the year 1913, issued by J. T.
Strickland, Tax Collector of Ware
county, Georgia, said execution
being for the principal aum of
$6.60 besides interest and cost.
Also, st the same time and
place lota one (1) and two (2) in
block 71 In Riveraide Park, levied
upon aa the property of AV. A.
Kelay to satisfy an execution for
atate and county taxes for the
year. 1913, issued by ,J. T. Strick
land, Tax Collector of Ware coun
ty, Georgia; said execution being
for the aum of $3.60, besides in
ters** and cost.
Also, at the same time and
place Iota 14 and 15 of bftek 56 in
Riverside Park, levied upon as
the property of Jesse Turner to
satisfy an execution for state and
coiifify taxes for the year 1913,
issued by J. T. Strickland, Tax
Collector, of Ware county, Geor
gia; raid execution ■ being for the
sum o' $2.40, besides interest and
Also at the samp time and
place lots four (4) and five (5)
of block 95 in Riverside Park,
levied upon as the property of C.
D. Bud, to satisfy an exeention
for state and county taxes for the
year 1913, iaaued by J. T. Strick
land, Tax Collector of aaid Ware
county; ;aaid execution being for
the stun of $1,20, besides interest
and post.
Alao, at the aame time and
place lota 14 and 15 of block 7,
in Riverside Park, levied upon ns
tin’ property of T. Jf. Cowart, to
satisfy an execution for slate nnd
ounty taxes for the year 1913,
issued by J. T. Strickland, Tnx
Collector of sniil Ware county,;
said execution being for the sum
of $1.20, besides interest and
Also, at the aame time nnd
place lot 16 of block 134 of River,
side Park, levied upon as tile
property of G. W. Chapman to
satisfy nil execution for state nnd
Olinty taxes for the year 1913. is
sued by J. T. Strickland, Tax Col
lector of Ware comity, Georgia,
said execution being for the aum
of $1.80, besides interest ami coat.
Also, at the aame time and
place lot number three (3) of
block number 13 iu Gilchrist
Park, levied upon ns the proper
ty of J. C. Deal, to aatiafy an ex
ecution for state and county taxea
for the year 1913, issued by J. T.
Strickland, Tax Collector of
Ware county, Georgia, aaid exe
cution being for the sum of sixty
centa (60 eta.), besides interest
and coat.
All the above described proper
ty lung in Ware county, Georgia,
ami where subdivisions are men
tioned, plats arc of file in the
Clerk of the Superior Court office
of aaid Ware county.
All the above described prop
erty levied upon hy G. L. Mock,
Constable for the 1231st district.
O. M„ and turned over to me as
Sheriff of itaid Ware county, for
the purpose of advertising and
This the 5th day of May. 1914.
D ,W, Pittman,
Sheriff of Ware County. Ga.
5 8 4wks.
L. T. Drury.
Thi* 7th day of May, 1914.
Sheriff of Ware Connty, Ga
GEORGIA—Ware Connty.
Will be sold on the first Tues
day in June, next, (which is the
2nd day of said month), at public
outcry, at the court house door iu
said county, within tlu> legal
hours of sale, to the highest bid-
ler for cash, all of that certain
tract or parcel of land lying anil
being iu the south side of land lot
No. 94, in the 7th District of
Ware county, containing two
hundred and twenty (220) acres,
more or less, the same bounded on
the south, east'and west by orig
inal land line*, and on the north
by land* of Mrs. Martha Jordai,
this being the same two hundred
and twenty (220) acres of land
deeded to Maggie K. Fisher by A,
D. Fisher, as administrator of the
estate of Mrs. Ada Fisher, de
ceased, of aaid Ware county,
Georgia, Said real estate levied
on as the property of L. T. Drury,
to satisfy an exeention issued on
the 24th day of March 1914, from
the City Court of Wsyeroot, in
said county, in favor of The Lib
erty Banting Company against
GEORGIA—Ware County
Will be sold before the court
house door in salt] county between
the legal horns of sale on the first
Tuesday in June, 1914, the fol
lowing described real estate:
That tract or parcel of land situ
ate, lying and being in the coun
ty of Ware and state of Geor
gia, to-wit:
Beginning at a point on the
north sideof Isabella street a dis
tance of 106 feet East of the
Northeast corner of Isabella and
Tebeau streets running thence
North and parallel to Tebeau a
distance of 67 feet, more or lesa,
to the canal, running thence East
erly along the southern side of
saiil canal a distance of 31 feet,
more or less; running thence
southerly anu parallel to Tehenn
street a distance of 70 feet, more
or leaa, to the North side of Isa
bella street, running thence Wes:
nlong the north side of Isabella
street a distance of 31 feet, more
or leaa, to place or point of lie.
