Newspaper Page Text
We 3re Closed Today
On Recount of
We say again as before, “CUT IT OUT,” now what we
want you to say is that, “I’m going to ‘CuT IT OUT,’ and
I’ll have no more bills coming here on the first of the month,
with about twice as much char ged aa our family could possi
bly have eatenj” and that from now on you’ll buy for eqsh
and buy it at the
Tel-the-phones 325 or 290
670 Poplar Street.
A. & P.
30c lb.
This Butter is made from the purest, richest and best
Cream, in the most cleanly manner possible; it oomea to
you direct from the ohum; never touched by human
If you want the best Butter made, then send us your
orders always.
The Great Atlantic & Pacific
Tea Company
. . . J
A nice, new 6-room cottage, on shady side Johnson
avenue. All conveniences, and a most desirable home.
Willingham Loan & Trust Co.
No. 461 Third Street.
'Phone 360.
For Rent
No. 178 Orapge at., 10-r..
No. MS Second et. «-r
No. 521 Duncan ave., 6-r
No. 810 Duncan avt.. 6-r. 18.00
No. 971 Oglethorpe fit., 5-r 15.00
No. 291 Cedar at.. 5-r ..w... 11.06
No. • Montpella ave„ l-r.,.,.
No. 120 Second St 810.06
No. 414 Fourth St 80.00
No. 483 Second «t ; 55.00
No. «6C Poplar St 50.00
No. 401 Mulberry at. 30.00
Geo. 8. Turpin Sons
Real Estate, Insurance, Loans,
No. 353 Third ft. Phons 77.
Thl. .mount will buy 117
Medium .tret, the home of Mr. J. F.
Minton, who Is leaving the city. Thl.
» ce h» .even room, end two larra
U. It hae wory modem eonwn-
lene. and I. elefontly ntted through
out with cabinet mant.1. It you .r«
In th« market for . homo do not over
look title.
•U Cherry Ctrwt.
Only twenty-two day» bofor* the
wheels begin to turn for the big fair.
Merchants and manufacturer! and r.U
others who want the people to Know
what they are selling and what they
are making must get a move on them.
From now on the fair ground* will
present a busy scene. There will be
plenty of huatllng around over the
grounds getting *gh|blts In phape. and
assigning and arranging space in the
Thing* must move now. The wait
ing time la ftat expiring.
If Ben Hill county does not make an
exhibit at the fair, It will not he the
fault of the Business League of Fits-
J ;crald, working through a committee
or that body.
The following is a copy of a letter
afnt out by that committee:
The following loiter has been sent
out by a committee appointed by the
Business League secure an exhibit
from Ben Hill county to the Macon
state fair:
FItsgerald. Ga.. Oct. 1. 1901.
Dear Sir:—The state fair will be held
In Macon from October 27th to Novem
ber 7th. and the Business League of
FJtsgerahJ oijght to be represented at
that fair with s first class exhibit. Tho
league would like to know If you agree
with this decision and whnt you will
do to assist In getting that exhibit
together. v
This is our p\an: To ask every
farmer and his wife In the county who
has a product of any kind that Is es
pecially good, whether potatoes, corn,
cotton, syrup preserves, fruits, vege
tables. household furnishings such as
quilts, laces, counterpanes, articles of
great age or Interest, stock of extra
ordinary else, quality or rarity—any
old thing, new thing, good thing, or
Interesting thlng-fn nond |t hero to tho
league headquarters, lust across the
street from the postoffice, by Octobor
20—not a day later—and this league
will take It In charge, label It proper
ly. put It in a special car and send
It to the state fair, where It will he
nicely displayed III the Ben H|ll county
exhibit, free of all cost to you
Now', we want you to do this and do
It now. tor you rsallse that we have
only fifteen days to get this exhibit
together. That Is enough If you will
act promptly. Just put what you havo
In a wagon and bring It to town and
we will put It In shape for exhibition.
By doing this and urging your neigh
bor to do the same, you not only will
do youraelf good, have a chance to
win some of the prises at the state
fair, help your county to her proper
place .among her sister counties, but
you will prove yourself a good cltl
ssn and a patriot.
