Newspaper Page Text
Confectioneries, Fancy and Family Groceries Call .on . Longhurst in old -Sharp Building.
MR. JACKSON.—“Why you look 5o hand
some in your new suit. Whee dig you
get itF”* - :
Mg, JONES.—*“From M. Kempner's Cloth.
ing Store. He keeps the nicest fittings
artd Cheapest Clothing in Dawson.”’
I have just opened a nice line of Ging
hams, Figured and White Lawns, Floun
cing and Checked Muslins. Cheaper than
any merchant in Dawson will sell the same
line of Goods.
& Tng Jorrsar is the Official Puper of
Terreli County and the City of Dawson,
qand has & larger pumbeér ot readers than
sny other paper that circulates in the
county. T prove this, we open onr books
for the inspection of all who may wish to
e {H&K } -
Ay g
A ’
HAVE just received a nice
fine of .
~4 .
Spring Goods
Consisting in part of Clothing
ot every style, price and qual
ity. They can fit from a
small boy up to a large man.
They have also in stock a
nice Line ot
White Dress Goods,
Such as Victoria Lawns, In
dia Linens, Plain and Figured
Fmbroideries, Nainsoo ks,
and Nunsveiling, of the lafest
styles and patterns.
In Solid and Stripes, Hand
kerchiefs, Laces, FEdgings,
Etc. Rare bargains in all.
Shoes, Hat-,
Boots, Trunks, Satchels, Um
brellas, Etc., in profusion and
are going at prices that will
surprise you.
05 The public is cordial-
Iy invited to inspect our stock
when in the City.
L ) TLJ P !
The Clothiers.
Why You Fes!
Bo weak and exhausted is because your
biood i 3 tmpure. As well expect the
sanitary conditiorn of a city to be per
fect with defiled water and defective
sewerage, a 8 to expect such a compli
eatod piece of mechanism as the human
fraine to be in good order with impure
dlood circulating even to its minutest
veins. Do you know that every drop
of your two or three gallons of Liood
Passes through the heart aud lungs in
about two and a half aninutes, and that,
on its way, it makes bone and muscle,
brain and, nerve, and all other solids
and fluids of the body? The blood is
the great nourisher, or, as the Dibls
Serms it, »
“The Life of the Body.”
1s it any wonder, then, that if the blood
be not pure and perfect in its cousti-
Yuents, you suffer sq many indescribable
symptowns ? ) ¢
Ayer's Sarsaparilla stands ‘‘head and
shoulders” above every other Alter
ative and Bleod Medicine. As proof,
read these reliable testimonies :
G. C. Brock, of Lowell, Mass., says:
" For the past 25 years 1 have sold
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In my opinion,
'ho bost remedial agenvies for the cure
of all the diseases arising from impuri
ties of the bloed are contained in ¢his
Eugenoe I. lilf, M. 1., 381 Sixth Ave.,
New York, says: * As 8 blpod-puriiier
and genorai builder-up of the system, [
hare uever found anything to equal
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It gives periect
Ayer's Sarsaparilla proves eonally
eleacious in all forms of Scrofuln,
”""", Carbuncles, Eczema, Humors,
l.nmbugo. Cararrh, &e.; and is, there
fore, the very Lest
Spring and Family Medicine
n use. It heats alt,” says Mr. Cutler,
*f Cutler Brothers & Co., Doston, ** how
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
l’ue. .e!‘l'x P"p”od h’ 3
m- C. Ayer & Co, Lowe', Mass.
W 3 0 boties, 95, boltie,
- w‘t vippgp BUG i@,gw”@m
| Interesting Ttema Concerning Town
[ and County Gathered by Journal
| Reporters and Briefty Told.
‘ The Goldens Saturday nizht,
Mr. 8. T. Jordan is in Macon.
Lovely line of Fringes at Melton Bros'. I
Mrs. J. R. Mercer is visiting friends at
Atlanta : ,
Beautiful Bpring Worsteds, of all shades, -
at Melton Bros'.
When the boys want a glass of cool beer
they drep in at Mims',
Bome of the farmers are ready to chop
cotton as soon as it rains, ;
Large Stock of solid and figured Sat. ,
teens at Melton Bros, |
Miss O. E. Parker advertises her new ‘
spring millinery in this issue, !