ginning, being a portion of lot
seven in block number font teen
(14) as shown on the map of the
city of Waycross, AVarc ounty,
Georgia. Said property being
sold as the property of Been
Realty and Improvement Compa
ny to satisfy a certain note dated
August 14, 1913, ami due Febru
ary 14, 1914, for tlio aum of
$1,000.00, besides interest from
date at the rate of eight (8) per
cent per annum, which said note
is secured by mortgnge on the
above described property, which
said mortgage contains a power
of sale and further stipulates that
if default is made in the payment
of the note thereby secured, that
the undersigned shnll lie cutlior-
ixed to sell nnd dispose of the
property therein named at public
sale at the court house iu AA’are
county after advertising the time
nnd place of the aale in the AVny-
eross Journal, or aouicelher newt-
paper published in Ware county,
once a week for four weeks and
to execute conveyance to the pur-
chasers in the name of the Den
Realty and Improvement Compa
ny, and such default having been
made in the paymint of said
note, the Undersigned will sell
sni (1 property and moke nnd ex
ecute to the purchaser a deed to
said property at provided in said
mortgage rendering to the said
Been Realty & Improvement
Company any overplus after pay
ing the principal debt scoured
therein with interest thereon nnd
the cost of this proceeding.
This May 5, 1914.
■> J. J. Farnsworth,
By liis attorneys at law,
Crawley, Redding k Crawley.
5 8 4wks.
Ware county, Georgia, beginning
at a point 50 feet from the South
east corner of Bird and Hazzard
streets and running in an easter
ly direction from the South side
of said Bird afreet fifty feet to
the landa of Joe Washington;
thence southerly along the lands
of said Joe Washington 100 feet
to an alley; thence westerly
along said alley fifty (50) feet to
the lands of Frank Caron; thence
in a northerly direction along the
lands of said Frank Cason 100
feet to the original point or place
of beginning, levied on as the
property of Henry Washington
to satisfy an. execution against
him in favor of Hay & Keaton,
issued from the N. P. and Ex-
Officio J. P. Court of the 1231 at
District, G. M. of aaid county for
the sum of sixty seven 50100
dollars, principal, besides inter
est and coat; said execution levied
up on by H. O. Freeman local con
stable of the 1231st district and
turned over to me for the purpose
of advertisement and sale. No
tice of this levy and sale given to
tenant in possession.
This tho 5th day of May, 1914.
D. AV. Pittman,
Sheriff of AVarc County, Ga.
5 8 4wks.
State of Georgia,
AA’are Connty.
K. G. Scarlett, guardian for
Bertha McDonald, having applied
to me for leave to sell certain
lamia of his ward for the purpose
of education and maintenance,
notice is hereby given that said
application will lie heard at the
regular term of the Court of Or
dinary of aaid county, to he held
on the first Monday in June, 1914.
This May 4th. 1914.
B. II. Thomas,
> 8 4wkx Ordinary.
GEORGIA—AA’are County.
By virtue of an order from the
Court of Ordinary of AA’are coun
ty grnnted April 6, 1914. will lie
sold at public outcry oil the first
Tuesday in June, 1911, at the
court house door iu said county,
between the legal hours of sale
the following prescribed tract of
land, l.viug and being in the city
of AVayerosa, AA’are county, Geor
gia: Commencing at the South
west corner of Chureli and 'Juar-
trrman streets, running thence
south along the west side of
Church street 175 feet, more or
loss, to lands formerly owned by
Oscar Lott, thence AA'est and par
allel with Quartorman street
210 feet, more or less, thence
North am) parallel with Church
street 175 feet, more or less, to
(juarterinan street, thence East
along Quarterman street 210 feet,
more or less, to Church street,
point or place of beginning; said
property sold as the property of
tty estate of Minnie T. Strick
land, deceased, for the purpose uf
distribution, etc., as set out in the
application; terraa cash.
J. B. Strickland,
Administrator Estate of Min
nie T. Strickland.
5 8 4wks.
pliance that sella for $1.50 In ev
ery home when electric lights
are used. Sample mailed on ap
plication. The Newbope Distri
buting Co., Jfsnpy Ga.