Let us hear from you at once wha
you can bring and when you will bring
It and da not forget that you must
do It before October 20th.
Yours for Ben Hill and FItsgerald.
The comlmtleo urge' that this Is a
matter that concerns every person In
Ben Hill county, ladies and children,
as well as the men of the county, and
neither Is It u concern of the farmers
and country people any more than It Is
of the people who live In FItsgerald
and the other towns of the county.
Ben Hill'county Is the youngest of
Georgia counties and an exhibit ut the
state fair will be of special Interest t<
those who attend the fair, so that the
county now has the best opportunity
It will ever have at a fair to bring
Itself prominently before fho people of
the state.
Therefore. It Is urged that everybody
In the county take an Interest In this
exhibit and lend a helping hand to gl
It together. The committee will make
a special appeal to tho Farmers' Union
and the women organisations of the
county to take.up this matter and It 's
hoped that exhibits will begin to »jour
In to the league's headquarters and
that by the twentieth of the month
there will be the finest county exhibit
that can lie gotten together.
For the benefit of the many inquiries
received dally concerning price of ad
mission. the' following Is published:
For each person (whether In earrings
on horse, or on foot) 30c.
Children under twelve years of age
Two-horae carriage 50e.
One-horse carriage 23c.
Automobile 60c.
Saddle horse 25c.
Exhibitor's ticket, good for entire
fair $1.50.
Season ticket, admitting delivery
wagon and driver $2.00.
Grandstand 23c.
Season tickets $2 50.
Each occupant of a vehicle must he
provided with admission ticket.
CHICAGO, Oct. 4.—Chicago defeated
Detroit 8 to 1 In the opening game of
the Anal series here today, making It
possible for the lecai team to win tho
American league pennant. To do this,
however, Chicago must win the two re
maining games with Detroit, while Cleve
land loses one game with BL Louis. By
reason of the Oeveland-St. Louis tie
today these teams still have three games
to play. By winning all of them Cleve
land would get the pennant unleaa De-
“ two from Chicago. By wln-
of the remaining two gamee
ft ft!
trou m
from Chicago. Detroit will'
event that Cleveland drops
Presljent Comjskey said that the at
tendance of today’s game was the larg
est which had ever been within the
iSouthsIde grounds. Chicago scored .all
of her three runs In the first Inning
I without even the semblance of a hit
The game was * pitchers’ battle be
tween white and Killian, the latter jet
ting the victors down with one hit, but
lost the gsme as a result of bnsen on
balls and error*. . .
In th* opening Inning Hahn draw four
halls. F. Jones attempted to sacrifice,
laying the ball a few feet In front of
the plate. Schmidt got the ball and
threw wild to Rush and both runners
were safe. Isbell sacrificed. Dougherty I
hit a hot ope to Downs, but Rossman
I dropped the throw and Kahn scored. |
Dougherty then stole second. Davis sent,
a high lly to McIntyre and Jones count
ed. Dougherty going to third. I*arent
walked und on a double steal Dougherty
Chicago’* lono hit camo In the fourth
Inning, when Parent led oft with a stngto,
but waa forced at second.
White made safe drives, hilt only one
hit figured in the scoring. Crawford
started th* ninth for Detroit by walking.
Cobb went out. White to label) and Craw
ford went to second. Rossman hit a
line drlvo, which was a couple of feet
over Isbell's head, hut tha first baseman
Jumped and caught It, holding Crawford
at second. Schaefer singled, scaring
Crawford. Mullln batted for Hchmldt
and was hit, A double steal advanced
the runners, but Downs filled to Parent,
ending the game.
The weather waa Ideal. Before 10
o’clock the people began to crowd about
the park nnd by 1 o’clock every available
scat In the grandstand had been taken.
The gate* were closed at 8:80 nnd none
but ticket holders were admitted.
A largo silver loving oup wae present
ed to- Manager Jones on h|s first np-
nearanoe at the plate.
Score: R.IJ.B.
Chicago WO (MW 1 i
Detroit 000 000 001 -1 5 2
White one Sullivan; Killian. Stunt, nm!