‘ The ¢tore of J. Z. Turner, at Broawood, !
has been closed by ered iors. '
The best Ladies’ Hand Scwed Shoe in |
‘ the city for §3.00 at lrlclton Bros'. ’
i 3L C. Mims bas just received a fresh lot ’
, of flour lower than the lowest.
; See the new advertisement of Meiton =
"Bros. They have an elezant stock. l
i A pienic party from the city spent yes- |
terday at the Woonlbright place. '
’i Dawson le uls all other towns as a lum. |
| ber ghipping point. Na excep.ions i
i The cheapest and beat shoes for ladies, |
i men, boys and girls, at Kempner's, |
! Will Talvot went to Atlanta Tuesday to !
: be treated by Dr. Callioun £r catarrh. !
. Jim Farnum came down from Macon |
; Saturday and spent Sunday in the city. l
i Soon the begry season will open, and ‘
then cuff will ?r.lap his fingers at grim want.
M. C Mims' is the only houss in town |
’ that will sell ymi 20 pounds of rica for 1. |
G@9% Meiton Bros'. for White' Goods, l
! Checked Naingonke, Victoria Lawns, cte. !
[ If this thing continues grmebody may |
| be rash enough to insinuate taat spring ,
has coe, i
' Mrs. Olin Wimberly, of Maicon, i 3 in ’
i the city visiting hor mother, Mrs. E. B. :
} MceNulty, |
President Parker is alive to every inter- :
est of his schosl. He takes great interest i
! in his work, ’
' B:autiful fine of nice white goods, q
i}'.nlmcizr; Checked Musling, ete., cheap, }
at Kempaer's. !
! There are no new developmen's in tha }
laud improvement company. We think it |
woBt 4 covininty. ‘
i Solicitor. General Guerry 18 down in the |
! State of Miller this wealk prosacuting the |
| eriminals, i
Marshal ITatcher is now engazed in eol- |
lecting street tax, $38,00 is the amuumi
tequived of the beys.
Dr. Kendriek is the only agent in Daw- l
sen for Mirsehberg’s Diarond Spectacles |
ea’l and exan iaz his stock. I
Hon. 0. B, Stevens, Col. J. M. Criggs, '
and Messrs. J. B. Perry and Legene |
Crouch arc in Atlanta,
Dr. W. B. Cheathain i 3 attending thct
annual meeting of the Georgia Medieal |
Association in Atianta this week,
Go to Kemmmers and got. a good Ur- ‘
laundried Shirt for 69 cents. Other stores |
sell the same shist for §l.OO. o
Don‘t think of making your parchase of |
Oriental Lace until you see the large and |
elegant assortment at Melton Bros’. '
Miss P. 3. Newherry is prepared to do
dress making at Mis. Or'e Parker's milli- |
nery store. See her card, |
Misser Minnie Etheridge and Mattie l
Arthur, of Shellman, have been the gucests
of Miss Delia Hr-rsley this week.
Work is progressing rapidly on Mrs. Dr.
R. G. Jones’ new residence, and it will
soon be ready for ocenpancy.
Mclioa Bros’. new Embroiders just re
ceived and ready for inspection by the
That tived fecling and loss of sppetite
are entire'v avereon e by Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, the peculiar medicine, Try it and
Rev. B. W. Davis went over to Albany
yesterday to be present this morning at
the epening of the State Baptist Conven.
Mr. Martin McLendon reported at this
office, last Saturday, that a gosling, with
four well-developed legs, had been hatched
on his premises.
Mr. snd 3rs. J. R. Martin, of near
Bronwoad, bave the sympathy of the
Jorkyar in their bereavement by the loss
of their infant son.
Miss Uorinne Janes, teacher of the An
drew College, is paiating elegant portraits
at 50,00, She get quite a number of or
dgrs from New York. |
Mr Panl Hollapd, of this eounty, 18
goin T to raise thoraug'ihred hogs. He has
had shipped to him from Ohio two full
blooded Poland China hogs.
A good hend of hair is desired hy every
one, 148 Viegotable Siellian Hale Re.
pewer will restore the hnir, if the blar
ealls are not closed up. !
Mo frame work of thy mew € ! red
MethioLint gz fell down ore day fast
There will be another marr.age in Daw.
son in a few wecks. AsusualZene of our
most attractive girls will be carried off to
arother towr, .