U&M uIaa’i'0 mAAfc IT j
(By Frank O. Menke.)
New York, May 25.—Will hia-
tory repeat and defeat the Giants
situated in the cily of AA'ayerosa,' in their aim to be the first team in
GKORGIA—Ware County.
Will be sold before the court
house door of said county during
the legal Jionrs of sale on the tint
Tuesday in June, 1914. to the
highest bidder for cath that cer
tain or city lot lying, being and
modem history to win four pen
nants in a row T
From the way the I’iratea have
been breezing along so far, and
from the way the Eastern teams
have been drubbing the Giants, it
looks just now a« if 'Hit from Be
hind” McGraw is facing a mighty
task in trying to lead hia charges
into the next world series com
Of course, the I’iratea may
“crack.” All things are possi
ble. But just the same that string
of victories they have gathered
up to date are going to count
just as much ill October as those
that may come later on in the
season. And, along the aame line
of reasoning, the defeats the Gi
ants have suffered ill this wet and
soggy springtime will count
against them just as heavily aa
will a walloping later on.
If the Giants cannot turn the
“four pennants in a row” trick
this year it may he ten or fif
teen years before another outfit
can place itself in. a position when
it can shoot at the target from lie-
hind the breastworks of three in
a row.
On the pre-season dope, it
looked like a cinch for the Giants
to accomplish tlie seemingly im-
To the People of the Eleventh
Congressional District:
I hereby announce my candi- possible. All the little dopsters
dscy for the Democratic nomina- [ in the laud gave the National
tion for the office of represents- League Held the up and down
tive ill liet Sixty-fourth Congress during the winter and then pass-
of the United States, from the ed the hunting to the New A’ork
Eleventh Congressional District aggregation. And now tile Pl
ot Georgia, subject to the primary rates come along and threaten to
to lie held on August the nine- put the dope on the blink.
(eolith, 1914. ) It was the same piratical hand
1 earnestly solicit the support that upset the dope hack in 19119
and vote of every qualified white and balked the "three in a row”
voter ill, the District. Cub. from turning iiie trick. No
Yours respectfully. one figured the l'irates in on the
J. A. J. HENDERSON, 'pennant fracas that year. The
Ocilia, Ga., May 4, 1914. (old Cub machine that had won
5-15-ivkly-tf. with each ill 1906, 1907 mid 1908
— . .was iutaut. It looked like a sure
Subscribe for The Journal. .bet on the Cubs.
| And then up rose Fred Clark,
. ~ ”. . the CluV( Piifcte in mighty wrath.
If your children are subject to He gu . gt| ' e<| „„ , he ,, OCO)
attacks of croup, watch for the whUe th were iu a (lazed con .
first symptoms, hoarseness. Give dit - on he ’ took the , 9]0 pi , m .ant
Chamberlain’s Cougli Remedy as u||(0 himgelf
soon aa the child becomes hoarse | clark and hi , Pittsburgh crowd
and the attack may be warded .j a chance in 1904 t0 maUe
off. horo sale by all dealers. themselves famous by grubbing
' I four in a row. But the Giants
AVhen you want a reliable med- ;k , d , he wav F | uahed by their
icine for a cough or cold take > pcnnaIlt victor i c , h, 1901,1902,
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. and jgyu tke pj ra tes, still a won-
It »>w»y» be depended upon derful aKkreKat io„, started out
Yeaterday in Tampa, Fla., Mr.
Nathan -Sears, former resident of
AA’aycross, and father of‘Assist
ant Superintendent James F.
Sears, of the Relief Department
of the Atlantic Coast Line, died
after a brief illness. The remains
will reach AVaycross tonight at
ten o’clock and will be taken to
the undertaking parlors of II.
Lester Marvil.
No fuucral arrangements have
been made as yet but it is believed
row, probably in the morning.
The remains of Mr. Scars will be
accompanied by his son.
The many AVaycross friends of
the family will Iparn with regret
of Mr. Sears’ death. lie bad a
large circle of friends in this city
mid was liked by all who knew
and ia pleasant and safe to take.
For sale by all dealers.
Take the AVeekly Journal.
One Lose Germ
Breeds Millions
Antiseptic Salve
Rtl$ialWkn$*««M*. nkMUvmd
for a fourth triumph. They look
ed like sure winners, looked to
outclass the field. But they did
n't outclass the Uiants, who won
106 out of 153 games and ambled
under the wire miles ahead of the
Parallel conditions hare exist
ed in the American*'League.