•chihldt, Time. 1:45 Sheridan and Con-
14,100—A very attractive cottage on one
of the nicest etreeta (n Vlnevllle;
Urge lot, stable, and all conven
iences; 5 rooms.
81,250—Property In splendid condition,
renting for $15.00 per month, and
no city taxes to pay. Good U»
8 800—Two houses renting for $10.00 per
month; this property has Just been
put in good condition, and will
yield a splendid Investment
We havo flf.60l.lD to lend on
good property at 7 and 8 Per cent.
Murphey & Taylor
Real Estate, Loans and
Citizen’s Nat'l Bank Building
Farms for Sale
26JU sere* in Crawford County; two
miles from Knoxville; good Improvement*;
I0H» seres, three and a half mile*
ffo mRoberta. Large quantity of fin*
second growth pine, Il.l56.00.
$4815 acre* on Flint River, contain*
some fine river pasture, 88.606.66.
56 acre* In Bibb County on main public
road, six miles out elose to school and
church; plenty of running water and nice
feriffiswsFww ovshX.
The Georgia Loan
& Trust Company
560 Mulberry tire**.
At Chicago—Chicago 8; Pittsburg t.
At Cincinnati—Cincinnati 5; St Loula 1.
At Chicago—Chlcfgo 8; Detroit 1,
At St Louis—St. Louis 8; Cleveland A
CHICAGO. Oet 4.—PUteburg wag to
day eliminated from the National League
pennant race when Chicago scored a 5 to
1 victory oefor* a crowd which waa. de
clared to b« the largest that ever paid to
a gam* of baeel»u in the world. To-
day’* game wa* th* final on* of the sea-
Pittsburg, while
•on for Chicago, and Pittsburg, while
New York ha* three more to play, all
with Boston. ,
If ona of these games Is not played by
reason of th* weather pr ior
or If Boston wins on*, ths
go to Chicago for the. third successive
year. By winning all three New York
will exactly W U *L,Chicago a percentage
of <41. Tonight Chicago iMi the league
with <41; Pittsburg Is second, with III
and New Tork. who did not play today. |
Is third with III.
Willie Hit Hard.
The story of ths victory to aelmple
one. Chicago garnered twelve hits off
Wtllls, while Brown allowed PUteburg |
but seven. The contest waa cleanly
waged throughout Th* umpires' clects-
lftsSKn?iSurphy*o™the° Chicago Huh
announced Uis paid attendance at I0,84L
This, Mr. Murphy said, waa ths largest
attendance ever present at a game of
baseball In tho United States and pre*|
sumably In the world.
At the conclusion of thagamsMr,
Murphy and Mr. Dreyfnt, of the Pitts
burg dub. gathered with others In Mr.
Murphy’s omes.. Mr. Dreyfus, whose
team had Just ..lost the pennant was
Chleoao th. Kl« of thr.r *»m.» Iw
UnwiSot. ti "Tno an t)» be.t loser In
"'"W.’n’Ji.r th. .trie, ant." h. ennltn-
u»d.» •• I am by no mean, cer
tain that notion won't ,tt one of thoea
xtmee." B .. rd Ml(t| Tedly ,
Tha eonatltution of tho National lva
lue provide* that a MHe. of three name!
.hall ha plar-J to deetde » tla raca for
lha pennant, hot leave, tha matter of
wbera If than ba ptaved for lha hoard of
dirirtori to daehU. ¥hl board will not
at OndimaU tomorrow to lake artlon on
the game In dlepnte between New York
and Chlnao end whlrh Preaid' nt Pnt-
lltm haa declared to be a tie. It la aald
the hoard mar eettfe 0? » for the
derldla* aarlea to ba mir'd In tha event
Inf New Tork winning tha rtmalalnc
•qCSYJJLTSR. ths ticket, windows
open*! st if a.m. tha crowd IvpntJ
gather. By l o'clock ths staMt which
surround the field were filled, standing
room la ths> aisles w*a at a premium
and a deep fringe of spectator* occupied I
tho greensward In left esnter and right
field. At this hour Chicago began bat
ting practice. Pittsburg at 1:15 came on
the field In a body, bursting through th*
block books of apactator* toko ft gray
cloud amid the Impartial cheers Of a
large section of the stands.