The people of Dawson were pleased to
see Rev. P. S, Twitty on our strests last
Sunday. He is mueh beloved by the peo-
P 2 of his old charge. :
A man wishing to make a motisy o to
offer some remark may sometimes bha out
of erder, but a man wishing 1o pay his
subscription never. $
" The feilaws who have'been grow'ing at
spring’s tardy coming will be singing an
other song before the new crop of mysqui
toes i gone,
Town loafers are growling over hard
! times, the farmers are hard at work mak
ling another erop while everybody is on
L the lookout for a stray boom
- We stepped into Kempner's the other
| day and iound him busy opening up gome
‘new and pretty goods for spring and sum
mer. He is a live merchant.
Kempner will show vou the Tatest styles
in Hats. Felt Hats, Wool Hats, Straw
Hats, Boy's ilats, Men's Hats, Children’s
Hats. His.p-ices are the lowest,
Our denizens, old and younz, inspired
by the beautifal and warm spring weather,
are t.King to the streams to ungle for tho |
uawary minnow. Fishing parties and
picnics are now the cn")er. ’ “
Besides the hui!difig of the Cnhnnbus‘
Southern, several minor imorovements are |
goinz on in the city, which indieate the in
cipieney of a healthy, substantiai bsom to
our desirable and admirably located lit
tle city.
The Sunday-schiools of the city have ap
pointed committees ty make arrangements |
for the annual May festivities. Wowdn't |
it be a god idea for the schanls to unite |
and have one grand pienic? ! l
The picnic given their Sunday-school
classes by Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Parks and |
Mrs. J. R. Mercer, at Tucker’s ™ mill Jast 1
Saturday, was the first of the seagon. The (
little ones no doubt enjoyed it. ‘
Ayer's Cathartic Pills are suited to every |
age. They are mild and pleasant in ac- |
tion, thorough and searching in effect,and, |
being sugar-coated, are easy to take. |
These pills never fall to give satisfaction. ‘
Sasser comes to the front azain this :
week wita her usual mad dog storv, Mad
dogs seem to be a 3 numeroas in thay vil- |
lage as Majors, Colonels and Judges are
elsewhere, ‘
Next Tueaday, the 28th, is Memorial |
Day, and it will pass by unobserved in 4
Dawson for the first time in a mumber of |
vears. In the afternoon the Dawson |
Guards will parade the streets in uniform. |
The Eufaunla fire companies have ex
tended an invitation to Protection No, 1
to participate in their touraam=at on the
11th of May, W are not informed as to
whether they will aceept or not.
The Woman's Miszionary Socicty of
Broawnod wid celebrate its anniverzary
the first Suanday night in Aoril at the
Methodist church in that place An at
tractive programme Las been arrang:d
and the oceasion promises to be pleasant
and instractive. ‘
We are prosperony. Go in whatever
direction you may in ~ur connty you will
gee improvements of various kind going
on. New residences are _e':*in; up ail
throuzh the county, and bright, new shin.
gles «n the honsetops around the town
and viilages teil their own stery.
We qr:- ening to have that mmsical festi
val in May sure enough. Tlie music is
here, and we overheard Hon. 132 b ranm
innd Peof. Georze Bond practicing one of
the sonzs the other night. Whea they
’jnin in the grand chorus the welkin will
Dr. C. A. Cheatham exhibited a radish
Tueaday morning that wis a novelty in
its way. The body of the radisi was
ahout mx‘e inches in diameter and two
' and a ha [ inehes long and below it divided
into six different branches, some of them
four inches long and all plaited onc atound
’tne other.
| A strol'ing banj» picker (white) arrived
in the city last week and soon fillelup on
'hqnnr. Whiile doirg the town he was
eanght in the act of stealing tobacoo frowm
| Riordan’s sto e and was arresied and
placed in jail until next moraing, wien
he was released with the promise that he
| would at once leave.
[ A perfeeily sound body anl a mind un
impaired are possibis only with pure dlood.
| Leading medical antho ities indorse Aver's
'SJ"*flP:’fiufi as the best blosod purifving
medicine in existence It vastly increascs
the working and productive powers of
both hand and braiw.