The Tigers won in 1907, 1908
and 1909. They started the 1910
season with a club that seemed
eveu stronger than the ones tlmt
had won in the three years before.
It looked like a finch for the De
troit gang. And wlmt happened T
The Athletics—that’s all.
The ({uaker City crowd that
had been figured as outsiders
started off at a terrific clip "a
spurt that won’t last," was the
general opinion. But it lasted
long enough for tile Athletics to
win 102 out of 155 games mid
long enough to ennlile them to de
feat the Giants in the world se
And then the Athletics decided
to take a little shot at that “four-
in-a-row" mark themselves.
They repeated their 1910 auc-
cesaes by winning again in 1911
There is more Catarrh in this
section of the country than all
other diseases put together, and
until the last few years was sup
posed to be incurable. For a
great many years doctors pro-
aounced it a local disease and
prescribed local remedies, and by
constantly failing to cure with
loeal treatment, pronounced it
incurable. Science hat proven
Catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires
constitutional treatment Hall’s
Catarrh Cure, manufactured byj but their chances for a pennant
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,, seemingly brighter than ever be-
ia the only Conatitutional cure on! fore, they foozxted long enough
the market It ia taken internal- jduring the early part of the 1912
ly in doses from 10 drops to a season to enable the Boston Reds
teaspoonful. It acta directly on Sox to get a lead that even a fer
tile blood and mucous surfaces of rifle spurt in the last month
the system. They offer one hnn- 1 couldn’t cut down,
dred dollars for any ease it fails | _________
to cure. Send for circular* and GAS PEOPLE ARB
testimonials. j GETTING READY.
i Address: F. J. Chtnev A Co.,I —
Toledo, O. • At a meeting in Birmingham
Sold by Druggists, 75e. last week the Southern Gas Com-
Take Hall's Family Pills tor pany was organized, the capital
constipation. • stock being $300,000, for the pur
pose of constructing and operat.
ing a gas plant in AA'ayerosa au.|
other cities
Moat of the brick work on tli.-
AVaycross plant has been don,-,
and a large amount of materia!
unloaded. Several car loads of
piping have arrived and more aiv
on the road. Active work in the
street mains will start as sooh as
the engine and compressor for
testing the street mains are pla.--
It ia understood that later <w
the company will increase it\
•apital stock. The directors nam.
nf at the Birmingham meeting
follow: •
Directors: Louis l’izitz, Chas.
II. Scott, John M. Corr, W. I).
Harrison, Jr., of Birminglitm,
Alabama; John R. Cochran, Chi
cago, III.
Officers: ('has. II. Scott, Pres-
ident and Treasurer: Join: M.
Corr. Vice President; AA’. II. Har
rison, Jr., Secretary and General
The Names of Waycross Persons
Familiar to All.
AATio arc the witnesses!
They arc AVaycross people—
Residents of AA’aycross who
have lmd kidney backache, kid
ney ills, bladder ills; who have
used Doan’s Kidney Pills. These
witnesses endorse Doan’s.
One resident who speaks is J.
P. Luther, proprietor of meat
market, 47 Francis street. Sir.
Luther says: "You may continue
to use my endorsement of Doan's
Kidney l’illa, for they have been
very beneficial in our family. I
have given them a fair trial when
having kidney complaint and all
its pains and disorders, and I con
sider them the best kidney medi
cine to be had. I got Doan's Kid
ney Fills at Seals’ Pharmacy ami
they brought me relief after va
rious other medicines had failed
to help me. The pains in my baei:
were driven away and my kidneys
were restored to their proper
working order."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foater-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents
for the United States.
Remember the name—Doan's
andtake no other.
This is to notify the public
that I have soil my interest ill
Tile Beach Trading Co., at Beach,
Ga., and am not responsible for
any debts contracted after this
date. Air. A. C. Sweat will pay
all bills owed by the Company
and receive all money due the
May 18th, 1914.
Atlanta, Alay 28.—Mayor Jim
AVoodward has eome ont flat-foot
ed for the “short aleeve bathing
suit,” and will urge the park
board at ita next meeting to mod
ify the rule requiring men to wear
long sleeved suits while bathing
jin the Piedmont Park lake. The
bathers are circulating several pe
titions asking that this unneces
sary rule be rescinded, and sig
natures are numerous.