By. 8 o’clock, when Pittsburg began
batting practice, the crowd outside the
stands completely surrounded the field,
but still the densely packed streams of
people pressed upon each others heels
through the various entrances and spread
out Into tho field.
Fifteen minutes l»efore the time set for
beginning the g«me the gates worn clos
ed and tho crowd had so far encroached
on the field that any ordinary fiy hall
would have fallen safe. When play was
called, however, order hod Wen restored
and It was agreed that a hit Into the
crowd should go for only two bassa.
How Rune Were Mads.
Chicago scored In the first Inning.
Bheckard hit what would have been an
easy out, hut the hall fell In the crowd In
right field und went for a double. Evers
sacrificed him to third. Hchulte singled
to right and Bheckard scored.
No mora scoring was done until tha
fifth when Phlesgo got another. Brown
went out, Ahhatlcchlo to fltorke. Bheck
ard was disponed of In like fsatilon.
Wagner mads a wonderful slop of Lvsrs*
slow one. but threw Into the crowd and
Evers went to second. Rchulta brought
him home with n slashing slnsle through
Willis. Chance flew out to Clarke.
In tho sixth Pittsburg tied It. Thomas
singled to left end went to second when
Brown's throw to catch him off the base
went wild. Kvers took Clark’s fly back
of second. Thomas want to third on
Leach's out, Kvers to Chance. Wagner
brought (he run In with • clean double
to left. Wagner went to third on a wild
pitch. At>imUrchin singled to center,
bringing Wagner In with th* tying run.
Chhagn cam* hiick In their half with
what proved to be th* winning run.
Howard flew out to Leach. Hark took
Hoffman’s fly. Tinker doubled to left
Willis deliberately passed Kllng to wait
for Drown. Tho strategem failed, for
Brown hit cleanly to right. Tinker scor
ing from second. _
In ths seventh Chicago clinched tho
game. Wagner let Bheckard'* easy
grounder get through hla hands. Mvers
sacrificed him to second. Bchulto walk
ed. Chance was safe on a stugrffcrti
bounder to Wegner, beating a perfect
throw and Ailing tne bases. Howard flew
out to cents? sn«J Bheckard scored on a
poor throw home.
Willis Knocked Out.
Gamnlta went In to pitch for WllUg In
the eighth. Tinker grounded, out to
Htork. Kllng flew out to Aboatlccblo.
Brown singled. Bheckard singled over
second. Brown moving up. Brown scored
when Kvers doubled.
Pittsburg made a gam* rally In ths
ninth. Wagner singled to center. A dis
pute arose when Umpire O'Day nailed
AbhatIcehlo’s drive to right x foul. Um
pire Bigler confirmed O’Days Judgment
and Ahhatlcchlo went berk end struck
out Stork* forced Wegner out. fltorke
hfrisetf was forced In the same way by
bSS: R.H.B.
Chicago ,...166 0)1 Ux-r. 12 1
Pittsburg 666 002 600—2 7 t
Betteriee—Brown and Kllng: Wllllf,
Camntts end Gibson. Time. 1:88. Um
pires. O’Day and lUgler.
Will bo closed today on ac
count of Holiday.
M. BLOCH, Grocer.
Profurs In HIs Pralto of Macon’s Recep*
tlon—Governor Brown Accompanies
ths Party to Atlanta.
The vice presidential party left Macon
yesterday morning ut 7:3d for Atianta.
They wore aroused from their sleep by
Dr, O, C. Gibson, who hud little oppor
tunity to sleep himself, hut being a
physician, tan do with hut little, und lie
hud a nice swarm brenkfuer ' “
party, which Included GovJ I
They were escorted to the depot, nnd
there they captured the doctor amt com
pelled him to ucroinimny them to At
tn the party were Hon. John W. Kern.
Gov. Jos. M. Ilrown. Col. J. Hamilton
Lewi*. Dr. Gilnuin und u number of the
Fulton Count:' Democratic Flub that had I
come down the night before.