We have hgen asked, says the Dain
bridge Memocrat, our opinisa of the pro.
pricty of a gentleman calling upon a youny
lady without previous notice, to make a
pop call so to speak. An occasiowl pop
call may be admissible, provided a suffi
cient degree of frieadshyp and intimacy
exists between the calles an i the family
and the young lady. It is geatcel, how
ever, ta always make a previous engage
ment. This rule is imperative, and the
more g 0 as it freqently relieves a younyg
lady from bores, diles and sap-heads
The well-bred geatlein never has been
| nor never wiil b, troubled absut the pro.
prieties of social life. g
' “Yes, I shall brealk the enguagement,”
she said, folding her arm3and looking de
fiant; *“it is p2ally too mueh trouble to con
verse with him: he's as deaf as & post, and
talks like he had. & wouthful of mush.
Basides, the way he hawks and spits is
disgusting ™ “‘Don't break Ihe enzage
ment for that; tell him o take Dr, Bage's
Catareh Remedy, It will cure him com.
pletelz.” “Well,; Dl tell him. Ido bate
to breal it off, £or in all othar respucis he's
quite to, charming.” Ol esurse, iL cured
his cotdrrh,
< An Lgpeasive Daeday,
[s failing to provide the
means to - expel fiom tae
s w'em those- disouse germs
whieh canse serolula, indigestion,
W i R T o SR,
el T e 2T A
W) Pl .¥ m % N
. It was ramored on our streets
last Tharsday that Albany had
abandonad the Columbus South
ern railroad sud 1 consequenca
]thé following telegrams were ex
1 : Dawsox, Ga., April 14,
Colonel Nelson Tift: Is it true that A)-
bany has abandoned the Columbus South
ern? ¢ -B. 1. Hoop.
l ArBANY, Ga., April 14.
B. H. Hnod, Dawson, Ga.: It isnot
true that we have abandoned the Colum
fbm Southern. We intend to make up
ourquots. The road wll be built of it
.denends on us. NsrsoN Tisr.
~ Thus it will be seen that as us
ual Madam Rumor spoke falsely,
The 125,000 required is now
very nearly made up, the road
will 98 lceated to Albany within
ove week and work will soon be
gin. This road is bound to come,
the Cuthbert wiseaere correspond
ents fo the contrary notwithstand
ing. We do not wish to hurt
Catibert upon the principle that
we wouldu't kiek a fellow when
he is down, but we must and will
have our rueilroad. 1
A Game Cock. ;
About four .weeks ago Mr. I |
W. Mann, near this city, missed
one of his roosters and after sev
eral days’ seareh fivally gave up
the huat, thinking that Sir Cucs
had come to the base ase of mak- I
ing bove and sivew for cuffy.
The other day Mr. Mann had his
well cleaned out aund on descend
ing into it, the cleaner haarl a
flutiering and cackling in a cave
leading out from the sids of the'
well, some fifty or sixty feet be
low the surface. Upon a closer!
examination he found the i«lenti-l
cal cock, alive and well and pre
sumably happy but hungry. The ’
chicken was taken out, and im-j
mediately upon landing on terra |
firma erowed a Ir sty erow and be- |
@an making love to the hens as if |
nothing unusual hads happened. 1
The Sonthwestern Kieking, i
A few days agh Mr. Hadson, |
superintendent of the Sonthwest- |
ern railaoad, was in Dawson and
directed the removal of soveml(
buildings located on the right of
way. The sufferers by this order ,
are Messrs. Sharp & Baldwin and
the Duwsou Variety Manufact ir.
ing Co. We understand that the
Manufacturivg Company will be
illowed to use the right of way
longer by a payment of &5 per|
month rent. Mr. Adams, of the
Manafactoring Company, seys
they will not pay the rent. Far |
thor developments may be looked
for. ; 1
Deatiis. !
Fannie Bel!,the infant daughter i
of Mr. and Mis. J. L. Janes, of
this city, died Taesday’ afteraoou.l
of meas!»s. |
We learn, also, that Mr, and Mrs.
J. I Mercer, of Leary, lost their
child yesterday.
Truly our sympathiss are with |
the bereaved oues. }
Protracted Meeting.
A protracted meeting will ba
commenced at the Methodist
Chureh next Sunday. Mr. Braneh, !
tiie pastor, is a zealoas worker iy
the Lord’s vineyard, and we are
sure the time will"'be profitably l
speat 1u attending these meelings. 1
Cass Aikeus, a swidly en'ored
danghter of Hum, was arrested
for forgery here ono day last week.
Casge prssed a forged order from
Mrs. E E. Cobb on J. W. Eaton.