Arriving at Atlanta. Judge Kern. Fob
Lewis, und Judge Kent's secretary,
caught the Southern train for Asheville.I
Then tho goodtiyos were aald. Judge
Kern not forgetting to say that hla visit
to Macon was a most enjoyable - -- -
1 finish.
id In fact he loaded Dr.
with thanks und messages
to the people of Mnu...
Col. I .e tv Is wax equally as profuse In
hla thanks. He was evidently well
ph-axed wltli tho reception of hi* speech
the auditorium. It wns the talk <
the crowd from the very first utterance,
und held them to the end. and even then
he was culled on to speuk longer. He
was practically an unknown quantity
when lie mine to Mio-on, only thoue who
keep up with tmlltfcs knowing
anything of him. But after he hud made
Ida talk, and captured the midhmce, who
he Ih mol who he was amt nil isImmiI him
was limited up. mid mm’ Fid. Jim lanvls
is olio o( the men the people who heard
lilm Saturday night will remember und
watch out for.
Governor Brown hade farewell to the
distinguished gouth-nicn of the |Ktrty and
proceeded to Marietta to tie with Ids
family over Hominy. Before leaving,
however, lie extended such n cordial und
of the question.
pie of horses enter
'd for the Atlanta horae show, and while
spending the days In Atlanta, ho u'M
aland the evenings at tho Brown In
i better pleased with
about Macon, her (ample
inumdrlcs. than he ever dreaineo
knowing, nnd now Macon Is much deal
than ever before to him.
Where Bullets Flew.
David Darker, of Fayette. N. Y .
veteran of the civil wur. who Inst
foot nt Gettysburg, Bays: ’’The goal
Electrln Bitters have done l« worth
nmre limn five hundred dollars to me.
I spent much money doctoring for n
had case of xtoinach trouble, to little
purpose, i then tried Electric Bitters,
nnd they cured me. I now take the
ns n tonic, nnd they keep mo strong
and well." 50c nt all drug stores.
the power house of tho Macon Hallway
and Light Company, was the f ‘ *“
a painful, thouali not various,
yesterday. Ho wns engaged In
up some loore flouring at ths pow
to bln assistance, and put him <
which carried him us far as t
fedora to monument on Mulbcrrj
where a hack met him and hu
n edlNtely conveyed to the Mai
An examination by the doctors at thn
hospital revealed that while Mr. Thorn
ton's Injury wna very painful. It
not nt nil serious, nnd It will null
a matter of a few days before lis
be entirely recovered from It.
During the present week tho .special 1
pmmlttos appointed by the Board of
■oud Fonmilssioners will meet to devlsn
means and a systoin for tlm working of
thn convict gnngs by county uml clty.i
Whatever plans are ruadu must be sub
mitted to th* hoard for consideration.!
.. Is probable that the committee, which
consists of Mr. pen L. Jones, Harry H.
Edwards and All Powers, will suggest
that the gang he k«.pt on tho city streets
for the greater pert of
oud nutuie of work, bn
Our fail!) in the iuprrior remedial
qtullliu, oi Remit '93' Hair Tonic
i, to etrong that we promiie to relum
your money—without queition or quibble—
if it doc, not do what we claim it will.
Rrcaiue it contain, Rewrcin, Beta Napthol.
Pilocirpin, Borax, Glycerin nnd Alcohol in perfect
combination, Rexall *93* Hair Tonic provide,
the ioflening, cleansing, enliieplie, germicidal,
■limul.rlint! nnd nourishing propcrtiei, 10 deiira-
Lie and nccciury for (he lucceiiful treatment
of scalp and hair trouble,.
If uied according to direction, for n mumble
lengtli of time, wo arc abiolulely ponlive that it
will thoruushly cleanse tire tcafp and hair, relieve
irritation, eradicate dandruff, itimulate the hair
follicle, and papilla, revitalize and nouruh the hair
root,, ilop falling hair, prevent baldnest, promote
hair growth and make the luir naturally <oft and lilky.
You mi)it realize that we would not due back up our
claim, with «ucli a liberal offer unlei, we were pontive that we
can tubitontiatc our ^element, in every particular, and the mart
Sceptical person should at leut ba willing to try Rexall'OS 1
Hair Tonic at our risk.
The Taylor-Bayne Drug co., Druggists
is regards tlmo and nutuie of work, ho
given both Macon thoroughfares nnd
country roads. It Is liopsd to have tha
extra convicts, which the county cun g* t
under the provisions of recont hrgisl.Ttinn,
hum within the next six nr eight months.
Ths matter of securing extra muvlcts
Will also be Investigated by tlio abovn
committee. Tho number that can lw
used by HID)* county Is to he rfocfdatf
ipon, While means of mslnfcnance are
Iso to ho considered. It hss been sug-
C 'Strd that four hundred convicts Jjo
ken, If they can be obtained, oml this
number will glvn tho county a total of
over five hundred. It Is proposed to
Douse them at the Uoff liutnn and In
samp* to bs established on th
main roods, and to do this will.
Moved, necessitate **
commutation tux.
Douse them at the Itofr Homo ...
•amps to be established on the various
main roods, and to do this will. It fu l>«2
Moved, necessitate th* colluctlon of the
ymmuUMon tax. . .
City officials, as well as residents of
that thoroughfors. itrs greatly pleased
with the work being done by the. con-
vict guny on Third streut beyond Plum.
On two blocks tho street has been wid
ened at least twenty feet.
Would Mortqaae th* Farm.
A farmer on Rural Route 2, Empire,
Cla., W. A. Floyd by name, say*:
"Bucklen's Arnica flnlvq cured the two
worst sores I over saw; one on my
hand an ona on my leg. It Is worth
more than Ha weight In gold. I would
not h* without It If I had to mortgage
th« farm to got It.” Only 85c at all
drug store,
eeahlrda. wine ......
quest. The mslo birds fight for the poo-
se■■Ion of the females.
These curious birds have regular duel
K Hinds, where relics of Innumerable com*
Is. In the shape of fathers, ]l« scat-
^ . - .r_ -3-.
an eiriclet
its’ beaks, so the weapon used li
the short flipper, ths only wings the l»lrdi
The # flgtit begins with the two com
batants walking solemnly around each
fight i
each o
that If people only guve tho matter
thought they woulil tuki* advantage of
this flnu uqather nnd U’t me fix thslr
h ttky roots before nnothrr ruin.
Phone S31. 320 Third 8t.
888 Walnut Street.
Regular niealc for men and women 25
cents. Bua'ncst women 15 cents.
Breakfast 7 to 8 a. m.
Dinner 12 to 1:80 n. m.
Cupper 8:80 to 7iW.
A free rest room: convenient for OJt-
of-town ehoppers.
Southern Packing Co.
Choicest Native and Western
020 Cherry St. Phono 351.
Jones Dray Line
Resideno* Phone 649. \
is no longer with
and this big horse and mule emporium
will In tho Future he run by Mr. lien L
Jones and his Min. Mr. W. 11. June*.
11111 11111 nil 11114 11111J
MK M. -Regular communication
Monday night at h o'rlonk;
/\y\ wk l« the Followrraft degree;
' ^ nil Matone In good standing wel
come. John A. Davis, W. M ; W. II.
Chapmnn, flecty.
WANTED, board In private family; close
In; stats (tries. Address A. M., care
WANTED—T^o rent to grntlsmen or
couplet without children one or two
fumishwd rooms at 282 Washington ave.
j Phone 840. ;
J WANTED—Boarders nnd table boarders;
rates reasonable; good board. Mrs.
| Foghlan, 855 First st. l'honu 1411.
WANTED— Salesmen to sell our gusran-
i teed oils and paints. Experience un-
! necessary. Hxtremely profital»|« offer to
right party. The Glen Helloing Com
pany, Cleveland, Ohio.
WANTED-Girls at onus; twelve or fif
teen girls, with or without experience,
In knitting mill work, to do toping, «tc.
Nice clean woik at good wages; mill Is
running full time. Apply to Mtcon
Knitting Co., Msron. Ga. Corner of Sec
ond and Hawthorne sts.
WANTED—To purchase a part or all of
your real estate and rental business.
An*. "Real Estate.’' care Telegraph.