The matter was fiually compro
mised by Cassie paying the costs
and settling for the goods.
nr. M. P. Still,a prominent and
well-known eitizen of ths lower
part of our ecounty, died Friday
morning last of dropsy in the 62d
yearof h's agy Mr. Still hat
ling baen k ovnasoneofoarbast
citizeas, ani-all without escep
tion mourn his loss.
Mr. W. D. Ward and Miss Jesgse
Moreland were noited in marriage
at the Methodist parsonase, in
Bronweod, last: Sundays Rev. J.
O.Langston officiating. Tha Joun.
NAL wishes them a full realiza ion
of their fondest anticipations.
Fruit Prospeets. .
Wa ara glnd to know that the
frait pros-ets in this section ave
now tolerably fair. In some ex
posed orchards the damaga has
been great, bat in others an aver
age ctop, it is thonghi, will be
Cowboy. Jr.
We are now owners of the
thoraughibred Jersey Bnll, Cow
boy Jr., formerly owned by Mr,
L. 8. Baldwin. We have his
pedigree and guarantes there is
not & finer or purer bred bull to
be fonod avywhere. $3,00 for
service. :
Honsruy & Crovdfr,
g “Delays ave Dangoerons,”
1f you ave pale, emaciated, have
a hacking cough, with night
gweats, apitting of ULlood aud
shortness of braath, yon have po
time to lose Do not hasitata teo
long—"till you are past care; for,
taken io its evly stuges, cobsum -
tiow can be cured by the ol
Dr. Piaroe's \GoldouMedioal Disy
BAt Bo b Y
{ Dawson keeps pace with her
|sister cities in regard tonews, A
jmusice]l now and thew, a social
anthering of the beauty and the
chiva'ry of the town, oceasionally
| & troupa at the Opera Honse, at
i ra e intervals bugyy riding on the
' houlevard, bieycle and trieyele
| Paces nmong the more youthfal,
j and last bat not least, “shopping”
drives _away all wonotony.
!Spring has opened in earvest and
| the society young ladics and gen
'tlemen, too, have dofed their
winter costumes and Main shieet,
[(m a bright afternoon, preseuis a
panorama interesting to all,
' Two of our Dawson belles were
ont shopping a few mormings
siuce, and passing a certain store
saw just iuside, printed on a eard
in large letters, “Cliven Away.”
After puzzling their minds' quite
a while trying to think what it
weant, {inally decided that, per- ‘
haps, the merchant was givingj
away his clerks. After reaching
this conglusion they at last went .
in {o ascertain if it ba troe, hut‘
1o one seemed to be in, and think
inz they had waited tco loug,
walked out looking very sad and
comewhat d'sappo nted.
Ona of our faneiest of i’nucy’
young men, in one of our largest
ard mest pspular wereuntile “es
tablishments, speunds his time,
when uot eugaged in waidng upon
cuslowers, curliaz his mustache
before a large niirror next to the
Main street doer, anl aleo in giv.
ing the most “coqnettish” set to |
his white Sunday hat. As he iq{
oue of the most popnlar of our|
young men, he must bave met!
with success ‘n both endeavors. }
One of oar“cutest” of old baeh
elors declares that it will not be I
his fault it he remains in single’
blessedness much longer, for, |
said he, the black, bhlue .and ,
brown-eyed young ladies of Daw-.,
con give mé palpitation of (he‘
heart to such an_ extant every q
time I look at them that it is real- ‘
ly dangerons. Tuke pity on him
girls, We ean’t afford to loge t
him. Headquarters not far below I
the hatel. -
- It is said that the departurs of
one f our young ladiesa for a dis
taot city for a few months has
had a most depressing effect upon
Prof. ——. He has heen 1l
‘ever since. We fear, from all re
| ports, that he 1s extravagant in
| desiring to have “more than ona
’istrin,; to his bow.” Bat ifa “lad.
ldin fancies two lassies, should a
| body care?” Taers is sirengil:
in numbers, you know.
A most fascinating young lady
of our little city has played sach
| bavoe with the drummers’ hearts
| that one of them, not long siuce,
l used a quarter of a quire of note
| paper in a correspondence daring
lun cutertninment, expressing with
peneil what he had not courage to
express in words. Futare devel
opwents wiil declare whother the
{attraction was mutual.
‘ Mr. President of “the Aathoi’s
Clao, supposs yon honor the mem
bers of the elub by ijuviting Ed
[itor Rainey to give us a deserip
| ion of bis travels—-aspecially to
{ Macon and Atlanta. A young
! lady said that tle clab would be
i spell bound #s be, in his careful
‘stvl», dascribes some of his ad
i A certain marneld couple ir
itown, who attended eharch on
ast Sabbuth, had not been in sneh
!fl long whire they had really: for.
i gotien how to act. Bat they say
| they will reccive company in the
{afternoon, us in the forenson they
iure always making preparations
to attend chureh.
l My ideal of a yoang man is one
twho does not scirn to do small
ithings—euelr a 8 carryiug no‘es
| for a fricad. If the vouug lady
|WUnH always present him with a
{ bisetit or somwething to eat, it
‘ would be real vieas ulter all, bat it
sn't always codvanient,
Dido’t our Dawson dudas lsok
han iscm>on last Sunday aiter
noon all dressed out in their new
Ispriug suits, whits dicers and but
toa-hoie bouquets? They were
out in full foree honoring some of
the fair sex with their delightfal
| presence,
Not long sinca one of our jolly
professors, whiis out buggy riding
with a charming young widoa,
appearcd so ineffubly happy tha
a looker-oa remarkad: “fl):a is as
u-ar heaven as e wishes to be”
How nica to have the power of
making suzh an impression,
A young man, verging on bach.
elorhood, had heort disease to
such an extent that ha thought be
could not live, and made his will.
That yourg lady, a membfiur
cluh, should ba mereiful an nd
w panacea for the disease,
The latest style now is when
you lose one glove to wear tle
other and say the cat seratched
your lzud, Very econvenient,
sn'tit? - .
. What young man was it that
receivad a note on last Sunliay
afternoon wish ne repeated thies
times in it?
Wanted—A position as magio
teacher in tha O, . Nalson Insu.
tute, [lave had several years' ex
perienca, Adlreas mo at my of
fieo, Statham [Houasa,
Cathbert is on! ¥ imlons of wve.
Yes, induad, the Coluisbus Soutiy
e nwillb 5’;1;.. ’7“?&_" BUIVE OIS
Sod* (bt B TBt good Sith
These Cuarmies at Melton Bree,'
clothing stere :re muking mere
“washes”on th - giv's. Oneyoung
,lmly asked if thar dashing young
{ man wasi't & drawmoar. :
A new advertisement to the
4 ladies only: There are bhand.
gomer men than 1, for I am rot of
the handseme kind, but a “loviner”
man toan I, I am sure you will
| vever find. Any one wishing to
purchase will do well to call at
} Melton Bros. store, No. 2.
The young men had better 1k
]l to their “laurels,” as a cortain
blonde gentleman is visiting our
city quite freanently, and whom,
Madam Rumor says, will take
away one of Dawson's most charm
’ ing young ladies. l
Oas of our most estimable
‘vounz gents says all the girls bave
gue back on him, but we think
h is mistaken, judging from g
conversation we heard abcut the',
other duy.* {
One of our favorite members of ’
the elub wrs so much absorbed in
writing to his girl that he really
forgot to attend the last meeting,
although- on a very important
committee, We are indesd sorry
he is so forgetful.
o many of the girls are snffer
ing with ‘oo hache. No wonder, |
when we hve two sach clever
dentists to relieve the pain. . .[
At the Opery House.
On Saturday night next, the
231, the well-known Golden
tronpe will appear in the Opera |
House at Dawson in the new
cowedy diama, “Jo,” The Gold
en troi pe, 21 strong, has always
been a [uvefite in Dawson, and we
halieva will ba greeted with a fall
hoase here. Ths Palatka, Fl..
News says of the play to be pre-i
sented here: ‘
“Martin (Golden aad bis excel
lomt company wers greated by a
large audience on their roetarn to |
Palatka last night. The success. .
ful comedy drama, *“Ju,” fall of !
good hits and striking situations,
was presentel for the first time,
and from first to lust won the
strictest attention awl heartiest
laughter of all those present. J
Balla Golden ag “Jo,” and Mar
tin Golden as Pom “tevens, waro
very good indead. Harry Robin.
son, comadian, was happy in intro
ducing himself ag “Ignatius Odd
wallader Alphonss Kidd,” and his
comieal way of saying and doing
things was a chmplete antidote
for dyspepsia. The orchestra isa
very fine one, vnl the vendition
?im"' the “Wiilow, Song,” from the
Mikado. won the heartiost ap
' Guard Againsi Disease.