HA LEHMAN WANTED-To take order*
In Georgia direct to the consumer for
one of ths oldgat famous wholesale liquor
houses In the Ulus fJriws Region* or
Kentucky. Artdrcsa It. H. Htrnder tt Bon,
Malt Order Department, I^xlngtos, Ky.
IP YOUR roof leeks oall en (1. T. Doug-
las; all metal roofs repaired or painted.
572 Poplar *L
VOTE for Wm. A. Poe for Pension
VOTE for Wm. A. Poe for Pension
WHEN you want to move ring up 8T21.
Abel Drag Line.
MRS. DARNED' Millinery haa moved'to
846 Second *L. three doors east, tomt-
«rly McKay's. Exrluslva agency Knox
hats, now sa display.
HlfORTHAND la Uis greatest help to a
position. Stanley’s Dualnees Cortege
has placed IK students In good paying
position.* In Macon alone wlihln the last
few weeks. Enter our night rleas.
HAM PI .71 out roses from which to make
•elections of varb’t'es for fall plant
ing. Com* and ae# them. Chaa. N.
Woodruff, florist. Phone 466.
r.f them wlU draw bioed from the human I VOTE for Wm. A. roe tor Pension
Subscribprs changing their
residence, please send orders
for change of address to the
office or phone 70. Ohangos
will bo made at once. In order
to rccoive paper promptly noxt
day, changes should ho in by 5
o’clock. A. TILL JONES,
Manager Circulation.
FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms and
largo hall on first floor. 858 Washing
ton RENT-Five-room oottag# Bench
Ave., Nnnler lln|ghta: alty water. Ap-
L. A. Thorpe, Fourth National Bank
BIX-ROOM cottage, corner Ash and Tel
fair. oftftt SJm St.5 788-781-913 Ash
st. fl. L..Harts, corner Oranga and For- ‘
vrirar ..Air asms
nlehcd. Apply_at office Leon H. Durs,
furnished; litre* mjnutas walk to busi
ness renter; modern conveniences. Ad
dress Alex., cars Telegraph; references
FoiTllENT—Two A1 ground floor office#
lu Washington block; steam heat and
Janitor, nil conveniences. Apply to Ma
con flaring* Bank.
FOIlHKNT—One warshousson Slkth st,
fronts elds traqk. Apply Park Hotel.
FOn^RKNT oil SALTO—New. modern 1-
rnom cottage, Lynn Ave., Vlnevllle:
will sell cheap. Arthur 0. Harris, Sit
Vlnevllle Ave.
foR RENT—I will rent two connecting
■ front rooms, fum/shed or unfurnished,
to yeung mm or a eoupta without chil
dren. I am In two minutes' walk to busi
ness Renter, have no children In the
house, private residence; modem conven
iences; references exchanged. Address
I*. II. W., rare Telegraph.
each. Apply Tie, Illnkte.
PV)H RENT—Han, in Perk Hole! ,'tnble.
Apply lire. B. I.. Henilrlrk. Park Hotel.
FOR BA LB—Combination portable pool
and billiard table cheap. 871 Third at.
frir/ND— If In nssd of a homo and cow
TAKEN UP—Red and white heifer. Call
for tier at ooruer Oannt City road and
‘ outto M ^
Ifmderson road. South Mevon. A. J.
MONEY TO LH3ND op reaJ eeUto. repay
able monthly. J. J- Cobb. Commercial
4 flerings Bank.
121.060 TO LEND on Maeon property; i
delay; e*e us at onew Murphey
Taylor. Cltlsena Nallonel Dank Bldg.
OBT—Httck pin, opal, surround
diamonds. Reward. JT, B. Co*u
For esah two medium priced seetdeoosd
loee In.
FOR BALI inor-
make grand country home. f»fi_
Vifl<»us l<H-«llttn. lumber lands, vansmt
S ts In different parts of city. Beverw
iproved «tty lota that pay well as in
Subscribers changing their
residence, please send orders
for change of address to the
office or phone 76. Changes
will be made at once. In order
to receive paper promptly next
day, ohanges should be in by 5
o’clock. A. TILL JONES,
Manager Circulation.