If yoa find yourself getting
biliors, head heavy, mouth foul,
‘(‘_\'33 yellow, kidneys dizordered,
symptoms of piles tormentin ¢
iynn, take at once a few doses of
Kidney-Wort. As an advance
guard, it is eflicient, and saves
doctor’s bills,
: The Bureka Saloon
Is the placa to get the best
straight or mixed dvinks, made of
| the best liquars. Ica eold beera
specialty. Prompt attantion given
to the filling of jugs for dry
, counties, : -
l A. C. Saspres,
l Acent.
—Tlteh, Prarie Mange and
Seratehes of every kind cured in
30 minutes by Wocolford's Sauita
ry Lotion. Use no other. This
tnevar fails, Sold by W. C. Ken
drick, Drugpist, Dawson, Ga.
| You have never killed a man is
|an excellent reason for not at
!tempt;ng it, but beeange you bave
| never bought ary of our fashion
| blo searfs and neckwear is pu rea
tson why you should not now be
{ein. We have the prottiest gearfs
|in the eity. WiLniams & Davis,
Ouar stock of shoes is ansur
passed 1m point of neatness and
durability. All styles and quali
ties ut all prices.
tf. Wivrtiams & Davis.
Capt. J. A. Falton is Azent for
Thz Susny Soath,
The Atlauta Couscitation,
The Savannah News and
| The Armericus Recorder, + °*
| o RO B
0 B i ey B
2010 o 4
e b, LA
e A \GrEihs s W
%4 é’ - Qe
o GanL ElG77ys &
(Rovai izwaz 3
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B . S
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SR ,?r e [ b
&0 o oA e
x.*/: [ Tyl “’z w :
A { 4
{ S, & v;fi v .
. Absolutely Pure.
“ .
This powder never varlas. 4 marve! of
it e ateaniethy eiged w\"v\‘i*)!'!‘m Mow
econnnuos! b tue opainery Kinds, o
‘u.unul b ol im euipotition. wily :‘
waltinde of low tost, shart welght, glug,
Q"’w A Ww% “’“’*’“& o ,;: Sz
L LA TR eLt B ee e %gm
'k’fi LI o ‘}"*‘*’* wgy
st iT— w, ».) BT,
' o T o ¥ ~ "”;::
| As a Spring Medicine
Tested and Proved by Years of Use
in ali parts of the Country.
TEE~Thdnsandd who have been radicals
| ured of dangerous diseases gladly sese
, '.frf ‘ol?;(s m(crit? 1t curcs because A
it Purifies the Blood, .
; i, JE Cleanses the Liver,
't Strengthens the Kidn
l It Regulates tha.gwfi.
l By this four-fold action it has wonder
Wl power over disease, purlgm‘ the
| tystem of the poisonous humors that cause
Kidney and Urinary Diseases, Biliowss:
ness, Jaundice, Constipation, Pilesy
Rhiewmatiam, .\’eura‘a!a, o
Nervous Disorders, andmany o 4
| Female Complaints,
1d where all else had failed. It is mibl:
«ut enicient, eertain dn its action,
aarmless in all eases. The natural aetion
of the Kidnevs is restored; the Liver ia
cleansnd of all disease, and the Bowels
move freely and healthfally,
Sold Everywhere, $l.OO. Liquid or Dry.
“end for cirenlur and testimonials to |9
Weiis, Richardson & Co., Builington, V&
e e e e e e e e et e e D
~+~) 13 RECEIVING (~~—
. gy
21 Wil
Sprng -and Summar Millery,
KEmuraemmg HATS and BON
NETS iu the latest and most im
proved shapes, and in the new
Spring colors.
Ba sure to give her a eall. She
MamN St., Dawsoxn, GA.
i ot oo pi
N _ .
‘\l\ STOCK embraces all the novelties
~¥A of the season in the way of Bonneta,
[ats, Cana, Piumes, Ribbons, Silks, Vel
vets, Plushes and Sating of all shades and
stvies, The ladies of Dawson and sur
ronading country are cordially invited to
eall and examine my goods before pur
chasing elsewhere, 1 AM SURE TO PLRASS
YOU. Respectfully,
Mrs. O, L. MIZE.
\ .
3 ;
£vegLassES: U
PAT? JULY 11 1879
The well-known Optician of 107 N. Fourt
street, (ander Planters House) St, Louisy
has appointed
g'\‘) "\‘.7\'./‘ Gl l‘zj\lr@ Jlj_/ ®F. 5 >
of Dawson, Ga , as agent for his ‘eloebrae
ted Dismond Bpectacles and Eyeglosses,
aud also for his Dismond Non-Changeable
Hpectieles and Pyeolasses. Theve Glasses.
are the greatest inveution ever made me
Hpectacles, By a proper construction of
the Lens o persan purchasing a pair of
ihese Non-Chengeable-Glasies never bas to.
chanyge these Glagses from the eyes, and:
every pair pureimied are guarantee !, so
thn f they ever leave the eyes (no mattee
Low seratehed the Lenses are) they will
furnish the parly with & new pair of
Glasses free of charge.
5 1 'R ¥
has a full assortinent, and invites all whe
wish to sutisfy themselves of the ereat su.
periority of these Glassés over any and ald
othiers now in use, to call and examioe the.
same st 2
5-}%; Wfi@agflf{bg!gx'fl
: ~
Dirug - Store-
A Guarantee aecompanics each pain f
Non-Changeable Specks.
e B LA i ““'l‘_'%‘\
e R e
2ek e NS e
P |1 B O g fi\.
ol \H% lot ol
;:_;“.’, ..'.v".__-',".j_-f ‘_n:e i -.’,u e ! = :
e TR ] |
R -
o b S S .
Sapnlbidal d 2 2
allis Hofel and Surgical Institute
Ntal of Viglhitoen Uxpericnced and Skille.
ful Phyfelans nnd Surgeous.
“alicnte Uvilod oeo or ab thelr homes. Manp
reated at hamna, throngh correspondence,
ceucttully as if here in person. Cowme u&
Uk, or tend ten conts in stamps for oue:
*tmaiids’ Guide-Book,” whi;'luh‘m all partio
vars, Address: WORLD'S DISPENSALY ngt--
AL AfSOCLATION, €O3 Main St., Buffalo, N.¥Y.
.//-\)Z (1;;\" I‘*——— - ‘
¢ \-'\;\‘ q_‘/ /5‘
‘ 2 60 s !
1/f\‘\( 2
“ANXSS 0 W bt
NN .
B e
For “worn-ont,” * run-down,” debilitated:
w2hool teachers, milliners, scamstresses, hongos.
“oepers, and overworked wemen generaily,
ur. PMegee’'s Favorite Preseription i 8 the hl,“
2f ell rertorativatonies, It is nota * Cure-all,””
oul admirably fullills 6 ginglenoss of purpose,
g g amost potent Bpacifie for ail. those.
‘Lronic Woanknesses and Discuses
vomen, ‘The treatiment of ‘Aflfl!’ thousanda.
£ stich eaans, at the Tavalids® Hatel um‘
‘al Institute has afforded a A&.wu ex;
n adapting remedies for thelr cure, and
s ’ 2
Dr. Pieroe’s Favorite Prasoription:
1 the resilit of ‘this vast 01-PGHM Fos-:
nternal u(u{goauon, in ll..fll‘k
rd utesration, it is a Specifio. 1
i a powerlal genercl, as well as utorine, tonds
ol nervine, and iimparta vigor. and strengt.
G the ‘w:m:r- ns‘,vs!(-m. l‘vit oures wmm‘. e 0‘:
Jomach, indfyesti Qaking, we
NOrvous ‘pv'ng'mtlwmxhl‘glon. debl L
sleeplessii sy, in cither sox. Favorise v
tion i 8 sold by druggima undep our -
guaraiice, See wpapper around bottle..
PRICE $l.OO, 15 Saoo.
: sheragt S 0 Pierou's lanes
Send 10 conta in stamps 3 8 »-
Treatiza op Digessa of Wen (m.
Aaper-saverad, Addross, 'Wo
Buttalo, N, ¥. " 2
\evce'y LITTLE
o \ea LIVER,
a 0 e\! > - PILLS.
Pt ,s_‘?"‘" A ]
-y - %
: . 4 c R ]
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3] 5 ? e b
k!h}fl v (O AETO Y™ “‘fg\_,;.g;
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R T ials SR Fil
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